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Can't admit to anyone else...

I heard babies hb today to was lovely to hear makes it feel soooo real although would like to know how far along I am I swear I'm feeling Lil movements as well I spose this is my 4th maybe that's why or iv got bad wind Lol as for being a lucky girl thread I'm not sure I shud b on here 😂 maybe il b in the minority and get a boy hahabahahahaha very much doubt it tho, hope u r all well :)
I can totally relate, I remember feeling so worried that I thought at my 20 week scan they would tell me the first sonographer made a mistake and my girl was in fact a boy. I also didn't help myself by googling and searching for the stories....why do we do it to ourselves!

Aw Mrs H the fort tri is the worst, especially when you just want it to pass so quickly to get the answers to your questions! You're doing great :hugs:

I had a scare yesterday with bleeding and a show. I had to spend the day on the labour ward as they were worried that I was going in to preterm labour, it was so frightening and stressful. All I could think of was that if this baby comes there's no way she'd make it, it was just awful. Thanksfully all is fine and well and I've just got to rest a bit more xxx
Eek, horrible. Glad everything is ok!!! I had a bit of bleeding for about 24 hours the other day, which is very unusual for me as I've never had any sort of random bleeding at any time, pregnant or not. It just disappeared, though, so I've stopped worrying about it and am just hoping it doesn't come back. Your experience sounds terrifying! :(
Oh much gosh Lou!!! I cannot imagine how scary that must have been and I am SO glad all is ok and that it was nothing. Even Meep having a bit of bleeding is so absolutely terrifying. Wowee ladies.

Shame MrsH I was just thinking as I logged on and before I had read the updates how it seems like just the other day that poor Memma had this whole massively long wait ahead of her before she found out the gender and now it seems to have all flown past so quickly. The same will be for you. And yes finding out at 4 weeks just makes it all so much longer. But we will keep you entertained!

Mem I am also so excited to hear each other's birth stories and when we each go in to labour! It's really going fast!
I've come to the conclusion that mine was down to sneezing from this stupid cold I have - sneezing occasionally makes me pee myself so it figures that by doing so, I could have ruptured a small cervical vessel lol. As it's all so sensitive around there at the moment!

Whatever it was, it didn't come to anything and I've had no cramps and baby girl continues to rock around constantly, so it can't have been serious. :)

Scary, though. I would have died of panic had it been like loubylou described above! :nope: Glad everything is fine!
I ladies I have been lurking for awhile, I have 3 beautiful girls. I am pregnant with my 4th baby. We wont find out till probably middle of feb (amnio, we have dna issues). Im terrified its another girl. But i think in the back of my head I know its another girl lol. Ive made wish lists on Amazon for things i need. And without thinking, everything is girl themed lol.
I ladies I have been lurking for awhile, I have 3 beautiful girls. I am pregnant with my 4th baby. We wont find out till probably middle of feb (amnio, we have dna issues). Im terrified its another girl. But i think in the back of my head I know its another girl lol. Ive made wish lists on Amazon for things i need. And without thinking, everything is girl themed lol.
You are the same me three girls preg again lol I'm making myself believe I'm having another girl so I don't get to disappointed when r u due?
I ladies I have been lurking for awhile, I have 3 beautiful girls. I am pregnant with my 4th baby. We wont find out till probably middle of feb (amnio, we have dna issues). Im terrified its another girl. But i think in the back of my head I know its another girl lol. Ive made wish lists on Amazon for things i need. And without thinking, everything is girl themed lol.
You are the same me three girls preg again lol I'm making myself believe I'm having another girl so I don't get to disappointed when r u due?

Im due July 24th what about you? Im totally doing that too lol. Then it will be a totally surprise if it's a boy lol
Well it's back this morning. :( I'm going to go in later after LO's nap, as OH will be around then to look after her hopefully. I'm pissed off with this now. It's not usual for me at all.
Me too. It's really annoying. When it happens, I keep convincing myself I'm having cramps and that my back hurts etc. But I'm pretty sure it's just my imagination. :/

Hope they give me a scan later, at least. Might make it a bit more bearable.
Awww meeps keep us updated I'm sure all is fine
I ladies I have been lurking for awhile, I have 3 beautiful girls. I am pregnant with my 4th baby. We wont find out till probably middle of feb (amnio, we have dna issues). Im terrified its another girl. But i think in the back of my head I know its another girl lol. Ive made wish lists on Amazon for things i need. And without thinking, everything is girl themed lol.
You are the same me three girls preg again lol I'm making myself believe I'm having another girl so I don't get to disappointed when r u due?

Im due July 24th what about you? Im totally doing that too lol. Then it will be a totally surprise if it's a boy lol

I'm not sure lol I think early August ish see this wasn't planned was on the pill and haven't had a period since my youngest so I'm literally going on when I started to feel pregnant if u get me lol will find out on Wednesday got my first scan :)
Meep, good luck. Pls keep us posted.

As for updates with me...

I am excited to say finally at 8.3 weeks I heard the heartbeat. Makes it so much more real! I used my Doppler and am so excited I found it! 2 weeks until my first scan. I cannot wait!! 🙂
SIL it's no time long now for you ohhh hope all
Goes well

Ladies I have every faith the girls babas are still girls those stories of gende being wrong are so very few and far between!

Thanks for the lovely comments. I think I've just accepted it's a girl and that's that. Don't get me wrong I still would have loved it to have been a boy soooo much
Meep i hope all
Is well with you

Just trying to catch up here.

Welcome park!

Lou is everything okay with baba? It's so scary having a bleed

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