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Can't admit to anyone else...

Thanks SIL I'm doing well. CUrrently jamming in as much over time as I can before it gets too hard. 6 days to go. I feel that because I've been able to get some private scans I know it's a girl, I really don't think there's boy bits hiding at all. I've told my cousin and mum that it's another girl already as I just can't see it being anything else.

I'm feeling really guilty this week. I know a little girl will be lovely and having 3 girls will be nice as I grow older; I'm an only child. But I suppose it's the fact that I won't have a son....
it's hard to explain to anyone without sounding bad
Danny I hope your friend has a girl too that be so lovely fur you both, I agree it's best to let her know you're having a girl
You don't sound bad at all. Of course if it's a girl you'll love her simply because she is yours and precious and wonderful. But that doesn't mean you can't be sad that your dream didn't come true in the way that you had hoped.
I understand how you feel. Don't feel bad ☹️ Easier said then done though. I do hope little boy bits are hiding
Three more days cmc!! Is your scan in the morning or pm? I'll be checking in all day Monday.

I am so glad you started this thread memma (can you believe it was 3 months ago?). I too feel like I have made many friends on here and wonder how everyone is doing. It's nice to know you have people around you who support you and understand/feel/felt the same way.
Exactly! Thank you ladies for what you have brought to my life!
It's neat I am so far behind based on time zones. By the time I wake up half the day is gone there it seems so I get updates when the day starts instead of having to wait on the edge of my seat all day haha
I think I'm going to have news tomorrow girls.

My 20 week scan in nhs is Monday but my best friend knows how much I didn't want to ask at my scan as my DH doesn't want to know. She's managed to get me a cancellation for a 4D scan tomorrow evening. It's such an amazing gift she's bought me. She's just the best friend ever!!!

I will still have my anatomy scan on Monday with DH with me too
Yay cmc!!!!! I can't wait! I'll be checking in all day tomorrow!
Oh cmc, so pleased the wait will be over for you tomorrow lovely, what an amazing friend you have :hugs:
Yay cmc how amazing of your friend!!! Can't wait to hear your result. And you never have to feel terrible around us nor should you feel bad IRL because ones children are the most important thing in our lives and so it follows that we all have dreams about who they will be. Even the ones we haven't met yet. And that dream includes gender for the unborn ones.

I was convinced my friend would have a 3rd boy. I don't know why I just couldn't imagine a girl in her life but she is having a girl! And I hate to admit this next bit as I am so upset with myself -but I have been actually feeling weird about it. I guess it's cause it still feels too good to be true that I am having a girl and so I feel like I can't share in the joy. So stupid!!!!!! And I am still keeping mine secret so we can't go nuts together. But when I saw her and put my arms around her I felt a genuine shiver of excitement and wanted to squeeze her and her happiness made me glow. I have never hugged someone with such a feeling of wanting to absorb them before, so I am not sure why this gloomy bit is hanging around. Pregnancy hormones maybe? Argh!!!!
Can I please join here iv got 3 beautiful girls and am now pregnant again with a surprise baby wasn't planned at all I was happy and settled with just having my 3 girls and now well now I really want this baby to be a boy like soooo bad I'm trying to make myself believe this is a girl that way I won't b to disappointed I hope I'm only early on I don't know my exact dates at all as I was on the pill and not having periods lol, I hav what they think is my 12 week scan on the 1st of Feb will looking outfor a nub ect ;) wishing u all luck on urs scans really hope u all get what u want and congrats to those whos dreams have come true :)
Oh CMC how exciting, I can't wait to hear the outcome..!

Danny what do you mean..? You feel weird in that you feel excited for her but still not for yourself..?

Welcome Skyraa of course you can join - the more the merrier! Your scan is a couple of days before mine (my anatomy scan) - would be great if you get a good Nub shot!

I had my first shift back at work yesterday and it was actually really good, I had a great day and feel glad to be back. I'm sure that'll change..! I had a chat with a few people about transferring my Care there too and I think I'm definitely going to do it.
Phoned my doctors surgery yesterday for my blood results and they're still not available..! 😡
Will have to wait until after the weekend now :-(
Welcome Skyraa!

CMC can't wait to hear how it goes. I do hope you see boy bits.

Danny why wouldn't you tell her. It's exciting I would think you are both having girls no? I am sorry you are having such mixed feelings. I am the only person I know that's pregnant, other than you ladies. One friend was and she had a mc so I haven't even told her I am pregnant. Being only 8 weeks we haven't announced it public yet. I don't think I will for quite awhile. I don't want to hear the stupid comments " oh I bet you want a girl" or "let's hope it's a girl". I heard it so much with my last one. We knew it was another boy, some people went on so much about it being a girl, stating they just knew it and pointing out all these cute outfits that when I started crying (this happened two days after learning baby was our third boy), hubby had to tell them that was enough and to shut up. Ugh I hate people sometimes. I still think this one is a boy too, like said before and like skyraa, I think I'm doing that so I don't get my hopes up. Silly I know.

Last night I had a very scary experience though. I was sleeping and woke up to bending over cramping in my stomach. I couldn't even catch my breath. My hubby was at work as he is on night and I started to panic! I walked holding my belly (I don't have a bump yet just fat lol). I felt like I had to use the toilet so I went and was fine after but it kinda hurt going. Tons of gas too. I went back and laid down I was even sweating from this. Started getting the feeling again and went to the toilet again. After it was like nothing happened. I guess it was just a ton of gas and a good b.m not sure why it hurt like that though. I have no bleeding cramps nothing and after going everything seemed to go back to normal. Has this happened to anyone before? Should I worry?
Mrs h I feel for you. When we told our in laws that our second baby was another DS instead of celebrating the VERY first thing they said was "oh, well you will have to try again for a third and then you'll have a little girl with two big brothers". At that point in life we thought we were going to stop at two babies, so it was a heartbreaking response to hear.

Danny, congrats to your friend on her girl! I'm sorry you are having such mixed feelings about it. Hopefully in time it'll pass and the two of you can go on to raise your two little girls together :)

Welcome sky! Can't wait to check out your nub pic. Fingers crossed for you!

Cmc, any news?
Welcome Sky! We have all convinced ourselves we were having the same gender again as it's truly the only way to protect yourself. Completely natural. We are here to hear your feelings as you go along.

MrsH how blooming scary! I am sorry you had to experience that. Gas pains can be debilitating and absolutely agonizing but when it's something to do with your stomach when you are pregnant it's always such a scare. So glad you feel better now!

Sorry for explaining myself so badly re my friend. What I meant was that I was a bit sad to hear she was having a girl and couldn't understand why on EARTH I would be sad. And so I thought it must be because I still can't really believe that I am having my own girl too. But when I actually saw my friend I was so genuinely happy for her which was a relief -I am not a heartless crazy person after all! I am just going to struggle to believe this dream is coming true for me too.

Cmc we are waiting!! Hope you are OK xx
Ladies I'm just home

I've no pictures of the bits as she knew my DH didn't want to know. Just my friend and I went.

Looks like this is a girlie thread. It's 100% a girl

I feel fine with it.... I can't believe it... I think it's because I never let myself believe it was a boy. Yes, I'd love a son especially for my DH, but I am okay with another little princess. She already is such a precious little person to me.

I just wish my DH wanted to know... I hate this secret alone.


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Ladies I agree that the insensitive comments are the worst part of GD!!!

Today my sister in laws mother in law said oh I hear congrats are in order. Suppose you're hoping for a boy this time, hopefully you'll get one.... I don't think people even think what they're saying!!!!
Oh cmc I'm sorry :flower::hugs: I really had everything crossed that it was a boy. You seem to have a very positive attitude about things overall despite the results. If you ever need to vent or cry at all we are all always here for you. Sending tons of hugs your way. As a side note, what an amazing beautiful picture of your sweet little one. I love the 3D photos like that. They make it seem so much more real.
SIL I really am ok. I think the not knowing is worse. I had a good talk to my cousin last week and I guess what conclusion I came to was that we all have ideas and dreams of what we deem to be our family or what we want for our family... I always wanted 3 kids. 2 girls first and then a boy!!! I'm really glad I was told 80% girl at 15 weeks because It took a few weeks to come to terms with the fact that we don't get to choose our family but maybe these little people who are given to us are actually what we are meant to have.

We are at the destination we are meant to be at!!! My DH has always always wanted 4 kids... I might, just might have 4!!!

I'm privately religious ( I go to church but to anyone who doesn't really know me I curse like a trooper and that's what they see) but I do believe in a plan for me and having another little girl is that plan!!! Who knows I might have a 4th girl one day? Or a first boy? Who knows.

I'm just so glad I had that 5 weeks of 80% girl to get some perspective.

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. I'm thinking but maybe this is a lucky girl thread and I'm right here where I'm meant to be!

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