LOL kinda nice J is too young for trick or treating and we don't get any kids at our place so there is no halloween junk here to eat!!! well thats a lie, i bought tim a bag of rockets and a bag of allen big feet LOL
Melissa i like #2
we ran at lunch today, and it messed up J's schedule so she basically didn't nap before swimming so i thought it would be bad, but she was really good, even good when we dunked her, only cried as we were changing to go home, asleep in the car before we were out of the parking lot and didn't wake up when i transferred her from the car to her bed LOL she is out now, so im enjoying the peace while i eat lunch, play on FB, catch up here and watch Y&R
i should take a HPT, i just cried during an episode of Y&R LOL although right now it would have to be immaculate conception