Sorry I've been MIA ladies! I'll try to catch up on everything here.
9babies, i don't know if you ever got an answer to your question about why an HPT would still be +, but I talked to Nat about this after her MC as well. I actually know the answer to this one. Hcg leaves your blood first, which is why they can detect it in blood first when it starts to decline. It can keep rising in your uring for several days before it starts to drop because it takes it longer to leave the urine. I hope this helps. Its probably not what you want to hear though.

I'm so sorry.
Lanet, I don't think I've heard of the vaginal suppository you're talking about. Estradiol I know is a bioidentical hormone that they use to help women going through menopause. My mom takes it in small doses right now, as do probably 10 women that I work with who don't want to be on synthetic hormones. That being said, I guess it wouldn't be any different than me taking progesterone right now, since its a synthetic hormone. I don't really know though.

I'm sorry. I'm imagining myself rubbing you right now to give you some baby Can you feel it? I hope this is it for you so that you don't have to go through all of the extra expenses. I know it can be daunting.
As for me, I did have my 8 week ultrasound yesterday and everything looked perfect. I was 8 weeks 2 days yesterday and they both measured exactly 8 weeks 2 days. Baby A's heart rate was 171 and Baby B's heart rate was 174.

I feel SO much better about everything now. I feel like I can start to relax now. I don't really feel ready to announce it to everybody quite yet (I'd kinda like to wait until that 12 week ultrasound first), but I'm feeling much more confident. And now knowing that just because I have good days and may not feel as bad doesn't mean something bad has happened makes me relax a little bit too. I slept 17 hours last night and I slep 18 on Monday night. So I feel like I'm catching up on some much needed rest. Unfortunately, I haven't studied for my certification exam that I'm supposed to take in the morning AT I'm gonna try to play catch up this evening hopefully. So anyway. I'll attach a pic of the little peanuts below for ya'll! I love you ladies! I hope it isn't sideways again.