Tommy seems to be suffering more with his wind lately as well? Is it just catching among October babies lol? He doesnt tend to cry with it, but then he doesnt seem to cry at hardly anything, he does get very upset by it tho. He also seems to be straining reaallyy hard when hes pooing but they're still really loose, no lumps at all =S
I feel so sorry for him coz sometimes he does cry out and the fact hes only cried a handful of times since birth means i know there really must be something wrong. Im having to spend about an hour every night before bed winding him and rubbing his tummy - poor thing.
Had him weighed yesterday, he was 6lb 12oz at birth, 2 weeks later he was 7lb 11oz and then 1 week later he's 8lb 8oz!!
I was so suprised! The midwife was too when i told her i was exclusively breastfeeding, im not sure if she quite believed me when i said he never even had the occasional bottle of formula. She kept asking and i kept saying no and in the end she just left it lol.
Also we;ve finally bin discharged from midwife care as they said his jandice has finally just about cleared up. She considered asking us back for one more check next week but in the end decided coz of his weight gain we'd be fine
Only one problem is that i realised yest that Tommy has never had any follow ups of his Vitamin K! They asked when he was born if id rather he had it by injection or orally and i thought well oral must be nicer for him than an injection. They said hed be given a second dose at 7 days and a 3rd at 28 days but i only realised yesterday hed never had the second! I feel so guilty for only now noticing and im rlly annoyed at the midwife for forgetting! Had to book an appointment with the GP for asap but the earliest they could do was friday before they open coz ther fully booked! Still feel really bad for just noticing
Hope everyone is ok xxxxxxxxx