CBFM Buddy

Morning Ladies

Chicky - Aw hun lets hope this is not some tummy bug but a baby bug :happydance: is it tomorrow (if your chart is normal) that you will start spotting 10DPO? Your temps are still looking good though hun :flower:

Tink - Hope you are feeling stronger and still taking it easy and not stressing too much. I agree though if you wait for the time to be right, right house, right finances etc the time will never come:cry:

Briss - Sorry to hear about your job stressing you hun, it is hard when I was pregnant with my eldest I had to carry on working (as we were supporting his exwife and children) it is terrible when you don't have a choice. I was a social worker so it was hardly 9 -5:dohh:

Since meeting my new hubby I have become a SAHM which takes the pressure off a lot, don't get me wrong I'm not a lady that lunches or has her hair and nails done every week. I am a housewife and there's nothing glamorous about that:haha:

Sophie/Exelsius/Pixie - How are you ladies doing today:flower:

AFM - My baby hormones are still hanging around - still got a faint line on a test (2weeks post DNC) :cry: thought the :witch: was coming last night as had the tiniest bit of blood (had to go searching for it I'm sure you know what I mean :blush:) after that nothing so wondering if it's O blood but surely I can't O if I'm still testing positive on a test :shrug:


Hey girls. :flower:

Garfie I have no idea if you can ov when still getting a pos :shrug: have you asked mr google? I guess your chart will let us know soon enough :hugs:

Sorry you stressed Briss but once you have that perfect bubba all this will seem a distant memory, be strong and think to the future not the now :hugs:

Tink thinking of you :hugs:

How's all our other ladies doing? Anything exciting to report?!?! We must be due some peaks soon! :happydance:

Afm still feel poo. I'm working out that I pretty much feel crappy every tww, if I don't I'm generally miserable and that makes me feel crappy :haha: the joys of hormones hey. It's weird being back a week, kept thinking what it would feel like If I had not tested on cbfm and just charted this cycle! I'd have been going nuts! Lol. ESP with bfns. So glad I peed on that stick :winkwink:

Love and hugs to all! Xx
Garfie, sorry about still testing positive on a test, Would you now have to wait for another week or so?

Hopeful, I missed how your testing went, any news?

Chicky, good to know that your CBFM did not let you down and you managed to BD on time, keep testing still early days

AFM, am quite upset with my CBFM which went to HIGH today on CD7! either am having yet another short cycle with early ovulation or CBFM is playing up, either way it's depressing. Good news is my hubby is taking me to Venice for 4 days! I have not had proper holidays for 2 years now so a bit of a break is overdue. and am in my most fertile period so will be BD a lot in Venice, how lovely it would be to tell our child "we conceived in you Venice" :) ... dream on, silly Briss
Briss - You know me I will test every couple of days (would expect the line to get lighter and lighter) so by next Thursday (3weeks post DNC) I would be paying a visit to the Docs if the line is still there (or dreaming) getting darker:happydance: See we all need to dream hun :flower:

Venice how exciting - I've never been but I hear it's a lovely historical city (not that you will be seeing much:winkwink:)

Just checked some of my old cycles on CBFM I sometimes went HIGH on day 6! the month I got preg I went high on day 8 so long as you get your PEAK don't worry I'm sure it knows what it's doing:flower:


Briss a Venice baby - how nice!!

Garfie I am not sure either about o'ing while still testing + however fx'd for you that you test - soon... and then + again of course!

Chicky your chart is looking good so far!

Only CD 4 here... monitor won't ask for sticks until CD 9 for me so halfway there - I so wish that the first part of my cycle was shorter however it's 10 days shorter than it used to be so I guess I can't complain too much. It's just hard to wait this long and then wait again during the TWW! I have been trying to get back to temping however it seems EVERY NIGHT so far I have woken up around 330-400 AM and tossed and turned until it was time to get up for work - pointless! I am almost tempted to temp at 4AM and just be done! Still have 2 long weeks til O so hopefully I can get out of this funk and get my temps in order. :dohh:
Tink, tried to respond yester but my phone played up. Im in a similar situation. My job depresses me no end. I have spent the last few months with no joy (job market is pretty bad in my field for young people in my city and moving is not an option). It's pointless giving up ttc while job hunting as you've no idea how long it will take. Good luck!

Garfie I don't think you can o with a +ve, but I could very well be wrong. Best of luck!

Briss - is it bad to get highs early? This month and last month (1st two using cbfm) I got highs at day 6, no lows at all. I didnt of until around cd19 last month.
Morning ladies how are we all? Sorry havent been around much having a crappy week. A good friend of mine is in labour, has been since yesterday and there's nothing they can do to stop it. She's only @22 wks. I you get a mo please say a little prayer for her little miracle first baby 🙏

Afm I've run out of hpt's! So no testing today but it's been all bfns until now so as I'm 10dpo waiting to see if the spotting starts :hugs:

Love to you all!

Chicky xxxx
Hi ladies

Aww Garfie I'm sorry you are still testing positive, it must be so difficult :hugs: hopefully your body will all be back to normal again soon.

Briss- thanks for your post, means a lot. It is a hard decision to make, but I'm thinking I just need to do what makes me happy and if the financial situation is the most optimum so be it, some things are more important atm :hugs: Venice sounds amazing!!

Thanks Sweetpea.. I am applying for jobs and hoping I can escape! Waiting sucks... it feels like we are wishing our lives away sometimes, doesn't it???

Exilius Thanks hun- in some ways getting pregnant and having the decision taking away from you would make things easier :haha:

Chicky- sorry you are poorly :hugs: Also hope the spotting stays away. Sending lots of luck to your friend :hugs:

Afm I have no idea what my body is doing EWCM seemed to disappear yesterday and now appears to be back, yet still no peak on the monitor and my boobs are already sore....ah who knows! in a way I just want AF to come to show I'm back to normal xxx
Morning ladies :)

Chicky - any spotting yesterday (or today, I don't know my time zones anymore)

Tink - good luck on your job hunting. Hopefully it's more successful than mine's been :D And I'm sure your body will start playing nice any day now.

afm - just got diagnosed with an ear infection so on the antibiotics. Do penicillin based antibiotics effect ttc (if any one knows)?
I'm on my 3rd month of EPO and I think I've started to notice an improvement in my cm (although it could be one of about a zillion other drugs/supplements I'm taking).
Think I should get my peak within the next week, guessing by cm (borderline watery atm) and the fact that the oestrongon line is getting slightly lighter.
Hi ladies how are we all today?

Briss a Venice baby sounds wonderful!

Afm still no spotting, I don't like saying it in case I jinx myself and the spotting starts!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone Xxx
Hi Garfie -

I don't think you can still ovulate while testing positive, but I'm not positive - I'm sure all sorts of things happen, as you know, your body is just out of whack after a MC. Thinking of you!!
Well, I'm apparently having a month off. Firstly h2b slapped me in a argument the other night so don't feel like bd with him for a little while. Secondly I have an ear infection and am on 3 different meds until it clears up. Dr has advised not falling pregnant while on them.

Now I'm off to go wallow in self pity/pain
Exilius - Aw hun so sorry that you have a bad ear infection, I guess you will have tried a warm hot water bottle on your ear:shrug:

Also not good to hear (and I'm sorry if I'm talking out of turn) that your h2b slapped you (my ex hubby did that) when he was h2b. I hoped that it was just the stress of getting married, a new house, a posting for us nope the slaps got worse. When we got married I hoped it was the moving, the change of job and the fact we were ttc still the slaps came. Once we had moved to another country I thought he would finally stop (now I was pregnant) the slaps became punches.:cry:

I made more excuses for him perhaps it was the drink, the fact I wasn't a good wife/mum nope the punches kept on coming. When my second child came along that was it I decided enough! and I left him with one baby in my tummy and one barely walking toddler by my side (it wasn't easy hun) plucking up the courage to leave him. I'm not saying your h2b is anything like my ex hubby. Just be aware leopards do not change their spots and if you think you can change him unfortunately you are probably wrong. Hope you can work it out hun if that is what you both want:flower:

OMG ladies that's the first time I have spoken about my ex hubby :wacko:

Chicky - Your temps are still looking good hun! - is testing day tomorrow?:happydance:

Tink - How are you feeling, have you made any decisions yet hun:flower:

Good luck to all you ladies :dust::dust::dust:

AFM - Still testing a v v v faint positive (2w5d Post DNC) so by Thursday when I next test I would deff expect it to be bright white.:cry:


garfie - I'm very sorry to hear about that. Glad you got out though :D It is very out of h2b's character to lash out, and I have never seen him do anything like that before. He was a complete mess after. I've informed him that if it EVER happens again he will receive his marching orders.

Not tried hot water bottle on my ear, but I have been trying the vicks steam to open up my sinuses (apparently the infection was caused by blocked sinuses)

You can start trying again as soon as you get the negative, can't you? fxz for a nice, strong ovulation for you next cycle :D
Exilius - I'm glad you understood and so pleased it was out of character - we are made of strong stuff us women:winkwink:

The hot water bottle just relieves some of the pressure and heat is good for poorly ears - I used to spend many hours when my eldest had ear infections ironing tea towels (as he was a baby) and putting them to his ear!

Ok ladies my temps were bobbing up and down (like I expected) but when I put in todays temp it said I was 8DPO wth?:haha: I think I have confused FF:shrug:


morning ladies just been catching up on some stalking! :happydance:

garfie lets hope those crosshairs are right! if nothing else to know your body is getting back to normal :hugs:

exilius lets hope like you said its the stress, and a one off. sometimes i push my dh to the point im sure he could kill me! we probably all do :shrug: i hope things get sorted and settle down soon. ive never been on the recieving end from my hubby but il let you all in on a little secret, i was the child of an abused mother, and hit quite a bit by my alcoholic step father, until we were 15 and moved into a battered wives refuge. im not saying thats where your headed but it was horrendous and saw things no child should ever see :cry: (but if he hadnt of dragged me out of bed and forced me to watch i wouldnt have) i could write a book! he was and still is a sick man, im in no way comparing but if it happens again please dont put up with it my lovely your worth so much more :hugs:

afm i had a little spotting last night, i hope its because im so paranoid about it starting i keep interfering with myself :haha: and i caught myself? must trim nails!:haha: i guess il know more by tonight :shrug: ff has changed my af date now till weds :dohh: which is ok, if i get af tomorrow its a nightmare, tues is my mobile hairdressing day and i get such bad pain and so heavy its a nightmare nipping in and out of other peoples loos every ten minutes! and lifting all my stuff out of the car!

on a happier note only 5 sleeps until im off to wales on a week long fishing holiday!:happydance: xxxx
garfie not only have you confused ff youve confused the hell out of me!!!! :haha:
did it just give you crosshairs today? x
Aaaaaahh I think we're all confused today!! I have not started spotting so looks like AF is coming, but was still getting highs on the monitor????? Ahhh... and its on day 19 from where i had the heavier bleeding from just before (or start of) the miscarriage?? xx
Afternoon ladies

Exilius - sorry to hear what your going hopefully was just a one off and you sort things out with h2b:hugs: and I have heard the a warm bottle on your ear helps :)

Chicky - your chart looks brill :) :dust:

Tink - are your normal cycles that short?

Garfie - fxed for neg so you can start trying again :)

Afm planning my next trip away but this time we are using holidays at work and going for 2 weeks as its a hassle trying to travel after getting pos on opk plus it is my 30th on the 12th so am hoping for a really good present :) so going from 11th til 25th, I have been OVing around cd30 Which would be the 20th give or take a day so fxed I get a peak whilst we are there ;)
Chicky- how is the spotting going????? Ooooh I really hope this is it for you :hugs:

Pixie- nope! my shortest cycle to date is 23 days.. varying from 23 to 31 days :-( Obviously AF may not show for a day or so, but normally within 48 hours :(

I'd like to wish you lots and lots of luck with your trip. We all moan about timing and live in the same house and sleep in the same bed... I cannot begin to imagine how difficult it is for you :hugs:

Exilius- :hugs: hope things calm down with you and h2b, and your ear gets better quickly... its one of the worst things :hugs:

Garfie.... let us know when you figure your chart out :haha: just a thought would it be worth you getting a digital test and if says no you're good to go, so to speak? I'm confused as to how I could have ovulated and af be here already :shrugg:

AFM: First wedding anniversary today (it has been pants as been at work :haha:) but hoping for a nice quiet evening with takeaway... however grandparents are due round with a damn card at some point, it's sweet, but post it!! LOL Not that it matters as can't really :sex: anyway!!

On the job front I am applying and going to continue to try and we'll see what happens on both accounts, but really need to get out of where I am now (or something REALLY needs to change).

Love to you all xxx :hugs:

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