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CD1 8th October - Cycle Buddies Wanted!

Congrats Dan-o, Yippie!!!!! You've Started Us Off Right.
Okay ladies, I believe I'm sort of infamous for starting the cycle lists each month so we can keep up with whos testing, about to test, ect. This time I want to make sure we are keeping up with the bfp's too. Many of us were together in the last group that had TONS of bfp's so lets start counting this month :)

Dan-o is 11dpo, will start testing TODAY and got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!
JJF is 'operation I don't know DPO), haha, and will start testing around 11/3
Hansie is 'operation I don't know', approx 7dpo, will start testing ???
Chillbilly is 'operation I don't know' approx ?dop, will start testing???
CsMummu is ???dpo, will start testing???

Okay ladies, add your name and dates so we can keep up with whose testing :)
JJF nice to have a purpose isnt it :)

I am on cd19 and i put my self at ovulating on the 15th with positive pok on the 14th so i am 4 DPO

I am going away to see family on fridaqy night so i may be testing early will be early but i would be ok with a faint line :D i will be taking pee sticks with me so can also do the mass testing (if my friend is ok with me using her laptop lol) so on friday i will be 9DPO :blush: gotta be done though? i stopped POAS just for the hella it so i am making some progress :D

I do have this weird feeling in my tummy though i guess it doesnt help that ive been coughing so much that i might have pulled a muscle!?

Can you believe this cycle is nearly over already lol. :rofl:

Hansie i really hope your hubby feels better soon i have a stinking flu and its caused defness in my right ear and tooth ache in my right upper teeth i feel lousy! would love a :bfp: to cheer me up :D
Yes, me again, hahaha, just wanted to say that even though I'm on the I don't Know operation, I do believe I am cd20 now and I DO believe that I did infact ovulate because yesterday while cooking dinner I realized that my Right, and only Right Boob was HUGE and was much much bigger than left one. Thats nothing great mind you but it does lead me to believe that I am officially in the 2ww, but still a big negative since this has been the dryest my body has EVER EVER been, poor me, hahahaha.....
Dan-o is 11dpo, will start testing TODAY and got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!
JJF is 'operation I don't know DPO), approx 4dpo, and will start testing around 11/3
Hansie is 'operation I don't know', approx 7dpo, will start testing ???
Chillbilly is 'operation I don't know' approx ?dop, will start testing???
CsMummu is 4dpo, will start testing Friday 10/31, halloween day :)
hey ladies... FF confirmed ovulation on the 23rd so i am 3dpo tonight... i honestly thought i o'ed last week but hadnt been temping until last weekend... cm has been watery or egg white from then and still is at 3dpo. i am disappointed, we concentrated the BD last week and not so much this week....we bd'ed on ovulation day, so heres hoping! tender nipples since ov and never had those before.. so we will see... so much for my 25 day cycle! FF is saying 33.... i hate this TTC already lol :dohh:
Ok I am now as of this morn approx 8DPO and I think I will test on saturday morn if I con hold out that long :rofl: It would be great if a few of us could test on sat morn! Im not expecting to see any symptoms cos I had no symptoms whan I was pg with my dd and no morning/afternoon sickness until I was about 7weeks pg!! So If you have no symptoms ladies dont worry you could still well be pg!!
Rainbowprincess - you BD on the day that counts so your in with a good chance I recon fx!
Good luck everyone xxx
Hi there ladies,
Just a quick update - Iam currently 5dpo I think?
not managed to do much bd'ing this time but did do it on day of ov.
think i'm just gonna wait to see if AF appears this month as not too confident.
good news Dan-o, hope we get lots of BFP's this month.

Congratulations Dan-o!! Woo hoo how exciting??!!

I am currently 6dpo, and will be probably be testing next monday (13 dpo I think?!) as Im away the wknd.

Still pretty sure I ov'd twice this month - but ladies can you help me? I had all the right pains etc, but no ewcm? it has been kind of cloudy all month apart from a tiny bit on ov day. Can this still be ok? Cant find any info on the net and am a bit worried :( Sorry if tmi!!

Finally someone like me!! mine been the same this month -although I had all the ov symptoms just no ewcm.
I've just put it down to you cant get every symptom right???
I hope so anyway - just know your not alone i've been thinking this too!!
let us know when your results when you test!!
Good luck
Mine isnt a BFP, just another faulty test or a CP, so disappointed, again.

I got a very light but visible line on a FRER & a CB yesterday but todays two FRER's are BFN's. I got light lines on IC's the day before too, but have run out so I can't compare. Maybe its me looking too close for faint lines, I don't know?

I've had enough anyway I'm deffo sticking to the IC's from now on, I've spent a small fortune on tests these last few months!!

I'm very crampy & boobs no longer hurt, think AF will be here on time (tomorrow morning) or maybe even early.


Hope you guys get your long awaited BFP's, at least that will cheer me up a bit :) xx
Oh no - sorry to hear that Dan-o,
how many cycles have you been ttc?
looks like it'll be a xmas BFP then eh?
good luck for next cycle.
So sorry to here that dan-o it must be very frustrating for you:hissy: im not holding out much hope this month TBH as I dont think we BD nearly enough and I really have no proof im actually ovulating so its not looking good :hug:to you I know how disapointed you feel and myself am likely to feel just as disapointed in a few days xxxxx
Hi Ladies,

I was so busy this weekend - I haven't been on and am just catching up. dan-o - so sorry to hear that. It's such a rollercoaster isn't it?

AF is due on Wednesday so I am CD23 and 12 dpo I believe. And now......I haven't even POAS once! I can't believe it myself actually. My bbs are really tender, but that's nothing unusual for me - every few cycles they are just gargantuan and sore so not reading too much into that. Lastnight I couldn't sleep a wink because I had this wierd pain in my low abdomen. It was like someone was pulling something somwhere down there. I have some mild AF cramps today so am starting to feel like AF is on her way. But trying to stay positive. This is cycle 5 of ttc and if no BFP this month, I am going to start using opks. Keep us posted ladies on any 2ww symptoms and testing. I am only going to test if AF on Wednesday - so will be testing Thursday morning. Stay away from his thread witchie! Babydust.
dan-o....so sorry to hear about negative tests!!!! You'll find out for sure in a few days...
Its even cheaper if you can wait for AF to be late instead of testing early....BUT I know its sooooo exciting to imagine an early test with a :bfp:
Good luck that she stays away from you this week...( I know a few girls who didn't get a positive til 15dpo) so keep the faith

Hansie- I am sooooooooo in the same boat as you....no idea if I o'd other then a weird gassy like feelinn for 2 days then a spot the next day...and of course No bd'ing before that happened.........i have another post somewhere about excuses and problems that arise before o time.......anyway...haha...I think I will start using O- pee sticks next time if there is a next time.....

My anniversary is coming up very soon.....AROUND TESTING TIME!!!!!!!
so I will wait til then to POAS.

How is everyone else oing??? My power went outlast night so I haven't been on here long to check up!!!!!
Dan-o is 11dpo, will start testing TODAY and got a BFP!!!!!!!!!!
JJF is 'operation I don't know DPO), approx 4dpo, and will start testing around 11/3
Hansie is 'operation I don't know', approx 7dpo, will start testing ???
Chillbilly is 'operation I don't know' approx 5dop, will start testing nov6(af due)
CsMummu is 4dpo, will start testing Friday 10/31, halloween day :)

here's my update.......BUT I might test Nov 1st......as i maybe 10 dpo, Halloween would be ideal but too early..unless we have a huge testathone Sat!!!!!!!
I am so indesisive
Hi guys!

Sorry to hear about your BFN's Dan-o - I was really hoping this was it for you.

My update - cd19 and 3dpo according to FF (4dpo by my calculations though!). DH & I away for a long weekend next week. AF due on the day we go away (Thurs) so if she hasn't shown her ugly face by then I'll be testing in Portugal!!
dan-o....so sorry to hear about negative tests :( I'm going to update our list but I sure hope the last two tests are the faulty ones and not the first ones!!! Keep the faith till the witch shows.
We defo should have a test-a-thon on sat morn if only to keep me from testing way too early and being disapointed with inevatable BFN at 9DPO. Does anyone know of anyone who got a BFP at 9 DPO? if im doing it with you girls on sat morn I might just hold out till then xxxx
Dan-o is 12dpo, bfp is up in the air, keep up the faith girl!
JJF is 'operation I don't know DPO), approx 4dpo, and will start testing FRI 31st
Hansie is 'operation I don't know', approx 8dpo, will start testing Mon 11/3
Chillbilly is 'operation I don't know' approx 10dop, will start testing FRI 31st
CsMummu is 4dpo, will start testing FRI 31st
RainbP is 4dpo, will start testing on Thur 30th
Shelleylu is 6dpo, will start testing on Mon 11/3
Hopeful is 12dpo, will test on Thur 30th
Bluey is 3dpo, will start testing FRI 31st

FRIDAY TESTING GROUP-(few on Thur and Sat going to try to convince to do Fri, haha)


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