CBFM peeps are you out there?!?!?!? CD11 and trying to keep the faith

:winkwink: Oh.. and i got my peak yestrday and today! I thought i was trying to O so i started using it and maybe it paid off!

GL everyone!!! I have to catch up on the previous posts!!!!:flower:
hi Summer millie hows it going any news to tell and i love coming on here talking to you ladies aswell big :hugs: back atcha ,hope alls well with you and :dust: x

Hbelcher hi sorry but i was looking at your blog the other day and i must say your family is absolutely beautiful such lovely children you are really blessed and must be so proud , its good to see you got a peak fxd you got ov and caught the egg good luck and :dust: x

Gem relax is a good idea its what ive tried to do this cycle well before i ovulated anyhoo but this tww is a killer hope your stress free and enjoying your oh ready to catch the egg with some :spermy: and :sex: good luck and :dust: x

Baylea :hi: hate to do this but i cheated lol i opened another page and typed as i read so much easier lol ,havent foned about getting results i want to but im just dreading it aswell must make an effort but your right they shud get their butts kicked, as for oh i really don`t know how he did so well his second attempt did take a bit of a helping hand literally (tmi sorry) but got their eventually mite have slightly missed the pot but scooped it up in a softcup and kept it there till morning ,oh the joys of what we do ttc ,i deffo think the big O is a good idea and do try to incorporate at least 1 good 1 during ov and yes it does increase blood supply to the uterus and even during pregnancy but would wait till past first tri to do that ,hun where are you at in your cycle hope your keeping well good luck and :dust: x

Mummy clo ho are you hun i see from your ticker your 2dpo hope its going easy for you let us know if you get any good news good luch fxd and :dust: x

Mspotter how you doing hun cd 21? any sign of ov yet hope your getting oh and :sex: nd catching some :spermy: ready for the egg good luck hun and :dust: x

Afm nothing to report am 8dpo and like :ignore: anything i feel as read our body often lets us feels symptoms as it knows its want we want lol so i say poop to that and just trying to ride it out its so not easy tho , well nite nite ladies altho you probz just be getting up shortly ,my sleep pattern is way out of wack lol but good luck everyone and :dust x
Mayranne.. i hope you get a bfp! FX!!! Its early to feel awhole lot!! And thanks i am blessed! If its meant for one more than its meant. My temp really didn't rise much so not sure whats going on!?
This was my first cycle using CBFM. AF was due yesterday, didn't come. Tested BFN. Still no AF. I don't know what to think!
Hi Ma :flower:...that's a great idea, I'll remember that :). I understand what you're saying about wanting to know but also dreading it. When we were waiting to find out about first miscarriage I was desperate for answers, but I also didn't want to know. Horrible double edged sword, where we know we need to find out answers to our questions so we can find some peace in our hearts, but knowing the hurt we will also have to face makes us dread it too. It would be so much easier if they'd just do the organising and informing, and it not be left to us to deal with that too. Your hubby did such a great job (and you did too by the sounds of it-sorry for the pun lol) :haha:
There are other drs in my surgery, I tried a 2nd one last time, and she was more co-operative and helpful, but then it was her who refused the day3 tests, so still felt a bit dismissed. There was a young female dr who prescribed me pain-killers for mc and she was helpful so I think I'd go to her if I go back at some point. All the others are short-term locum as they seem to be struggling to recruit gps to move this far north, and they all refer to the other gps for any 'out of the ordinary' tests.
Yes I'm excited to see this kinesiologist in Dec. I have had this severe nausea on and off for years, and I've been to gp, but they have said all tests fine (sounds like I'm always at gp, but actually I'm hardly ever there -only about 3x in last 10yrs. I asked at same time as fertility testing last year in case it related). If he just treats what ever is causing the nausea that has to be a good thing, and surely has to help with ttc, if our issue isn't something chromosonal.
Thanks for the reassurance about my friend. I know she didn't mean to hurt me, but unfortuately it did hurt. Think I'll take a wide-berth from her for a few weeks to let things settle.
I had two other new borns round on Wednesday evening, so now just Sunday's Christening to go. Thanks for the good luck msg. I will need it, especially if all her nosey aunts start giving us the 3rd degree about our family plans. Apparently it's going to be busy though, so hopefully we can sneek out of the party early.
I'm 10DPO. So it seems we're regulating indeed hehe. Like you, trying not to symptom spot. I think the months I've had less symptoms are the months I have had a BFP, so on that note I'm out this month lol. They aren't real symptoms though...bloating (my body seems to do this sometimes in the later LP, though didn't notice it on the cycels when I got a BFP?) and sore stomach (but more like trapped wind, than that feeling in your uterus when you're preggo). Where do yo get the extra icons from (hello, ignore, baby dust)? I've looked for a hello before but couldn't find one.
Well ma, I so hope this month is it for you...sending lots of good BFP vibes your way x

Hi Ws...how are you hun? Thanks for the reassuring word :hugs: Nice to hear from a professional that you think I'm sane hehehe. Sorry just writing that made me laugh out loud. I felt so vulnerable when she said all that, but thanks to you girls, and a couple of friends from home, I feel loads better about how I'm feeling. Actually one friend here is a mental health nurse, and when I went through the first mc (which she had also experienced), I had expressed to her that I was so lucky, and there are so many people worse off than me. She said something that changed everything for me. She said, 'Yes it's good to remember how lucky we are, but that doesn't mean we should compare our sadness to anybody elses. Your pain is real, and the worst thing you have ever gone through. It's ok to grieve it as that. Don't dismiss it by comparing to other people's experiences'. I realised I wasn't dealing with it, I was trying to put it away, because I felt guilty for feeling such sadness, when I am so fortunate compared to many others. I think we all have to face sadness in our lives, one way or another, but if we let ourselves feel it, we can get passed it, and that is surely, and only, when you find real happiness. :) We'll all get our beautiful babies one day x Ok so off of the deep stuff and on to the facts...where are you in your cycle now-9DPO-seems like the 3 of us have regulated hehe. How are you feeling? Great to hear you're less anxious this cycle. Hope this is your cycle hun, sending lots of Baby Dust to you x

Hi SM..any news sweets? Thinking about you x

Hi HB...great news about your O! :thumbup: You must know your body really well if you could tell you were approaching it. Mine took a few days to be properly clear of the cover-line this cycle so maybe that's all it is for you too. Fingers crossed! x

Hi Gem..I hear you and ma, with the try, try and try again :) It is all we can do right? How's CBFM going this month? Fingers crossed for you! x

AFM...I'm 10DPO today. Temperatures not looking too promising at the moment, and like MA, trying not to symptom spot.

Sending lots of BFP vibes to us all xxxx:flower:
MMW430...Sorry huni, you must have posted while I was posting. Hi and welcome :flower:
Maryanne said she took a while to get a BFP with her son, so I think if AF is late you're in with a shot. Are your cycles very regular and do you chart your temperature, or are you basing when your af is due on CBFM giving you peak? x
:hi: baylea good post ,the smiley emoticons are when you got to post you go advanced just under the message box then click on more at the bottom of the smilies box then it comes up in a seperate window a whole lot of smilies including the xmas 1s ,im off to do a proper post lol x
MMW430...Sorry huni, you must have posted while I was posting. Hi and welcome :flower:
Maryanne said she took a while to get a BFP with her son, so I think if AF is late you're in with a shot. Are your cycles very regular and do you chart your temperature, or are you basing when your af is due on CBFM giving you peak? x

I've got a VERY regular 28 day cycle. I've pretty much been counting the days since February when I first went off BC. The only time it wasn't regular was when I first went off, while the cycle was regulating.

I've pretty much been obsessing all month...as well as getting weird (well, weird for me) symptoms (like sore BB's).

I really, really, thought I'd get a BFP yesterday when I tested. My DH (in an attempt to make me feel better) kept saying "It's only 94% positive. It's not 100%" but I'm not sure I believe that logic.

I've been cramping off and on, so I figured I was out, but then no AF.

Even my mom has been saying "I tested negative a few times with your brother, and there he is!"
:hi: again lol ,so Baylea you are basically saying that even if you got to a diff gp in your surgery it mite be that even if you get the doc to agree your tests they mite be overuled by the other gps they have to get it ok`d by or did i just assume that mite happen lol , as fo r nausea all your life ive never heard of that condition that must be annoying especially if theres no explanation for it i hope the kinesiologist can find a reason for it and treat that for you ,i cant imagine feeling yuck on a regular basis its bad enough hen your pg if you get ms you hate it but know its for a good reason but no reason is pants, my niece is 15 years old n for the past year has had heartburn quite bad on a daily basis and no reason for it but it iis annoying for her she has to carry rennies around with her all the time and even during school lessons its so bad 1 of her friends posted on her fb where are you g, i could do with 1 of your rennie lol such a shame but bless her lol coz shes lovely but fxd you get that nausea sorted soon and you never know it might help get the rainbow bfp for you fxd anyway x ,i so know what you mean about the symptoms ,its poop tho most of the af symptoms are the same as pg symptoms no wonder we struggle in the tww , i have a new symptom tho that seams to have made itself regular this cycle and last , tmi, but i dont empty my bowels as regular as some its like once a week or maybe sometimes 5/6 days but a couple of days before i go i feel nauseus now this was ok last month coz i thought ooo is it pg symptom but no af arrived and damn its happening again this cycle annoying so how you have put up with it for so long with no reason either, and yey 10dpo for you not long to be in the tww before being out of it for hopefully bfp i`m keeping my fingers well n truly x`d for you, hope you find the smilies they are so funny i love them so today i have :coffee: attempted to :sex: last night but didnt finish lol not that it matters this late in cycle done some :laundry: checked :mail: had some :munch: made :telephone: thinking bout going :loo: must remember to :brush: before :sex: and must get the :laundry: in before the :rain: comes lol haha love em , good luck hun and :dust: hope the :witch: stays away and you get a lovely :bfp: fxd xx
:hi: Mmw430 hope its late implantation for you hun and you get that bfp soon all you can do is give it a few days and test again but if no af i think the docs like you to wait 40 day of cycle before going to them to see whats happening although i have read of ladies who have completely skipped a cycle and af turned up around cd 60 its not always something bad it just happens sometimes during a womens lifetime hope fully tho you will get bfp or af will unfortunately just turn up a few days late , messes with cycle plans but if no bpf i am sure you will be glad to see it turn up so you can move on to the next cycle fingers crossed for you its bfp good luck and :dust: x

Hbelcher how many children would you like hun or are you just leaving it up to mother nature to decide as for the temps i have no idea sorry i did join ff and attempted to take daily temps but forgot by day 2 lol and then just kept forgetting so dont think its my thing so really dont understand ho you figure whats going on with them except that you get a rise after ov so confirmimg that ov did happen , but good luck and :dust: x

Mspotter how r u hun hope everythings ok with you x

mummy_clo hope everythings ok with you too x

gem hope your doing ok too x

if i missed any1 sorry but hope your ok too lol x

Afm been feeling light headed for the past 3 days on /off can even be hen sitting down have noticed it before on last cycle but didnt last this long hope i`m not coming down with something what with it being the season for snivvels n coughs lol , good luck every1 and :dust: :dust: :dust: x
Hi everyone :wave:

Glad to hear you're all doing okay :) Sorry I've been a bit rubbish, I've been a bit down the last few days... After AF being two days late it finally turned up on Tuesday. I had a really hard time with it this month and took a lot of crying on my hubby's shoulder to get through it. I went to see my doctor this afternoon about my pre AF spotting. I usually spot for about 5 to 7 days before AF actually shows up. My doctor was so lovely and really understanding. She's sending me for day 21 blood tests to check everything. She talked a bit about possible low progesterone levels but she said not to worry as that can be easily treated. If my levels turn out okay then my hubby will have to go in for tests... So hopefully by mid November we'll have some answers. I just feel so much better that my doctor is taking my concerns seriously and looking into the spotting as I've felt for a while its not right and hasn't been till we've started ttc that I've actually had the guts to get it checked out!!

Well my doc also said I need to relax :wacko: which as we all know is easier said than done!!! She told me to have a glass of wine tonight and try and chill so that's the plan... I'm going to try and keep positive too. I've been reading 'the baby making bible' which tells me not to think negatively and say things like 'I will have a baby' so everytime I feel down I say it over and over to convince myself! Feels a bit crazy but maybe it's helping, I do feel a bit happier today!

Hope u all have a lovely weekend girls, fingers crossed for all your BFPs soon!

Hey ladies :flower:
You are all so much better than me at keeping up with this thread!!
I'm cd21 today and been getting highs for 5 days now but i missed the test window this morning damn it :( Im going to say that this months a total washout tho as iv been laid up with the worst sickness bug i think iv ever had since tuesday. Im having trouble dragging myself for a wee so BD is the absolute last thing on my mind.
Hope you are all well and im going to catch up on your posts now!
Loads of luck and :dust:
Hi ladies,

I'm glad to see I'm in the same or at least similar boat as a lot of people-

Brief history - went of the pill 5 months ago, was put on progesterone to start af bc she didn't show at all. Used the cbfm for the first time after that first post-birth control af (around Sept 15). I didn't get any highs but at CD11, I got a peak. We had been BD'ing before and did after that too. CD13, I got some cramps and spotting (never got Ov spotting before, but I was excited bc I assume the monitor was right!).
I am DPO21, BFN since DPO14. No af. Today I experiemented and took an Ov test along with an hpt. BFN but + on the Ov test.

ANY clue what is going on? Was the monitor just wrong and the spotting and cramping was a coincidence? Am I actually Ov'ing right now? Or is there a slight possibility that I could be preggers but the hpt tests aren't showing it (total long shot but a girl can dream).

FX'd for all you ladies!
MMW...I agree with maryanne, give it a few days and test again if AF doesn't show. As your mum got a late BFP, maybe it's more likely to happen with you, purely speculation I've no idea if it actually works this way, but then again we all get thrown odd cycles now and again. Good Luck hun, fingers crossed for you x

Ma...Thanks Lovley :) I managed the 'SUPER' post after implementing your technique lol. I LOVED your following one with all the icons. Made me smile :) Thanks for that tip too. Tonight I have :laundry: hubby's rugby shorts, :dishes: well emptied and reloaded dishwasher, :shower: after walking the pup and now :coffee:
Aw your poor niece, that must be awful. I wonder if a keniologist could help find a cause. After all when the gps tell us nothing's wrong, if the symptoms are real, then there is a real cause. What they should say is..we don't know what's wrong.
Hmmm about your nausea..I'll have to see if mine relates in the same way, I've never thought about that. Maybe it's the toxins from the lack of :loo: Annoying though isn't it, cause you don't want to get your hopes up, but then you get all these stupid symptoms. I've decided mine are all pre-af. Hoping your light-headedness is a good sign, and not flu.x
The drs at my surgery own the practise, maybe this is true of anywhere though? Anyway when DH went for an SA after a year, and he saw a short term locum, and they had to go check with one of the permanent gps it'd be ok to refer him. The same thing happened when he needed a referal to an ENT specialist. So I think if you don't see a permanent dr they have to refer back to them anyway, and I've already tried 2 of the 4 permanent ones. Thanks for having your fingers crossed for me hun, I've got mine crossed for you too! Sending you Baby Dust Finally :dust: :)x

Hi SM...Sorry hun. It's so crap when af shows up, especially when it's late. Here's a :hugs: from me x Well done for going to see your dr. It's a daunting step, but such a relief to do something pro-active isn't it :thumbup: Great to hear she was so nice and helpful. Makes such a difference :), and great to know she's looking into the spotting, and would take positive step to treat it. Gives new hope doesn't it. Even if nothing comes back from test it'd prob make you more relaxed to know all looks well, so it's a plus, plus. Glad you're happier today too sweets. Enjoy your wine and have a lovely weekend too. x

mspotter...Sorry you're feeling do rotten hun. Hope you feel loads better soon. Maybe with your body feeling so ill, it'll delay ov.x

Hi Keely...welcome :flower: That's a tricky one. I'd BD incase you are oving now, as body failed to last time. Sometimes they say you get a positive opk if your pregnant. But I'm not sure if you'd get a positive opk and negative hpt? Keep BDing and good luck hun x
I'm spotting now. I have a feeling AF is coming. So annoying. The doctor wanted me to get a blood test tomorrow, too. I don't know if there's even a point now...
Thanks for the response Baylea! I am going to keep BD'ing and see what happens. I'm going to make an appmt with my gyno for next week or so just in case to see if I have at least ovulated at all. Otherwise, hopefully he will put me on something to get this going better. He's pretty understanding and responsive so at least that's good - he won't make me wait forever to get going with something that will regulate my cycles or ovulation.

MM, I'm sorry that af is coming, but hey, then another cycle to try! I really have heard great success stories using the CBFM (which is why I bought it) so keep going and think positive.

Fx'ed for all you ladies :winkwink:
It has been spot on for O for me! I got 2 peaks recently and haven't even had ppaf yet. Im 3dpo! GL!!!
HBelcher - we are all rooting for you!

BFN again today. No too shocking. I made an appmt at the MD for Thursday. Just to see what's going on. Excited to find out finally - not sure how I'll be if there is bad news or something, but first we'll see what happens before speculating.
I broke and I tested and it was a BFN :(

12dpo here..... was so sure I could wait till at least 14dpo.
Turns out no.

Feeling lots of cramps similar to period but not the same. Witch is probably in the post I'd say. I was really hoping I would be pregnant by Christmas.

Big Humph :(
Oh wabisabi thats rubbish :nope: i'm so sorry it was a bfn
Altho you know what they say, your not out til the :witch: shows her ugly mug!

I'm still getting highs, every day since last monday i think it was but no peak. Is that normal? I'm not holding out much hope tho still as im cd 25 today and the last time we managed to bd was cd18, the day of my 2nd high.
Im hoping to try and convince hubs that im feeling much better and its fine to have a go tonight so we'l see....

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