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CBFM Buddy

... Still waiting for :witch: ... :haha:

Are late mrs. B? There's alway hope until she actually shows up!

I dont have regular cycles (see my signature for lengths), waiting for her to show so I can start being investigated by docs as they dont think I'm ovulating, feel bad for cheering her on lol x

Ah, I see - it must be so frustrating not to know what's going on in your cycle. At least you've got the ball rolling to get it all figured out. I know I feel better as long as I feel like I'm doing something, or have some sort of plan. Fingers crossed that AF does finally arrive then, so you can proceed with the diagnostic work.

Thankyou, Yes I am the same rather know whats going on x
I got my peak this morning :dance: I should o tomorrow! Not feeling very "in" with a shot this month.. but I guess time will tell.
I got my peak this morning :dance: I should o tomorrow! Not feeling very "in" with a shot this month.. but I guess time will tell.

We are cbfm twins then - it's my first peak too! A little worried about my luteal phase but I guess we'll see what happens in 11 days!
ovulation cramp the day i got my peak. does that mean i ovulated that day?
Im in so much pain today, all over my left side on the hip, lower back and abdomen! OUCH!
I got my peak this morning :dance: I should o tomorrow! Not feeling very "in" with a shot this month.. but I guess time will tell.

We are cbfm twins then - it's my first peak too! A little worried about my luteal phase but I guess we'll see what happens in 11 days!

:happydance: Yay!! Do you get o pain at all?? I have NO idea when I o'd this weekend, but I do think its already happened...i have a suspiscion it was last night. Can you girls take a look at my chart and help me try to figure it out. Here is what's going on:

None of my things correlate this month, my temps don't line up with my cramps or my peaks, so I don't know what to believe :wacko: According to my temps I o'd Friday right? because of the big jump in temp the next day? And I also had EWCM that day and only that day. BUT...my LH serge was during one of my peaks so that doesn't make sense?? And last night (CD17) I had the most painful I don't know what it was on my left side, it was so bad I had to go to bed early, it hurt to stand and walk, it wasn't cramp like...almost unexplainable, but def in the uterus area...so might that have been o pain??? Which doesn't line up with my cm or temps :wacko: but my cervix was high soft and open yesterday...it wasn't really open today...ahhhh I don't know when I o'd I have to think I already did as my cm is gooey (sorry tmi) now and doesn't appear fertile anymore.... :help:
I got my peak this morning :dance: I should o tomorrow! Not feeling very "in" with a shot this month.. but I guess time will tell.

We are cbfm twins then - it's my first peak too! A little worried about my luteal phase but I guess we'll see what happens in 11 days!

:happydance: Yay!! Do you get o pain at all?? I have NO idea when I o'd this weekend, but I do think its already happened...i have a suspiscion it was last night. Can you girls take a look at my chart and help me try to figure it out. Here is what's going on:

None of my things correlate this month, my temps don't line up with my cramps or my peaks, so I don't know what to believe :wacko: According to my temps I o'd Friday right? because of the big jump in temp the next day? And I also had EWCM that day and only that day. BUT...my LH serge was during one of my peaks so that doesn't make sense?? And last night (CD17) I had the most painful I don't know what it was on my left side, it was so bad I had to go to bed early, it hurt to stand and walk, it wasn't cramp like...almost unexplainable, but def in the uterus area...so might that have been o pain??? Which doesn't line up with my cm or temps :wacko: but my cervix was high soft and open yesterday...it wasn't really open today...ahhhh I don't know when I o'd I have to think I already did as my cm is gooey (sorry tmi) now and doesn't appear fertile anymore.... :help:

Hey there! Not really sure what's going on either (for you or for me). Very new to this charting business, but maybe post on a charting thread and see if any of the ladies there can help? I really think only the thermal shift can tell you that you've ovulated for sure, and FF requires 3 days of sustained higher temps to determine ovulation, so I think you'll probably have to sit tight few more days and see what your temps do.

This is my first real month temping, and I'm not seeing a thermal shift yet either, even though I'm pretty sure I O'ed already. In my case, I got a positive OPK on Friday and yesterday, and my first peak yesterday, second peak today. According to FF I'm due to ovulate today. However, my most fertile CM was Thursday and Friday, not really having that much yesterday or today. I felt like I might be O'ing yesterday, as I had some crampy pain, but I don't usually notice O pains, so I'm not sure. I was expecting/hoping for thermal shift today, but nada - same temp as usual, right around 97. I went back to sleep and took my temp 2 hours later than normal and it was 97.6, which is much higher than normal, but maybe that's because it was later in the day?

Really hoping my temp tomorrow helps shed some light!!

I would say keeping b'ding today and tomorrow if possible, just to be sure. Hang in there!
ahh! Sounds like we are in the very same boat! I did post on ttc but no one ever answers any of my threads, I don't know why I bother :( I can't bd...hubby is still out of town, he gets back tomorrow night and we will dtd then but I feel like it will be too late by then? I don't have a very good feeling about this month since he was away through my whole fertile period.

Can you send me a link to your chart? I swore I o'd last night too, but my temp didn't prove that this AM so I'm confused!!
ahh! Sounds like we are in the very same boat! I did post on ttc but no one ever answers any of my threads, I don't know why I bother :( I can't bd...hubby is still out of town, he gets back tomorrow night and we will dtd then but I feel like it will be too late by then? I don't have a very good feeling about this month since he was away through my whole fertile period.

Can you send me a link to your chart? I swore I o'd last night too, but my temp didn't prove that this AM so I'm confused!!

Ah right - I forgot he was away this week. It might not be too late - especially if you O'ed today. I've heard that most people O on their second peak day? Once the CBFM picks up the LH surge, ovulation can happen 12-48 hours later I've heard. So you could even O tomorrow. One last word of encouragement - sometimes the monitor might pick up your LH surge on it's way up, or on it's way down. If yesterday it was just on it's way up, that's even more promising... And worst case, there's always next month - I know, brutal, but you've got to keep looking onward and upward. I saw someone's quote about life being about not weathering the storm, but dancing in the rain, and for some reason that hit home with me. Important to stay focused on the positive.

Anyway, here is a link to my chart:

My Ovulation Chart

As you can see, my signs seem to point to ovulation probably yesterday, but no big rise in temp yet.

Also, have you tried posting on FF chatrooms? I feel like they must be experts over there, and I think you can even email one of their official experts? Finally, there is another forum - a British one - that I like. mumsnet.com. I've not yet looked at their charting forum (filed under TTC), but I've heard good things from other posters. Sounds like they know what's up.

Hang in there!
Thanks hun...I can't post in FF because I'm not a paying member :blush: I think from looking at our charts we will both get a big rise in temp tomorrow meaning will will have o'd at some point today. I'm just confused because I haven't gotten my usual o cramps...and I always do. But my hopes are not totally crushed, we will dtd when he gets home tomorrow and just hope and pray we still catch that egg! I love that we are like identical cycle buddies :D

PS I do think my LH serge was on its way up yesterday as today's LH line was darker!
Thanks hun...I can't post in FF because I'm not a paying member :blush: I think from looking at our charts we will both get a big rise in temp tomorrow meaning will will have o'd at some point today. I'm just confused because I haven't gotten my usual o cramps...and I always do. But my hopes are not totally crushed, we will dtd when he gets home tomorrow and just hope and pray we still catch that egg! I love that we are like identical cycle buddies :D

PS I do think my LH serge was on its way up yesterday as today's LH line was darker!

Gotcha - I just broke down and subscribed because realistically I think it might be a few more months and I just have to have those advanced, fancy VIP tools (I'm a sucker.)

I think you still have a really good chance if the line was darker today than yesterday. I'm using OPKs in addition to the CBFM, and for me, the line on the OPK was *almost* as dark as the control line on Friday when I tested in the morning - so technically it was negative. I had a "high" on the CBFM as well, so it wasn't picking up a surge. When I tested later in the day, the OPK was definitely positive. Then when I tested yesterday morning, I got my first peak, and the OPK was the darkest ever. Today, the line is faint on both the OPK and the CBFM. So I think my peak surge started on Friday, peaked sometime late Friday through yesterday, and it's over now. Which means, ovulation was probably late yesterday or today, but possibly even early tomorrow since you can O up to 48 hours after the surge. And since your line was darker today, I think you are really surging today. So O may very well be late today or tomorrow, and maybe even the next day. And since the egg is good for 12-24 hours, I think you do have a chance. In general, of course I think the more BDing leading up to O the better, but I wouldn't count yourself out. I guess just don't make yourself too crazy during the 2WW, so you're not disappointed? I know that's hard to do. Every month I'm convinced I'm preggo - and never a BFP.
Thanks...it sounds like you may be right! I can't help but obsess every month too...its hard not to when most pregnancy signs are the same as pms signs :roll: Do you have a ttc journal?
No, no ttc journal. What is that exactly?
Just a place you can keep track of everything, click on mine below (Chapter 3 - The newest Edition link) and you can see all of my madness :haha:

How was your temp today hun? Mine went up from 97.70 to 97.97 :shrug:
Well, that's signicantly higher, for sure, which means maybe you o'ed yesterday? However, FF is telling me there's a chance my o might even be as late as today, based on the monitor, so I would still pounce when your hubby gets home!

My temp is also on the rise. Was 96.85 (low) on saturday, 97.02 (normal) yesterday, and now 97.5, which is definitely higher than normal. Yay! Im Just glad to have cinfirmation that i am indeed ovulating. I'm guessing I o'ed either yesterday or maybe saturday. I'll be so happy when FF confirms the date. A cool feature of the VIP is that it give you an in depth analysis of all your signs (cm, temp, monitor, CP etc) and tells you what your likely o date is. That being said, my range is Friday-today, so it's not really telling me that much new. Did the did one more time this morning for insurance, but so glad to be able to take a break. Now, the two week wait! Due for AF on 11/25.
I am thinking I might o today too...it's weird but usually by now my cm has started to go the other direction and I just checked it and its still creamy...:shrug: I am so confused!! Guess I'll know when FF tells me, though with only the complimentary version I don't know how accurate it will be?? My monitor gave me a high by default today, it didn't ask me for a stick as I've already used 10 and seen a peak. I wanted so badly to pee on one anyway so I could analyze it :rofl: How is your cm today?

My AF is due on the 25th too! :shock:
Hey Ladies!!

Daisy, you will totally have your Little One soon, dont worry. I know how stressful this can be! I am CD3 now and have been trying since August as well. Stay positive, it will happen for ALL of us!
Quick question for Mrs. B - Mrs. B, why doesnt the doc think you are ovulating? I thought FF gave you solid lines each month, no?
ahh! Sounds like we are in the very same boat! I did post on ttc but no one ever answers any of my threads, I don't know why I bother :( I can't bd...hubby is still out of town, he gets back tomorrow night and we will dtd then but I feel like it will be too late by then? I don't have a very good feeling about this month since he was away through my whole fertile period.

Can you send me a link to your chart? I swore I o'd last night too, but my temp didn't prove that this AM so I'm confused!!

Ah right - I forgot he was away this week. It might not be too late - especially if you O'ed today. I've heard that most people O on their second peak day? Once the CBFM picks up the LH surge, ovulation can happen 12-48 hours later I've heard. So you could even O tomorrow. One last word of encouragement - sometimes the monitor might pick up your LH surge on it's way up, or on it's way down. If yesterday it was just on it's way up, that's even more promising... And worst case, there's always next month - I know, brutal, but you've got to keep looking onward and upward. I saw someone's quote about life being about not weathering the storm, but dancing in the rain, and for some reason that hit home with me. Important to stay focused on the positive.

Anyway, here is a link to my chart:

My Ovulation Chart

As you can see, my signs seem to point to ovulation probably yesterday, but no big rise in temp yet.

Also, have you tried posting on FF chatrooms? I feel like they must be experts over there, and I think you can even email one of their official experts? Finally, there is another forum - a British one - that I like. mumsnet.com. I've not yet looked at their charting forum (filed under TTC), but I've heard good things from other posters. Sounds like they know what's up.

Hang in there!

I have an LP of 11 days too! That is normal, dont worry - my doc says anything 10 and under may be an issue
I am thinking I might o today too...it's weird but usually by now my cm has started to go the other direction and I just checked it and its still creamy...:shrug: I am so confused!! Guess I'll know when FF tells me, though with only the complimentary version I don't know how accurate it will be?? My monitor gave me a high by default today, it didn't ask me for a stick as I've already used 10 and seen a peak. I wanted so badly to pee on one anyway so I could analyze it :rofl: How is your cm today?

My AF is due on the 25th too! :shock:

I think the free FF is equally accurate - I wouldn't worry about that. Not really sure what my cm is doing. I definitely noticed it on Friday - lots of watery/EWCM, but since then it's been a lot less, and honestly, I cant tell which is his and which is mine lately. If you know what I mean! It's still clear though, but not as stretchy. I'm peeing on sticks for the full 20 days I think, as it's my first cycle with CBFM and I got my peak on the later side. I wish I could stop POAS, since I know I already o'd. Going to try to wait to test until the 26 or 27, but we'll see how that goes!

Jchic - thanks for the reassuring words! Glad to know 11 day LP Is ok. I am actually not really sure how long it is, since this is my first month charting. Last month I based it off of the opk and my cm, so not sure how accurate that is. Will be very interested to see what FF tells me about that, once this cycle is complete.
Hey Ladies!!

Daisy, you will totally have your Little One soon, don't worry. I know how stressful this can be! I am CD3 now and have been trying since August as well. Stay positive, it will happen for ALL of us!
Quick question for Mrs. B - Mrs. B, why doesnt the doc think you are ovulating? I thought FF gave you solid lines each month, no?


FF gave me solid lines august cycle, that was my 19 day cycle, and even then lp was only 9 days if I did ovulate, The only other lines it has given me were In September, and I used Soy for that one. Other that that no :( and also the only time my CBFM has peaked was with the Soy...

She said my cycles wouldn't differ so much (19 - 40 ... up to 21 day difference) if I was and that teamed with my CBFM makes her pretty sure.

I guess the blood tests will tell, tbh I don't mind, as long as its fixable and I will still get my baby [-o<

I have always said I'd rather have a known problem that can be fixed than not know at all :shrug: xx

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