CBFM Buddy

Hi ladies!

Pixie I hope you have a wonderful trip and pick up a wonderful bfp while your there! Best dirty 30 present ever!!!!! :happydance:

Tink you've confused me too. You and garfie are a complete mystery to me at the moment :haha:

Afm no spotting still I had a teeny weeny bit last night which I was not impressed with let me tell you! I well and truly lost the plot :dohh: but i haven't had any since so keeping everything crossed. I do have af pains so maybe it's going to be one of those that catches me by surprise :shrug: which isn't common for me I usually get a good warning but it has happened in the past. So if temps go up il be testing if they go down I won't bother or if they stay the same il wait a little longer :hugs: xx
Hi ladies just checking in :)

Have been stalking charts and keeping fingers crossed for you all!

Pixie have a great trip and get that BFP!

Chicky I hope your temps keep going up up up! Spotting is always scary but can also be a good thing at this point - stay away AF!

Tink happy anniversary! :dohh: to grandparents - they always mean well but don't necessarily have the best timing!

Garfie I think you have truly outdone FF! Hopefully once you add more temps it sorts itself out :)

Exil glad h2b was just out of character and that you've made it clear that there will be no more of that behavior! You don't deserve that sweets.

:flow: to all!

AFM, the little devilish machine will be asking for its first stick of the cycle in the AM - although I will say I am excited to get the show on the road. Watching two perfect 'peak' cycles go by when I struggled to get a peak before was very frustrating! I am just hoping and praying that my cycle behaves now that it is showtime so to speak!
Thanks Sweetpea. Wishing you lots of :dust:

AF is here and I have the *worst* cramps ever! :( I actually don't know what to do with myself- feel sick and faint but my sick record is so bad don't want to make a fuss :( xx
Aw Tink hun - make sure you are taking some pain relief and keep drinking (dehydration makes the cramps worse hun):flower:

Hope the takeaway was nice last night what did you have? - I love a takeaway saves me having to cook:haha:

Sweatpea - Hope your machine is behaving for you :flower:

Chicky - Sorry to see your temp went down today - BUT remember mine went down and then up up up, so you're certainly not out yet:happydance:

Pixie - Like Tink said we have enough trouble trying to co-ordinate our times and we live in the same house! What a mega excellent pressie that will be :beer: cheers to your PEAK

Exilius - Hope your ear is feeling better, did you try the hot water bottle did it work for you?:hugs:

AFM - Chart still a mess - also nearly but not quite got a pos OPK last night (doesn't matter anyway hubby on nights :haha:) I have decided my body/temps are playing tricks on me - if everything is back to normal then the :witch: should arrive Saturday so I'll wait patiently :coffee: and stalk you ladies in the meantime :ninja:


Hi Garfie

Thanks hun :hugs: Been drinking heaps and been taking co-codamol and naproxen and not done much to be honest :( We had kebab last night lol (hubby's fave!) We always used to have a couple a week of takeaways a week but have tried to cut down.

Chicky any news on the spotting front?

I'm on lumch atm but want to ask to go home :( :( xxx
I have been catching up with all your news ladies while I was away

exilius, it is not bad to get HIGHs early on it's just that I had a very annoying experience when I was getting HIGHs from CD6 and never got a PEAK (or a LOW) for two cycles. I can totally relate to you about having arguments and then not feeling like BD, I usually still force myself to reconcile with hubby and get him to BD whether he wants it or not :) (depends on the timing but simply cant miss pre O BD) but slapping is a step too far!

garfie, sorry to hear about your ex hubby, You are very strong to be able to leave him while being pregnant and with a child. good for you! you deserve so much better than that

Chicky, you have been through hell! and yet you have so much optimism and cheerfulness I cant stop admiring your internal strength! how's testing going?

Tink happy anniversary!

AFM, Venice was brilliant! could not believe all this raining in London last night after 4 days of total sunny bliss. We had quite a few arguments though with hubby particularly on BD front, he was "tired" and he cant take heat very well so used it as an excuse not to BD! can you believe this? I am glad I turned things around and we BD a few times because as it turns out I might have released my eggy this very morning. I got my PEAK (Thank you!) yesterday (on CD11 same as last cycle and also a positive OPK on the same day) and this morning I was supposed to have another scan at 8.30 am (which was a bit hard to do as our flight was delayed and we only got home at 4 am!) never mind I woke my hubby before 8 am to BD (on the second PEAK as one would) and after that I rushed to the hospital for a scan, obviously I was a total mess down there (TMI: with sperm still coming out... oh dear) my FS said it was great that I had my PEAK yesterday so she can now check whether scan can confirm this. And interestingly there was no dominant follicle on the scan, it can be either that the follicles are still growing or (which she thinks more likely) the egg had just been released (the lining looked exactly like they want to see for O) and there was something that can potentially be LH on my right ovary. FS will do another scan on Friday to confirm this. It looks like my BD on the second PEAK (unless it is very early AM) is a waste of sperm as I seem to release an egg fairly quickly after LH surge is detected. lesson leant. Will be interesting to see what my temp is like tomorrow I have to say with all these night flights my temps look nothing like my normal pre O levels.

re EPO: I was also slightly naughty and had lots of their Italian sparkling wine but did not take any vitamins/supplements with me. as it turns out I have SO MUCH more CM when I do not take EPO. How strange is this? supposed to be the other way around. I have been taking EPO for 6 months now and actually looking back I was always quite "wet" down there before I started taking EPO.

re Job hunt, I spoke to a few head hunters last week and even started updating my CV but today I found out I got a pay rise and received a lot of praise for my work :) (while quite a few people got fired or got bad appraisals) not huge rise but still nice so decided to keep going with my current job and hoping I could still use that maternity leave (and soon)
briss im so glad you had a good time and managed to get some great timed bding in!!! and yay for that peak! :happydance: glad all went well with fs wish i was a little more with it with regards to fs treatment etc i really have no idea but if your happy im happy :happydance: lol. and i know where to come in a few months for advice! and yes i think i get it from my mother :shrug: what doesnt kill you makes you stronger right, or harder anyway! i have a huge big box in the back of my head and everything gets shoved in there, sometimes little snippets sneak out but i keep a good lid on it all :haha: id go mad if i didnt, ive seen so much in what little time ive had on this earth my next life its going to be a doddle :winkwink: and im going to have a waist and long legs too!!!! (special request) hehe.

so afm as expected with my temp drop the :witch: arrived this afternoon :cry: well kind of, expecting full flow by tomorrow and will be pressing the m button...again...., (never listening to my dr again) so bring on official cbfm cycle 6 unnoficial cycle 96 (sheesh) fresh optimism! this will be our cycle ladies!!! :happydance:

tink i will be with you on the pain front this time tomorrow! does the mooncup not help with pain? i reckon its eased mine a bit :hugs:

thanks for all the positive thoughts girls! love you all!!!!!!!! :hugs: xx

chicky xxxxx
Chicky, so sorry about AF, I was so hopeful about you with almost no spotting it looked like the month to get pregnant for you :( let's hope it's just implantation bleeding

I want long legs and a waste too, I actually had a waste (once) but all this TTC business somehow made me put on so much weight over the last couple of years, I used to be slim and I just thought dieting is not great for TTC so I eat properly now and as a result gradually moved from size 6-8 to 12 (while all my clothes is still size 8) and had a really bad time trying to find anything that would fit me for this trip to Venice. I think I cried at one point cos nothing fit and even if I managed to squeeze myself into something it looked terrible. Somehow I had this idea that if I give up on my slim body it would be something like a commitment (or a sacrifice) necessary to get me pregnant, it did not work so I think I should get back to exercising and dieting
Jeez last time I was a size 6-8 I was about 5yrs old :wacko:

And interesting you mention epo I find I get more when I don't take it and usually stop at ovulation but this cycle I didn't stop and also didn't get any spotting hmmm, and yes thought it was my time too xxx
Briss - So pleased Venice was lots of fun and yay for your PEAK at the right time too:happydance::happydance:

So does this mean that you have short LH surges if the egg was MIA? - If so maybe that is why the monitor and OPK's haven't matched up:shrug:

How exciting to see what you look like on the inside too - did they do all this via ultrasound:flower:

Glad you got a payrise and lots of nice comments (I'm sure they were well deserved :winkwink:)

Chicky - so sorry about the :witch: your chart looked amazing this month, but no spotting has to be a good thing right:hugs:

Tink - Did you manage to get home at lunch or was you a brave girly and stuck it out to the end of the day:hugs: time for pj's and cuddling up with a duvet now


Hi ladies,
Chicky... BOO!!! I was PRAYING this was your month :( I'm so sorry hon

Briss: so envious about your holiday to Venice. Sounds amazing! And about your weight gain-ditto! Since ttc, I get nervous exercising and have also felt just too emotionally drained to think of dieting. :munch: So I am size 10 now and feel revolting. Some pics taken of me today... shudder!!!

Tinks:Urgh! AF cramps are the worst! I'm so sorry hon. I had a horrific AF this month too. Weird!

AFM: I got a high at CD 10 today, but don't expect a PEAK for at least a week! I forgot to pee on a stick on CD 9 even though it asked for one... what does that mean? Did I stuff it up?
I must admit, I am DEVASTATED. My best mate and girl I work really closely with got a bfp (2nd month trying and really young!) on Sunday. I am just so angry... not at her. Just at God and this whole situation. I just can't understand why it's so difficult for me and so easy for so many others...

Meanwhile my other bestie had her beautiful little boy last week. I feel so left behind
I feel utterly hopeless

I'm scared it might never happen :cry:
Hey hopeful thanks, me too :(

I'm sorry your having a tough time and luckily that's why you have us! We know how you feel and what your going through :hugs: I'm the only one of my friends without at least one child so miss out on lots of days out etc and other stuff too of course. At Least we all have each other here! And I bet they don't have that :winkwink: xxx

Afm m button pushed, onto new cycle, she's officially here and she's a killer this cycle, not that that's unusual but I'm sure every month gets worse :shrug:

On the upside of having a long cycle this time I won't be in my fertile period when I'm away with my dad so that's a big bonus :haha: xxx
I did not seem to get any temp rise today, slightly worrying... Maybe I did not see any dominant follicle on my scan because my body decided not to ovulate this cycle? so much for the Venice baby :(

Thanks Garfie, yes it was via ultrasound, when they do cycle monitoring they scan you every few days but because I was away I missed a scan which was supposed to show how many follicles are growing and among those there should be one dominant follicle (which will later release an egg) so now I just have to wait for a Friday scan to see whether LH was formed (it's basically a yellow body which is a place that used to be a follicle from where the egg (hopefully) was released). Last month my LH surge lasted two days (according to OPK) but this cycle it was just one day but the same day as my PEAK (nice when things are matching up).

Hopeful, I am with you on others getting BFPs all the time after just a couple of months TTC. I am angry at the universe :( when I got pregnant at 24 it was without trying after 3 month romance with (as it tuned out) a total ******* of 44 who told me he was sterile (and I stupidly believed him) and then said it was not his... I do not think we had sex more than 10 times over those months before I got pregnant, how fair is this? but now when I am ready and married to a wonderful man I cant seem to get pregnant after years of trying and hundreds of perfectly timed BD sessions. why this totally undeserving piece of shit who did not event want children was allowed to procreate while my lovely hubby does not? to be fair I have to say that the month I conceived I was in a very happy place (and blissfully unaware how messed up I was) while now I am miserable. may be you need to be happy to get pregnant and if we tried during the first couple of years of our relationships we had more chances than now when we argue and I cry all the time.

I am scared too. although I seem to be more "lucky" with childless friends over 35, I have 4 friends who are in a similar situation but two are even worse: one friend has been married for over 10 years and never got pregnant, her husband is 44 and she is afraid to even go to GP about that (afraid to hear there is a reason why that's not going to happen for them), my other friend was waiting for a right guy for ages and finally married (for the third time) last year only to discover that her new husband is mad and does not even want children (he is 43). She is 37 and tired of dating so not sure whether she wants to get a divorce now

on the job front, lots of people who are no worse than me got bad appraisals, totally undeserved I think I am getting cynical but I can see that the employers firstly decide who they want to keep and who to get rid of and then they come up with good or bad comments to match their decision. I mean we all make mistakes it is just a question whether they decide to pick up on those mistakes or turn a blind eye on them because they need you. I do not have any illusions about my abilities and I think in a few years time (when I am closer to 40) they will get rid of me. I just need to make sure I give birth to two beautiful and healthy babies before this happens :)
Garfie- I stuck work out.. Then went food shopping and fainted- not good!

Chicky- the mooncup does seem to ease it normally (compared to tampons) this month is very bad tho :( hope it doesn't last 10 days again. Sorry the :witch: got you too :hugs:

Hopeful- wishing you lots of :dust: for this cycle. It is gutting when someone beats you to it! (Again!) :( :hugs:

Briss- sounds like you have a lot going on hun. Hope your bfp is not too far away- lots of :dust: :hugs:

Afm: feeling really down to day. Not heard back re: interview for job and interviews are Monday. Just generally depressed about work and lack of baby :cry: Doesn't help cramps are still bad xx
hey well i didnt get a peak but about 5/6 dpo now four more sleeps to go! x
Briss hopefully you'll see a lovely rise tomorrow :hugs:

Tink hope the witch isn't treating you too bad now and the pain is starting to ease off a bit :hugs:

Sophie sorry I can't remember this is first cycle right? No peak is no surprise but you don't need one to get a bfp!! :happydance:

Garfie chart looks great! Let's keep them up there! :happydance:

Hopeful how's things? Hope your feeling a little better :hugs:

Exilius and smythdm sending heaps of :dust: and :hugs:

Afm I'm pretty sure the witch Is actually trying to kill me!!!! Not looking forward to a sleepless night, as is usually the case first full flow night :nope:

Love chicky xxx
Thanks girls for all your support.

you're right Chickie, I am SO lucky to have you all...
I am running a kids camp atm and it's exhausting me! Also felt nauseous all day (on CD 11 so not what I'd hope to feel later on!) think I'm catching a bug... Anyone else near CD11? Would be good to walk with someone again like last cycle :)

I'm so thankful for you all!
Tink. I use ponstan for the pain, it also reduces the flow slightly.
All you skinny size 12 and under ladies complaining, tisk, last time I was size 12 I was 15. I'm now size 20, a true fugly if ever there was one!

Afm - forgave h2b, and bd last night. Good timing as the peak came this morning. Seeing the Dr today, hopefully he gives me the all clear. Expected a +ve opk this evening or tomorrow with o being on the high day, if last month is anything to go on. Unfortunately we have a lan this weekend so h2b won't be home till late, and will be knackered, then tomorrow we'll be at his parents, so not much opportunity for bd!
Thanks girls for all your support.

you're right Chickie, I am SO lucky to have you all...
I am running a kids camp atm and it's exhausting me! Also felt nauseous all day (on CD 11 so not what I'd hope to feel later on!) think I'm catching a bug... Anyone else near CD11? Would be good to walk with someone again like last cycle :)

I'm so thankful for you all!

I'm a day behind you on CD 10! :hugs:

Sorry AF is treating a few of you ladies horribly, hang in there!

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