Hi everyone!
Fun morning teaching at the Zoo, then off to music class together, then CUPCAKE SHOPPING!!!

nom nom nom
Pretty sure I've gained back at least half what I lost from P90x. Oh well - that's what Jan.1 is for, right? New regimes of fitness and horrible spartan diets. Sigh.
Sorry to hear about sick Hannah and poor scraped Peyton. Do you guys ever notice how those awful scrapes and bruises always happen right before a photo shoot, a doctor's visit, or a grandparents' visit? Just so we all look like extra awesome parents!

I swear my two check the calendar before taking their tumbles.
Melissa - ouch on the bladder infection. Glad it got diagnosed and hope it clears up quickly. I had one after Simon's birth and I felt so nasty. I didn't have localized pain, just a fever and I felt so sick and shivery and gross.
Ah, there we go. The ginger cat noticed I was wearing black pants today and promptly came over to accessorize them with her contrasting fur. If I'm wearing something light-coloured, then the dark tabby has shedding duty. It's great that they work together so well, these furry beasties. It's all about teamwork with my cats. :eyeroll:
Must go eat a cupcake and get this photo album done.
Oh and nappage at our house is sporadic, but night sleep is pretty good. Simon dropped naps at age two, much to my dismay. I think he could use the sleep still, but he has other ideas. He was a pretty good napper as a baby, too. Poor old Tobe has become a champion catnapper out of sheer necessity. The toddler schedule really dominates our lives, I think.
Okay: cupcake and photos. Go me!