Cast sob, Filming Eastenders

It is a very sensitive subject, however rape is also a sensitive subject and i'm sure they've had lots of complaints from rape victims when a story of that is shown. It was like when hollyoaks got lots of complaints about a child abduction story (lucas or max, can't rem) around the same time Madeline Mcann went missing, but they still showed it!

Unfortunately they do do it for ratings, that's what the whole industry is about!
I don't call myself an 'angel mummy' purely because I am an atheist. However, I have lost twins.

I don't have any problem with the story line. Yes, they are doing it to get ratings and make money. However, if it raises awareness enough to even save one baby's life, it is worth it, IMO. It is means one person gets help when they need it, it is worth it.

I doubt I will watch it though, I would find it too upsetting, but I know it is going to be on, so I can avoid watching.

As for complaining about the actors needing counselling, we all know the press over-exaggerate things, and for all any of us know, any of the actors could have been affected in their personal lives by cot death or losing a child. Even if they haven't lost a child themselves, maybe a close relative or child has.
So the story goes as far as Kat and Alfie burying their child which actually sn't there child infact it's Ronnies and Ronnie still has Kats baby, OMG. I wonder how long they will drag it out for
see whilst im not an angel mummy myself so cant begin to imagine the heart ache its caused.
but looking on an outsiders point of view i believe the storyline will make everyone become aware of just how awfull it is. Soaps do many story lines such as

break downs
drug addiction
dometic violence

you name it they have probably done it. If they stopped a storyline because of how it would affect the person then there would not be any soaps and i no myself from watching soaps have shed many tears over the story lines. As it makes me realise jus how awful the situation is and how sad it is.

I dont think they do all theses storyline in hope that it will help the viewers it has happend to deal with it any better as nothing can. But i think wat they try do do is let everybody else no how horrible it is and try to make others realise what people go through because unless you have been in that siyuation you never will no.

People are saying its making all angel mummys look physco but again i dont agree. Ronnie has had Loads happen to her including rape by her dad , 2 miscarages , her first born up for adoption only to be found then to die, her fathers death ,1 dead ex boyfriend , her current husband shot in the head ,I could go on forever. Not many angel mummys can say they have had All of whats happend to ronnie happen to them. Its no wonder she is going to do something "crazy" its showing just how desperate and vunrable she is.
Not how mad angel mummys are, i no im not going to be looking at the screen thinking u b**ch il probably be sat ther in floods of tears thinking u poor woman, i wouldnt wish it upon any1.

I thinks SIDS is a very sensitive subject and not 1 everyone feels they can really talk about to the people it has happend to. i think sometimes this is the only way for people to understand.

If anyone is offended by this then i am sorry that wasnt my intentions just trying to show an outsiders point of view i have the upper most respect for all you angel mummys xxx

I have to disagree with this comment, thye are filming scenes in where she steals another Mums baby.

I have been a Angel Mummy for over 3 years and i have read hundred of stories, i have met at least 200+ Angel Mummies and i have neveR encountered a Mum who stole another baby after theirs have died.

They are basically writing that we lose all mental functioning and steal another baby because ours has died.

We dont want anyone elses baby after our has passed away, we just want our OWN.

We have enough stigma when our kids die, comments like ''ooh your not going to steal my baby are you'' was 1 i got from a neighbour 11 days after Taylor died :cry:

You may feel this portrays real life, but its not.

Its going for ratings, shock and maximim impact.

They did it in the 80's with Sue and Ali Osman, her baby died from SIDS and they sectioned her!!!!!

The entire storyline up until his death is fin e but its what she does after wards which is offensive and crossing the line.

The thing is tho out of the 200 angel mummys you have spoke to have any of them had the exact same history as ronnie?

I dont doubt they are also doing it for the ratings but i dont feel that is the only reason. The amount "ronnie" has had to deal with loosing 2 children and having 2 miscares thats 4 babys 2 before born and 2 after. shes desperate for a baby and is obviusly not thinking straight when she acts.

tbh i think it will raise more awarness about SIDS and could potentially save lives in the future,
Im sure there was plenty of other people who didnt agree with a certain subject in a soap ie rape or sexual abuse but if its not something that has affected you persoanlly then no doubt you probably wouldnt think twice and just watch the soap as usual and think its sad at the time.

Theres never going to be a completly satisfied audience. but i definetly see it as something more educational as a pose to something that tarnishes angel mummys in seeiming they are "crazy kidnappers" everyones story is individual to them and i guess this is just ronnies story no one elses xxx
see whilst im not an angel mummy myself so cant begin to imagine the heart ache its caused.
but looking on an outsiders point of view i believe the storyline will make everyone become aware of just how awfull it is. Soaps do many story lines such as

break downs
drug addiction
dometic violence

you name it they have probably done it. If they stopped a storyline because of how it would affect the person then there would not be any soaps and i no myself from watching soaps have shed many tears over the story lines. As it makes me realise jus how awful the situation is and how sad it is.

I dont think they do all theses storyline in hope that it will help the viewers it has happend to deal with it any better as nothing can. But i think wat they try do do is let everybody else no how horrible it is and try to make others realise what people go through because unless you have been in that siyuation you never will no.

People are saying its making all angel mummys look physco but again i dont agree. Ronnie has had Loads happen to her including rape by her dad , 2 miscarages , her first born up for adoption only to be found then to die, her fathers death ,1 dead ex boyfriend , her current husband shot in the head ,I could go on forever. Not many angel mummys can say they have had All of whats happend to ronnie happen to them. Its no wonder she is going to do something "crazy" its showing just how desperate and vunrable she is.
Not how mad angel mummys are, i no im not going to be looking at the screen thinking u b**ch il probably be sat ther in floods of tears thinking u poor woman, i wouldnt wish it upon any1.

I thinks SIDS is a very sensitive subject and not 1 everyone feels they can really talk about to the people it has happend to. i think sometimes this is the only way for people to understand.

If anyone is offended by this then i am sorry that wasnt my intentions just trying to show an outsiders point of view i have the upper most respect for all you angel mummys xxx

I have to disagree with this comment, thye are filming scenes in where she steals another Mums baby.

I have been a Angel Mummy for over 3 years and i have read hundred of stories, i have met at least 200+ Angel Mummies and i have neveR encountered a Mum who stole another baby after theirs have died.

They are basically writing that we lose all mental functioning and steal another baby because ours has died.

We dont want anyone elses baby after our has passed away, we just want our OWN.

We have enough stigma when our kids die, comments like ''ooh your not going to steal my baby are you'' was 1 i got from a neighbour 11 days after Taylor died :cry:

You may feel this portrays real life, but its not.

Its going for ratings, shock and maximim impact.

They did it in the 80's with Sue and Ali Osman, her baby died from SIDS and they sectioned her!!!!!

The entire storyline up until his death is fin e but its what she does after wards which is offensive and crossing the line.

The thing is tho out of the 200 angel mummys you have spoke to have any of them had the exact same history as ronnie?

I dont doubt they are also doing it for the ratings but i dont feel that is the only reason. The amount "ronnie" has had to deal with loosing 2 children and having 2 miscares thats 4 babys 2 before born and 2 after. shes desperate for a baby and is obviusly not thinking straight when she acts.

tbh i think it will raise more awarness about SIDS and could potentially save lives in the future,
Im sure there was plenty of other people who didnt agree with a certain subject in a soap ie rape or sexual abuse but if its not something that has affected you persoanlly then no doubt you probably wouldnt think twice and just watch the soap as usual and think its sad at the time.

Theres never going to be a completly satisfied audience. but i definetly see it as something more educational as a pose to something that tarnishes angel mummys in seeiming they are "crazy kidnappers" everyones story is individual to them and i guess this is just ronnies story no one elses xxx

this is a better way of wolding what i said......... I competely agree!
:cry: as much as I dont want to watch it I know I will, self torture is all I seem to do lately :(

I am so thankful they are raising awareness its fab BUT they are going about it in totally the wrong way. When you find you baby lifeless, you just want to make them breath, you want to see the life reappear, you want YOUR baby not any baby.

The affect on the baby dying would do the job without swapping the baby. its just not realistic imo.

at least what they are doing is ACTING this is real life for us and its disgusting we get no support!!!!
and doing it at christmas? it goes without saying that its totally wrong :cry:
I dont think they should pull it completely ... just rewrite some parts, they have BAGS of time to do that!!
I think if people disagree with it and feel strongly about it they should right a complaint like me and V did. I know it wont stop it being aired but wil certainlly get peoples opionions heard
I will not be watching this storyline.
SIDS is my biggest fear, i cannot imagine how anybody who has lost their baby in this way could possibly feel, im not going to pretend to.
Why show this at Christmas, a time when every angel mummy will be thinking about what their baby should be doing? Why not have a happy bloody storyline for once? We watch tv to escape from our lives, ok i know life ain't a bed of roses, but at christmas we want something to lift our spirits.
I really dont want my mum to watch this, we lost my little sister to anencephaly september before last and Christmas is so hard for her (and the rest of the family). It's true what some of the girls are saying they don't want anybody elses baby they want the one they carried back :(

I find it too close to the knuckle, they're not going to pull the storyline so i'm just going to boycott it, i will turn the telly over. :(
if you sky+ it will it show as a viewing? I want to watch (like I said, self torture) and I want to see how 'real' they make the death, as I believe it could be really effective if it wasnt for the swap storyline. but I certainly dont want to add to their viewing numbers!
I dont think they should pull it completely ... just rewrite some parts, they have BAGS of time to do that!!

exactly, like they rewrote the thing with lucas after those prostitutes were murdered in the woods. (i think? fuzzy memory, but im sure i remember them rewriting something to do with that :shrug:)

and they added in references to michael jackson's death the day after it happened
I dont watch Eastenders so I wont be watching this but I agree with some of the others that maybe they could re-write some of it.

I know this is a little off discussion but surely Kat would know that the baby in the cot isnt hers???
I know from the moment I laid eyes on Finley I would know his face forever, I could pick him out from a 100 babies x
This is just a question which i dont know the answer too not my opinion btw x

My heart sincerely goes out to all the angel mummies xxxx
I don't watch Eastenders either ... precisely because of their tendency to take storylines that 'step too far' :nope:

It's not about raising the profile of issues or highlighting what people go through - that's just bollox and they say that this is their aim just so that they can get away with what they do .... and what they really do is to exploit real people's pain for 'entertainment' :sick:

OK - all soaps do this to some extent :shrug: but imho Eastenders steps over the line between empathy and exploitation far too often :nope:
i do think its a good thing to make SIDS less taboo but like others have said re-write the swap part, i understand its gonna be a combination of all the things that Ronnie has had happen to her bascially coming to a head but read what the angel mummys have said and i read the loss section (probably more than i should not having had lost a child myself) but all they want is their own baby back with them not someone else's. the story line is upsetting me already

and doing it at christmas is bascially rubbing salt into very open wounds to anyone its shameful they are doing it to bring the viewers in could they not do it at another time of year it wouldnt be easier but as if people who have lost kids arent going to need to struggle through christmas day as it is they will probably think they have made it through dinner and the main festivities of the day just to settle down watch eastenders and have there heartbroken again

im really angry about this xx
see whilst im not an angel mummy myself so cant begin to imagine the heart ache its caused.
but looking on an outsiders point of view i believe the storyline will make everyone become aware of just how awfull it is. Soaps do many story lines such as

break downs
drug addiction
dometic violence

you name it they have probably done it. If they stopped a storyline because of how it would affect the person then there would not be any soaps and i no myself from watching soaps have shed many tears over the story lines. As it makes me realise jus how awful the situation is and how sad it is.

I dont think they do all theses storyline in hope that it will help the viewers it has happend to deal with it any better as nothing can. But i think wat they try do do is let everybody else no how horrible it is and try to make others realise what people go through because unless you have been in that siyuation you never will no.

People are saying its making all angel mummys look physco but again i dont agree. Ronnie has had Loads happen to her including rape by her dad , 2 miscarages , her first born up for adoption only to be found then to die, her fathers death ,1 dead ex boyfriend , her current husband shot in the head ,I could go on forever. Not many angel mummys can say they have had All of whats happend to ronnie happen to them. Its no wonder she is going to do something "crazy" its showing just how desperate and vunrable she is.
Not how mad angel mummys are, i no im not going to be looking at the screen thinking u b**ch il probably be sat ther in floods of tears thinking u poor woman, i wouldnt wish it upon any1.

I thinks SIDS is a very sensitive subject and not 1 everyone feels they can really talk about to the people it has happend to. i think sometimes this is the only way for people to understand.

If anyone is offended by this then i am sorry that wasnt my intentions just trying to show an outsiders point of view i have the upper most respect for all you angel mummys xxx

I have to disagree with this comment, thye are filming scenes in where she steals another Mums baby.

I have been a Angel Mummy for over 3 years and i have read hundred of stories, i have met at least 200+ Angel Mummies and i have neveR encountered a Mum who stole another baby after theirs have died.

They are basically writing that we lose all mental functioning and steal another baby because ours has died.

We dont want anyone elses baby after our has passed away, we just want our OWN.

We have enough stigma when our kids die, comments like ''ooh your not going to steal my baby are you'' was 1 i got from a neighbour 11 days after Taylor died :cry:

You may feel this portrays real life, but its not.

Its going for ratings, shock and maximim impact.

They did it in the 80's with Sue and Ali Osman, her baby died from SIDS and they sectioned her!!!!!

The entire storyline up until his death is fin e but its what she does after wards which is offensive and crossing the line.

The thing is tho out of the 200 angel mummys you have spoke to have any of them had the exact same history as ronnie?

I dont doubt they are also doing it for the ratings but i dont feel that is the only reason. The amount "ronnie" has had to deal with loosing 2 children and having 2 miscares thats 4 babys 2 before born and 2 after. shes desperate for a baby and is obviusly not thinking straight when she acts.

tbh i think it will raise more awarness about SIDS and could potentially save lives in the future,
Im sure there was plenty of other people who didnt agree with a certain subject in a soap ie rape or sexual abuse but if its not something that has affected you persoanlly then no doubt you probably wouldnt think twice and just watch the soap as usual and think its sad at the time.

Theres never going to be a completly satisfied audience. but i definetly see it as something more educational as a pose to something that tarnishes angel mummys in seeiming they are "crazy kidnappers" everyones story is individual to them and i guess this is just ronnies story no one elses xxx

Ronnie is a fictional character in a soap, and according to the website, Eastenders is meant to reflect real life.... this storyline is up untill she takes a baby that isnt hers

Whether its 200 Angel mums, 2000 or 2 million, they wouldnt steal another baby, we just want our own.

if you sky+ it will it show as a viewing? I want to watch (like I said, self torture) and I want to see how 'real' they make the death, as I believe it could be really effective if it wasnt for the swap storyline. but I certainly dont want to add to their viewing numbers!

I dont think it will.

V xxx
tbh it really shouldnt be eastenders we look to for sids awareness its doctors and midwifes they would give us the proper info without the drama xx
tbh it really shouldnt be eastenders we look to for sids awareness its doctors and midwifes they would give us the proper info without the drama xx

Exactly - this isn't about raising awareness of anything ... it's a soap opera at the end of the day so it's about viewing figures :growlmad:

And to screen such a thing over Xmas, which is the hardest time of the year for everyone who's lost someone and particularly those who have lost children is just .... well , words fail me :shrug:

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