Bumpkins & Babies Chat Thread

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He he - I love the 'toynado' description! At times the floor is more by mass of plastic than anything else!

Hi guys! I think I'm going to get the sack for being off today but I'm dying! lol I'm so full of cold I barely slept and I'm dosed up on verything going. Earl is at the CM and I'm sat here with a honey and lemon trying to keep myself occupied lol. May try to do some studying in a bit as Earl is at the CM til 6pm and I don't know when hubby will be home. He's gone to Snetterton circuit to a raceday with mates....he's got a cold too but he was determined to go and left at 7am lol.

LK - congrats of getting rid of FOB - hope the solicitors are helpful! :thumbup:

Best be off ladies. I'm going to go and get some breakfast and try to get some sleep I think.....eurghhhh! :sick: Got to paint a red cross on the door....plague inside! lol
Morning ladies :flower:

Aimee: There are some awful bugs going around, take it easy and I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Just a quick one from me, I have another assignment due in a week on Friday and I haven't made a start, getting a tad stressed about it now! I was just about make a start and was given a typing job to do. I get to do the course as part of my development at work so I am lucky in that I can sit at my desk and do it rather than having to do it on evening and weekends but its still a task fitting it all in.

I was a little bit upset after leaving Chloe at nursery today. We got off the bus and her friend Thomas was over the road with his Mum, he saw Chloe and shouted 'hiya' so they both were chatting and getting excited with eachother as we went into nursery. I handed Chloe over, said our goodbyes and folded down the pram and got my work bag etc. As I looked back into the room, Chloe was trying to get to Thomas and another kid was pushing her so she was upset screaming / moaning. He pushed her quite hard and she started to cry and then she saw me so dropped to the floor crying even more. I went to see if she was okay and she hung to me, eventually she calmed a bit but I could still hear her crying as I left. I know it was probabily made worse by the fact that she saw me, I think she would of cried but been less hysterical if she hadn't seen me but I couldn't leave her after her knowing I had seen it all, how cruel would that be! I know kids push and shove now and again, they are learning boundaries but it still wasn't nice to see and it was a shame the staff didn't see what was happening at the time either.

Ooops that wasn't as quick as planned! Best get back to the grind!

Hope your all okay and if not :hugs:
:hugs:Mumof4 ~ So sorry for your loss:hugs: My thought are with you, hope things start looking up soon:hugs:


Wow... You've all been busy since I was last on here; the holiday was a nice change. Mind it highlighted how different our life is compared to my parents... Only 1 bickering issue, between me and my Mum. She kept underminding me... Other than that it was a nice week, really enjoyed the Eden project. Food was REALLY expensive there but all in all a fantastic day out...

Morning sickness has really come with avengence, not good! OH has finally got the day for my scan off; I was really starting to think about cancelling it. I really don't think I could go on my own... Think I'd be in tears before walking into the room. I cried when we saw CC for the 1st time (pure relief)... Keeping a really low profile, not been very far from the house for very long due to the sickness. Keep trying to see it as a positive. Think I'm going to end up back at the DR's if it carries on like it is at the moment.

CC has been so much fun, she was helping me weed in the garden today, sat on the blanket next to me pulling up the grass... She has changed into a right little character... Keeps going to give Graham a kiss, but turns away from him running as fast as her little legs will let her smiling from ear to ear...

We've had a few issues with biting mainly me & OH, I've told her off when she's done it and put her on her chair away from everyone. She's bitten Shane once, he put his finger in her mounth (thinking she had something in there she shouldn't) she clamped down and I ended up squeezing her cheeks to get her to open her mouth. His poor finger was purple with 4 really deep inprints. Little Madame!! We did keep her on her chair for a while that day and made her give Shane a cuddle... Other than that I'm not sure how else to deal with the biting...:shrug:

Hope you're all well and life is treating you all right...
Mumof4; :hugs: so sorry to hear about the loss of your twins. I hope you're coping ok :(

Aimee- feel better soon. I'm suffering with something (runny nose & sore throat when i swallow) but not too bad.

Kaites, wow you're very creative! I am useless! I have a really nice peanut shell sling that i use with harry sometimes, but it's a bit big, so he hangs lower than he should, rather than sitting on my hip (in hip carry) & I'm so lazy & dont have a sewing machine anymore, so i just put up with it rather than getting it taken in by 3 inches on the seam!!! :dohh:

Kte- we have the 'toynado' issue too. It gets to a certain point, then it's like, right, gotta tidy up now coz it's driving me nuts! I'm so not looking forward to when he's old enough for little lego bricks & will have them everywhere for me to stand on & cripple my feet!!!!!!

Nanaki & Chaos & Eswift; how's the morning sickness going? Have you got any cravings or anything? I hope you're not feeling too tired & stuff.... (did i miss anyone out that is also pregnant? My mind is all mushy these days)

Chaos; had to laugh at locking your daughter in the car & getting firemen!!!! One of my nightmares is doing stuff like that!

I wore harry out today by letting him walk to the postbox & back with me. The whole distance is probably only a few hundred metres, but it totally tired him out. He sat on the floor near our house, took a big sigh & said 'all done!' Then ran to our front door & was banging on it saying 'in in in!' Within 10mins of us getting inside, he'd fallen asleep on my lap!
eswift; no help with the biting as harry's only bitten me twice (both times on the boob- ouch!). Both times, I yelped (and one time knee'd him in the back of the head by accident & made him cry) & said no & put him on the floor away from me.
I think being consistent, saying something like 'Stop it, that's not nice, it hurts mummy' or along those lines, and putting her away from whoever she did it to, will work eventually.
i think biting is a phase all toddlers go through, right?
Flora, thanks for asking about my morning sickness, and it had gone a week before 12 weeks also feeling good for not being feeling so sickly.

I took Billy to the river and its not far from my house and show him the ducks and he said "quack" but not saying the right word yet. He is being good boy for his mummy also he had learnt new sign again! "sweet" and dont point it on his cheek at right place yet but cute to see him says "sweet" lol. I teach him bit by bit and dont want sign to him every words and he dont tend to remember them all but I know by the time he turns two and he should have many words/signs so I can communicate with him well so far now. :) See that I dont need to take him to baby sign classes so my signing is free LOL and the classes arent free I guess!!

We are thinking about the holiday this summer for my so-much-needed break with everything thats going on and I have collected the tokens with Daily Mail so far and need 3 more to go to complete the 7 tokens and booking online opens on Friday! Yay, my aunt collected it last year and we went away to Mablethrope when Billy was 7 months old.

Well, I have got a letter from the hospital to say that my care will be shared between Midwife and the Consultant and I will be seen by a consultant that I had last time with Billy. :)

Oh if you wanna to have a peek at my photo of my bump and let me know I will put up the link for you guys. I cant believe that I am 14 weeks already!

Hi all, sorry not been on for a while, hope your all well, well i had my 20 week scan today and all is well, over the moon, and were having a boy!! baby Brother for George, so happy xxxx
Congrat's to all that are expecting, I'm still in shock by how many of us are...

The morning sickness is horrid! Started at about 7 weeks and just seems to be getting worse, I've tried biscuits etc and have found that I'm better off just trying to get what I fancy... Think Dr's are due a visit soon...

I hope no one else is having too many issues with the morning sickness...

It's been really nice weather wise here, seems a shame that they're saying it's going to change tomorrow. CC has really enjoyed playing in the garden and helping with the weeding, it'll seem a shame when it gets colder again...

Best go catch the little madame, she seems to have gone quiet; never a good sign...

Just a quickie from me to say hello :) Half the daycare kids are sick so hopefully Emma manages to stay healthy (and I catch a break from having to care for a sick kid!). In theory it'll be an easy day with just Emma and one little friend :thumbup:

Aimee- Hope you are feeling better soon!

Kte- I hope there weren't any more incidents with Chloe yesterday- it's hard to see it happen as a parent :flower:

eswift- Glad to hear you had a nice holiday- hope the MS clears quickly for you :flower:

- Harry sounds cute after long walks :) Emma loves walking around the neighbourhood too- I have to tire her out to get her to willingly come back in the house, lol :)

Nanaki- that's great that Billy is picking up lots of new signs :) I do some ASL with the kids at daycare and it's fun to see them pick up new signs as well as words. It is a little annoying to have them all signing "more" at snacktime faster than I can peel an orange though :haha:

Anyway, hope everyone is having a good day- I'm off to work on a Waldorf doll for Emma before the kid arrives. I finished the head but am still working on the hair. I think Emma will like it though- she was carting the head around last night after dinner, all excited. I don't know if I should be happy that she likes it so much or a little disturbed since it was literally just a stuffed head with a face embroidered on it, lol :)
Hi girls.

Congrats to all those having scans and stuff and sorry to hear about the morning sickness. I certainly dont miss that part of pregnancy.

Just a quicky to say met with FOB today and got all the paperwork signed so we are now free from him for good hurray! Solicitor said he has to pay CSA regardless so going to be chasing them. Been such a lovely day we went to the park after we went home. Must go do tea and bath now so chat to you all soon!
Morning all,

Congrats again LK :happydance: :flower:

Kaites: :haha: Hmm I'm sure Emma will love the doll just as much with a body! At least she has taken to it already! :flower:

Sam: Congrats on the little brother for George :flower:

I am so tired :sleep: and am off to make a :coffee: - not feeling great at the moment so I really need to get my ass to the doctors. I'm always tired and having fun nightmares. I was in bed for 8 last night, I was fighting it from 5 :dohh: So not good - any before anyone says it, AF is visiting so I'm not!! :rofl:
Good morning!

Hope everyone is well! Looks like another cold has hit the household :( Hubby and I both have scratchy throats and feel rundown- I hope Emma manages to stay healthy. I think her canine teeth are starting to come up too. I can't see anything yet, but she's been chewing on stuff again, trying to wedge the toys between her molars and the front teeth. Fun times ahead methinks :wacko:

LK- Glad to hear you got all the lawyer stuff sorted and you had a nice outing with James :flower:

Kte- :haha: I actually thought "hmm another Bumpkin with Bump?" as I was reading your post, lol :) Hope you feel better soon :flower:

Emma's doll now has a body and some hair- but no clothes yet. She seems to like it so far, giving it hugs and then testing it's durability by throwing it on the floor but picking it up for more hugs.

Hope everyone is having a great day! :hugs:
Morning all,

I am so tired :sleep: and am off to make a :coffee: - not feeling great at the moment so I really need to get my ass to the doctors. I'm always tired and having fun nightmares. I was in bed for 8 last night, I was fighting it from 5 :dohh: So not good - any before anyone says it, AF is visiting so I'm not!! :rofl:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Dammit, ruin my fun!! ;)
Hi everyone, hope you are well. :)
Mumof4 I'm so so sorry to hear of your loss, I can't imagine how you must be feeling, take care of yourself :hugs:

We had Jacob to see an orthapedic consultant today about him not walking/bearing weight and it went well, he doesn't think there is anything major to worry about, he did want to take blood to check his muscle enzymes but he said Jacob's veins weren't great (wee chubby arms) and as he is loaded with the cold and was pretty miserable, he didn't want to put him through that.
He checked all his reflexes, his hip flexors, his spine and watched how he moved also - he goes about on his knees, he said that his strength was really good and he just thinks that Jacob is a sturdy boy and as he is a bit bigger maybe finds it hard to get his balance so he thinks he's just taking his time. He referred him to a physio and wants to see us again in June. He told us to get him a good pair of proper hard soled walking shoes or boots with plenty of ankle support so we did just that this afternoon, Jacob really was not impressed, he hated getting his feet measured and screamed the shop down :blush: you'd have thought we had put a ball and chain on his wee feet!!
I'm sure it must feel pretty weird though to go from no shoes to all of a sudden having these big heavy hard shoes on, so hopefully he will get used to them soon enough and be able to then stand up amongst other things.
It just sometimes feels like we are missing out, like when we go to the park there's things he wants to do but can't as he can't stand or climb and he has no balance really so we can't just leave him to it and if we let him go around on his knees in the park, we'd never be done buying new trousers! My back is breaking carrying him about (he is over 2 stone) and he is also getting really frustrated in his pram when out shopping etc so fingers crossed that these shoes along with some physio will help him.
crafymum, I hope Jacob gets over his cold (and you too!), but great news that the Dr doesn't think there's anything major wrong with his little feet. I hope he gets used to wearing his new shoes soon, and also that the physio goes well if he goes to it.
I meant to say the other day, there's a little girl who's 18 1/2 months at harry's playgroup who can't crawl, walk or anything yet- just butt shuffles about everywhere, but seems prefectly happy & otherwise fine, and she's just been referred for physio & told to go swimming & get her to kick her legs to promote strength & flexibilty too & give lots of praise if she does weight bear (with support) and stuff like that.
I'm sure jacob will walk upright in his own time, and then there'll be no stopping him & instead of your back aching from carrying him, your feet will kill from running after him all the time! :dohh:

Sam, congrats on another little boy! :)

harry's playgroup had a petting zoo in yesterday! He totally loved it (apart from the chickens which he was scared of & the cow which he paid no attention to at all) but he adored the donkey, geese & dog. Everyone thought he was really cute coz he was chatting away to the anilmals, stroking them, saying 'aaaaawwwwww!' to each of them, But as soon as I got my camera out, he went all serious & refused to smile; typical! It was pretty cool though.

how's everyone else doing?
Morning all,

Flora: Lol when you said they had a petting zoo in I was thinking small animals like bunnies and then you said a cow?!! Chloe is really into animals at the moment, desperate to take her to a zoo or wildlife park. If Chloe sees a dog, cat or a pigeon at the moment she points, waves and shouts hiya at them :haha: Cheeky Harry not smiling for Mummy on the camera!

Craftymum: So pleased they don't think there is anything wrong with Jacob :hugs: I hope the new shoes help and the physo goes well too :thumbup: :flower:

:happydance: Friday :happydance:

It was a bus journey home day yesterday and I called off to get a drink in the shop and Chloe noticed the 'In the night garden' magazine . . . she really loved it. It has stories and colouring activities and this fortnights theme is green but what she really loves and is suprisingly good at is the stickers! I honestly didn't think she would be any good but I passed her the stickers and would show her where it would need to go and she would do it! Okay, they weren't 100% perfect obviously but they were in the right area on the page and the right way up and she didn't just go crazy and want to stick them in any random location, she worked really well with me and listened and followed the instructions I gave her :cloud9:
Morning :coffee:

Yayy it's Friday:happydance:

Emma, hubby and I are all sick with a head cold now :wacko: We definitely are in need of a weekend for some sleep and recoup. I think I'm going to have to spend some time today looking into skunk removal too- argh :( I noticed a hole under our front step and wasn't too sure if it was a skunk or a racoon (seen some of those around the neighbourhood too). Well last night around 8pm we were watching TV and suddenly this horrible smell filled the room (we were in the basement lounge). Hubby openned the door to the laundry room (where the furnace is too and room beside where we were) and the smell got worse by about 500%. I think the skunk sprayed right beside the air intake for the furnace, along the side of the house. Grrr- furnace kept pumping the smell throughout the house! I'm wayyy more congested this morning, so I'm not too sure if it's just me or that the smell has dissipated a lot. Anyway, now I'm worried about the skunk breeding under our front step since spring is pretty much here and a hefty fee to have the skunks removed and damage to the step repaired :dohh:

Craftymum- Glad to hear Jacob's appt went well :flower: I know you mentioned that activities like play group are more difficult for him since he's not walking yet, but maybe they would be incentive to start walking :flower: A couple of my daycare munchkins started to walk pretty soon after starting by watching the other kids run around. Emma was like this too. She kept crawling during the day for the longest time, but as soon as the others left the house, she would start doing squats, picking up and putting down her toys- it was funny to watch her practice the skills she needed for walking with such determination once her friends weren't around anymore :)

- Harry sounds cute with the animals :) Emma is going through a similar phase with the camera- either all serious or she tries to point at the camera, trying to convince me to hand it over (she loves looking at photos on the little playback screen). As a result, not too many good pictures have been taken lately!

- That's cool about the stickers! Planning on keeping a pile in your purse for the evening bus ride home? I've got lots packed away with my teaching stuff but have never bothered letting Emma loose with them. I'm always in need of craft ideas so that's got me thinking :) Emma and her friends are really into eating craft supplies atm- crayons and paint in particular :dohh:- but I kinda doubt they'd eat stickers :thumbup:

Anyway, I should go finish this coffee and then tidy up the toynado that Emma left in the living room yesterday- I hate when she takes all the toys out again after daycare has ended but I guess the alternative is not getting dinner cooked in peace :shrug:

Hope everyone is having a good day :hugs:
Kaites: Chloe is the same with camera's, she wants to see the picture being taken, not easy when its supposed to be of her :haha: Iwww, hope you get the skunk sorted out, that mustn't of been nice at all :flower: Hope you all feel better soon too :hugs:

If she gets worse with the pram I may have to take stickers too :haha: Currently we have a few toys, books, food, drink and that usually works now but I have the secret weapon if she gets too fussy which is my mobile - she loves watching video's of herself!!

Well best be off, got this assignment to start :shock:
Heya ladies,

Help me stop driving myself insane :wacko:

I'm really worried about this tiredness and odd feelings I have. Tiredness wise I am okay at the moment but again, yesterday evening I was worn out by 7.30. My boobs kind feel funny, as in I am wearing my old maternity bra as the one I wore yesterday killed and it was underwired and should fit me okay since my boobs deflated :haha: This one feels okay but I feel bloated and hate having pressure on my tummy and its all butterfly like, like something exciting is going to happen but there isn't! My cats have gone onto maul overdrive, I am hungry and thirsty more than usual, the weird dreams . . . Thing is, it could all just be AF feelings, normally my knee joints ache but I haven't had that, they aren't the usual AF feelings if that makes sense and I am worried that I am only having an AF becuse I am on the pill and it has made me have one, if that makes sense.

Thing is, I missed my pill two days in a row last month and got an AF unexpectidley (normally I am okay, nothing happens). I read the pack and it said to carry on but I decided not to as I didn't want to have AF then on the back of that another AF so I stopped, waited until AF was over and then took the pill again. It says you are supposed to use contraception during the first 8 days as a backup and we didn't and dtd twice in this time frame, maybe me being wreckless but I thought we would be okay. :dohh: I finished my pill packet on the 18th and AF arrived on the 22 - this has always happened since having Chloe, it arrives a few days after.

It's just in the back of my mind, it happened to another Bumpkin before - so I suppose it's not out of the question, whereas normally it would of been a dead cert, so now I am tortuing myself.

What should I do? Stay off the pill for a month and test? It could be my hormones are just messed up from all this pill taking, I am thinking of looking at different methods. I think I should stay off for it anyway, have a proper period as it's never been right since I got back on the pill from having Chloe. :shrug: I can't test now as I am sure the pill hormones will just come up false. I got a negative when I was pg with Chloe, I didn't realised until 7weeks I was pregnant! Plus if I am, then I want to take the vitamins and eat right etc. I especially don't want to be popping more pill hormones in there! :dohh:

But more than likely its all in my head, I am on AF if I were pregnant then I shouldnt even be even on the pill so I am just nutty, hormonal and anemic or something and there is a perfectly logical explaination for all of this :rofl:

I feel like a loon :nope:

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