Canadian Moms & Moms to be!

:hugs: Hope your hand heals with the antibiotics Lisa.

I hadn't heard of that Sara but it does make sense to me, not that I've tasted either but I've always heard BM is much sweeter :lol:
Hope your hand heals better, lisa!

Sara, to be completely honest you don't even sound like you want to give formula to J so im not sure why you keep trying. If your not 100% ready to do it, it isn't going to work.

Plus at 9-10 months babies can start having homo milk so you can probably just buy a small carton of homo milk and try giving her a little with her cereals etc or in a sippy. You can only keep a can of formula open for 1 month anyways so it sounds like your wasting your money (plus you shouldn't use various kinds, you should stick to one brand/type)

BTW- I think bm tastes absolutely vile as well... not sure why babies like it haha... The low iron formula was sweet though.
Breastmilk is defo super sweet. I had to taste mine :wacko: to make sure the taste wasn't changing in the freezer. It was really sweet....made me feel a bit weird! I think that idea might work.
Hope it works for you Sara!

Hope your hand heals Lisa. :( That sucks!

I never tasted my BM, but I've heard its super sweet.
Ouch Lisa! Hope the hand heals up quickly and that B stops filling the diapers. Tobe has been a poopmeister for the last few weeks, too. :sick:

We just got our winter tires on both vehicles.... and got told that our little old commuter car has another expensive repair that needs to be done. $800 later.... :growlmad:
We're at that point at which we need to be crunching the numbers and deciding if it's time to cut our losses on that car or not. We don't have enough saved yet to buy another secondhand car outright (which would be ideal), but we could probably put down 50% and finance the rest. Because we've already hit the point at which the repairs on the car this year are about what we would pay out on a monthly lease or smaller loan.
We're hoping the car will last one more year.
It's a '98 Toyota Tercel and it's not even at 200 000 km yet. Our old 89 Tercel Wagon was just shy of 400 000 km before the transmission went, so I was really hoping we'd get maybe 3-5 more years out of this car. I'm sure we could, but at what cost? Sigh.
Stupid Calgary with crappy transit and ridiculous urban sprawl. It would be even nicer if we didn't need a second car.

Oh! Saw something really scary today! Speaking of stupid Calgary and the Big Truck Asshole Drivers (you know the kind?).... We saw a big Ford 250 truck smoke a small compact car that was stopped and waiting for a lefthand turn. The truck was probably going 60-70 km/h and it slammed the car hard enough to crumple the back end, push it across the oncoming lane and up a small embankment into a tree. :shock: I hope the driver of the car was okay. :( Husband the paramedic said that rear-end hits are often the safest and that he's seen people walk away from worse accidents. We didn't stop as a whole bunch of people already had and we were on a busy street heading away from the accident. It really shook me up. Just a moment's inattention and WHAM. :nope:
Makes me want to walk..... :(
I had to call 911 yesterday on some psycho drive en route to Calgary. He hit the ditch in the middle of the highway. Plowed through it at like 120! Took out a sign, almost went up into the oncoming side. Drove back up behind us and I was yelling at B to get out of his effing way. Drove up behind us going at least 140 cuz we were going 130 to get out of his way and he blew past us.

Wendy, at those speeds and with big-ass vehicles like that, they are lethal weapons. Someone doing what you just described should lose their license for life. :grr:
It makes my blood boil when I hear about stuff like that.
Well I called the RCMP and they said they had someone up ahead, but I never saw him pulled over. I insisted that B pull over if we did see him, so I could dent his face in :rofl:
Wendy, no word of a lie, I would have joined you. I'm a peaceful little hippie most of the time, but when I see people taking testosterone-fuelled, egomaniacal risks with everyone else's lives, I get the mama bear kind of road rage and feel that punching the dumb guy in question might be the most effective way to get through to him.
I flatter myself that I might leave a dent. :bodyb: :haha:
People who drive stupid like that infuriate me, there is just no need of it at all.
that is scary Sarah and Wendy!

I do want to give J formula Joss - but she won't drink it, and i hate fighting her. i have switched from good start to PC and im only using one kind... and i've dumped half a case down the sink because she wont drink it and it goes bad. I know its hard for you to believe because both your kids did so well on formula and eating... but J does not eat. i can not get more than 1tbsp a day into her of anything.. it doesn't matter if i mix it with apple juice - because i gave her watered down apple juice today and she spit it out... she wont even drink juice. I can't give a baby homo milk until most of her nutrtion comes from solid food, and i don't think 1tbsp of barely cereal mixed with pureed fruit cuts it. it is a daily struggle to get her to drink or eat anything other than bm. at about 15 minutes in the high chair or me trying to get her to drink a bottle she starts to cry, and thats when i stop, because then food becomes sad and scary for her.

tim is finally on his way home from work. he's put in 14 hours today, but i still don't think we get to go this weekend :(
Oh I didnt realize that she still was refusing solids. Have you talked to your doctor? Babies and children wont starve themselves... clearly she is feeling satisfied with the BM and knows it is there for her so she isn't interested in other nutrition.
i have her 9 month check up on the 15th of december so was going to bring it up then. im hoping honestly that she starts to eat better before then. she is clearly happy on BM alone but that wont work if i go back to work in a month. i have to figure something out without stressing us both out.
Thats a tough one. And honestly I don't think im going to even bother replying anymore because my parenting style is obviously different then yours and probably not what you want to hear.

I do hope something happens and it becomes easier for you.
Hi ladies! :hi: Just popping on before heading to bed. I can't really catch up, and have lots to do this week so not sure when I'll be back, but hope you all are doing well! :hugs:
Can you pump breastmilk for her while at work, Sara, or is that something you don't want to do? It's hard to keep up with, as I did it while I was on placement, but to me, it was worth it. I did try to offer Anberlin formula ONCE, and she hated it. She was only a few days old and I was desperate and exhausted because she nursed for 7 hours straight at night.

My aunt's kids all (four of them) refused solids until they were 10 or 11 months old. Apparently she was surprised that Anberlin was already on solids. All of her kids love their food now, so it might just be a preference she has. Have you tried mixing some BM in with her solids and see if she'll take a little more that way? I ask because Anberlin, too, prefers her cereals with BM over water.

Not to scare you or anything, but might there be a medical reason, like silent aspiration and that's why she doesn't want solids? Just throwing out suggestions.

It's worth having the doctor look at, but try not to worry too much about it. I hope it's just a preference thing, and I'm sorry if I'm not much help. Hope you get it sorted soon!
Sara :hugs:
Believe it or not, my chubby little Tobe was pretty indifferent to solids until 9 mos. He would eat, but he was a huge boober. And now he eats for about two grown men. I did not have your pressure of a return-to-work date that close, so I think I'd echo Brandi and suggest a pumping regime for work, then crazy boobing when you are home. Lots of older BF babies get the majority of their nutrition at night because they are too distracted to do much more than snack during the day. And, while it may be stressful to have a rough transition back to work, it is true that she won't starve herself. Babies are highly adaptable.
I agree with your plan: rule out anything being medically wrong and then try to just keep offering, respecting her limits, and trusting that you'll both make it through the work transition. Big :hugs: - it's scary and frustrating.

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