Hi Ladies!
Long time no chat!!! It was nice to read everyone's updates.
Brandi, I have never been called a seamstress...but I'll take it!

Thank you!

and thanks to your friend for voting!
Thanks to everyone else who voted for P as well. Still 17 days to go and she had 135 votes...second place has 49. I hope ppl keep voting.
I liked all your posts about the ideas for homemade gifts! I might make a few like the hot chocolate cones!
So I've been super busy with the craft shows and filling orders. The first craft show was a HUGE success...we've already booked for next year...TWO tables next year!

But the one this past Sat. was dead. All the vendors there were so bored. It was the first year and they didn't advertise well...so anyway...after paying the $25 for the table and my $30 gift certificate donation for the penny sale table... we made a grand total of.........................$1.50

The highlight...Nathan won one of the items in the penny sale...a handmade bib and crayon holder that I really wanted. Lol!
Another big milestone...because we had the craft show Saturday...we drove to my parents on Friday evening...enjoyed Fireworks and the Christmas parade and then Nathan and I came back home...and Peyton slept OVERNIGHT at my parents. It was hard for me
To make matters worst...when we were at my parents,,, Peyton was totally amazed with the tree. My mom said she put all plastic at the bottom...but there was this one that looked like glass...so I asked...and my parents were like No...that's plastic...and I was like..I'm pretty sure it's glass...and my mom said she had it for like 3 years it was definitely plastic... Fast forward 5 minutes...she snatched it without us seeing...she was walking in the kitchen with it, tripped, fell and it smashed right under her hands. The one hand was cut in 3 places and bleeding everywhere

They weren't big cuts but my mom was crying cause she felt so bad...
ANYWAY... we are only putting lights...stuffed animals of sorts (I need to find said animals), ribbon bows and that's it I think
To top everything off...I think Peyton is getting her first cold in 9 months. Her nose was runny today and she was sneezing. But she's also teething big time...chewing anything she finds and drooling like she never has before. Not sure if the runny nose can just be teething?
Alright well, I better go and be productive...or else I'll have a dozen ppl pissed if they don't get their orders before Christmas.
P.S. Sorry for the long post...I don't get out and talk much to ppl.