Heya ladies,
Help me stop driving myself insane
I'm really worried about this tiredness and odd feelings I have. Tiredness wise I am okay at the moment but again, yesterday evening I was worn out by 7.30. My boobs kind feel funny, as in I am wearing my old maternity bra as the one I wore yesterday killed and it was underwired and should fit me okay since my boobs deflated

This one feels okay but I feel bloated and hate having pressure on my tummy and its all butterfly like, like something exciting is going to happen but there isn't! My cats have gone onto maul overdrive, I am hungry and thirsty more than usual, the weird dreams . . . Thing is, it could all just be AF feelings, normally my knee joints ache but I haven't had that, they aren't the usual AF feelings if that makes sense and I am worried that I am only having an AF becuse I am on the pill and it has made me have one, if that makes sense.
Thing is, I missed my pill two days in a row last month and got an AF unexpectidley (normally I am okay, nothing happens). I read the pack and it said to carry on but I decided not to as I didn't want to have AF then on the back of that another AF so I stopped, waited until AF was over and then took the pill again. It says you are supposed to use contraception during the first 8 days as a backup and we didn't and dtd twice in this time frame, maybe me being wreckless but I thought we would be okay.

I finished my pill packet on the 18th and AF arrived on the 22 - this has always happened since having Chloe, it arrives a few days after.
It's just in the back of my mind, it happened to another Bumpkin before - so I suppose it's not out of the question, whereas normally it would of been a dead cert, so now I am tortuing myself.
What should I do? Stay off the pill for a month and test? It could be my hormones are just messed up from all this pill taking, I am thinking of looking at different methods. I think I should stay off for it anyway, have a proper period as it's never been right since I got back on the pill from having Chloe.

I can't test now as I am sure the pill hormones will just come up false. I got a negative when I was pg with Chloe, I didn't realised until 7weeks I was pregnant! Plus if I am, then I want to take the vitamins and eat right etc. I especially don't want to be popping more pill hormones in there!
But more than likely its all in my head, I am on AF if I were pregnant then I shouldnt even be even on the pill so I am just nutty, hormonal and anemic or something and there is a perfectly logical explaination for all of this
I feel like a loon