CD 10 & TTC after MC (in Dec), 2nd cycle trying since, anyone wanna buddy up?

Katestar and Familygal ...
Well, I worked the past two nights in a row (12 hour shift...YUCK). So with 2 days of some distraction, and now Friday is here, I am super bummed to say AF is on her way. Had some pinkish discharge today so now I know she's coming. Also cervix feels a bit more open today :( I don't think there is any reason to continue HPT. boo hoo :( Oh well. Sad but after a few days, Ill be focused on this next cycle. Katestar, DH and I have been trying since I MC last July...11 months now!! Sooo frustrating. the hysterosalpingogram is a test done by a radiologist which injects a dye into the uterus through the cervix. they use xrays and Ultrasound to follow the dye through the uterus and up and out the fallopian tubes to check if the tubes may be blocked (which could be the reason for no BFP). So, I will be hopeful when the time comes to test because I have been told that after having this test, women are way more fertile for the next 3 months following. Supposedly, if there is no MAJOR blockage, the dye will just flush out the uterus and tubes and "clean it out". Also the tubes stay slightly more dilated making it easier for "travelers". Wish I weren't reaching this point, but looks like I am. As for Kate... am psyched that u have a temp rise, hope it stays ;) Keep us posted. BTW, have you tested yet? I'll be checking back to hear. Kat
Kat, im really sorry to hear about how hard it has been :( this must be so frustrating... I really feel for you. :hugs:
Please feel free to rant and rave or sob on my (virtual) shoulder.

but, maybe this hysterosalpingogram can help! I hope so! got all my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! let us know how it all goes too. xo
Katestar and Familygal ...
Well, I worked the past two nights in a row (12 hour shift...YUCK). So with 2 days of some distraction, and now Friday is here, I am super bummed to say AF is on her way. Had some pinkish discharge today so now I know she's coming. Also cervix feels a bit more open today :( I don't think there is any reason to continue HPT. boo hoo :( Oh well. Sad but after a few days, Ill be focused on this next cycle. Katestar, DH and I have been trying since I MC last July...11 months now!! Sooo frustrating. the hysterosalpingogram is a test done by a radiologist which injects a dye into the uterus through the cervix. they use xrays and Ultrasound to follow the dye through the uterus and up and out the fallopian tubes to check if the tubes may be blocked (which could be the reason for no BFP). So, I will be hopeful when the time comes to test because I have been told that after having this test, women are way more fertile for the next 3 months following. Supposedly, if there is no MAJOR blockage, the dye will just flush out the uterus and tubes and "clean it out". Also the tubes stay slightly more dilated making it easier for "travelers". Wish I weren't reaching this point, but looks like I am. As for Kate... am psyched that u have a temp rise, hope it stays ;) Keep us posted. BTW, have you tested yet? I'll be checking back to hear. Kat

Kat - I hope the :witch: stays away sweetie, sorry to hear of your struggle, TTC is such a stressful time but like afamilygal says FX the hysterosalpingogram can you help you and lets pray that there are no major blockages. You have managed to get pregnant previously so Im certain that it can happen again hun, just keep you chin up and try and think positively :)
We are all here for you, whenever your down come and talk to us :hugs:

Am still only 4dpo unfortunately so wont be testing just yet, will try and hold off with testing this time. I am a POAS addict! I usually start around 9dpo and it is always a :bfn:, Im so silly really, so am going to try and hold out till 13/14dpo but we shall have to see...... So now I have a lot of waiting and waiting and waiting :coffee: I am so impaitent!!! Bloody 2ww!

Have a lovely two days off, try and keep busy hun and FX that horrible :witch: stays away

Kate xxx
Kate ma dearie! what about your temps today? youre killing me kid! gotta keep a sista updated! Im going NUTS on day freaking 6. 6!!! time is moving at a slooooow craaaawl theeeese daaaaays. BAH! I feel like I ovulated 2 weeks ago!

NUTS! :gun: and I want a BEER... STAT!!! :wine:

yowsa- ok, rant over. I feel better. :) but seriously, I want to go pee on a stick right freaking now. which would be beyond dumb and I tell myself that and then a couple hours later Im like "hmmm... maybe I should POAS..." NUTS!!!

and symptoms- aint got any. Im tired (but I also have allergies and its so HOT these days who isnt tired?) and Ive been really REALLY cranky. but that happens once in a while.

OH! since my other post from yesterday night was erased (or never posted- grumble grumble) I wanted to say to Kate that I know how awful it is to see someone at he same stage that you would be... its super hard and Im sorry :(
I found out a friend of mine was pg at 15 wks (when I would have been) and when I saw her lovely little bump I wanted to cry- I felt like the wind got knocked out of me. now she is getting ready to have her little girl in a month and she is HUGE and looks amazing. Im less jealous that I was but it still hurts... Its take time to not feel envious cause the fact is they have something that we want so badly...
BUT you will have your baby- and he/she will be SO adorable and lovely and you are going to be the one with the big old bump wondering "how is THAT going to come out of THIS?!" soon enough my love!!! you too Kat!

and Kat- sorry to hear you arent feeling positive about this but some women have little or no symptoms at all, it aint over till the fat lady sings!!!

and about BBT- this link should help. you just need to have been asleep for 3 or 4 hours in a row without peeing or talking. I spoke with DH early yesterday and took my reading (1 hour earliy) and it was 98.1 and then went back to sleep for an hour and did temp again 1 hour later and it was 98.3 (which it has been for a couple of days) so as you can see- even talking or sleeping with your mouth open can affect the reading...
ALRIGHTY! Im off to go swimming cause I am roasting!

Later alligators!

Helllllllllllo my dear, temps are still up, am hoping they dip in the next few days for implantation, FX anyways!!!! So your on day 7 now, half way there sweetie, unless of course you will give in and POAS :loopy: Wouldnt let me see your chart hun, was saying I had to log-in, would love to see how your temps are progressing :)

Am sooooooooooo sooooo :sleep: sleeply today, had the puppy sleeping with us last night and she was wriggling all over the place and I was woken up to some sloppy licks/kisses at 5am :growlmad:

Hahahaha - I could do with a :beer: and lots of :wine: this weekend, havent been :drunk: for such a long time, cant be dealing with a hangover thou, havent had on of them in a long time!!!!

Tiredness is one of the first signs of early pregnancy, I know that when I had my :bfp: I was knackered from about 6dpo, I was on holiday in New York at the time and was having to have afternoon naps each day, thought it was just because I walking loads but was actually preggo! So dont worry that you haveny got too many sypmtoms as I didnt feel pregnant when I got that first :bfp: till about 5 weeks, apart frommy (.)(.) which were super sore but no more that when I about to get my :witch:. Just checked the temperature where u are and its superrrrrrrrrrrrr hot!!! Am jealous, its wet here in England, the weather is rubbish and cold :cold:

Thanks for all you kind words hun, it means so much to me, I know that we will go on and have lovely little :baby: but the journey to get there is so hard and long, I kinda feel that I live my life by my cycles at the monent, am either waiting for the big OV or waiting to test! I always say that I will ltry and chill out this cycle but its hard when your either taking temps, POAS or taking a billion pills but at least I have you lovely ladies to rant to!! Wouldnt know what I would do without BnB and you guys,would propeerly end up in a mental home :loopy:

Thaanks for your link on BBT,have been taking my temp as soon as I wake up at the same time and have put it next to my bed now so that I can do it as soon as I wake up

Have a lovely weekend :)

P.S -Am loving this smiley :comp: thats me at my computer desk all week!!!!


:hug: & :dust:
hi hi!!
I know what you mean about obsessing. I KNOW its unhealthy but I cant seem to stop myself! madness... youre right about taking temps and all that jazz. part of me thinks it would be SO much better to just do it and hope for the best but I know my cycles are all over the place and I think it would be all down to luck. scary. the thing is that if you want it real bad then its hard to ignore...

try this link to see my chart:

think that should work. I had a slight drop in temps today (but only by 2 degrees and that always seems to happen to me around this time so I dont think it is indicative of anything)

I know this is going to sound SUPER negative but I dont think this is my month. its not just that I have no symptoms out of the ordinary (besides gas! ha! my DH ♡'s that!) but I just dont feel it. silly really since I felt it last month and it was :bfn:..
I always get twinges in my ovaries or abdomin and get to feeling bad or tired cause a) Im a hypochondriac and b) I have dreadful allergies which make me feel like poo. been sneezing all day!

I know that Im only 8dpo and implantation can happen anywhere from 6-12 but I... I dunno. maybe Ill feel different in a couple of days. (I hope, fx!)
Im still confused about when the dpos start. is it the day after you get the egg? or 2 days after you get the egg? or is it the day your temp drops??

I really want to try to hold out on testing cause I never believe the test anyways and I think its easier to just get AF... but If I start getting signs I may change my mind :winkwink:

well I hope you are having a FABulous day doll!!! Ill be at home most of the day and checking in if you want to chat!

you having any signs at all???
Afmalilygal....try and stay postive. I know it hard. i felt the same way though. Unfortunatly for me, AF has shown her ugly face, right on time. grrr. hopefully for you she wont. keep me posted. looks like i will be going for my HSG test afterall. maybe this will be my month. 16 day til OV. I am counting already. is it going for you? what day are you on? any symptoms? FXd for you. keep me posted.

hugs to both...Kat
:hugs:Thanks kat. Im still hopeful but trying to be realistic when I can. I know that I could have months of sadness ahead of me which I know is a dreadful way to think but the way I see it is that if am hopeful for the best, but prepared for the worst then I am better equipped to deal with the bad stuff. If I stay too optimistic then it feels like I'm blindsided if it turns south. Does that make sense? Jeez- I sound like TOTAL Debbie downer I know. :) I'm still in the early months of trying so I would be very lucky to get pg right away. This is going to sound bad too but I'm also so afraid. Afraid to get pg, open ,y heart back up and have it crushed again. My biggest fear is a reoccurring miscarriage. It's just scary business is all...
I had a dream last that DH turned real evil like the girl in black swan (red eyes and all) and he woke me up cause I was screaming and I jumped out of bed thinking he was still bad! It was so freaking real! Scared the sauce out of me! :)
So you see? I'm just crazy!!! :)
Good luck on your test, when will you take it?

And to katestar- what day you on? Any symptoms?! Come on- I wanna over analyze them for you!! Xx
:kiss: to you both!
Hiya sweetie :hugs:

Hope your ok today? I had a nice chilled w'end and didnt have to work today as it was a public holiday but it has been raining all day :rain: still took the puppy for a walk, we all got soaked but my OH took me out for lunch so I cant really complain :thumbup:

Any new symptoms to report? Im currently 6dpo and not much new apart from the fact that I am SUPER sleepy :sleep: I have been having afternoon naps like a right old grandma all weekend! Not sure if it means anything or that I am just overly tired, who knows but am trying not to read too much into anything this time round. Im definately going to try and be more like you, if you tell you self its not going to happen and it does that you havent set yourself up for that :BFN: I also think its harder for us as we have both had MC, I know that when I do conceive again I will be so worried about every little twinge that I will proberly drive myself insane. I was chatting to my OH over lunch and we were talking about when I got a :bfp: and how happy we both were, and how we started planning what we would buy and names! This time round we will try and be a lot less excitable and at leat wait till 12 weeks before we start planning ahead!

Did you get implantation pains with you last :bfp:? I was trying to think back to when I was around 6-12dpo aand I cant remember having any pains/cramps but they say that not all women them so wouldnt worry too much hun. Got my FX for you, will you test soon or will you keep an eye on your temps? Think I am going to try and hold out till at leat 14dpo, thats a week on Tuesday, soooooo farrrrr awayyyyyyyyyyy!

Have a good day

Bye bye xxx
Afmalilygal....try and stay postive. I know it hard. i felt the same way though. Unfortunatly for me, AF has shown her ugly face, right on time. grrr. hopefully for you she wont. keep me posted. looks like i will be going for my HSG test afterall. maybe this will be my month. 16 day til OV. I am counting already. is it going for you? what day are you on? any symptoms? FXd for you. keep me posted.

hugs to both...Kat

Hey Kat - hope your having a good day :) Sorry that the :witch: showed up :( FX for your next cycle, I hope this is your month :) Im all good, am 6dpo and not much to report apart from extreme tiredness but am symptom free apart from that :( Just wan it to be 14dpo now so that I can POAS!! Am so impatient!!!!

:hug: & :dust:
Afmalilygal....try and stay postive. I know it hard. i felt the same way though. Unfortunatly for me, AF has shown her ugly face, right on time. grrr. hopefully for you she wont. keep me posted. looks like i will be going for my HSG test afterall. maybe this will be my month. 16 day til OV. I am counting already. is it going for you? what day are you on? any symptoms? FXd for you. keep me posted.

hugs to both...Kat

Hey Kat - hope your having a good day :) Sorry that the :witch: showed up :( FX for your next cycle, I hope this is your month :) Im all good, am 6dpo and not much to report apart from extreme tiredness but am symptom free apart from that :( Just wan it to be 14dpo now so that I can POAS!! Am so impatient!!!!

:hug: & :dust:

Hi KATE. I am on cycle day 2 now, so the shock of having AF arrive is wearing off now and time to focus on this cycle. Dont know if I told you that I too had MC in July 2010 :( we have been trying ever since. It is sooo hard when you have such excitement for something and then it is taken from you in a flash. I was 10wks, and sooo devastated. So now its like "what is wrong with me now? did that MC do something to me that I cant conceive?" everyday its a wonder. and then i too worry about getting that BFP and getting too excited again. I dont know if i could handle another MC. I bought a home sperm check test for hubby (was starting to wonder if it was him with the issue), but he checked out just fine :happydance:
with my last pregnancy i dont remember having a symptom until after i found out i was pg. but then again i wasnt obsessing like i do now, lol. hope ur sleepiness means something. i never had implantation cramps, that i was aware of. and i think i only had implantation bleeding once. so it is different for everyone. hope you have a great holiday weekend. keep in touch.
hello ladies!
Kat- good to hear your DH's swimmers checked out ok :) Ive been meaning to ask about your test (the one thats hard to spell :)) have you had it yet or do you have to wait till after AF or O?
you sound a little more positive- did you ever get yourself a well earned treat for your month of trying (think I mentioned that a while ago- it was Kate's idea and its a good one.) the idea is to treat yourself if you get a bfn... its a small consolation I know but Im going to get myself a massage if I dont get my bfp this cycle and get myself all ready for the next month. at least Ill get something good! :winkwink:
Im sorry to hear about your mc... :( its so hard... hopefully none of us have to go through that again any time soon!!!

and miss Kate- sleepy eh?? :sleep: that sounds promising! Ive been tired too but its gotten up to 101 some days so everyone is! :) anything else out of the ordinary?
My temp dropped 2 days ago by .2 degrees and have stayed there at 98.1... anyone think thats a bad sign? my temps tend to go up and down right about this time... before the dreaded :witch:...

I havent had any new symptoms... :growlmad: and I did have bad cramps last time but early ones at 4dpo- which I know cause I know when we conceived (cause we only did it once that month- what the hell are the odds of THAT happening again! Ill tell you what- SLIM TO NONE FOLKS!!) and I went to the ER cause I thought it was my appendix! (SPAZ)
it was really painful! but I wonder if there was something wrong from the get go so Ill be glad if the whole experience is really different the next time!) and as far as implantation bleeding. I cant remember. I seem to remember spotting either that month or the month earlier... but I wasnt paying attention cause I didnt know that there was a baby in there. (dumb da dumb dumb)

but no spotting this month :nope: and tomorrow I will be 11dpo... I REALLY want to test but I think it will be negative and Ill be sad... booo...
so Im going to try to wait for AF or till 14dpo like you... I will if I can!!! I have a bunch of tests in my drawer and they call to me like sirens... "peeeee on meeeeee!!!!"
I have my FX'd for you too!!! all 10 of them! :p BABYDUST TO YOUR UTERUS!!!!!

arent we funny how we analyse EVERY little twinge and hiccup now? oh brother!... so exhausting! :brat:

alright dolls! off to bed I go! big hugs and speak to you manana banana!!!
Kat- was re-reading through the posts and meant to say sorry about the :witch: showing her ugly face :( but maybe this will be your month and the baby wants to be born in March cause that's a pretty time of year to be born! :flow:

Have either of you ever heard of prenatal acupuncture? I have a friend who has PCOS and was trying for a year and went and got this acupuncture and got pg the next month! If I dont get my :bfp: Im going to look into it- whose with me?!
accupuncture? is it the needle kind? I am a little hesitant if it involves needles, lol. but who knows, i might try anything. let me know what u find out. The hysterosalpingogram (HSG) has to be done between days 7 and 10 of the cycle. I am on day 3 now, so I will call today to schedule it (they were not open over the holiday weekend). I am hopeful this will be the month.

good job holding out on the hpt. i never can wait and like a fool, alsways wind up testing way too early! i mean 5 post ovulation?! what was i thinking? we def do love to torture ourselves ;) i will be thinking about you over these next few days. it is my hope that while i am having my HSG and hopefully finding out there is NO blockage, you will be getting your BFP. Then we will both have good news to share.

kate, how are you holding up? still tired? any new symptoms? KIT
accupuncture? is it the needle kind? I am a little hesitant if it involves needles, lol. but who knows, i might try anything. let me know what u find out. The hysterosalpingogram (HSG) has to be done between days 7 and 10 of the cycle. I am on day 3 now, so I will call today to schedule it (they were not open over the holiday weekend). I am hopeful this will be the month

yep needles! I hate needles too.used to have horrible fear of them but then had a diabetic friend who had to inject herself 3 times a day. Watching her do it to herself I lost my fear a bit.
But apparently acupuncture doesn't hurt it feels very warm/ hot on your skin. That's what I heard... Can't hurt as much as childbirth right? :)

Speaking of which, you have 4 kids? ( I saw on your tickers- is that right?) that's a lot of kiddos, youre very blessed! :)
Good luck on your test, I hope it all works out perfectly!

Still not feeling a bfp this month... But I still have a few days so you never know!, but I'll let you guys know when I test.

Have a great day! :kiss:
accupuncture? is it the needle kind? I am a little hesitant if it involves needles, lol. but who knows, i might try anything. let me know what u find out. The hysterosalpingogram (HSG) has to be done between days 7 and 10 of the cycle. I am on day 3 now, so I will call today to schedule it (they were not open over the holiday weekend). I am hopeful this will be the month

yep needles! I hate needles too.used to have horrible fear of them but then had a diabetic friend who had to inject herself 3 times a day. Watching her do it to herself I lost my fear a bit.
But apparently acupuncture doesn't hurt it feels very warm/ hot on your skin. That's what I heard... Can't hurt as much as childbirth right? :)

Speaking of which, you have 4 kids? ( I saw on your tickers- is that right?) that's a lot of kiddos, youre very blessed! :)
Good luck on your test, I hope it all works out perfectly!

Still not feeling a bfp this month... But I still have a few days so you never know!, but I'll let you guys know when I test.

Have a great day! :kiss:

Yep...I have 4 kids. I have three boys and a daughter. We were not "trying" when I conceived my daughter (my youngest son was gonna turn 7).

Lol, I thought, wow this will be great, he'll go to school full time and I'll have the whole days to myself. And then what do you know... PREGNANT. It took a little getting used to, but then we were blessed with our princess, and I couldn't have asked for anything more. I felt as though our family was complete.

Again, we were not trying to conceive last year, when I fell pregnant. But I was sooo excited. There is a 7 year gap between my youngest son and daughter, so I thought "how nice for her to have a closer sibling". :cloud9: I accepted it immediately and began planning. We ran into trouble early in the pregnancy with bleeding and I was put out of work. things were going good though, as far as the baby's heartbeat and such. I was ALMOST in the clear, when the day I turned 10weeks, I miscarried. :cry: TORE MY HEART OUT :( I never felt such sorrow and emptiness.

I could never understand why after having four healthy pregnancies, this one went wrong. But what I did know, was that I did not feel completeness anymore, and I WANTED to have another baby....SOOOOO bad.

We began trying again, right away, and it has been a tough, long 11months for sure. In October, my best friend told me she was goona try too, and we talked about how our newest would be the same age and such. Around New Years, she informed me she was pregnant :dohh: I mean, I was happy for her, but I also couldn't understand why I was taking soooo long. then another friend of mine told me in February that her and her husband started trying that month. By the end of Feb, she informed me of her BFP...ouch. I love her dearly, and it's exciting for her, but seriously...WTF!! sorry for the language ;)

Anyhow, thats my story and I am starting to think that the MC did something to me. I don't know what, but something. I am anxious for my HSG to see if it shows anything.

Sorry for carrying on, just wanted to let you in on the "scoop". Have a good day.
aww... Kat. Im sorry. :( sounds like its been a rough ride...
as an outsider though, it looks as though you have had the best luck conceiving when you werent trying... I dont know how you can go back to not trying while you try or not thinking about it so much when its always on your mind and so much in your heart...

thing is, I always hear about people who are totally healthy but the stress of trying and the constant let downs add so much pressure (especially if people know your trying) and can make it harder to conceive and the moment they stop they get pregnant!
Im not telling you to stop trying but it may be worth while to investigate whats going on in your head too. You have been going out of your mind for so long, you need to break of some kind! maybe not a break from trying but maybe a vacation of sorts???

My DH and I decided that we were going to try for 3 months and if nothing happens, to take a break for a month. not use protection, but put away the ovulation monitor (speaking of which do you have one? they make targeting your O SO easy) and quit with the temping and routing love making. It may not work but at least it will give us a break. its so exhausting and I can only imagine what 11 months of it can do to you...

I hope I dont sound like an ass- youre probably thinking- "What the F do you know" and the truth is- very little. this whole thing is MIND BLOWING. I dont mean for you to stop trying... Its just that (personally) Im really worried about not being able to conceive (big fear number one) and then not being able to sustain a pregnancy (big fear number 2!) Thank GOD for my therapist - she has been so helpful at getting me to calm down, breath and relax about it (as much as I can let myself!) its so hard .its hard on your body and your mind and your heart... and Im sorry for all your disappointment.

about your MC doing something to you- what do you mean? the reason I ask is I had a D+C and I am scared that it has damaged me in some way. (umm... fear number 3)
WOW! those are some big fears!
ok, I need to talk happy stuff-
I do thank god everyday for my wonderful husband and my sweet doggie and our beautiful home. I want a baby so bad but I will have one someday. even if its not my own flesh and blood, I WILL be a mom!

speaking of which my throat is KILLING me which could be a good sign but is probably more due to the fact that they are painting my house today! ;P

good luck on getting your test scheduled!!! :hugs:

and Katestar? anything to report? xoxo
oh no, absolutely don't sound like an ass at all. in fact, i know what you mean. every month i tell myslf that i am gonna cool it with the trying. but like you said, how do you not try when you want to try. I have only used the OPK in detecting ovulation, i have it narrowed down down pretty good. my HSG is all scheduled for Monday morn at 8am. excited but nervous. hoping it "clears the path" for the 'swimmers'. it will work out for all of us, i know it will. I think your fears are all relevant and understandable. i just think you'll be fine. i hope and pray for you that u will have one, of your own flesh and blood, and your family will grow and grow. for me, I pray that nothing is wrong. i will be content with my family now because its what God gave me. if it wasnt meant to be, it wasnt meant to be. lol, but i still want it. have a good night and ill keep ya posted.
well ladies, I think Im out :nope:
My temp dropped today to my follicular phase temperature- way below the coverline and I just went to the bathroom and Im bleeding a little (this is WAY TMI but I could smell the blood before I saw it) :(
Im 2 days early but at least its early and not late so I dont have to drag it out. I dont think this is implantation either... I have quite a bit of cramping on my left side which is the side I ovulated on this month...

boo... who wants a baby born in February anyways?

me... WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! :cry:

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