Calling all July 4th(ish) Testers

hello ladies AF due July 8th but i will be caving on July 4th! lol and since im a POAS addict ill be lucky if i make it past July 1st! FX
...and Brandy_R, considering the PCOS, have you made dietary changes? I've been reading that our chances of miscarriage are increased from the insulin resistance so I've been cutting processed carbs like crazy! Now I'm on the most natural-food-diet I can possibly pull off! All in the hope that it will help my next little bean be a super sticky one!! :thumbup:

Yes I have heard making positive choices will help a great deal with it. I have quit smoking, I drink lemon cucumber water everyday, great and raspberry tea at night. I have never been into much processed foods. We eat a lot of meat and veggies. I have cut back a lot though. I've limited my caffeine also. What have you been doing as far as eating?

First off, I stay away from smoking, alcohol and coffee entirely...and I really watch for added sugars in foods.

I cut out all wheat based products and focus on veggies, beans, whole grains (in moderation), and wild caught fish...(I don't eat beef, pork, chicken, etc...but that isn't new). I occasionally use sprouted-grain tortillas to make Tortilla Pizza with our homemade marinara...because who wouldn't miss pizza!! :)

I also started eating 2 organic eggs for breakfast every day with some juiced greens (or sometimes a beet-carrot-apple-ginger-lemon juice). This one is huge for me, because I rarely ever ate breakfast before.

I feel so good about everything this time!!...and I've found a way to make it all taste so good that I can't see going back to the naughty items I use to indulge in from time to time. :haha:

Cheers to us!! We won't let that nasty endocrine issue get the best of us...we fight back with all the good stuff!! :hugs:
I had my HSG test a week or so prior to ovulation too! The lady who did it told me this will be the most fertile i've ever been :)) Period is due on July 4th so I will test then. I usually ovulate late on CD 19, so will have to wait until the 4th. Hoping for BFP after m/c last October. Good luck to all!

i also had pains on both sides during ovulation. It's normally one sided.

Wow! We are right in the same boat!

My period is due the 4th, I usually ovulate on CD19 or 20, and my latest m/c was last October's cycle...I'm so sorry to hear we have that last one in common...

Here's hoping the HSG will help do the trick for both of us!!!!
I know I'm putting my all into this...especially considering that (with the Clomid added) I'm "Super-Fertile Woman" right now! :haha:

Come on sticky beans! ((FX))
...and Brandy_R, considering the PCOS, have you made dietary changes? I've been reading that our chances of miscarriage are increased from the insulin resistance so I've been cutting processed carbs like crazy! Now I'm on the most natural-food-diet I can possibly pull off! All in the hope that it will help my next little bean be a super sticky one!! :thumbup:

Yes I have heard making positive choices will help a great deal with it. I have quit smoking, I drink lemon cucumber water everyday, great and raspberry tea at night. I have never been into much processed foods. We eat a lot of meat and veggies. I have cut back a lot though. I've limited my caffeine also. What have you been doing as far as eating?

First off, I stay away from smoking, alcohol and coffee entirely...and I really watch for added sugars in foods.

I cut out all wheat based products and focus on veggies, beans, whole grains (in moderation), and wild caught fish...(I don't eat beef, pork, chicken, etc...but that isn't new). I occasionally use sprouted-grain tortillas to make Tortilla Pizza with our homemade marinara...because who wouldn't miss pizza!! :)

I also started eating 2 organic eggs for breakfast every day with some juiced greens (or sometimes a beet-carrot-apple-ginger-lemon juice). This one is huge for me, because I rarely ever ate breakfast before.

I feel so good about everything this time!!...and I've found a way to make it all taste so good that I can't see going back to the naughty items I use to indulge in from time to time. :haha:

Cheers to us!! We won't let that nasty endocrine issue get the best of us...we fight back with all the good stuff!! :hugs:

Oh wow! You got it going on girl!! I haven't changed my stuff anything like you! I eat salmon salads and stuff like that. I didn't change much last time I got pregnant and I told myself I am changing my life. I stopped drinking too! I have to tell you that I am no long nearly as tired all the time like I used to be! It's cool to talk to you becaus I'm 30 so we're close to the same age and everything. How's the no meat going? I would die without chicken and steak once in a while haha. I also have a glass of wine if I can't take my bad day anymore but that's only happened once. I eat eggs almost every morning too :) I put 1/4 of an avacado in it and some spinach leaves sometimes also. I'm glad I joined this thread :)
Oh wow! You got it going on girl!! I haven't changed my stuff anything like you! I eat salmon salads and stuff like that. I didn't change much last time I got pregnant and I told myself I am changing my life. I stopped drinking too! I have to tell you that I am no long nearly as tired all the time like I used to be! It's cool to talk to you becaus I'm 30 so we're close to the same age and everything. How's the no meat going? I would die without chicken and steak once in a while haha. I also have a glass of wine if I can't take my bad day anymore but that's only happened once. I eat eggs almost every morning too :) I put 1/4 of an avacado in it and some spinach leaves sometimes also. I'm glad I joined this thread :)

I'm glad you joined too!! :hugs:

I've been off meat for about 5 years now, and I also thought I'd miss chicken like crazy, but that went away really quickly. The only time I craved it was about 4 years ago when I was pregnant the first time...but I wasn't eating much seafood at all and likely had need for the extra protein. Your breakfast sounds mouth is watering. :)

Isn't it amazing what a change in diet can do for your energy levels?!

This is SO our cycle! :bunny:
You ladies are amazing. My only true vice is soda. It's terrible for you. So I got a large cherry coke today and it will be my last one for a long time. I also need to start taking prenatal vitamins. I'm awful at remembering them. :/
Oh man! That pop is bad addictive haha. My husband is obsessed. I think everyone has a thing it's hard for them to quit. Mine was smoking and now that I'm done with that it is definitely sugar! Ohhhh man! At night especially after dinner. If I can quit sugar I can concour anything haha! I actually have sore bbs and a heavy feeling in my uterus. Is that from O? I have only o'd twice in my life that I know of. But man I don't remember this feeling. If it's weird it's probably because I had so many follicles (got a little over stimmed). Anyone having any symptoms? :)
Ahh, root beer...I miss you so...

You can do it, Jbell! Its for a good cause!
Just keep reminding yourself, it isn't forever...

So far as symptoms, I'm more thirsty than usual (which happened with both previous BFPs), and I've been feeling a dull/achey/cramping in my uterus most of today, which has me very excited! However, I'm oddly lacking in the sore bbs department, but anything different is good in my book!
*hides the extra large root beer the Taco Bell lady gave her* In my defense, it was supposed to be a large and she spaced and gave me the wrong size. I've been craving junk though. I am so impressed by all the dietary choices you are making. My last bfp, I was able to go all organic and eat healthier. But once I lost that pregnancy, it was back to eating however I feel like eating.
Ahh, root beer...I miss you so...

You can do it, Jbell! Its for a good cause!
Just keep reminding yourself, it isn't forever...

So far as symptoms, I'm more thirsty than usual (which happened with both previous BFPs), and I've been feeling a dull/achey/cramping in my uterus most of today, which has me very excited! However, I'm oddly lacking in the sore bbs department, but anything different is good in my book!

Thank you for sharing your symptoms. I have been experiencing the dull/achey/cramping for the past few days so I am hopeful!!
due for af the 2nd, if it doesn't arrive on the 2nd i'll try and hold out until the 3rd.

put me down for 3rd if I can hold out!
P.S. I love how many "Af is due __, so put me down as ___, but realistically I'm testing long before that!!!" posts there are hehe. I'm glad to not be the only poas addict
DobbyForever..I know, Right!?!! Its like we just can't help ourselves!..Those little sticks hold all the answers, and it can quickly become borderline obsessive. :haha:
....and root beer is sooooo goooood, isn't it! That and cream soda are now the only 2 sodas I even like...mmmmmm...I can almost taste it...

BabyCrazy15..I can't help but think its a good sign, like implantation is happening!!!...I hope we're right! :happydance:

KGBaba..Welcome!! :flower:
Haha yeah I made a root beer float. So satisfying in this 90 degree weather. I only use cream soda to make homemade butterbeer hehe
You're killin' me, Dobby! lol
That sounds so good right now!
Haha sorry! Seriously having an indulgent day. I feel like crap, so trying to spoil myself.
thanks! hoping this is our month, my symptoms are different this month so I'm holding out hope!
8dpo today. I am still wet down there and had crusty nipples
I am at day 8 or 9dpo. The headaches have dulled but now I have heartburn. Strange symptoms for me to have. I am trying to hold out to test until July 3rd, the day after AF is expected but I really want to test on Sunday, June 28th. Afraid I might get addicted though!

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