Tasha it sounds like Elyse is doing great! I really wouldn't worry to much about her being ready, I think you're already almost there
I generally take things by Hannah's interest. For a long time that was all numbers and counting, she's just now getting into learning sounds of letters. As for learning her alphabet that is totally credited to music class

She listened to the ABC song so much in there that it kinda stuck eventually

We do work on recognizing letters with flashcards once a week or so before nap (she loves flashcards

Thanks for the link Brig!

I'll have a look at it during nap.
I can't really get Hannah to watch Sesame Street. She loved it around one year of age and than it became Dora and now (by force

) It's Mickey Mouse and Jake and the Neverland Pirates on Disney Jr.
There was an episode of Sesame Street that I wanted to look up for her though about bullying, just haven't done it yet.
It is a good program for teaching numbers, letters and sounds from what little we have seen of it
And Sara I was the same I kept thinking I should be doing more than I was

but in reality Hannah wasn't ready for that stuff at that age, not even close
Glad that operation sleep in her own bed went well!
We had music class today which was fun but Hannah is in a very argumentative mood

She slept great last night though which is good and looks like she's feeling better today