CBFM Buddy

Hi girls :flow:

Wondering if I could join you all? AF just came today to start me back at CD 1 and this will be my first cycle TTC #2. I've been using my CBFM for the last two cycles to get back in the swing of things before TTCing again and was totally surprised that my cycles are almost 10 days shorter and I ov 10 days sooner than before I had my son!

I TTC #1 for 6 months while using CBFM - I usually wasn't oving until close to CD 30 (if at all!) so I ended up taking soy and using CBFM the cycle that I conceived - hoping that since ov is coming much sooner now that I won't need the soy this time around!

I was excited to brush the dust off my trusty little machine - and even more excited that I have gotten a peak these past two months! Before when I used it I didn't get a peak the first few cycles (and was tempted to throw it in the trashcan) - although some of them were annovulatory anyways going by temps. I just hope that now that I am actually TTC again and not just 'tracking' that my cycles decide to continue to play nice and not go haywire all over again! I've been double checking with OPK the last two cycles but am going to start temping again this cycle since we are actually TTC now - missed this AM because AF arrived after I got to work so will start that tomorrow :dohh:

I am excited to start this journey again and hope that you girls will have me :flower:
Morning my lovelies :hugs: so 14 dpo and guess what.... I forgot to poas! :haha: how is it I can remember when I'm 6dpo? :haha: No af as yet and no symptoms so still thinking my chart is off and the monitor is right :shrug: so added in my peaks and crosshairs moved to cd22. Hope we are all ok :hugs:

Welcome sweetpea! :hugs: good to have you on board :happydance: xxx
Morning Chicky - your chart seems normal now don't you think? - I was playing with my chart and if I could just have a couple more higher temps I would have O and be in my 2ww :)haha: then I could POAS too)

I don't know what the score is after a DNC think I have to wait at least 6 weeks before cycle goes back to normal :cry:

How did you forget to POAS :winkwink:

Welcome oosweatpea glad you found us - anything you wanna know don't be scared to ask and we all love to POAS oooh and one more thing nothing is TMI isn't that right ladies:winkwink:

Pixie - Did you resist the urge to test?:flower:

Hopeful - Hope the :witch: isn't being to much of a bitch for you hun:hugs:

Briss - Fingers crossed for low FSH levels, when do you get your results back are you able to phone for them, good luck hun :flower:

Tink - Hope you are taking it easy :thumbup:

AFM - Still got a few more days before I can test (hopefully negative) and then my cycles are back to normal??? I have resisted the urge to POAS until Thursday (although were not there yet) but aren't I doing well:haha: Oh and this cycyle I am taking EPO and will start my grapefruit juice as soon as the :witch: arrives.


Welcome sweet pea

What's soy?? As lately I am OVing around cd30 too
And am willing to try anything lol

afm noting much to report cd6 still waiting to test on monitor luckily it hasn't asked today as ain't got no tests lol delivery ain't till the 29th - 30th

Oh and bloods came back normal was tested for full blood count and b12/folate and pre TTCing :)
Morning Chicky - your chart seems normal now don't you think? - I was playing with my chart and if I could just have a couple more higher temps I would have O and be in my 2ww :)haha: then I could POAS too)

I don't know what the score is after a DNC think I have to wait at least 6 weeks before cycle goes back to normal :cry:

How did you forget to POAS :winkwink:

Welcome oosweatpea glad you found us - anything you wanna know don't be scared to ask and we all love to POAS oooh and one more thing nothing is TMI isn't that right ladies:winkwink:

Pixie - Did you resist the urge to test?:flower:

Hopeful - Hope the :witch: isn't being to much of a bitch for you hun:hugs:

Briss - Fingers crossed for low FSH levels, when do you get your results back are you able to phone for them, good luck hun :flower:

Tink - Hope you are taking it easy :thumbup:

AFM - Still got a few more days before I can test (hopefully negative) and then my cycles are back to normal??? I have resisted the urge to POAS until Thursday (although were not there yet) but aren't I doing well:haha: Oh and this cycyle I am taking EPO and will start my grapefruit juice as soon as the :witch: arrives.



Hey garfie yep now I've added my peaks it does :winkwink: I had a feeling those higher temps from cd15 were a fluke an the cbfm confirmed it but didn't want to agree with it because I didn't want to be back a week! :haha: so now I wait another seven days :wacko:

Glad all your bloods came back good pixie :hugs: I'd like to know more about soy too!

And sweetpea I agree with garfie nothing is tmi in here! :happydance:

How are things Briss, tink and exilius? I just read your post Briss about fsh levels, lower is better right? Have you been googling? :winkwink: x
Hi ladies

re FSH, the lower your levels the better. basically higher FSH can indirectly indicate that your egg reserves are running out :( and as far as I know (googled it) in the UK they do not like it if your FSH is over 10 and quite after refuse to fund your IVF if you are above that level. I would need to wait until the end of my cycle monitoring and once all tests and scans are done they will invite me for another appointment and only then I will find out my results.
Aww Briss wishing u all the luck in the world for low FSH levels
Welcome sweet pea

What's soy?? As lately I am OVing around cd30 too
And am willing to try anything lol

Soy (soy isoflavones - a tablet) is used to bring forward (and strengthen) ovulation if you are having problems with ov'ing late or not at all. Some refer to it as 'Nature's Clomid' - it works in the same way :D

I did a lot of research before trying it and I do believe that it is what helped me to conceive - I was ov'ing pretty late, and sometimes not at all, and the second cycle I took soy was the cycle I got my bfp.

It's been two years since I took it however I remember the general jist of it - you take double the amount of soy isoflavones that you would if you were taking Clomid - ex. dr's usually start women out on 50 mg of Clomid for their first round to stimulate ovulation so you would take 100mg of soy isoflavones. If no ovulation, or it's still coming late, then you can up to 200mg soy (equal to 100mg Clomid) and see how that goes. You shouldn't take more than 300mg soy (equal to 150mg Clomid which I think is the highest dose in general cases?) however I cannot remember 100% on the details of that. You can take it either CD 3-7, 4-8, or 5-9 - however you don't want to take it any later than that in your cycle or it can actually push ovulation back or prevent it from happening at all.

The first cycle I tried it, I took 130mg of soy (because my tablets were 65mg each) on days 5-9. Before taking it I was ov'ing closer to CD 30, or not at all. That cycle, I ov'd on CD 28, so a little better but not much, and no peak on CBFM. No bfp, and I gave my body a break next cycle and didn't take soy at all - no bfp, which I expected hehe, however it was the first time that I got a peak on the CBFM and it was the 4th cycle I used it I think. Then the next cycle after that I took 195mg (3 - 65 mg tablets, equal to 100mg Clomid), got a peak on CBFM, ov'd on CD 25, and got my bfp at 7 DPO! I think ov'ing 5 days earlier in my cycle really helped me to get my bfp.

Again, I did a lot of research before taking it and suggest that anyone that wants to give it a go do the same to determine if you feel it is right for you :flow: Personally I think it really helped my cycles and what ultimately led to getting a bfp however everyone is different! If you have any other questions about it I would be happy to help! I think that there is also a giant thread on here about it - there was when I was TTC #1 so not sure if it is still active however it might be worth reading through a bit for other women's experiences.
Ooh thanks sweetpea. I suppose ov'ing on cd22 at the latest isn't that late in comparison but it would be nice to bump it a bit and I guess it would mean shorter cycles so not a bad thing plus if it works like clomid but natural that has to be a plus too! Thanks for the info xx
My O date went from day 21+ (up to day 30) to day 17. It can also help lengthen lp as it makes the egg stronger. I went from 6 days to 11 :D (combo of soy, vitex and B6)
It's CD6 for me and I got to POAS for the first time this cycle, was very happy to see LOW on my CBFM - good indication that it is going to behave this cycle. Will also start on OPK in a couple of days, would be interesting to see if they match CBFM (last time they did not).
Briss - Let's hope this is an indication of your body getting back to normal :flower: my CBFM is sat gathering dust:winkwink:

Well ladies one more day until I can test - I'm feeling nervous obviously I want it to say negative (then we can start the :sex: fest) but if it still says positive I will worry - you hear the stories about something going wrong argh:wacko: ok mad moment over.

Chicky - How are you today hun, I popped by your journal the other day :winkwink:

Tink - Hope as we haven't heard from you this means you are taking it easy:hugs:

Exilius - I have also started taking Vitamin B6 complex heard great things about lengthening leutal phase - sometimes mine is only 8 days!:cry:

Pixie - How is the no testing going:haha: glad your bloods came back normal hun :flower:

Hopeful/Smyth - Hope you ladies are ok :flower:


Welcome Sweetpea. Hello ladies :hugs:

I'm in a little world of my own ATM, so please bear with me.

I feel like I am about to ovulate. I don't know if this is possible, but the symptoms are definitely there (and I am getting highs on the monitor). I can't decide whether to continue trying straight away or focus on getting a new job and wait until September. I hate my current job so so so much and the stress is not doing me any good. Tbh I am feeling really depressed, even before the miscarriage. I just don't know what to do. I really want a baby but I can't stay where I am and wait any longer to conceive and then for the entire pregnancy too.

I really need to qualify for smp as my husbands earnings aren't that much which is why I would have to wait, though if I got pregnant straight away after starting i would feel guilty too. It's s tricky :( and what if I don't get another job (I am away when the kids go back to school and I want a term time job) and I am stuck where I am and I haven't been trying.....aaaahh.

Lots of love to you all xxxxx
hey, im on cd 19 and still no peak :( think i already ov maybe the monitor jus didnt pick ti up x
Tink - Ah bless you hun, it's a very difficult time for you both you need time to grieve before you make any major decisions, your emotions will be all over the place hun.

I can totally understand you being in a little world of your own I was in a very dark place and sometimes it is easier to stay there, but it is true what they say time is a great healer hun. :flower:What does hubby think does he think you should change your job :hugs:

Sophie - That is possible especially if you have a short surge, the only way to tell really is if you temp hun:flower:


Sophie how long are your cycles usually? Cbfm missed my surge the first 3 cycles and got it the 4th so still hope xx

Garfie- I am such an idiot! Lol we've looked into it and I wouldn't be any worse off... Even tho the first six weeks pay would not be as high that wouldn't matter as I would leave my current job as early as poss whereas hopefully if I like my next job I'd stay longer so would more than make the money up. So we're just going to :sex: when we feel like it and see what happens. Using cbfm to keep track of my cycles. I think temping gets my hopes up too much and I know I ovulate now.

I am sooooo stressy atm. Its quite irritating. Dh doesn't know what to do with me. I have auffered with depression in the past and I need to get out of my job if poss as I don't want that to happen again. Even if I were to get pregnant this month I would still leave if get offered a new job. The main bonus to not getting pregnant before sept if I get the job is I get to get drunk on my holiday.

Thanks for all your support hun xxx
Tink, I can understand your dilema as am in a similar position. my job is making me quite depressed and the main reason I am still there is my maternity package which is 90% of my salary for 6 months, it is a lot of money for us so on one hand I do not want to lose it but on the other hand I have been TTC for over 2 years now, in that time I could have changed my job and already qualify for enhanced maternity package at a new firm... but then again at a new place you have to work twice as hard to prove yourself at least for the first few months and I do not feel like working 24/7 as need time and energy for TTC....
Sorry to hear of all the stress tink! It can be so hard sometimes with all that is life piled ontop of already high stress of TTC, especially after a loss. Work related stress can sometimes be the most difficult as you can never get away from it - without affecting your livelihood! :hugs: hun.

I found out I was pregnant my first month of work - my first day there AF started (yay!) and that was the cycle that I caught. I was TERRIFIED. We had been trying for about 6 months so NEVER did I think that THAT would be the cycle. However, it turned out to be no big deal and all my fears were for nothing... I even ended up leaving for 6 months after only being there for about 4 1/2 months because of pregnancy complications, hospitalization, bedrest, and then the postpartum weeks before going back again, and I am still working there now!

My thought is if you wait until the time is perfectly 'right', it will never come. And if work is stressing you out that badly - the best thing you can do for yourself is move on to something better!
Hi everyone :flower: sorry being quiet not feeling very well :cry: I keep getting spinny room, like when your drunk and can't focus :shrug: starting to make feel a bit sicky :nope: x

Hope ur ok garfie and tink looking forward to seeing some lovely ov spikes on your charts soon! :happydance: x


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