Ouch Lisa! Hope the hand heals up quickly and that B stops filling the diapers. Tobe has been a poopmeister for the last few weeks, too.
We just got our winter tires on both vehicles.... and got told that our little old commuter car has another expensive repair that needs to be done. $800 later....

We're at that point at which we need to be crunching the numbers and deciding if it's time to cut our losses on that car or not. We don't have enough saved yet to buy another secondhand car outright (which would be ideal), but we could probably put down 50% and finance the rest. Because we've already hit the point at which the repairs on the car this year are about what we would pay out on a monthly lease or smaller loan.
We're hoping the car will last one more year.
It's a '98 Toyota Tercel and it's not even at 200 000 km yet. Our old 89 Tercel Wagon was just shy of 400 000 km before the transmission went, so I was really hoping we'd get maybe 3-5 more years out of this car. I'm sure we could, but at what cost? Sigh.
Stupid Calgary with crappy transit and ridiculous urban sprawl. It would be even nicer if we didn't need a second car.
Oh! Saw something really scary today! Speaking of stupid Calgary and the Big Truck Asshole Drivers (you know the kind?).... We saw a big Ford 250 truck smoke a small compact car that was stopped and waiting for a lefthand turn. The truck was probably going 60-70 km/h and it slammed the car hard enough to crumple the back end, push it across the oncoming lane and up a small embankment into a tree.

I hope the driver of the car was okay.

Husband the paramedic said that rear-end hits are often the safest and that he's seen people walk away from worse accidents. We didn't stop as a whole bunch of people already had and we were on a busy street heading away from the accident. It really shook me up. Just a moment's inattention and WHAM.

Makes me want to walk.....