Morning Ladies
Sorry I have been MIA for a while - I have had the witch from hell and she still continues I have had to take some strong pain killers so my conclusion is either the doc disturbed something - or my endo is worse than I thought so a FS may be my only option
Anyway CD3 the bitch (er witch) is still here and still causing me grief!
Chicky - Morning Momma hows your weekend been - hope you've been resting up

Austin - Aw hun I feel for you - I was the same until last month and then FF showed I deff O

a blood test may be a good idea I hope you get some answers soon. Did your OPK get darker what time are you testing hun? Are you testing twice a day?
Piano - I took an unscheduled break due to being on strong painkillers I was out of it for a while - in fact hubby was great he even ironed the kids school uniform (well kind of)

Piano ttc is very difficult for some (us) so we full understand and support your decision for a break and of course we welcome you back
Exilius - How did you get on at the docs hun - you can have the other grapefruit juice the pink one is just sweeter - I am starting back on my grapefruit juice this month as well - so cheers
Trolley -

and welcome you will love this thread anything you want to know don't be afraid to ask
Tink - Aw you poor hunnie we need to put you in a bag and shake you up - sorry to hear you are feeling sooooooo crap what are you taking for your IBS? look at your diet to hun anything that has onions, spices, fizzy pop can all irritate IBS

Have you stopped bleeding yet?
Lulu - I don't know anything about clomid and the cbfm - but hope you get your BFP
Briss - We have considered IVF but it costs a lot and we cant warrant that kind of money - We would consider paying for IUI if it came to it - as I believe it's slightly less expensive. I think the fact that hubby hasn't got any children of his own is starting to get to him - especially as on FB all his friends are making the BIG announcement - also his family seem to be putting up old pics and my hubby says things like do you think our child would look like me or you - it's quite sad really
Have you made another SA appointment for your hubby or what is the next stage?
Beth - How amazing would that be? - how are you feeling today hun any more symptoms - not that any of us symptom spot