We have shaw for phone, internet and cable for several yeas and yes, I've been pleased. No major hassles, decent rates, etc.
I think my ambitious morning plan of doing an hour at the science centre before music class is being scuppered by a willful two-year old. He's not being bad... just extremely into everything, the snoopy little snooper.
Annnd.... Tobe just conked out. So that settles that. Time for another load of and another cup of
Tobe just did the smelliest poop. I should change him, but he is so smelly I kind of honestly just want to go hide in another room... Poor Tobe. Trying to figure out what I fed him to produce that stink!
Poor B is feeling awful, thrown up 3 times tonight, snot everywhere, 38.1 degree fever, and rosy cheeks. She's sleeping for maybe 5 minutes at a time on me right now. It's 1:00am and I think I may have gotten 10 minutes of interupted sleep since 11:00pm... It's gonna be a long night and day since OH has to work at 5am.
This double standard of men vs women being sick is driving me batty. P has to take care of Claire, the house cleaning and whatnot for a week and everyone is all "Aww... poor P !!!!!". I've had to do the same, plus work for 3 and a half weeks now and everyone is all "yup, that's right."
today my agenda includes bath and shower for j and me, visit with santa, fill the toner in my printer, pick up my mom's gift to my sister for her, and take J to baby and me discovery.
Tiff that would drive me batty too! I guess we don't see enough of our family for me to notice any double standards like that
Sounds like a busy day Sara. Have fun
Lisa glad to hear B is feeling better. Colds are bad and I hate Hannah being sick but I will take a cold over a stomach virus/throwing up any day.
We had friends over this morning to help us decorate cookies and of course the girls played some which was nice. Now Hannah is napping and I really should be working on cookies.......
Hey everyone,
Well I am 7 days late for my period. Had a preg test on Saturday..said negative. I was at the doctors yesterday and she said to test again next week...just in case!
Hope you are all ready for Christmas!!
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