CD 5, 1st round clomid on days 3-7

Ahh Lolo, I know it's not so easy to do, but don't give up yet!! This is your first round of clomid right? You never know what may happen next month! I'm really sorry though. I've got 2 more days of progesterone and then I'm gonna stop taking them and let AF come. I'm really sorry girl.
Thank you :(

Let me explain my hesitance in continuing. My sister, who put the idea of having a baby in my head, had told me she would take my baby during the day when it was time to go back to work. This same sister packed up her car and moved to another state on a whim, just a couple weeks ago. I can't afford to not work, and I can't afford to put a newborn in daycare. So at this point it feels irresponsible to have a baby knowing I can't afford to. Then there's another part of me that thinks that a lot could change in the next year, and will I regret not getting pregnant because everything would have worked out fine. So this is where I'm stuck.
Well I completely understand your line of thought, and I respect it as well. Do what makes you comfortable and what you feel is right. Considering where i work, i see a lot of people who i wish would have thought that same way. But let me say one thing. If you waited until you thought you were financially stable, who's to say somebody wouldn't lose their job suddenly and change the situation? You never know what the future may hold, so just go with your heart and what you feel is right. I'm already regretting waiting this long in between mine. Good luck no matter what and keep us posted on what you decide!
You make a good point. I don't know what to do. I'm keeping my doctors appointment, and will get my script for my next round of clomid, and will spend the next few days trying to decide whether to take them or not. *sigh*
Wow ladies.... It's been quiet on the thread this week. Are we all deep in our own thoughts? I'm thinking probably so because, Lord knows, we have a lot to think about. I'm enjoying my last couple days argue beach:( I hate to go back and return to real life but *sigh* it has to be done. I still have 4 more days off when I get back home though!! Tomorrow is my oldest son's 9th birthday, so we'll spend the last day here celebrating. Today's my last day of progesterone, then I'll stop taking them and hopefully start AF on Monday and round 3 of clomid on Wednesday. Still waiting on an answer from my hubby. I wish I could say patiently, but that'd be a lie. Although I think I'm putting up a pretty good front. Lol... He's gonna have to tell me something by Monday because that is when I will call the office to start setting up appointments if I do start AF then. So I hope he thinks really hard on it the next couple of days!!! I am pretty nervous though. I hope every body is having a good week and I'll let ya'll know what happens!!
Enjoy the rest of your vacation :)

I found a lump in my armpit so I'm too nervous and nauseous to think or eat.
Hi ladies. I'm new to this forum, but getting ready to start my first round of clomid. Nursebecky - we just might happen to start our clomid cyles on the day day! This is my last day on progesterone and will be taking my first round of clomid 50 mg days 3-7. I'm not real sure what to expect at this point, but I'm being patiently optimistic.
Lindsay - welcome and good luck!!! I look forward to being cycle buddies with you! Let us know if you have any questions and keep us posted on how you are doing!

Lolo- how are you? Did you find anything out about the lump?
Gp said she thinks its a swollen lymph node. She prescribed me a quick round of antibiotics. Wondering what affect they will have on Ttc if any.
Becky! Your ticker says youre 14 dpo. Are you going to bother testing this cycle?
Greenie, where've you been lady?? You're approaching test time too! When will you poas?
hello :) sorry i been a bit busy this past week. Well i tested a couple times last week and got BFNs, Was planning to test today which woulda been 13 DPO, and was expecting AF tomorrow.. but unfortuntly there was no need to test this AM, AF arrived in the middle of the night :cry: Been having horrible cramps all day so far. Gonna call the doc in the AM and get started on round number 3 on tuesday. Third times the charm right?? Lolo.. have you decided if youre gonna start round two or not? i know its a hard decission and understand why you may decided to wait... but you really dont know what will happen in the future. Weve put off trying to have a famiy for years mostly cause we wanted to be more financially stable. We still arent where wed hope to be but really wishing wed of not waited even as long as we have. I keep thinking to myself if only wed of started sooner maybe we woudnt have the trouble were having now. I guess there will always be the What ifs.
Aww man! Damn the :witch:
Are you gonna up your dose? My OB said if this next round of 100mg clomid doesn't work then the next two will be 150mg and then a final guns blazing round of 200mg.

So yeah, I've decided with much trepidation to keep going. I figure if its not meant to be then it won't be.
I dont think i have an option of upping the dose since it did make me Ovulate both times on 50. I have a check in apt with the dr on Aug 12th so maybe shell up the dose then if round three dont work. i kinda wish she would up it this time just for that extra boost. Im starting to really feel like ill never get to be a mommy. :cry: i know its only been two rounds of clomid but thats after over two years of trying before gettting assistance.
Maybe a higher dose will give you better follies though. Are you doing any scans? I've seen a lot of women get a scan around ov time to see how many follicles are there and how big they are.

I asked my OB if I could get day 20 progesterone drawn to confirm ov since last cycle I never got a pos opk, and he agreed.
ive only had one scan before even starting the clomid.i did have the progesterone test during the first round. but when i asked if i needed it this last month i was told no since my numbers were so good the first month there was no need for it the second time. during my apt in august im gonnna see about getting moved to 100 for the fourth round if there is one. Ill be on CD 20 during that apt, not sure if shell run any tests during the apt or if its just for touching base. hopefully we can talk about some other options. The first two apts i was still very new to all this and didnt really have a clue as to what was going on or what to ask. so im hoping this next apt ill be able to understand more what shes talking about LOL
Hey everybody!! Sorry I've been so absent. Just having a really hard time right now. I'm still waiting on AF to show. Tested today and it is negative. I guess just taking awhile to show up:( I love everybody's pictures by the way.My husband and I had a long talk on the way home from the beach...I really thought I was getting somewhere with him, but apprently I was very wrong. He said no to the IUI. I really don't even have and words to say how I feel right now. For starters, heart broken. And very, very angry. He said he just doesn't believe anything is wrong still. He still thinks the tests are wrong. Not only does he not want to do the IUI, but he wants me to stop taking the clomid and the progesterone. He said he thinks it needs to be completely natural. I want to punch him in the face right now. He said he wants to do that at least a few more times. If I don't take the clomid, I only ovulate about every 6 weeks or so. Plus, who knows what's going to happen to my cycle after 9 months on progesterone and 2 months on clomid. I just feel so completely and utterly hopeless right now. I don't even know if I am going to keep up with my cycle this month. It really doesn't seem like there is any point in it whatsoever. I said I don't want to wait a few more months and he said "I didn't say a few more months. I said a few more times." I'm like, "What the hell is the difference???" He just doesn't get it. I am just so frustrated right now. :hissy: SOOO....looks like it won't be happening any time soon for us, because I believe 100% that unless we do something else, its just not gonna happen. I just don't know what to do!!!! Am I just completely lacking in faith?? Or is he really really wrong, like I think he is?
I'm sorry Becky :(

In my opinion he's wrong. We have the technology to get past a lot of infertility issues. Why not take advantage of it?

I told my husband, to get another mans point of view (hope you don't mind) and his response was "Why's he being such a douche?" Eloquent, isnt he ladies? He thinks there might be some other reason behind his thinking that were not privy to. He also said "wow." To his "not a few months a few times". He knows we only get one shot a month.
Tell him you stopped the clomid, he won't know. I normally wouldn't promote a lie, but he's being unreasonable and this is YOUR fertility were talking about here, not his. He doesnt know what its like to feel infertile, and he quite obviously doesn't have a full understanding of a woman's reproductive system. Just telling you to stop the clomid and pick it up later doesn't seem fair. How about you take the clomid til you cant take it anymore, and if it doesn't work, THEN he can have his "all natural" approach for a "few times". Does he believe he knows more than your doctors?
I MISS MY GIRLS!!!!! Sorry I have been absent as well... I needed some "me" time... I am having a really hard time coping past 2 weeks..... I had my BHCG tested again today, will find out in the morning , doctor says she needs a positive negative reading to officially say I miscarried. So my specialist at the maternal fetal care unit was back from vacation today so I called her and she said depending on the results from blood work today that wednesday at my appointment she will do an ultrasound to make sure everything is all good to start trying again , and also answer my answered questions. I am going to dicuss progesterone with her ( Thanks for suggestion Becky)I really felt that I wasnt pregnant until 3 days ago when my cravings and sickness and restless sleeping all came back, I dunno if it is my mind playing tricks on me or what. I am gettign frustrated... I have had a really hard time. People try to say they know what you are going thru. But not to sound liek a B*T*H but they may have also lost a baby but they didn't go thru what I did to get pregnant so NO they don't understand!!!! I have not left my house in 2 weeks besides work, the one night i tried I left costco crying because everywheres I turned they was a pregnant lady....

Sorry for the rant! But it made me feel better.....
I really missed you guys, lolo, becky, greenie! And welcome Lindsay

Nat xoxox <3
I'm sorry Nat, wish there was a way to heal quickly :( unfortunately it will take some time. It's ok to be sad. At the very least, we know you CAN get pregnant, when youre ready to try again.

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