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CD 10 & TTC after MC (in Dec), 2nd cycle trying since, anyone wanna buddy up?

May 14, 2011
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Hi there! Im new to this forum. Never posted on B&B before but done some serious stalking last month. I thought for sure I was PG after the last O, had TONS of symptoms but got AF 2 days late (boooo) but there she was so...
(btw, Im trying hard to learn the lingo here, correct me if I say something wrong- theres a lot to learn!) :dohh:

so anyhoo, This is our 2nd cycle to try again after our loss back in December. I was 11 wks and it was our first child so I was really distraught afterwards. But Ive been in therapy, doing much much better now and ready to try again! We were told to wait 2 months of normal AF to TTC and we waited 5 months so we could be emotionally ready for whatever happens.

so here I am! I am on CD 9. (I have irregular cycles, anywhere from 29 to 34 days so I bought the CBFM -LOVE the little sucker! and my fertility reading went up yesterday. YAY!) Its super scary but so exciting too (minus the 2WW which drives me MAD! (hence my need for a buddy!)

If my charting and obsessive tracking has taught me anything, I think I should O on day 12 this month... so its comin up!

anyone out there on a similar cycle (or not!) who wants to buddy up?
WHHOOOPS! I accidentally wrote I was on CD10 on the thread title, didnt mean to do that, am indeed on CD9.. sorry! (see-Im already jumping ahead of myself!)
:hi: and welcome,

There's a thread where people are testing in May and in June if you want to join them? There is always someone around that is close to you in cycle and there;s always some banter, support and laughs.

Sorry for your loss and I hope you get your BFP soon :flower:

Hi there :flower:

Welcome to BnB! I This forum is great, everyone is so welcoming and friendly, its really helped me :) Sorry to hear about ur loss, I had a MC in Feb at only 6 weeks, but nontheless it knocked me for six, was so deverstated but am feeling so much more positive now.

I started TTC on my last cycle but the witch reared her ugly head so here I am on CD9 and am really going to go all out for it this month! My cycles are usually around 28-30 days and like you I usually Ov around CD12. I also have a CBFM, they are AMAZING! Money well spent Id say, I have also started temping this month, which is probably a bad thing as I am so obessive over any little symptom! Have also started taking Royal Jelly capsuales this month, its meant to be really good for fertility and genreal well being. Also use preseed and baby aspirin!

Yeah the 2ww really sucks, the time drags by so slowly so will be great to keep each other company :) I always POAS at around 9dpo but this time I am going to try and hold off till at least 14dpo!!!! I say that now but we shall see...

Kate xxx

:hug: & :dust:
Hello and welcome :flower:

I hope you will find lots of support. There are some wonderful ladies on here. I am CD13 using the CBFM for the first time this cycle and got peak readings yesterday and today. I am loving it too. Have never had a clue about when I ovulated - it was just guess work so love seeing my hormone changes!

My MMC was in March 2011 and we waited one cycle before trying again. Good luck to you and I hope you get your sticky bean soon. Well done on getting the counselling and making sure you were emotionally ready to TTC again.
thanks ladies! I love this forum too. Its so great to be going through this with others like you- The whole baby making business is TOUGH so we need all the support we can get!

Im so sad to hear about all your losses. It is just heartbreaking but hopefully we will all have better luck this time round! baby dust to all!!!

to Neversaynever- Im going to check out some other threads for sure. I love stalking and learning from others!

to Kate, I tested DPO 9 last month too. and I kept holding it to the light, going back to it, etc :wacko: I was getting a lot of hopeful signs like nausea and headaches, chills and was feel very excited about it. I could only manage to wait till dpo 12 (spaz) and still nada... so I when AF didnt show on dpo 13, I tested on dpo14. I was going crazy- no positives, and no AF? I was bouncing off the walls... DH was away on business too so I had a lot of time to be nutty and burn my way through tests...
she showed on dpo15. the cow. :) so this time I have to be CALM and not waste all that energy... we can help each other out to not go totally bananas!

to both Kate and Fizzio, the CBFM is the best. My friend switched me onto it and for anyone with irregular cycles, its a dream. I like knowing that I am ovulating too, before I used it (last month was my first) I wasnt 100% sure I was Oing so it really put my mind at ease...

SO! heres a Question- do you guys all BD everyday or every other day around O? Ive heard that one should BD a few days before, during and directly after ovulation- but some say to skip every other day... makes sense that more frequent BDing means less swimmers per shot but surely more times means more of a chance... right?

Anyone have an opinion on this?
Apparently you can BD every day if your OH has strong swimmers but there is so much conflicting advice. When I got my :bfp: we :sex: every day from my 1st to my last high but have done some research on this as so many people say different things and came across the SMEP (Spearm meets egg plan) Plan, so am giving this a go this month (See thread below). As I ov early I start the BD on CD 7/8, have read a lot of sucess stories about this so FX it works for me :)


hmmm... so interesting! well best of luck to you doll!!!

How you doing today sweetie? I am still low according to my CBFM which is kinda strange as am usually high my now, then peak on CD12 but may just be ovulating a little later this cycle?!? Have be :sex: every other day and will do up until I hit peak then wil do three days in a row :wacko:

Have got a good feeling about this cycle so fingers crossed :)

Hers to us getting our :bfp:

Hi Kate, doing groovy thanks for asking! we :sex: this morning and will try to everyday until after O. Im going to try the 'do it everyday' approach this cycle and see what happens. If I get a :bfn: then Ill try the SMEP approach, especially if it works for you! (and I hope it does!!:happydance: FX!)

so what cd is this for you? you are normally high now? sounds like it may be a longer cycle- DOH! I hate that... back in Feb I had one that was 34 days, & didnt O until cd22... NOT cool. hence why I bought the CBFM! :winkwink: How long have you been charting your cycles? do you chart BBT too?

I think my body is gearing up to O, had a high since cd8 and Ive had good CM. However, after we BD there was a little spotting... I dont normally get O spotting do you? Do you think thats what it was? but I dont think I O until cd14 (Thursday) this month. could be totally wrong about that though... ack. bloody baby making!!! (no puns intended...)
Helllllllo :flower:

I am actually CD12 today, my ticker is a bit messed up! Last cycle I ovulated CD12 and the one before that (the cycle after the MC) I ov CD17! Think my cycles are a bit out of sync :wacko: Also last month only had one high then went straight to a peak which is a bit odd, just hope I ovulate soon, like you I hate those awful long cycles :growlmad: Well, Im still gonna :sex: everyother day up till Ov so if it does creep up on me Im covered!

Have heard a lot of sucess stories about SMEP but when I did get my :bfp: I was :sex: everyday so who knows!! I started charting this month too, do you take your BBT as well? Feels strange taking my temp each morning but will be cool to see the temp go up when I get round to Ov!

Dont think Ive ever had Ov spotting, have heard of it though, it can happen when the egg breaks through but am not too sure though, have a read of the below :) Your right all this baby making has gone to my head, it consumes my everywaking thought and even my dreams! If Im not on BnB Im scouting the web to find ways to get pregnant quickly! Im on a cocktail of vitamins and tablets, have stopped caffine, smoking and drinking and if I dont get that :bfp: this month I will go mental or resort to drinking about 10 bottles of wine :wacko:!!!!

Do you take any vitamins/tablets, am starting Maca today, meant to be amazing for fertility and give you a bit of a libido boost which i definately need sometimes, baby making can take the passion out of :sex: sometimes!


Have a good day chick, what you up too? Im working today, booohooooo. I had some professional photos taken with my Mum so am off to view and collect them later

hey Miss Kate!!! :hugs:

my ticker is going to be off too since I have irregular cycles. 'tis the way! I hope Im right about this month's O date. I do chart BBT. (been doing since Feb) and it took me a while to piece it all together. The day you O your temp will stay the same- it shoots up the following day. thats why BBT alone will never work for me since I dont know when I O. (we need an O smilie!- like a happy little egg!) the temp thing can be weird to start with and they you'll get so used to it, it will be as normal as getting up to pee!

My BF here uses the CBFM and she has 1 high the day before she peaks (every time) and she has 1 healthy baby boy so just goes to show that having a ton of high days before necessarily mean anything. I had 7 high days last month, and this month so far it has been 5.

as for vices- no alcohol as of 5 days ago but I havent been drinking much the past few months. I think Ive had 10 in the past 30 days (no idea why- just gone off it. weird right?! I normally LOVE the booze.

and I gave up smoking 6 yrs ago (thank god, it would be so hard to quit otherwise)

as for caffeine :coffee:- no coffee (also quit 6 yrs ago) but I drink tea like a maniac. (Im half english and from my days in England I am quite addicted to tea.) there is literally nothing more soothing than a nice cuppa!!! but Ive cut back from 4-5 down to 2 so a BIG improvement!
DH has cut way back too.

and I take omega oils as well as a vegetable based prenatal that my dr recommended. Ive tried a few others and this one is the best so far. I took one during the last pregnancy that was SO gross. biggest pills ever and they STANK. (WHY cant they figure out that the pills PG women need to take cannot be stinky- our senses are WAY too strong!)
anyhoo... thats it. oh! and been exercising a lot too. (the dogs been loving it!)

so whats this Maca you mentioned? this is only month 2 of trying but I can see how it can get unromantic QUICK. Ill look into that today- thanks lady!

today Im going to be working too. I work from home though so its dangerous as I also loooove to prowl the net looking up baby info. :comp: even looked at cribs the other day! SO not a good idea... next time I get PG I need to not get crazy and shop online/ buy anything until im 14 weeks in. I dont want to be so attached you know? just in case...

this is the longest thread ever. sorry about that! :blush:

Hope your pictures turned out great! What were they for?

oh! and Im really happy to have a buddy so we can go through this together. its MUCH better than huffing it alone. horray!!! :flower:
Hey Kate! I O'd today!!! Hooray! This cycle was a little shorter than I thought but as long as my luteal phase isn't short I have a chance!! What about you? Egg?
Hellllllo sweetie :)

Horaaaaaay for the eggo :happydance: Hope you have been :sex: like mad?!? Still not even an high for me yet, booooooooo, only have 3 sticks left as well so have had to order some off the internet express delivery!!! What CD is it for your today? Im CD13, fingers crossed the egg makes an experience soon!!!!!

Am just at work, will come back on later :hugs:


Kate :hug:
P.S Whats your real name BTW :)
Hahaha us Brits love our tea!! World war should be solved over a cuppa and a chat!!! Well done for cutting down to two cups a day, I have been drinking decaf tea and it tastes almost the same. I miss having a booze as well, I dont usually go mad anymore like I use to in my party days but I do miss a nice cold glass of cider :( I have been smoking today thou, I am very naughty :wacko: Oh well, I have been so good with giving up the booze!

Im on so many tablets I rattle!!! Am taking Royal Jelly and Maca (apparently these are superfoods and make you really fertile - have a google of them), have an all in one prenatal tablet and also take baby aspirin (meant to increase the flow of blood to the uterus). I know what you mean with them making the pills really big and STINKY! They make me gag even thinking about them :wacko: It sounds like we are both doing the right things to get our :bfp:. Before all this baby making malarky started I didnt quite realised how much stuff there is out there to make little baba's!!! Or how time consuming and complex it really is! When you a teenager its drummed into you how easy it is to get pregnant!!!! Not true! Its bloody hard and expensive. The test sticks for the CBFM are £20 alone... Ok rant over!!!

Ohhhhhhhh you have got dogs, what breed are they? I love woof woofs, I have a little bull terrier, she is only 7 months and she is the BEST!!!

Ive decorated and planned the nursery in my head already, was even browsing for maternity clothes the other day!!! Your right thou, waiting till 14 weeks is much better, but we also need to get PG 1st! Fingers crossed it will happen this month :)

So you work from home,what do you do? Im an accountant, work for an American company called SPX, live and work in Manchester in the north of England. Its always raining up here!!! I bought the photo session for my Mums bday, so we could have a nice piccie of us together :) They came out lovely so am planning on having it framed.

Take care bud xxx
Well HELLO little lady!
sorry I didnt get a chance to post yesterday but am here now! Our time differences are big too- 6 hours I believe.

Got my tea as I type!! :coffee: My name is Rose and Im a designer (hence the working at home bit) I make children's clothes. Id show you but I dont think Im allowed to post my website up here (they might see it as advertisement)
my doggie is nearly 4 and shes a big mutt. german shepard, rottie and chow. Shes the biggest coward in the world which is a joke since she is HUGE. but shes ma baby... :)
Dogs are the BEST, they make everything better. The town I live in is such a dog friendly town- I love it.

tell me about the cost of all of this- the CBFM sticks are a wallet killer. (but just think about how expensive it will get with kids- ZOINKS!)
I also had no idea how hard it is to get a :baby: I remember being SO stressed about it earlier in life- what a joke! I get irrationally angry when someone I know gets pregnant and they are like. "Yeah, got pregnant SO easily..." I want to bite them... :growlmad:

Glad your pictures turned out nicely, bet your mum loves it!! so anything on the monitor today? and where do you buy your test sticks? I got mine off amazon.

Hope you have a LOVELY day doll!

Hello Rose :)

Hope you ok hun? Have just been on a lovely dog walk with Ruby,am knackered now! Your doggie sounds beautiful :) What part of Texas are you from?

Finally got a high yesterday and today so am hoping to OV tomorrow, have been BDing every other day so FX the spermy will catch that little eggy! What dpo are you on now? Any signs or symptoms?

I bet its great working from home,I would stay in my pj's all day! (Ohhhhhhh heavan!!!) I love my pj's, would wear them to work if I could!! Would love to see your website, can you pm the website address?

Hope you have a lovely Sunday :flower:

Hey hey! congrats on the high- good stuff, hope you get that eggy tomorrow!!!

SENDING YOU HAPPY EGGY VIBES!!! :dust: (this is the time that a happy little bouncing egg smilie would be great!- I should write and suggest someone make one for this site...)

I love working from home but I have to really motivate to get out of the PJs and take it seriously otherwise it doesnt work at all. but PJs are the greatest invention ever. I keep seeing an infomercial on tv for jeans that are like sweatpants and I cant help but wonder... hmm... sounds too good to be true!

I am 2dpo today. so I still have a ways to go till testing. I thought I could test on the 1st but I actually think it is the 4th or 5th... rats! :growlmad:

not a lot on the symptom front. Yesterday my nipples were SUPER sore but Im guessing that has more to do with O'ing than anything else. :) last month I had SO many symptoms I was sure I was pg. I was tired with horrendous headaches, nauseated, leg cramping, gassy, frequently urinating, sore back and abdominal cramping and the witch was 2 days late (which almost never happens) I think I just wanted it so bad... this month I think Ill take my 'symptoms' with a grain of salt. HA, watch me start symptom spotting like mad come 4dpo... :)

Happy Sunday to you too and I hope you get that egg tomorrow! get ready to start some SERIOUS :sex:ing!!! do you normally get one high day before the egg?

hugs!!! :hugs:
Hello chick, FINALLY GOT AN EGGO!!!! :happydance: Usually get 3 days of highs, only got 1 last cycle and 2 this cycle. Have been :sex: every other day since CD8 and will be tonight and the next two nights also so hopefully have all bases covered!!!!

So I can finally join u in the 2ww (yipee in one sense but hate it also, it drags byyyyyyyyy soooooooooo slowelyyyyyyyy :nope: But FX we get our :bfp: at the end of it (and we can do a little bit of symptom spotting along the way, hehehe!! Not too much thou as it can send us :wacko:!!! Think I will be testing about the 7th but will try and hold off till then as I am a POAS addict!!!

Hope your ok and not hating the 2ww too much!! Any more symptoms???

HOORAY! I was so hoping you would write and say you got it today! sounds like you have done everything right! hip hip- HORRAY!!!

I also hope that we get some happy little :bfp:s this month. I am ready to welcome you to the 2ww and we can help each other stay sane!

I have to say, its so nice to have a friend to go through this with, it makes it SO much better.

no symptoms, my nips are back to normal. (TG- I dont think it was a symptom -they was just super sore) and my headache from yesterday seems to have disappeared. so... but hey- its early days. still only 3dpo (dont understand, I feel like its been a week already! I dont even test until two whole saturdays from now -WTF?!) but if I am having symptoms I may try to test 10 or 11dpo... just for the hell of it. :winkwink:

AW! I was just looking at the smilies, check out this shower one- its SO cute!!


alrighty doll, you hump away and MAKE THAT BABY! :happydance: FX that the :spermy: finds your eggy!


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