Wait- no

- I'm detoxing

I really hope this does Emma some good because I'm really missing my morning coffee!!!! Yesterday was pretty rough- I had a horrible headache all day and no patience for the kids, especially when the boys didn't nap. I'm hoping today is a better day but I kind of doubt it- AF has shown up now too

Emma woke up once last night really upset (one more than the previous night but wayyyy less than the previous 2 weeks) so hopefully this will eventually help her out. I have a doctor's appt for her on Monday.
Flora- at first, Emma caught everything that came in the house (I also had some school aged kids in daycare after school at that point too, making things 100% worse) but with the most recent cold, she was only the tiniest bit sick for 1 day and then was fine so it's kinda like her body is getting used to the constant assault of viruses

Let's hope I didn't just jinx things with that comment though!
Kte- We get the dribbling all the time here too

Drives me crazy! That and the pushing the Nuby soft spout sippy cups upside down so that all the water drains onto the table- but that's a whole other issue, lol

Chloe and Thomas sound cute

Emma has decided that diaper changes are a good time to come over and hug her boyfriends (I change them either on a mat on the floor or on a low change table)- as soon as they are lying down, she's there flinging herself on them.
Colsy- Glad to hear Monty is out of his funk

Definitely true about everything being a phase
Milosmommy- I hope the toddler bed went well last night

We've got Emma's crib side-carred too but she mostly just views it as a place to play

The crib matches the height of our bed perfectly so I'm in no rush to change over to the bed since the bed is lower in height. It's nice having the extra space though, even if she doesn't sleep in it much- I often end up partway in the crib
Well I better go and sort out yesterday's toynado before the kids arrive ready to make another big mess!