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CD1 8th October - Cycle Buddies Wanted!

Hansie-last cycle I felt the egg implant on 9dpo and did FRER at 10dpo, it was faint, but not as faint as many i've seen on here (think they are 25miu) so I bet a 10miu would show on 9 days and maybe even a FRER.....
Hi JJF - if the ugly witch doesn't show her face by then, I would be totally up for waiting for the rest of my girls....there's power in numbers right ladies! I hope we all get our BFPs!

Chilly - I just wanted to say that you inspired me not to test this month until AF is late! I have saved myself some money and have decided that if this wretched witch visits I will use the money to go for a mani/pedi! To cheer myself up. Hopefully though she's outta here!

Good luck everyone!
hey girls ... im here still feeling crappy.. keep being sick got to keep reminding my self its because i have a coughing fit today i had a cup of tea let it rest then *cough cough* i sware ive never seen anything like it its like my body has stopped digesting food...sorry.. moving on LOL.

if you can save money by not testing until AF is late then do that.. if you have IC's waiting to be peed on then do the mass testing i always prefer to see :bfn: other than a surprise witch!

i like the idea of using the test monies to treat ones self :D
I'm not a big POAS fan so i am sure i could wait without any issues! i am not feeling hopeful but maybe i will have a surprise...
Hi Girlies,

Am CD20 - 4DPO and am gonna try to wait til :witch: shows and not test as I get really depressed when I see a BFN but :witch: seems more natural and doesn't stress me out as much!

Dan-o Sorry your tests were showing BFN hope that they were the "false" results - fingers crossed xx
hi girls,
I'm currently 6dpo and think i'm definately gonna wait for witch to arrive (due next wednesday)- think i'll be dissappointed if I get a BFN which I am totally expecting!!

good luck everyone!! - hope theres plenty of BFP this time around!
Finally someone like me!! mine been the same this month -although I had all the ov symptoms just no ewcm.
I've just put it down to you cant get every symptom right???
I hope so anyway - just know your not alone i've been thinking this too!!
let us know when your results when you test!!
Good luck

Think thats good way of thinking Gem, you cant have every symptom surely??!!
Ah well. I have a feeling its a BFN again this month. We have done everything right, but I dont have that 'feeling' like I have done before. I dont think I will be doing a test on Monday, unless anything changes dramatically.
I will probaby wait for the evil witch to show her ugly good for nothing head!!

Keeping fingers and toes crossed for everyone. Cant wait to see who gets a BFP out of the group!!

Sending lots of dust and glue and nice things to everyone xxx
well thats it -the only symptom I usually get through out my whole cycle is ov pain - no tender bbs no cramping no ewcm so i've just put it down to me being strange!!

Blooming heck when I fell pregnant with my first I was 3 months gone before I knew - I 'd had AF all the way and no sickness or anything!!

My body obviously functions differently to others!!

Ah well at least I cant obsess over signs that arent there - coz they really aren't!!! - lol!! :dohh:
Well ladies, looks like I am out. The ugly witch got me - making my cycle 24 days! Had a good cry cuddling with my furbaby, got my hot water bottle and going to pig out on some chips. I am going to keep checking in you guys....and sending lots of babydust. I want to see some BFPs ladies.

Hi girls
Update from me - I am 8 dpo and haven't decided whether to test. I have no 'symptoms' at all so don't feel I have any reason to test. Perhaps I'll just wait and see if AF arrives. I do have some test sticks though.....
hopefullfor09 - so sorry she got you, you deserve chips and chocolate :hug:
Well I have booked to see a nurse tomo about having blood tests to see if im ovulating. As im still breastfeeding there is no gurantee I am actually releasing an egg, still ive only had 2 cycles so maybe I will O next cycle. af is due on sunday but im not hopefull, im quite depressed really :cry:
I am so so so sorry hopeful, and I totally hear you on the big cry and the pig out, I'm the same way. I'm sending you a big hug!!!!
im sorry hopefull try and have a nice night pigging out :) :hugs:
I miss soooo many posts when I can't get to computer.......power went out the other day..been out all day job hunting...
I have to start taking notes!!!!!!!! hahaha

Geo..Rainbo...Shelly...Saxo...and flowers....Good for you to wait for AF......It really is a disappointment when you DON'T see any lines..compared to the slow spot of red! BUT just imagne the excitement when you realize your late and then can test~!!!!!!!!!!( be careful tho' JJF the POAS pusher will be sending you messages to :test::loo:)

Hansie....:hug:.I am sooo sorry you are feeling so down and depressed...it is good news you are going to get info on whether or not you are actually O'ing...arm yourself with some tests next month and you'll feel more in control knowing what your body is up to!!!!!

csmummu...Girl you need to get some good vitamins or something in you....seems the cold virus is finding you every month..Time for some naturalpathic healing.... cause you don't want to get preggo and still be getting sick...no medicin then...you poor girl!!!

i will be cd21 on Wed also 7dpo. Been having some crazy dreams...as well as tossing and turning all night long in between dreams....
the weirdes symptom....and i get al the symptoms all month long so i try not to look too much into any of them BUT been having cramps.....a bit Monday then all night long...maybe thats why couldn't sleep much..and now all day long the cramps are more like a slight burning sensation....very weird....
i'll see what the next couple of days will bring!!
AND to top it all off...the dollar store was out of cheapie preggo tests......
so i will have to wait and buy some from walmart........haha
Well the witch definitely got me in the end!!

Good luck with your testing guys, I've got my fingers crossed for all of you. xxxx
Ah, sorry to hear the witch got you Dan-o and Hopeful. She is so ugly and horrid...

Still have no symptoms, so not holding my breath.

Chillbilly - I fell pregnant this year and had a mc at 10 wks in Sept, and the whole time I had these really mega pyscho dreams. Every night they'd keep me awake and freaked out. They are definately connected to hormones. I still have weird dreams, and for the past week, have had them again - really odd ones... I dreamt about this thread last night and talking to all you girls?!

Another thing - As I am quite new to this TTC thing, I have been having weird pain in my left ovary for a day or so,and I'm not sure what it is? Like twinges and stabing? Kind of like Im ov'ing but more painful. (I am pretty sure I ov'd at least once at the correct ov time for me!) Anyone have a clue what its all about??

:hugs: Dan-o and Hopeful :hugs:

Am now CD22 - 6 DPO, my temp dipped a little this am but not below the coverline, does anyone know if this means/implies anything?

I am officially now in the 1ww, - am pretty regular so at least that should help! Am def a little :muaha: at the mo but then that could be any number of things lol!!!
Am still drinking a lot (hence peeing) but no other symptoms out of the ordinary..... (Last month I had every symptom going - but BFN! lol) Trying my best to be patient.... :loopy:

Goodluck to any testers xxx
Oh No - We Arent Starting This Month Off Too Well Are We?
Sorry To Hear About The Witch Arriving Girls - Nasty Evil Thing That She Is!!
Well Me And Dh Have Decided To Make More Of A Direct Effort Next Cycle As I Think He Thought That Just Doing Bd With No Contraception Meant Babies Automatically!!
So Gonna Be Bd'ing 24/7 Around Ov I Think!!!
hi all...

sorry dano but seeing as you didnt have a 50 day cycle you can start this one much earlier!!! PMA girlie!!

Chilly... i and one of these that is always sick and i cant fight off this damn flu! When i was pregnant with caitlin i wasnt ill it was great! M/S but no colds flu nothing! steve is never sick either so i guess she got his immune system which i was so happy about so now 2 extra people bring germs into my house but the germs pick on me because im weak! LOL

Im ok getting ready for going away for the long weekend so im excited about that but also i have much to do! still testing friday but not feeling hopeful !
Thanks for the support ladies! I am hoping nobody else joins me and Dan-o (hugs to you too for getting the witch) as cycle buddies next month. Babydust. DH and I are going to start BDing much earlier than usual this month - like CD5 because I think I am O'ing earlier, with such a short cycle. Anyhow, keep me posted girls.


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