**CALLING ALL CLOMID GIRLS!!!** Pls answer our poll :O)

Good morning ladies..just checking in.

Congrats on your bfp shangeas!!!

Want2bmum- mytemp dropped like yours did and then went back up today..hopefully AF stays away from both of us!

I haven't been having that many symptoms..just a little gassy and majorly bloated. Everyone seems to have sore bbs except me..this makes me think I'm out. However, yesterday I had some brown cm when I wiped..but only 1x! I immediately thought this was a bad sign esp with the temp drop but today I have a little more hope since it went back up.

How is everyone else doing?
your chart looks much better than mine!!!

i think that your drop in temp and spotting could be implantation and now temps will go higher and higher...

it looks really like a BFP to me!!!!

FX... keep us updated!!!
hello girls!!!

I am 12 DPO today... test day according to FF as [quoting] I passed my usual luteal phase and may be pregnant...

well, i don't think i am!!!!

on 9DPO i had a drop in temp and i got so so so sad and annoyed with my body.... took a break from all baby stuff... needed to think...

then my temp went back up then down again... if you look at my chart it looks like a hearth monitor... FF cannot find a chart like mine.... of course not... I don't think anybody managed to have such erratic temps...

before O my temps were so low that at 1 point I thought i was going hypothermic...
then they went up, not too much but enough for FF to be sure I ovulated... then back to rocky mountains...

I tested yesterday at 11DPO and got a very clear BFN... so today i didn't test even if FF advised me to...

clomid can lengthen LP, although after a very extensive week long search in FF i only managed to find 1 person for whom clomid added 2 days to LP.
All other charts are either the first ones for the person so I cannot compare with the same person's chart when they were not on clomid, or these people are taking progesterone supplements which lengthen LP...
really no luck in my search...

if you can find a chart in FF... please send me the link...

as for crazy symptom spotting... well, this cycle has been more "painful" than my other ones...

but as for AF cramps... first of all they started a day earlier and are still only present at evenings, initially they were not as strong as usual and upper in my uterus, then for the past 2 days they came lower resembling normal AF cramps for me... the only thing is that they usually appear when i move... when i stand up or sit down, if i bend to pick-up something and so on...
a little odd but i guess clomid did change something and because this is my first cycle i don't really have a comparison...

well, enough with this boring stuff.... if you have advise or personal experience, it is very appreciated...

how are you all?

shangeas i am so so happy for you.... i am sure this is a sticky bean!!!!

how are all other girls? ...and clomid graduates???? I cannot wait to be one of you.... AF please go away for 9 months or come quick!!!!

I agree with shangeas -- it's too early for you to give up! The fact that your temps are still above coverline is good news. Some people get triphasic charts when pregnant, but not everyone, so don't get too discouraged yet. If you look at my charts, my temp routinely dips all the way down to the coverline and I think it's just another indication of my Progesterone levels being too low. Yours still have a pretty good gap between the lowest LP temp and the coverline. I've got my fingers crossed for you!
Hi, I know what you mean, once you have got a BFN you just want AF to turn up so you can start again.

Ive completed my 2nd cycle now. CD15 and took 100mg on days 2-6 as well as metformin 1500mg. So Im going to have to ear mark some time with DH soon. Trouble is he goes away on Thursday and doesn't return till the following Monday. Last round of Clomid I had to go to Florida for 4 days at the time I was meant to be having quality time with DH. Although my CBFM didn't detect any ovulation amongst those times.

So this round of Clomid. Oh My God....I have so far cried for the following reasons.

DH is going away
Was outbid on Ebay
Missed an episode of Geordie Shore
It rained
My 30th Birthday party was cancelled
My mother told me I was getting fat

I have had headaches and my mood swings are terrible. I woke up at 3am because I was thirsty and I could have had a row with myself and punched myself in the face I was so angry for waking up!

I have on another note now received an appointment to the fertility clinic for August to start IVF! Eeeek!! Gives me another 2 months on Clomid though which is nice.

Anyway..Its all worth it and least I can laugh about it even if DH is seekign legal advice on divorcing such an irrational crazy chick like myself :)

Aw, sounds like a rough couple of weeks! I know I feel very emotional during and after taking Clomid. I just don't feel like myself. But let me just tell you, I think the last two would be enough to make anyone cry! I hope the next couple of weeks are wonderful, ending in a BFP for you! :hugs:
Good morning ladies..just checking in.

Congrats on your bfp shangeas!!!

Want2bmum- mytemp dropped like yours did and then went back up today..hopefully AF stays away from both of us!

I haven't been having that many symptoms..just a little gassy and majorly bloated. Everyone seems to have sore bbs except me..this makes me think I'm out. However, yesterday I had some brown cm when I wiped..but only 1x! I immediately thought this was a bad sign esp with the temp drop but today I have a little more hope since it went back up.

How is everyone else doing?

Is it possible you ovulated later? I definitely think the dip could have been an implantation dip, especially with the bleeding. Looking good! :thumbup:
Hi, I know what you mean, once you have got a BFN you just want AF to turn up so you can start again.

Ive completed my 2nd cycle now. CD15 and took 100mg on days 2-6 as well as metformin 1500mg. So Im going to have to ear mark some time with DH soon. Trouble is he goes away on Thursday and doesn't return till the following Monday. Last round of Clomid I had to go to Florida for 4 days at the time I was meant to be having quality time with DH. Although my CBFM didn't detect any ovulation amongst those times.

So this round of Clomid. Oh My God....I have so far cried for the following reasons.

DH is going away
Was outbid on Ebay
Missed an episode of Geordie Shore
It rained
My 30th Birthday party was cancelled
My mother told me I was getting fat

I have had headaches and my mood swings are terrible. I woke up at 3am because I was thirsty and I could have had a row with myself and punched myself in the face I was so angry for waking up!

I have on another note now received an appointment to the fertility clinic for August to start IVF! Eeeek!! Gives me another 2 months on Clomid though which is nice.

Anyway..Its all worth it and least I can laugh about it even if DH is seekign legal advice on divorcing such an irrational crazy chick like myself :)

Aw, sounds like a rough couple of weeks! I know I feel very emotional during and after taking Clomid. I just don't feel like myself. But let me just tell you, I think the last two would be enough to make anyone cry! I hope the next couple of weeks are wonderful, ending in a BFP for you! :hugs:

....I could easily cry for the first 2 as well...:cry:
Good morning ladies..just checking in.

Congrats on your bfp shangeas!!!

Want2bmum- mytemp dropped like yours did and then went back up today..hopefully AF stays away from both of us!

I haven't been having that many symptoms..just a little gassy and majorly bloated. Everyone seems to have sore bbs except me..this makes me think I'm out. However, yesterday I had some brown cm when I wiped..but only 1x! I immediately thought this was a bad sign esp with the temp drop but today I have a little more hope since it went back up.

How is everyone else doing?

Is it possible you ovulated later? I definitely think the dip could have been an implantation dip, especially with the bleeding. Looking good! :thumbup:

It Is possible I didn't ovulate until cd22(no symptoms of ovulation that day)...which would make me 8 dpo today instead of 12dpo..I stopped using the opks mid cycle so who knows. Having an implantation dip on 8 dpo sounds better than 12 dpo. Do you think that's possible?
Good morning ladies..just checking in.

Congrats on your bfp shangeas!!!

Want2bmum- mytemp dropped like yours did and then went back up today..hopefully AF stays away from both of us!

I haven't been having that many symptoms..just a little gassy and majorly bloated. Everyone seems to have sore bbs except me..this makes me think I'm out. However, yesterday I had some brown cm when I wiped..but only 1x! I immediately thought this was a bad sign esp with the temp drop but today I have a little more hope since it went back up.

How is everyone else doing?

Is it possible you ovulated later? I definitely think the dip could have been an implantation dip, especially with the bleeding. Looking good! :thumbup:

It Is possible I didn't ovulate until cd22(no symptoms of ovulation that day)...which would make me 8 dpo today instead of 12dpo..I stopped using the opks mid cycle so who knows. Having an implantation dip on 8 dpo sounds better than 12 dpo. Do you think that's possible?

i read you got a progesterone test at cd23, how is 27? good? we have other units here. last month i took my progesterone test the morning after ovulation and it was only a tiny tiny bit over the non-ovulation zone... when did you take yours? i think this can also help you define which day you ovulated.
Is it possible you ovulated later? I definitely think the dip could have been an implantation dip, especially with the bleeding. Looking good! :thumbup:

It Is possible I didn't ovulate until cd22(no symptoms of ovulation that day)...which would make me 8 dpo today instead of 12dpo..I stopped using the opks mid cycle so who knows. Having an implantation dip on 8 dpo sounds better than 12 dpo. Do you think that's possible?

I would have guessed CD21, but regardless, it looks good either way!
Good morning ladies..just checking in.

Congrats on your bfp shangeas!!!

Want2bmum- mytemp dropped like yours did and then went back up today..hopefully AF stays away from both of us!

I haven't been having that many symptoms..just a little gassy and majorly bloated. Everyone seems to have sore bbs except me..this makes me think I'm out. However, yesterday I had some brown cm when I wiped..but only 1x! I immediately thought this was a bad sign esp with the temp drop but today I have a little more hope since it went back up.

How is everyone else doing?

Is it possible you ovulated later? I definitely think the dip could have been an implantation dip, especially with the bleeding. Looking good! :thumbup:

It Is possible I didn't ovulate until cd22(no symptoms of ovulation that day)...which would make me 8 dpo today instead of 12dpo..I stopped using the opks mid cycle so who knows. Having an implantation dip on 8 dpo sounds better than 12 dpo. Do you think that's possible?

i read you got a progesterone test at cd23, how is 27? good? we have other units here. last month i took my progesterone test the morning after ovulation and it was only a tiny tiny bit over the non-ovulation zone... when did you take yours? i think this can also help you define which day you ovulated.

Well if I ovulated on cd 18 that would be 5 days after but if I ovulated on cd 22 that would be 1 day later. Doctors like to see the level at 15ng/ml for women taking clomid. So I know I'm good there. The dr told me if my level was between 10-15 it would be a success but we would def have to up my dose the following month. However my progesterone level last cycle was .7 on cd 25. So even if it was 10 this month I would have been thrilled lol!

What unit do you measure by over there?
Ladies, ladies, ladies...i need your help. I took a test this morning before work and like an idiot i forgot to check it before I left. So naturally, when I came home I looked at it. And theres a line as you can see. Since it sat all day and I never saw it within the time frame do you think it is an evaporation line or an actual line. I went back and looked at my test that I took two days ago and its ghost white not a hint of pink or any sign of an evap line. Ugh I am kicking myself for not remembering to look this morning. Please heeeelp!

I know they say you can't read them after the time limit, but to me, the line looks pink. I would probably be excited to see a test like this one, but I'd also be testing in the morning to be sure! Good luck!
That's what I did the month I conceived my daughter. Did the test and then forgot to look at it within the time frame. When I did look the second line was there but very light. I thought it was an evaporation line. Well obviously it wasn't as it kept getting darker every day.

I hope that this is the case for you as well xxx

How exciting!
Another question for all of my clomid graduate buddies :)

Before ovulation I didn't have any visable cm (I wasn't dry though) but now I have a lot of creamy cm. I don't want to take this as a sign of pregnancy...

Is this normal?

(although my ticker says I am only 3DPO, I am actually 5 going by fertility friend...)
Emma I would suggest do another test and check it in the time frame. Then you will be sure & if its like this again then you have your BFP! A line is a line no matter if its faint good luck!

Leilah'mum I also had creamy cm everyday leading up to my BFP, FX for you!

All ladies, wishing you all the best this month!!

I'm taking a break from BnB, had my 4th MC yesterday. Feeling pretty drained. Seems I'm an angel supply factory. Very angry & bitter I must say & just need to heal.

Maybe I'll be back but not anytime soon.

Good luck with everything.
I'm taking a break from BnB, had my 4th MC yesterday. Feeling pretty drained. Seems I'm an angel supply factory. Very angry & bitter I must say & just need to heal. .

Oh no :( I am so sorry to hear this. Sending you thousands of virtual hugs. I have miscarried once and can totally relate to the depth of your sadness... I wish there was something more I could say that would ease your pain but I know there isn't.

Emma I would suggest do another test and check it in the time frame. Then you will be sure & if its like this again then you have your BFP! A line is a line no matter if its faint good luck!

Leilah'mum I also had creamy cm everyday leading up to my BFP, FX for you!

All ladies, wishing you all the best this month!!

I'm taking a break from BnB, had my 4th MC yesterday. Feeling pretty drained. Seems I'm an angel supply factory. Very angry & bitter I must say & just need to heal.

Maybe I'll be back but not anytime soon.

Good luck with everything.

oh no!!! :cry::cry::cry::cry:

i am so so very sorry hun, it is hard to get over a bfn... i don't even dare to imagine how can people cope with mc :cry::cry::cry:

how many DPOs were you when got your bfp if i may ask...

i don't know how hard this is as i never experienced it but i try to imagine it and i want to cry :cry::cry:

take a break if u think u need it, we'll b here cheering for u and waitng for whenever u'll feel ready again :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Ladies, ladies, ladies...i need your help. I took a test this morning before work and like an idiot i forgot to check it before I left. So naturally, when I came home I looked at it. And theres a line as you can see. Since it sat all day and I never saw it within the time frame do you think it is an evaporation line or an actual line. I went back and looked at my test that I took two days ago and its ghost white not a hint of pink or any sign of an evap line. Ugh I am kicking myself for not remembering to look this morning. Please heeeelp!


i am not sure hun,

but i can tell you that when i take HPTs and get bfn, they remain white even after a week.... and yes i did check :blush: just wanted to see how a positive FRER looks like from up close :haha: but nothing, of course no luck for me...

good luck and keep us posted :thumbup::thumbup:
I know they say you can't read them after the time limit, but to me, the line looks pink. I would probably be excited to see a test like this one, but I'd also be testing in the morning to be sure! Good luck!

littlebird, ur chart looks really good with that big dip at 3DPO, hoping it's ID :happydance::happydance::happydance:

i finally graduated as well :amartass: wishing so much i could say this in real life too :rofl:

day1 for me, hoping for better luck this month... thinking of taking clomid day3-7 rather than 5-9 in the hope of ovulating before day20 :wacko:

my specialist says she always prescribes clomid day5-9 and even in the info leaflet in the box there is written to be taken day5-9... so i am not sure...

what to do graduates think??
Well a faint pink line showed up within 3 minutes this morning so I'm hoping and keeping FX. I am going to call the doctor today for a blood test. I pray for this to be a sticky bean! I'll post the picture later if I can.

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