Canadian Moms & Moms to be!

:rofl: I agree completely

And she's down! We'll see if she sleeps though, she spent a lot of time sitting on the couch today :rofl:
good luck vickie! Your lucky hannah still even naps. Jasmine doesn't usually, unless she is really tired, but her adn peytons room arrangemenet doesn't usually let her have a good nap.
Hannah's always been on the high end of what amount of sleep that kids her age need :shrug: I am glad she still naps though :rofl:

I do expect her to drop it at some point in the next year but we'll see how it goes!
Jasmine sleeps 11-12 hours at night which I think is the higher amount for kids her age too... She just does it all at night haha
Hannah would sleep longer in the mornings and drop her nap I think if she could. But our schedule with classes makes that completely impractical :lol:
ya, I guess you guys do alot more out of the house activities so she is probably more tired.

Poor Peyton was outside with Tom earlier and fell beside the house and staires and has a huge scrape/burn down the side of his face :(

They are doing some rehersal at the base too today so all we've heard all afternoon is damn airplanes and jets firing up and taking off, Not good for naps. The radio said it was going to sound like we were under attack today LOL
I'm so fortunate with Edward's sleep, he sleeps 11-12 hours at night and a minimum 1.5 hour nap (but lots of days it can got 2 or even 3 hours).

It's great on days that I can get them to coordinate naps but sucks on days that Eric wants to nap 2x cause then it can just tie me to the house alllll day.
J naps at least twice a day... usually 2 hours after she gets up (so up at 9 and nap at 11) and again around 3ish. She is on 1.5hours of this nap now... thats a long one for her. she always seems to nap well after swimming class :shrug:
Hi everyone!
Fun morning teaching at the Zoo, then off to music class together, then CUPCAKE SHOPPING!!! :munch: nom nom nom
Pretty sure I've gained back at least half what I lost from P90x. Oh well - that's what Jan.1 is for, right? New regimes of fitness and horrible spartan diets. Sigh.

Sorry to hear about sick Hannah and poor scraped Peyton. Do you guys ever notice how those awful scrapes and bruises always happen right before a photo shoot, a doctor's visit, or a grandparents' visit? Just so we all look like extra awesome parents! :) I swear my two check the calendar before taking their tumbles. :dohh:

Melissa - ouch on the bladder infection. Glad it got diagnosed and hope it clears up quickly. I had one after Simon's birth and I felt so nasty. I didn't have localized pain, just a fever and I felt so sick and shivery and gross. :(

Ah, there we go. The ginger cat noticed I was wearing black pants today and promptly came over to accessorize them with her contrasting fur. If I'm wearing something light-coloured, then the dark tabby has shedding duty. It's great that they work together so well, these furry beasties. It's all about teamwork with my cats. :eyeroll:

Must go eat a cupcake and get this photo album done.

Oh and nappage at our house is sporadic, but night sleep is pretty good. Simon dropped naps at age two, much to my dismay. I think he could use the sleep still, but he has other ideas. He was a pretty good napper as a baby, too. Poor old Tobe has become a champion catnapper out of sheer necessity. The toddler schedule really dominates our lives, I think.

Okay: cupcake and photos. Go me!
Ya dropping naps sucks, eh sarah!!! Luckily if Jasmine is tired she will ask for one, but it isn't often.

And omg... 5pm and the airplanes are STILL out there!!!!!!!!!! Honestly I am close enough to the base to hear the hercs idling on the runway... They do it at like 2am sometimes too... grrrrrrrrrrrrr

And yep, sarah, I saw Santa at the mall last night and was thinking i'd like to take the kids to see him after babygroup tomorow... and then Peyton scraped the side of his face off.
Poor Peyton :( I hope it heals quickly

It will be interesting have a newborn/baby nap schedule again (well Hannah wasn't in much of a schedule until 10ish months for naps :rofl: before that it was just whenever she looked tired).

Hannah sleeps probably closer to 13 hours a day. She goes down anywhere from 8-8:30 and is up usually by 7:30 and she naps anywhere from an hour to two hours in the day. This can really vary though and she's been sleeping a lot lately so it might just be a growth spurt :shrug:

She seems to be fine now so I think the morning sickness was just a fluke. We're having stir fry for dinner so the chicken/quinoa should be pretty easy on her stomach just in case but I really think she's fine. No fever either thank goodness.

Enjoy your cupcake Sarah :munch: Not nice to mention cupcakes to pregnant women though ;)
Hey ladies!!

We're back. I'm bitter about the cold, but happy to be home at the same time. I hope everyone is well.

Vickie - Sorry for your loss, but so glad you have a healthy baby growing in there!!

Sorry, I haven't caught up though.

Brig - I got the tutu and hat! Thank you!

Have to share:


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Naps here ended at age 2 so I definitely feel your pain, Sarah. Elyse needs sleep during the day too- she gets super crabby after lunch, I KNOW she needs to have a nap, and she just WON'T!! I am making her "take a break" when she gets crusty now, and she'll lay in her bed.. she nearly fell asleep today, but then the stupid wind picked up here and was pretty loud and she was scared. It's my MISSION to get her to take a nap tomorrow! She does sleep a solid 12-14 hours at night (depending on the day's activities and how quiet Andrew is in the mornings).. so I shouldn't complain.

I was set to wrap my Christmas presents tonight (got off work 3 hours early!!).. gave me a chance to pick up stamps for my Christmas cards & some stuff for the pot roast I wanted to make tomorrow, but I forgot gravy & thyme so that'll have to be Thursday now. And I couldn't find my tape so, wrapping gifts was out :(

When do you guys mail Christmas cards? I was going to pop them in the mail December 1st but I'm done them and they're stamped.. I know it's still early.. they're all being sent within Canada...

Wendy I put your coupons in the mail today. They expire December 19th I think, so hopefully they get there quickly enough for you to enjoy them all, lol.

Hope all the sicky-poos are feeling better (Hannah, Melissa)... and that everyone sleeps well tonight! <3 <3
Yes, I know they make a touching and personal gift.
Yes, I know they share the effin' memories.
But it is 12:06 and I have been working on these stupid things for almost five hours and I just needed to share HOW MUCH I LOATHE PHOTOBOOKS!!!!!!!

Thank you.
That is all.
Good night.
I usually mail mine mid-December Tasha but that's more because it costs a ton to buy stamps so I do it after pay day :haha: Good luck getting Elyse to nap today!

:hugs: Sarah I hope you got some rest. Those do sound like great gifts but a ton of work.

I think Hannah's fine :) She's been okay since yesterday morning. If by some off chance she gets sick this morning I'll look at what she's eating/drinking as I don't really think it's a virus.

We are about to start getting stuff ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow! :)
still trying to get J to drink formula... just not gonna push the issue... i read this online do any of you think it might work??
Breastmilk is quite a bit sweeter than formula. I have heard a toddler describe it as tasting like 'melted ice cream'. If you can overcome your squeamishness, taste it sometime. It really does taste better than cow's milk or formula. Most babies will take breastmilk more readily than they will take formula, but if you have a baby who is really picky, try offering a little bit of apple juice. If you can get him to take a few sips, try mixing milk with the juice a teaspoon at a time until you have more milk than juice.
Could work? I don't see the harm in trying
I accidentally tried breastmilk once and I thought it was gross!! haha
I used to make Alia's rice cereal with water and I would always eat some to encourage her to eat it.... one time I forgot I had mixed breastmilk in with it and I tried it and ewww it was nasty. I've never tried formula but it smells nasty. Alia seemed to like both though!
Congrats Tasha.

Hope the bladder infection goes away quickly for you Melissa.

Not into twilight here either.

I got a blister building our bookshelf a couple of weeks ago which hasn't gone away. On Sunday the rest of my hand started hurting and feeling weird and since then it has travelled to my armpit and the blister is not healed at all. I went to the doctors today and am now on an antibiotic 4 times a day for 10 days and have to go back to see him on Monday to make sure it's getting better.

B is on her 3rd outifit of the day not including pjs and it's not even 3pm. I am over the explosive poops she is having!
:hugs: Poor Peyton.

I was wondering on the cards too, thanks for asking Tasha.

Not too sure Sara, but I can't see the harm in trying.

:hugs: Sarah, hope you got them finished. I got my mom a digital photo frame and it is such a nuissance because I have to always upload all the new picture for her and she likes everything on seperate cards, etc.

It is snowing a lovely storm outside here and I really hate driving in the snow now. It never used to bother me until I did a 360 in the middle of the highway one year and now I'm terrified of losing control plus I still need to get my winter tires on and new wipers.

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