CD1 19th Dec - I think I need a buddy!

I tend to ov fairly early (probably due to my short AF) so I start doing OPK's when my CM goes watery (or if not I'd start cd9-ish) I find I get an almost positve day, then a positive day, then another almost positve, then back to normal, so I'm lucky as I can't miss it. Some peoples surges can be much shorter though, so maybe testing twice a day is good until you figure out your personal pattern? I just use the ebay cheapies, they cost about 15p each. One seller does 3 different sensitivities.

I have ovulated the same day I got my positive before but last cycle it was 2 days after, so I'll temp for a few days to see what happens this time round.

Here is todays definite positive, so I'll count yesterdays as the 'almost' day, as I think these OPK's are more sensitive than the ones I usually use :)

Thanks! :hugs:

Yes have a whole load of IC's and bought in the high sensitivity ones this time, so hopefully I won't miss it!
I think I'll start tomorrow - day 10 just so I don't miss it, I think I must ahev a short surge as I just had a faint line last month and that was it so must have been on the way down

Think I'll be having a busy NY holiday!!!
Yeah, I reckon we must all be different in how much LH we relase during a surge. I tried the 15's from FP but got two similar lines all the time & my positive was so dark, the control was really faint! I switched to the 30's from FP & they are great for me. I bought a bundle from a different seller (babymad) this month as I prefer their HPT's & I think their OPK's must be somewhere in the middle of the 30's & 15's (it doesnt actually say on the packet)

I thought I'd be ov'ing at NY too, but my body has other ideas this month!
Update update!!!

Just did my first OPK this month (15 sensitivity) and I had a line!!! Not a proper positive yet but I can't believe it on day 10 - this is as dark as darkest line on any other cycle (when I used 30 sensitivity)

I am using the same ones as you Dan-O, so I guess I just keep on testing and better get :sex: just in case!
Exellent news cracker!!!!! You'll be an addict in no time, he he!
Exellent news cracker!!!!! You'll be an addict in no time, he he!

Yep no bloomin' doubt about it!! I have loads of tests so I can POAS to my hearts content!!!
Well, looks like my fertile period is coming to an end, if we missed this egg, then we are bloody unlucky, we've been at it like rabbits! :rofl:
Well, looks like my fertile period is coming to an end, if we missed this egg, then we are bloody unlucky, we've been at it like rabbits! :rofl:

Well there is nothing more you can do!! Now you'll have the looooong 2WW :hissy: Have evrything crossed for you, and hope there is lots of :dust: being sprinkled over the westcountry at the mo!!

My lunchtime OPK had a very faint line but nothing more, so don't think I am near :hissy:O quite yet but been getting in practice anyway :thumpup:

Had acupuncture today, had 2 needles in my belly - eek!
Hey ladies, sorry I've been out the past few days--DH and I bought new furniture for our bedroom and have been busy cleaning and moving the old stuff out and such. I also was kind of upset because we talked to my in-laws on Christmas day, and both my mother-in-law and father-in-law, neither of who know that we're TTC, asked very bluntly why they didn't have grandkids yet. It was all I could do to laugh it off...

On a brighter note, it looks like I've missed a lot the past few days!

Dan-O, Good luck!!!! I hope you caught it! You're going to get to test way before us, so lots of baby dust your way! We'll be hearing about your :bfp: in about 12 days I predict!

Cracker, you're about where I'm at. I have gotten 3 days of HIGH on the monitor so far. Had LOWs from CD6-CD9, then got HIGH from CD10-today (CD12), so hopefully will PEAK in about 3 days? If this is a "normal" cycle, I would expect to O around CD 16/17, so that would put the monitor just about accurate... I saw your post about getting the more sensitive OPKs:

Just did my first OPK this month (15 sensitivity) and I had a line!!! Not a proper positive yet but I can't believe it on day 10 - this is as dark as darkest line on any other cycle (when I used 30 sensitivity)

I just wanted to add that LESS sensitive OPKs actually seemed to work better for me too. I tried super-sensitive ones and I had an "almost-positive" pretty much the entire cycle through, so I must have too much LH in my system normally for those ones to really work for me. I had better luck, but not great, with less sensitive ones and that way only got a line around O time. I just wanted to say keep this in mind if you keep getting dark lines that aren't quite positives, that maybe Dan-O is right and you need ones where the sensitivity is in between 15 and 30 to work well for you?

Well, I know this is a marathon post, so I'll stop there now, but I just wanted to say that it really is nice to have someone who is going through the same thing! :hug:
Hi Vanessa!!

I hope all your spangly new furniture is looking good :hugs:

I know exactly how you feel re the 'where are babies' type questions. We had a Christening just before Xmas - HOW many times were we asked over and over again 'so when are you having kids' in the end I just ended up saying 'next week' :rofl: It really gets to you though doesn't it? Desn't help my SIL is pregnant (3 months) and we got married 3 months before them and been trying since then - she got pregnant first month of trying. Really pleased for them but.... it does hurt a little

I think I must be about the same as you, O normally CD16 ish. Thanks for the advice on the OPKs, I tried the 30 ones the last two months and just got one day with a faint line. My hope they may be better, was that I did use one when I was late for :witch: last cycle and there was NO line at all - so at least I know I don't always have a some LH in my body.
If this doesn't work this month - I think I'm going to invest in a CBFM and see how I go with that?

Good luck ladies - ditto what you said Vanessa, great to have people that are going through the same thing :hug:
Yep I know what you mean, none of our siblings have had any children either, so ours would be the first grandchild all round.

While our parents pretend there is no pressure, there quite clearly is :rofl:

My mum had a hard time TTC tho, so at least she understands it may take some time :)

How old are you guys if you don't mind me asking?
Yep I know what you mean, none of our siblings have had any children either, so ours would be the first grandchild all round.

While our parents pretend there is no pressure, there quite clearly is :rofl:

My mum had a hard time TTC tho, so at least she understands it may take some time :)

How old are you guys if you don't mind me asking?

I didn't wnat to tell my parents that we were TTC, just wanted a nice big suprise but after what with all the baby-talk I thought I ought to explain to my Mum as it does get to brother informed me the other day ' would you believe some people take 6 MONTHS to conceive' :rofl::rofl: I replied 'never' (grimacing inside - yeah tell me about it!!!) Bless him he has no idea!!!

I am 32 next week!! :happydance:
Wow, I'm 32 4 weeks after you!

I asked my mum for some TTC advice so she knows, but everyone else has just made assumptions I guess.

PMSL @ your brothers comment!!!!
I'm a bit younger than you guys--I am 24. But we've been married for 2 years in February, so everyone just assumes that we should have had children by now, even though they don't apparently take into account the fact that he had to go to war in Iraq at the beginning of our marriage and didn't come back until our first anniversary! That kind of put a damper on our baby-making efforts for the first year!

We've been officially TTC for 8 cycles now, but I always have had irregular periods and issues, so I am unfortunately not really suprised that it is taking us so long, but of course everyone else doesn't know that about me, so it still stinks when they ask! My mom is the only one who actually hasn't brought it up yet, but you can tell she's thinking about it! She got pg with me on her honeymoon, so she certainly doesn't have any experience with TTC problems!

We haven't told anyone that we're TTC except for one of my best friends and one of my supervisors at work knows because I had a chemical/early miscarriage two cycles ago and it happened at work, so I had to leave to go to the hospital and I had to tell him what was going on and why I was leaving sobbing in the middle of the day.

Cracker--how are things coming along for you? Get a pos OPK yet? I am still on HIGH, but the instructions do say you might not get a PEAK the first month, so I'm still waiting to see. Hopefully you'll get your :bfp: this month and won't have to get a CBFM next month, but if you do end up getting one, I suggest ebay. I got mine there and it was a great deal!

Dan-o--ready to start symptom spotting yet? Keep us updated! My fingers are crossed for you!
I'm a bit younger than you guys--I am 24. But we've been married for 2 years in February, so everyone just assumes that we should have had children by now, even though they don't apparently take into account the fact that he had to go to war in Iraq at the beginning of our marriage and didn't come back until our first anniversary! That kind of put a damper on our baby-making efforts for the first year!

We've been officially TTC for 8 cycles now, but I always have had irregular periods and issues, so I am unfortunately not really suprised that it is taking us so long, but of course everyone else doesn't know that about me, so it still stinks when they ask! My mom is the only one who actually hasn't brought it up yet, but you can tell she's thinking about it! She got pg with me on her honeymoon, so she certainly doesn't have any experience with TTC problems!

We haven't told anyone that we're TTC except for one of my best friends and one of my supervisors at work knows because I had a chemical/early miscarriage two cycles ago and it happened at work, so I had to leave to go to the hospital and I had to tell him what was going on and why I was leaving sobbing in the middle of the day.

Cracker--how are things coming along for you? Get a pos OPK yet? I am still on HIGH, but the instructions do say you might not get a PEAK the first month, so I'm still waiting to see. Hopefully you'll get your :bfp: this month and won't have to get a CBFM next month, but if you do end up getting one, I suggest ebay. I got mine there and it was a great deal!

Dan-o--ready to start symptom spotting yet? Keep us updated! My fingers are crossed for you!

As soon as you get wed - people just assume that'll it'll happen straight away. I can't believe so many people are SO nosey and it doesn't even occur to them that there may be problems (sorry rant over!!)

Sorry to hear Vanessa about your early miscarriage - I really hope this will be all of ours lucky cycle, what a start to 2009 it would be! Is your DH back in the US permanently now - bet it was hard him being in Iraq for so long.

Still just a faint line on the OPK for me, but it is only CD12 and I usually O about CD16 - so it the waiting game yet again!!
Fingers crossed for us all :hug:
I really hope it is all our lucky cycles too! Or at least one of us--after all this work, one of us had better get a BFP!!

I agree about people being nosey; it drives me nuts! One of these times when I get asked about it I'm going to say, "no, no kids yet, but we've had countless sessions of unprotected sex and I've been making graphs of my cycles and peeing on something pretty much every day for the last 8 months, so hopefully we're getting there" just to see what the response would be...

It is still the waiting game here too--got another day of HIGH, but my temps are still low, so I think I'm still in the game!

And my DH should be back for good!! It was terrible being worried about him everyday while he was there, but we knew when we got married that we would have to be separated for a while because we are both in the military and we knew what we were getting into. But at least it is over now and we're together, and I think being apart made us stronger as a couple because all we could do was talk on the phone, so we've talked about EVERYTHING!

What about you ladies? How long have you been with your OH's?
I really hope it is all our lucky cycles too! Or at least one of us--after all this work, one of us had better get a BFP!!

I agree about people being nosey; it drives me nuts! One of these times when I get asked about it I'm going to say, "no, no kids yet, but we've had countless sessions of unprotected sex and I've been making graphs of my cycles and peeing on something pretty much every day for the last 8 months, so hopefully we're getting there" just to see what the response would be...

It is still the waiting game here too--got another day of HIGH, but my temps are still low, so I think I'm still in the game!

And my DH should be back for good!! It was terrible being worried about him everyday while he was there, but we knew when we got married that we would have to be separated for a while because we are both in the military and we knew what we were getting into. But at least it is over now and we're together, and I think being apart made us stronger as a couple because all we could do was talk on the phone, so we've talked about EVERYTHING!

What about you ladies? How long have you been with your OH's?

Gosh it must take a special kind of person to be married to someone in the forces, I couldn't handle it at all, I'd be in bits!

I've lived with my OH for just about 7 years.
We are engaged, not married as we spent our sizeable wedding fund on a deposit for our own house! :D
When we get preggo (note PMA!) it will give us just the excuse we need to get married anyway, we have been talking about just buggering off for a day or weekend without telling anyone.

Usually someone gets preggo in a cycle buddy group, wonder which one of us it will be? ALL of us would be great, ha ha!
Wishing everyone a happy 2009 :)

Here's to our new year BFP's :wine:

Still been having faint lines on my OPK but just did one and it is just about the same colour as the test line - :happydance::happydance::happydance:

So I reckon it'll be really dark later, so excited!!!!
Typically I am working tomorrow, so it'll be busy today here

How are you both doing - any symptoms Dan-O? Hve you got your peak yet Vanessa?

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