Fun day here. Sort of.
We puttered around the house with a bit of playing and I managed to get some housework done, then I had to wrestle everyone into nice clothes for our little music class xmas concert.
I left an hour early, but realized at the last minute that I had to go buy a snack to contribute, and of course, traffic was awful, we hit every possible light, etc - you know how it goes. Then we hit the longest possible line-ups at the grocery store and I had to beg the Starbucks guy to ring my stupid brownies in at his till so that we could get out of there.
Got to the concert hall, couldn't find parking, had to sprint through the snow with the stroller and boys, rip off our coats and winter gear and... immediately get up and perform the world's cutest version of jingle bells. Simon sang so well and loved performing. As soon as it was over, he yelled "Now 'Shoo Fly'!" (his favourite song) and was doing a little jig and ready to launch into another performance.

Unfortunately, the cuteness ended as soon as we stepped off the stage. Both boys slipped into that crazy, overexcited phase and I gave it about 30 seconds before I just said 'forget this' and hauled their bums home. No way was I going to spend the rest of the concert trying to pin two squirming, squealing boys into their seats and apologizing to all the rest of the parents. I dropped the brownies off and went home.
But this was so weird - as soon as we left, I started getting these weird dizzy flashes. They got really intense when we got home. I had to lie down. I don't feel sick, otherwise. But I am strangely light-headed.
And of course, I have to work at the Zoo tomorrow.
Planning to go to bed really really soon. Hopefully a good sleep is all I need.
Oh! And it's snowing like crazy - I think we are supposed to have 10 cm overnight!