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CBFM Buddy

If you don't get your peak within the first 10 days it will ask for 10 more sticks unforunately. That happened on my first month using the monitor as well. Now it doesn't ask me to poas until CD9. So I use exactly 10. Though I wish I had been able to pee on just one more this morning...kind of curious if I would have gotten a 3rd peak?? I've seen it happen, and my 2nd peak was no where near as dark as it was the month before :shrug: Ahhh I'm a mess, lol.

I think I'm going to test on Thanksgiving (a day before AF is due) beacause it would be super awesome to get my bfp that day, we lost our first pregnancy on Thanksgiving in 2005. Would have a special meaning to get pregnant with our last baby on the day we lost our first.
If you don't get your peak within the first 10 days it will ask for 10 more sticks unforunately. That happened on my first month using the monitor as well. Now it doesn't ask me to poas until CD9. So I use exactly 10. Though I wish I had been able to pee on just one more this morning...kind of curious if I would have gotten a 3rd peak?? I've seen it happen, and my 2nd peak was no where near as dark as it was the month before :shrug: Ahhh I'm a mess, lol.

I think I'm going to test on Thanksgiving (a day before AF is due) beacause it would be super awesome to get my bfp that day, we lost our first pregnancy on Thanksgiving in 2005. Would have a special meaning to get pregnant with our last baby on the day we lost our first.

I was thinking that too - to test on Thanksgiving. :) That would be an amazing gift to be thankful for! On the flip side, I don't want to be too disappointed if it's BFN - I would hate for that to dampen the holiday. Also, testing on the 24th will be ~11 DPO, which i think is too soon for a BFP. But who am I kidding - I will prob also test on Thanksgiving.

Mrs. B, I'm sorry to hear of your irregular cycle - must be frustrating, but at least you are now in the process of figuring out what's going on. I'm sure whatever it is, they'll be able to do something about it. :hugs:
I was thinking that too - to test on Thanksgiving. :) That would be an amazing gift to be thankful for! On the flip side, I don't want to be too disappointed if it's BFN - I would hate for that to dampen the holiday. Also, testing on the 24th will be ~11 DPO, which i think is too soon for a BFP. But who am I kidding - I will prob also test on Thanksgiving.

I know its different for everyone but I got my bfp with both of my kids at 10dpo so that's when I usually test...I'll hold out that extra day though cause it would be more meaningful.
I was thinking that too - to test on Thanksgiving. :) That would be an amazing gift to be thankful for! On the flip side, I don't want to be too disappointed if it's BFN - I would hate for that to dampen the holiday. Also, testing on the 24th will be ~11 DPO, which i think is too soon for a BFP. But who am I kidding - I will prob also test on Thanksgiving.

I know its different for everyone but I got my bfp with both of my kids at 10dpo so that's when I usually test...I'll hold out that extra day though cause it would be more meaningful.

Ok, ok - I'm in! Let's be testing buddies!
Ok, ok - I'm in! Let's be testing buddies!

Wohoo!! :wohoo: Mark your calendar...November 24th! I see you live in the states too...are you on the east coast? I got confirmation that I did indeed o on CD18 so I am 2dpo today. My cervix is low and firm this morning. Got in a last minute bd last night so fingers are crossed!
I do - I'm in NJ. So happy for you that you got in your BD! Really not sure what is going on with me or when I ovulated. I was pretty sure it was late Saturday or Sunday (CD 17 or 18), based on CBFM, OPK and temp shift yesterday. But yesterday, I also had watery CM, but I'm not sure if it was really mine, or if (TMI alert) I was leaking from bding in the morning. To confuse matters further, I woke up at 6 this morning and had to pee, which messed up my charting. I usually get up every night to pee, but it's usually at 3 or 4, maybe 5 am. I take my temp at 7 or so. So I took my temp before getting up at 6, and it was down from yesterday - went from 97.5, down to 92 something. 92 is higher than my temps on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but not high enough that I feel confident that I'm showing a sustained thermal shift. Finally, I took my temp again at 7, the normal time, after going back to bed once I'd peed at 6, and it was 97.7+! So I'm really not sure which temp to chart since the second one may well be high because i had gotten up an hour earlier, and I'm not 100% sure I did indeed ovulate. We bd'ed the last time yesterday morning. Didn't feel like it last night, and no time this morning. FF is telling me I'm still fertile (based on the cm yesterday i think) so I'm a little aggravated and wondering ofer should still be bding. Ahh! Not really checking cervix because I'm really not sure I've figured out where it is or what it feels like, but I think it it high and firm today. Any thoughts??

So glad you got your BD in!!
Correction! Temp at 6 went down to 97.2 something, not 92!
I would throw out todays temp completely, since you woke too early and when you retook it you hadn't gotten the full 3 hours of sleep so it wasn't accurate. Going by your chart I would say you o'd on CD18 too, since you got a - opk that day and were on your 2nd peak and you got a nice temp shift the following morning :thumbup: We should know by Thursday...I think that is when FF will give us crosshairs. If you want put in dummy temps for the next couple of days just to see where FF will put your crosshairs. I did this and played around with the numbers and it kept putting mine on CD18.
This site is VERY graphic and not for the faint of heart but if your curious as to know more about your cervix, what it looks like and how to find it this site helped me loads! (I never knew what to look for either) But be forewarned it contains very graphic photos!! https://www.beautifulcervix.com/
Thanks for all the advice! I think you are right about throwing out today's temps. I had put in the higher temp (because I'm a perfectionist, and of course I want the most perfect chart!), but I should have probably put in the lower temp with the early time. I think I'll wait until tomorrow (can't come fast enough) and see what that brings, and I might adjust the temp accordingly. I think this happened earlier in the cycle, where I woke up at 6, took my temp but didn't get up, went back to bed, took it again at 8. Since I take it at 7, I ended up just averaging the two numbers, and made a note of it.

I will take a look at those cervix pics later, when I'm not at work! I've seen a pic once, and it did help, but today when I went searching for it, I initially thought it was still soft, and only once I squatted did I get further up there (TMI TMI!) and found that it was firm. The texture I think I've got a handle on, but I'm finding it really tough to determine position and forget about opening! Looking forward to looking at that site later - thanks!
Ha! Yeah you wouldn't want to get caught looking at that site at work :haha: I have the opposite problem...I am pretty good about position of the cervix, low, med, high but not soo good with the texture of it. If i can't reach it easily its high, if I can reach it and I'm about up to my knuckle I say its medium and if I only get in a little ways and can feel it right off its low (sorry tmi). Mine was low this morning and I checked it a bit ago and its medium now :shrug:
Ha! Yeah you wouldn't want to get caught looking at that site at work :haha: I have the opposite problem...I am pretty good about position of the cervix, low, med, high but not soo good with the texture of it. If i can't reach it easily its high, if I can reach it and I'm about up to my knuckle I say its medium and if I only get in a little ways and can feel it right off its low (sorry tmi). Mine was low this morning and I checked it a bit ago and its medium now :shrug:

I think the position changes throughout the day... From FF:

Checking your cervix position is a bit different than checking your cervical fluid. When you check your cervical fluid, it is recommended to check several times a day and note your most fertile fluid of the day. The cervix, however, may change position depending on the time of day. It is usually higher in the morning and lower in the evening, but your own experience may vary. It is thus recommended to choose a time of day to check your cervix and stick with it throughout the cycle, recording only the observation from the usual time

Don't know if that helps! I'm going to try to stick with checking in in the morning. I always have to go pretty far in order to reach it. I think when it is high/high I probably can't reach it at all - I didn't check it during O time since I had all the other signs - +OPK, EWCM etc.
Yeah I noticed it has been in differnt positions all day for me, so I think I'll stick to checking it in the morning too! I've been trying to do some research on temp rise after o...from what I've found your temp doesn't always rise the day after you o!

"It can take one to two days after ovulation for progesterone to build up enough to raise your body temperature. ...," says Tracy Telles, an obstetrician at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

This makes me question my o day...I was convinced I o'd on Saturday night as I was having very bad pains on my lower left side. My temp only went up a tiny bit so I was confused and I have no pain at all on CD18 but my temp rose almost .3 degrees! I'm thinking I o'd on CD17 now. :wacko: :haha:
Yeah I noticed it has been in differnt positions all day for me, so I think I'll stick to checking it in the morning too! I've been trying to do some research on temp rise after o...from what I've found your temp doesn't always rise the day after you o!

"It can take one to two days after ovulation for progesterone to build up enough to raise your body temperature. ...," says Tracy Telles, an obstetrician at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

This makes me question my o day...I was convinced I o'd on Saturday night as I was having very bad pains on my lower left side. My temp only went up a tiny bit so I was confused and I have no pain at all on CD18 but my temp rose almost .3 degrees! I'm thinking I o'd on CD17 now. :wacko: :haha:

How frustrating! So we might actually be o'ing earlier than we thought, if it takes a few days to have a temp increase. Hmm.. I guess the charting is still good just to confirm that there was, in fact, ovulation. I think we are all very obsessed with pinpointing O so we can be sure to BD at the right time and secondly, to figure out when to expect AF, but I guess the best we can do is narrow it down to a span of a few days. It probably means also that we should be having more sex - pre and post estimated O, just to cover our bases. Exhausting! I mean, it's fine, but sex for TTC is usually not spontaneous, and it gets old. Fast. :dohh: I think I might also have O'ed on the 17th, since I had my first + OPK the day before. I guess all we can really do is wait for FF, and wait to test!
Tell me about it, my head is spinning :haha: I think I need to walk away from the computer for awhile! I also found this on bnb...

"Only your first positive OPK counts. I'd say don't keep testing and wasting your tests. Because they show you the first rise which means that you'll ovulate in the next 12-48 hours. The second or third positive OPK means nothing.
I always got my temp rise 2 days after the first positive OPK."

seems to make sense...cause if I got my 1st serge on cd17 I o'd around 12 or so hours later. Could have been more, who knows when I would have gotten my peak, just because I tested in the AM doesn't mean it wouldn't have showed a few hours before that. Ahhhhh. It does make me feel a bit better as it would only put me 3 days away from my last bd instead of 4... :D
How frustrating! So we might actually be o'ing earlier than we thought, if it takes a few days to have a temp increase.

This is only in some cases, sometimes the rise will happen the day after but it can also happen 2 days after...from what I've been reading. Last month I got my rise when I was suppose to so it varies.
Got crosshairs this morning, says I o'd on cd18 (I still suspect cd17 but I'll leave them where they are) So I'm either 3 or 4dpo today :) Ahh back in the 2ww...gotta love it!
Ahhh the dreaded 2ww! Hopefully there will be some good news for you at the end of that Cre8tiv!
Haha - me too! Crosshairs on CD 18. I also think it might of been CD17 - so funny Cre8tivgirl how we are on the *exact* same cycle! When is AF due for you?

Feeling good as my temps are up, up up. Now I'm obsessing over my LP length. I know 11 days is "normal" but I also spot for a day or 2 before AF, and just feeling like it would be better if my LP were longer. I've been lurking on the B6 thread, and thinking about starting taking it. Anyone else taking it?

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