see whilst im not an angel mummy myself so cant begin to imagine the heart ache its caused.
but looking on an outsiders point of view i believe the storyline will make everyone become aware of just how awfull it is. Soaps do many story lines such as
break downs
drug addiction
dometic violence
you name it they have probably done it. If they stopped a storyline because of how it would affect the person then there would not be any soaps and i no myself from watching soaps have shed many tears over the story lines. As it makes me realise jus how awful the situation is and how sad it is.
I dont think they do all theses storyline in hope that it will help the viewers it has happend to deal with it any better as nothing can. But i think wat they try do do is let everybody else no how horrible it is and try to make others realise what people go through because unless you have been in that siyuation you never will no.
People are saying its making all angel mummys look physco but again i dont agree. Ronnie has had Loads happen to her including rape by her dad , 2 miscarages , her first born up for adoption only to be found then to die, her fathers death ,1 dead ex boyfriend , her current husband shot in the head ,I could go on forever. Not many angel mummys can say they have had All of whats happend to ronnie happen to them. Its no wonder she is going to do something "crazy" its showing just how desperate and vunrable she is.
Not how mad angel mummys are, i no im not going to be looking at the screen thinking u b**ch il probably be sat ther in floods of tears thinking u poor woman, i wouldnt wish it upon any1.
I thinks SIDS is a very sensitive subject and not 1 everyone feels they can really talk about to the people it has happend to. i think sometimes this is the only way for people to understand.
If anyone is offended by this then i am sorry that wasnt my intentions just trying to show an outsiders point of view i have the upper most respect for all you angel mummys xxx
I have to disagree with this comment, thye are filming scenes in where she steals another Mums baby.
I have been a Angel Mummy for over 3 years and i have read hundred of stories, i have met at least 200+ Angel Mummies and i have neveR encountered a Mum who stole another baby after theirs have died.
They are basically writing that we lose all mental functioning and steal another baby because ours has died.
We dont want anyone elses baby after our has passed away, we just want our OWN.
We have enough stigma when our kids die, comments like ''ooh your not going to steal my baby are you'' was 1 i got from a neighbour 11 days after Taylor died
You may feel this portrays real life, but its not.
Its going for ratings, shock and maximim impact.
They did it in the 80's with Sue and Ali Osman, her baby died from SIDS and they sectioned her!!!!!
The entire storyline up until his death is fin e but its what she does after wards which is offensive and crossing the line.