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Can't admit to anyone else...

Oh girls thank you! I guess I will know for sure in 8 days. I just hope I'm not clinging to some hope. I have picked a really special girls name so I know it's okay to be a girl!!! Plus I can go shopping for cute pink stuff again... I'm thinking of the positives
Oh my goodness SIL Yey!!!! Amazing news, I'm so happy for you!! This really is one very lucky thread we have going here. How blooming fabulous!!
Ah cmc not much longer now until you know for sure! The not knowing is definitely the killer. I know it's not much help but I'm a little torn with yours too, however to be completely 100% honest I'm swaying more towards boy than girl (but I'm no expert) I just feel it would be much flatter at 18weeks than that? And think perhaps the angle (especially of pic two) is perhaps hiding the penis and the buldge is scrotum? I obviously could be wrong though but I wanted to share my thoughts with you lovely.
This thread is full of luck xxxx
Yes it's a lucky thread. Just hope the luck holds. Was telling DH yesterday (and got all Teary doing it) I want to buy pink stuff, and baby dolls and hair bows and cute little dresses and matching shoes. I have never bought a doll. How silly is that. I get so sad thinking I may never unless I get a granddaughter one day. The more I think about the more I expect a boy and I think I might be heartbroken at first. I feel so guilty for even saying that 😢 I got tears in my eyes just reading this over before posting 😢
Oh MrsH!! How we all know where you are at. Guilt should be banished from gender disappointment because what you feel is true and raw and honest. Guilt only bashes down your deepest feelings. They need to be out in the open where you can examine them. As much as you need!

I thought I would be ok with 3 boys after a while but I think I would actually be more devastated that I realise. It would be a looooong process for me to have gotten over it.

And while you don't know it is just a nasty place to hover in.

I don't mean to come across all doom and gloom, just wanted to say we ALL know this process and the feelings. Sending you so many hugs xx
I feel like if I find out it's a boy I will have to hide how sad I am from everyone there, the doctor and my hubby. I don't know if I can 😟
Mrs H we all understand exactly what you mean. I even considered not finding out the sex just in case I made it obvious to DH that it was another girl. My friend who is a sonographer is the only person in my real life who knows how gutted I was all those weeks ago! I have totally prepared myself and I do know I will be okay

I think deep down if you ask any pregnant lady, they will have a preferred gender, I think that's only natural

I know I always say I don't mind... but deep down I always had a preference and I never ever shared it

You're in a great position to find out early which can be good as the blood tests are very specific.. I'm keeping everything crossed for you

Lou... thank you so much for for your comment. I'm defo baffled with this little one!!!
Thank you guys! It means a lot only you ladies know how I feel and it's so nice to have friends who understand. I do feel like we are becoming friends 🙂
The blood test takes 2 weeks to get back so whatever appointment I get after the ultrasound I will find out. I will have a 11 week scan to skull and nub shot analyze with everyone. I'm pretty good at spotting boys on ultrasounds it seems so even the scan is making me nervous. A little round skull is clear boy... I'm so nervous lol
What gestation will you be at your scan Mrs H..?

So I phoned my doctors surgery today to get the result from the blood test my midwife took last week... I wanted to get started on the iron tablets ASAP if it shows I need them (which I think it will), as I'm due to go back to work at the end of this week and I know I'm not going to do well with 13 hour shifts and feeling the way I do.

Except they told me the sample was rejected at the lab and so it needs to be done again.
From my own experience, this is usually because something has been written wrongly or spelt incorrectly on the bottle or the form. Not impressed....
Memma you'll defo be wanting to move now to a new care centre. I'm taking pregnacare I know it's not substantial in iron compared to what you need but I'm hoping it ties me over until later when I will need more
I will be 10 weeks and 4 days. Might even be to soon for a numb or skull theory lol
What gestation will you be at your scan Mrs H..?

So I phoned my doctors surgery today to get the result from the blood test my midwife took last week... I wanted to get started on the iron tablets ASAP if it shows I need them (which I think it will), as I'm due to go back to work at the end of this week and I know I'm not going to do well with 13 hour shifts and feeling the way I do.

Except they told me the sample was rejected at the lab and so it needs to be done again.
From my own experience, this is usually because something has been written wrongly or spelt incorrectly on the bottle or the form. Not impressed....

Memma that's unfortunate. I work in Pathology in a Hospital - there can be other reasons for 'notesting' a specimen. Could also be incorrect amount, incorrect tube or the sample appearance wasn't appropriate ie clotted..hopefully you get your results shortly!

Mrs H and c.m.c I have everything crossed for you both!
Yes it's a lucky thread. Just hope the luck holds. Was telling DH yesterday (and got all Teary doing it) I want to buy pink stuff, and baby dolls and hair bows and cute little dresses and matching shoes. I have never bought a doll. How silly is that. I get so sad thinking I may never unless I get a granddaughter one day. The more I think about the more I expect a boy and I think I might be heartbroken at first. I feel so guilty for even saying that �� I got tears in my eyes just reading this over before posting ��

I just want to reach through my computer screen and give you a huge hug. I know exactly where you are at and exactly how you are feeling. Your post brought tears to my eyes because it was really not that long ago I was feeling the same exact way. I have two DS already and this is our last baby and was our last chance at a girl. I also began mourning even the idea of not having a daughter if this baby ended up being a boy. It's not silly at all. It is incredibly normal to feel heartbroken... after feeling guilty about it for awhile, what helped me was looking at it from a different way. It wasn't that I would be heartbroken that I was having another boy, it was that I would be heartbroken that I was NOT having a girl. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but basically just switching the perspective that it's mourning the loss of a girl, not mourning the addition of a son. It's so hard when you are longing for one gender or another, and those weeks leading up can be so so long. We are here for you through it all and come and post or vent about anything any time you need to because we have all either been through it or are currently going through it and I know how scary those weeks can be and the crazy amount of emotion whirling around while waiting to find out. :flower::hugs:
Memma, Have you decided yet if you are going to switch practices/midwives? I would be frustrated after all you've been through with them.

Cmc, how are you doing? Your scan is coming up soon! I'll be thinking of you. That last week was the longest wait for me. How are you feeling? Are you doing okay passing the time? :hugs:

Wish, I forget; when do you find out? A few weeks?
Memma, Have you decided yet if you are going to switch practices/midwives? I would be frustrated after all you've been through with them.

Cmc, how are you doing? Your scan is coming up soon! I'll be thinking of you. That last week was the longest wait for me. How are you feeling? Are you doing okay passing the time? :hugs:

Wish, I forget; when do you find out? A few weeks?

Not until the 30 Jan Sil, just under two weeks away. Will feel more like a year I'm sure.
Yes it's a lucky thread. Just hope the luck holds. Was telling DH yesterday (and got all Teary doing it) I want to buy pink stuff, and baby dolls and hair bows and cute little dresses and matching shoes. I have never bought a doll. How silly is that. I get so sad thinking I may never unless I get a granddaughter one day. The more I think about the more I expect a boy and I think I might be heartbroken at first. I feel so guilty for even saying that �� I got tears in my eyes just reading this over before posting ��

I just want to reach through my computer screen and give you a huge hug. I know exactly where you are at and exactly how you are feeling. Your post brought tears to my eyes because it was really not that long ago I was feeling the same exact way. I have two DS already and this is our last baby and was our last chance at a girl. I also began mourning even the idea of not having a daughter if this baby ended up being a boy. It's not silly at all. It is incredibly normal to feel heartbroken... after feeling guilty about it for awhile, what helped me was looking at it from a different way. It wasn't that I would be heartbroken that I was having another boy, it was that I would be heartbroken that I was NOT having a girl. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but basically just switching the perspective that it's mourning the loss of a girl, not mourning the addition of a son. It's so hard when you are longing for one gender or another, and those weeks leading up can be so so long. We are here for you through it all and come and post or vent about anything any time you need to because we have all either been through it or are currently going through it and I know how scary those weeks can be and the crazy amount of emotion whirling around while waiting to find out. :flower::hugs:

Thank you so much for the kind words. It's our last baby too. My last chance. I think what makes it extra hard is DH had a daughter with an ex. She was from and lived in the states. (We live in Canada) she had the baby in the states as they had a long distance relationship but when the baby was 3 months old her and her mom were to move here so they could be a family. She came here and was here for 5 days. She then took off and went back to the states with the baby. Never to be seen or heard from again. DH cannot find her. He saw her a total of 5 days. I guess I kinda feel that since it's our last it's my last chance to replace what was taken from him. I know it's silly, he even said so but I just want to make his life complete. (Only my youngest son is his, the other 2 are from a past relationship) I know I cannot make up for what someone else did, it's not my place to do so. I just so want him to experience that father daughter bond...hope what I am saying makes sense.
I too think of it as mourning my chances of ever having a girl and DH understand that (or so he says lol). I won't be sad or love another son any less but the end of the dream of a little girl will crush me. I keep saying oh it's a girl but deep down that little voice says it's a boy. I guess I just kind of expect it to be lol.
The wait as we all know is taking forever. I swear each day feels like a month. I have my scan on feb 10 And it wot be until my appointment after that I find out what baby is. Oh man it's going to take forever!!!
Yes I know Wish but I know the bottle was full (I have brilliant veins, luckily) and I also don't think it would have clotted or anything with it being full, so I'm assuming it was incorrectly labelled. People do tend to spell my surname wrong quite a lot so I'm guessing it's that!

Ah yes MrsH, 10+4 will be too early for Nub Theory :-( . Will you have another scan after that? Mind you, you'd probably have your blood results before that anyway! Is there any way you could maybe phone your doctors office after a week for the results, instead of waiting until the following appointment..?

I haven't completely decided yet SIL but I think I probably will. This blood test business has been the straw that's broke the camels back I think..! I text her yesterday to tell her what's happened and asked how to go about having it repeated and she hasn't answered yet.
I have my first shift back at work in a few days (aaaahh!) so I'm going to find out how I can go about it when I'm there. As well as try to remember how the hell to do my job after 8 weeks, haha!
They don't give results over the phone here. Since my last baby was born at 34.2 days and I am 40 this year I am considered high risk so I will have lots of scans I am sure to watch how big baby gets in there. Sadly you poor ladies are stuck listening to me whine and suffer as I wait what will feel like forever. Weeks seem like years as we all know. Lol should be about 15 weeks when I know so like 8 weeks lol

Did all of you think sometimes it was the gender you wanted but deep down the voice inside said nope it's not? Lol

Sorry your stuck with my whining lol
I also feel like we are all building a friendship! I have never checked in on a thread like this before. It is on my mind every day!

Mem what a blooming pain especially when you are relying on potential meds to be prescribed. And in your line of work you seriously neee all the energy you can get. I am finding myself more knackered in second tri than in first tri.

I agree totally that almost everyone has a preference for gender. It's not our faults!!

MrsH will be fun analyzing your first scan!! But luckily you will have the blood test not too long after.

My best friend finds out on Thursday if she is having a 3rd boy or first girl. She is as desparate as me! She is 2 months behind me so will be so special to have our third babies together and go through that whole experience side by side. I do worry though that if she has a boy that when I reveal my baby's gender in a few months it may seem a bit cruel. Perhaps I shall tell just her once she has found out.

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