Cast sob, Filming Eastenders


2 boys and Twin girls
Feb 5, 2010
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Read this today in The Sun and made me completely change my mind about this story. I always think its good that they react true stroies but I think they may push this a little far and might get quite a bad public reaction from the viewers and a fair few complaints. Have a look at todays story
I think it disgusting, what is more of a piss take is that they are getting counselling, but yet i have a real dead baby (sorry for my wording) and i never got counselling because the services in my area were cut because there was no call for them!!!!!!

V xxx
Horrible. I wouldn't want to take part in that story line if I was in eastenders. Yes, it's publisising SIDS but its not a topic that should be used as entertainment and to make money.

The hollyoaks one was bad enough :(
It's incredibly insensitive and although I'm not an angel mummy myself, I find it insulting, to those that are, that cast members are being offered councilling. They're using something so heartbreaking for the inevitable xmas ratings war and I think it's a step too far tbh :growlmad:
Makes it worse now its still a horrid storey line and I wish they would change it. I dont like the way eastenders have changed at all. My heart goes out to angel mums and its a mums worst fear. I know if i do watch I will be in tears, Councilling or stars acting it out? how they think the real mums will feel watching then. Insensitive. But bet they get lots of ratings for it and feedback thats why they are doing it.
Story is here as well. Possible spoiler as well.

I really think they should rethink the story, even for Eastenders which i love i think they have gone one step to far. I understand they like to try and potray real life stories but this will open up so mnay wounds for people its just not fair. It will be hard to watch but my heart goes out to all the angel mummies. It's not fair, they should really have a think. Surely if they are offering the cast councilling doesn't this say something about it and the affects it will have on people watching the show. I got a feeling lots of complaints and also there numbers may drop after this aswell. Does anyone know when the story is suppose to be starting on tv?
I read this yesterday and was absolutley gobsmacked ... taking the "reason" for the storyline to one side ... as an employer, why would you put your employee's through something so disturbing and harrowing that they needed counselling?? :confused: :confused:

They really need to rethink this :(
see whilst im not an angel mummy myself so cant begin to imagine the heart ache its caused.
but looking on an outsiders point of view i believe the storyline will make everyone become aware of just how awfull it is. Soaps do many story lines such as

break downs
drug addiction
dometic violence

you name it they have probably done it. If they stopped a storyline because of how it would affect the person then there would not be any soaps and i no myself from watching soaps have shed many tears over the story lines. As it makes me realise jus how awful the situation is and how sad it is.

I dont think they do all theses storyline in hope that it will help the viewers it has happend to deal with it any better as nothing can. But i think wat they try do do is let everybody else no how horrible it is and try to make others realise what people go through because unless you have been in that siyuation you never will no.

People are saying its making all angel mummys look physco but again i dont agree. Ronnie has had Loads happen to her including rape by her dad , 2 miscarages , her first born up for adoption only to be found then to die, her fathers death ,1 dead ex boyfriend , her current husband shot in the head ,I could go on forever. Not many angel mummys can say they have had All of whats happend to ronnie happen to them. Its no wonder she is going to do something "crazy" its showing just how desperate and vunrable she is.
Not how mad angel mummys are, i no im not going to be looking at the screen thinking u b**ch il probably be sat ther in floods of tears thinking u poor woman, i wouldnt wish it upon any1.

I thinks SIDS is a very sensitive subject and not 1 everyone feels they can really talk about to the people it has happend to. i think sometimes this is the only way for people to understand.

If anyone is offended by this then i am sorry that wasnt my intentions just trying to show an outsiders point of view i have the upper most respect for all you angel mummys xxx
see whilst im not an angel mummy myself so cant begin to imagine the heart ache its caused.
but looking on an outsiders point of view i believe the storyline will make everyone become aware of just how awfull it is. Soaps do many story lines such as

break downs
drug addiction
dometic violence

you name it they have probably done it. If they stopped a storyline because of how it would affect the person then there would not be any soaps and i no myself from watching soaps have shed many tears over the story lines. As it makes me realise jus how awful the situation is and how sad it is.

I dont think they do all theses storyline in hope that it will help the viewers it has happend to deal with it any better as nothing can. But i think wat they try do do is let everybody else no how horrible it is and try to make others realise what people go through because unless you have been in that siyuation you never will no.

People are saying its making all angel mummys look physco but again i dont agree. Ronnie has had Loads happen to her including rape by her dad , 2 miscarages , her first born up for adoption only to be found then to die, her fathers death ,1 dead ex boyfriend , her current husband shot in the head ,I could go on forever. Not many angel mummys can say they have had All of whats happend to ronnie happen to them. Its no wonder she is going to do something "crazy" its showing just how desperate and vunrable she is.
Not how mad angel mummys are, i no im not going to be looking at the screen thinking u b**ch il probably be sat ther in floods of tears thinking u poor woman, i wouldnt wish it upon any1.

I thinks SIDS is a very sensitive subject and not 1 everyone feels they can really talk about to the people it has happend to. i think sometimes this is the only way for people to understand.

If anyone is offended by this then i am sorry that wasnt my intentions just trying to show an outsiders point of view i have the upper most respect for all you angel mummys xxx

totally agree with this. :thumbup: xx
see whilst im not an angel mummy myself so cant begin to imagine the heart ache its caused.
but looking on an outsiders point of view i believe the storyline will make everyone become aware of just how awfull it is. Soaps do many story lines such as

break downs
drug addiction
dometic violence

you name it they have probably done it. If they stopped a storyline because of how it would affect the person then there would not be any soaps and i no myself from watching soaps have shed many tears over the story lines. As it makes me realise jus how awful the situation is and how sad it is.

I dont think they do all theses storyline in hope that it will help the viewers it has happend to deal with it any better as nothing can. But i think wat they try do do is let everybody else no how horrible it is and try to make others realise what people go through because unless you have been in that siyuation you never will no.

People are saying its making all angel mummys look physco but again i dont agree. Ronnie has had Loads happen to her including rape by her dad , 2 miscarages , her first born up for adoption only to be found then to die, her fathers death ,1 dead ex boyfriend , her current husband shot in the head ,I could go on forever. Not many angel mummys can say they have had All of whats happend to ronnie happen to them. Its no wonder she is going to do something "crazy" its showing just how desperate and vunrable she is.
Not how mad angel mummys are, i no im not going to be looking at the screen thinking u b**ch il probably be sat ther in floods of tears thinking u poor woman, i wouldnt wish it upon any1.

I thinks SIDS is a very sensitive subject and not 1 everyone feels they can really talk about to the people it has happend to. i think sometimes this is the only way for people to understand.

If anyone is offended by this then i am sorry that wasnt my intentions just trying to show an outsiders point of view i have the upper most respect for all you angel mummys xxx

I have to disagree with this comment, thye are filming scenes in where she steals another Mums baby.

I have been a Angel Mummy for over 3 years and i have read hundred of stories, i have met at least 200+ Angel Mummies and i have neveR encountered a Mum who stole another baby after theirs have died.

They are basically writing that we lose all mental functioning and steal another baby because ours has died.

We dont want anyone elses baby after our has passed away, we just want our OWN.

We have enough stigma when our kids die, comments like ''ooh your not going to steal my baby are you'' was 1 i got from a neighbour 11 days after Taylor died :cry:

You may feel this portrays real life, but its not.

Its going for ratings, shock and maximim impact.

They did it in the 80's with Sue and Ali Osman, her baby died from SIDS and they sectioned her!!!!!

The entire storyline up until his death is fin e but its what she does after wards which is offensive and crossing the line.
have no problem with them showing a cot death but as usual they have to go too far
Quote from above: I have to disagree with this comment, thye are filming scenes in where she steals another Mums baby.

I have been a Angel Mummy for over 3 years and i have read hundred of stories, i have met at least 200+ Angel Mummies and i have neveR encountered a Mum who stole another baby after theirs have died.

They are basically writing that we lose all mental functioning and steal another baby because ours has died.

We dont want anyone elses baby after our has passed away, we just want our OWN.

We have enough stigma when our kids die, comments like ''ooh your not going to steal my baby are you'' was 1 i got from a neighbour 11 days after Taylor died :cry:

You may feel this portrays real life, but its not.

Its going for ratings, shock and maximim impact.

They did it in the 80's with Sue and Ali Osman, her baby died from SIDS and they sectioned her!!!!!

The entire storyline up until his death is fin e but its what she does after wards which is offensive and crossing the line.[/QUOTE]


Totally agree hun, i think its terrible they are getting counselling for this when they are just acting this, Some of us have to live with the death of a child (the most horrendous loss ever anyone has to cope with) all our life. We dont just get to act it, have counselling and go home to our perfects lives we have to wake up every day with the grief, pain, sadness, loss, heartache and many more emotions i wont list.

sorry but this is just to get viewers and like has been said we dont want to kidnap " a baby" we just want our baby alive and well. No other baby would ever substitute. even tho i have 2 gorgeous boys i have a hole in my heart and life where my 3rd beautiful angel should be!! :((((((

m xx
Quote from above: I have to disagree with this comment, thye are filming scenes in where she steals another Mums baby.

I have been a Angel Mummy for over 3 years and i have read hundred of stories, i have met at least 200+ Angel Mummies and i have neveR encountered a Mum who stole another baby after theirs have died.

They are basically writing that we lose all mental functioning and steal another baby because ours has died.

We dont want anyone elses baby after our has passed away, we just want our OWN.

We have enough stigma when our kids die, comments like ''ooh your not going to steal my baby are you'' was 1 i got from a neighbour 11 days after Taylor died :cry:

You may feel this portrays real life, but its not.

Its going for ratings, shock and maximim impact.

They did it in the 80's with Sue and Ali Osman, her baby died from SIDS and they sectioned her!!!!!

The entire storyline up until his death is fin e but its what she does after wards which is offensive and crossing the line.


Totally agree hun, i think its terrible they are getting counselling for this when they are just acting this, Some of us have to live with the death of a child (the most horrendous loss ever anyone has to cope with) all our life. We dont just get to act it, have counselling and go home to our perfects lives we have to wake up every day with the grief, pain, sadness, loss, heartache and many more emotions i wont list.

sorry but this is just to get viewers and like has been said we dont want to kidnap " a baby" we just want our baby alive and well. No other baby would ever substitute. even tho i have 2 gorgeous boys i have a hole in my heart and life where my 3rd beautiful angel should be!! :((((((

m xx[/QUOTE]

My heart goes out to all of you :hugs:
My heart goes out to all the angels mum's, It's not fair at all. I think Eastenders will open wounds for families that have lost a LO and cause contraversy about the fact Ronnie steels a baby because thats what all mum's do after loosing a LO :nope:. It's absolute rubbish. I have sent a email complaint in, not that it will make much difference but made me feel a bit better.For anyone who has a child this will be hard to watch let alone a mum/family that have lost one. I can't believe how much it's actually annoyed me. And yes I know they do stories on murder, rape, drugs, but none of them in soap history stole a baby! Even when Emmerdale done the story of lexy loosing the baby and taking Nicolas she didnt do a runner or anything like the Eastenders storyline. Theres doing a good story to reach people but in a round about way, not stealing a child and swapping :growlmad:
They will never change the storey like people will tune in to see how gruesome it is and some to complain after. Either way they get so many people watching to find out what all this uproar is about and saying staff needed councilling is going to make poeple want to see why also. But if a twisted way to get viewers that. It will indeed be a sad christmas, not one like the past where someone was killed in some predictable way and we all had to guess by who, that we all knew to be just normal xmas eastenders this has actually went further deep down into something I actually dont want to see.
This is the message i got back off the BBC:

Thanks for contacting us.

We’re sorry you’re not happy EastEnders is planning a storyline involving the death of Ronnie Mitchell’s baby.

It's true that Ronnie has had an extremely tough time of it already. However, just as in real life this doesn't preclude her from further tragedy.

We do appreciate that for viewers who have personally been affected by sudden infant death syndrome this storyline will have particular resonance. However, EastEnders is a drama which explores many difficult issues, and as you would expect, inevitably these do sometimes touch a nerve with some sections of the audience.

We have sought guidance and advice from the FSID, as well as speaking to parents who themselves have lost babies through cot death, to ensure that our portrayal is as sensitive and realistic as possible.

Please be assured I've registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that's circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.

The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.

Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.

Kind Regards

BBC Audience Services

What a joke I think anyways
This is the message i got back off the BBC:

Thanks for contacting us.

We’re sorry you’re not happy EastEnders is planning a storyline involving the death of Ronnie Mitchell’s baby.

It's true that Ronnie has had an extremely tough time of it already. However, just as in real life this doesn't preclude her from further tragedy.

We do appreciate that for viewers who have personally been affected by sudden infant death syndrome this storyline will have particular resonance. However, EastEnders is a drama which explores many difficult issues, and as you would expect, inevitably these do sometimes touch a nerve with some sections of the audience.

We have sought guidance and advice from the FSID, as well as speaking to parents who themselves have lost babies through cot death, to ensure that our portrayal is as sensitive and realistic as possible.

Please be assured I've registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that's circulated to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.

The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.

Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.

Kind Regards

BBC Audience Services

What a joke I think anyways

Thats the exact same email i received.

V xxx
So they send generic emails because they give a s**t really anf fob people off. I bet nonone even reads it, it's just a bounce back email that just fills in the gaps depending what its regarding
They have no intention of pulling the storyline


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