watching debbie travis decorate trees on tv. she says for every square foot of tree have 5 core ornaments, 3 accent, and 1 fancy ornament and to start the lights at the top and wind your way around the tree.
i love decorating the tree. i use to do theme tree's... i have whole sets of blue&silver, green&crystal, brown&gold, teal, and finally pink ornaments cause i wanted a different colour each year LOL. this year im thinking red and white (cause thats what debbie did on TV and i liked it LOL) but i guess while kid's are young its going to be hard to do the "designer tree" look as i will need to hang all their homemade ornaments on there. Also getting special ones like "babies first xmas" i will either need to buy them all white so i can do white and another colour each year, or they will always be mismatched.
xmas tree decorating... when my OCD comes out to play LOL