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CD1 8th October - Cycle Buddies Wanted!

Hi there, I'm new here - can I join your thread? I'm current CD12 and havent ov'd yet but am hoping its coming soon - have been doing the bd for the past couple of days in prep.

This is only my first cycle of ttc tho so I'm not expecting too much!! Although with my first I fell on the pill so have not had much experiance in actually trying!!
did you give him that bad back?? :rofl:

all the best to you anyway saxogirl, you are a day ahead of me!!


No he did it lifting! Shame your way sounds more fun lol!

Welcome Geogem, fingers crossed for you!

I did a sneaky OPK at work last night and there was a line! - Not as dark as the control line but definately a line (I got a little carried away and ran around (luckily it was only me and OH) waving my little stick and made him check it out in case I was imagining it!

He agreed there was def a line but what did that mean (he got quite excited for about a minute until I said that I still have to wait for the line to get darker!)


So then did another test today and woohoo. .. 2 lines the test line def darker than the control - showed hubby again and he asked does that mean we can have sex now lol I told him that means we can as much as he can manage for the next 12 - 48 hours he said "Cool" - MEN!

am hoping his back eases up before bedtime!!!

Just gotta keep an eye on those temps now!
excellent news for you - now is the time to do as much bd-ing as poss!!

good luck hope this is your month!!
Well hello ladies and what a FABULAS day it is!!! - yeah i got my positive OPK today :D not only that but ive had a nice day with my hubby and DD we went to the park and fed the squirels!! it was so cool they came very close!

on the down side i have nearly lost my voice so i will be :sex: tonight with no kissing poor hubby but hey hes getting some lol.

Ive changed my ticker as i guess im not having a 21 day cycle this month if i do i will be killing people!
Thank you Geogem - you too xx

CSmummu - sounds like you've had a lovely day, sorry you're poorly, hope you still get that :sex: in!

Can anyone tell me how to get my ticker to show on my signature????? Thanks xxx
Saxo, I have been having some trouble with tickers too! Wish I could help. CSummu - have fun bd'ing tonight - catch that eggie! I haven't been as neurotic in this 2WW as usual......I think I am finally learning not to stress.....my new way of thinking? It either happened or it didn't, and there's nothing I can do so I have decided not to really think about it. My bbs are pretty tender, but that happens as part of PMS every few cycles and other than that I am not symptom spotting at all! And I am determined not to test until af is late - she is due in 8 days and I hope she takes a hike. I can't bear the thought of another BFN! As much as I hate the witch - it's a little less disheartening than BFNs.

Babydust to all of you and have fun bding for those of you still waiting to O. Can't wait for all of us to be in the 2ww. Come on ladies, let's get our BFPs!
well I p'd on my stick again last night and still no line, although feel like you can see the faintest one when its left for an hour but it does say not to read results after 40mins. I don't think i am due to OV until Thu but I think we are doing ok as have b'd since Sun night!
Hubby doesn't know whats hit him:blush:

Good luck to all :dust: to all!
Hi there guy's i think I'm finally ov today!! After coming off the pill i arent sure how long my cycles would be but at least I know that everthing is working now!!!

Just had a letter from hospital tho! got to have a Colposcopy as I have had 2 abnormal smear tests now!!

Do i carry on ttc or leave on hold til afterwards!! typical when i finally get the eggie!!!

dont know what to do??

Oh No!

Don't really know what to suggest, I had the same kinda dilema when the doc thought I had a cyst on my ovary, we decided to keep trying but not too hard lol

Sorry that doesn't help much - if you're really worried you could ask the doc or NHS Direct? (They'll prob tell you to wait though - they have no sense of urgency Lol!)

Good Luck x
thanks saxogirl,

they say if i fall before the colposcopy they can still do it with no harm to the baby or me but if any further treatment is needed would have to wait til i give birth!!

so think im gonna keep trying but like you said - not too hard!!

it would be just my luck to fall this month!!
HI geo - Welcome to the group... I hope the tests are wrong. How old are you? My doctors have called me for my first smear and im 25 they wanted me to have one after the birth of my DD (now 3 and half) so i booked the appointment and they said who said you needed one i said MW at hospital they said nooo we dont do them a) before 25 years old and b) x amount of months after birth as both can give false responses. again not much help but i hope it helps a little.

We did BD last night and i woke up with a stinking cold but my cough has nearly gone yay! my hubby has super :spermy: lol. gonna keep :sex: for a while yet

Dan -o hows it going for you?

Saxo - your the same as me arnt you?

Pumpkin keep testing my OPKs didnt look like they were gonna happen at all until yesterday its amazing what the difference a day can make.

hows everyone else?

So much has been going on since I was last on....... seems mostly POAS, some ovulating..some not yet ( fingers crossed it happens soon for you)
I think i may have O'd during a dry spell...no bd all weekend, monday or tuesday...
So this month may not have worked unless OH has super sperm...hahaha

Its been really cold here lately so maybe we'll get more snuggeling in ( trying to keep warm)
Oh Chillbilly - that's gotta suck!
Csmummu - I got + OPK Tues, and then temp dipped today (wed) having what I think are a few Ov pains today, so i think that is the same as you? - Hope so! How are you doing?
Geogem - that's what I would do - keep tryin but not too hard and see what happens......! Goodluck though! x

Pumpkin - Are you POAS once a day or every 12 hours? Keep at it - it'll happen!!! :D
Hi guys, just checking in!!!

Looking good saxogirl! Not sure if it helps, but when I do OPK's I test at lunchtime every day then if I get a dark-ish line (I'm lucky as I seem to get a fade in pattern) I will test again in the afternoon & evening that day & until the tests go negative again.

Csmummu, fingers crossed you caught it!
Chillbilly, you never know!!
Geogem, sorry to hear this, my friend had this done about 2 months ago. There was nothing wrong with her cervix :)
Nellis JJF what are you up to, is it going well?

It's going well for me, I'm happy with my temps & keeping my fingers & toes crossed they stay like this!!!
I have sore boobs, vivid dreams and a weird 'feeling'. I'm oddly relaxed, unlike last time when I was frantic with the testing & squinting at lines. Anyway, I guess I'll know in 5 days time (had 12 day LP last time) I will test with 10miu cheapys over the next few days & see what transpires :)
Hi guys - thanks for the support. Gonna keep trying for now and see what happens. I'm not gonna waste a good eggie for no-one!!

CSMUMMU - I'm 26 but had my first child at 18 and had my first smear 6 month later!! Since then I have had 2 abnormal results. But if both of those can change the results then I wont worry too much!!

dan-o sounds good to me, hope this is your time.

Good luck girlies!!
Well i defently have Ovulated some where along the line got my positive OPK and :sex: then with not being well (im one of these people who catch everything rubbish immune system) so we had a take away for dinner yesterday i couldnt eat a lot of mine so offered it up to DH who gladly ate my left overs then when i gave him the eye later on he was like im sorry i cant my tummy hurts i feel so fat... *rolls eyes* so i gave him a bit of stick about it and then he told me i will wake you up when i come to bed for some :sex: i gave him a dont even bother look then went to bed i sware if witch turns up hes in for some real PMS!

Chilly good to see you back heres hoping for super sperm :D

Dan-0 - you could be our first :bfp: of the month!!

Geo - Glad to hear it was 6 months after birth seriousaly what do these people think they are doing with mixed signals!!!
Thanks Miel, Just found out about cycle buddies - obviously dont spend enough time on the PC!!

Can I join your group please?? You all sound so lovely, and I'd love to obsess with you all!!

I dont temp, this is my 2nd month ttc after a mc in Sept and I am 2dpo (I am pretty sure!)

Good luck to everyone this month! xxxx
Hi everyone - can I join your group too please? I am on CD18, have ovulated so am waiting to see what happens next and if :witch:arrives. I seem to spend most of my time thinking about TTC and am finding the waiting really hard. It's only my second month TTC so maybe it will get easy...
Hi:hi: to the new ladies........
and I just want to say to any lurkers out there.....
JUMP RIGHT IN to any conversations you see.....this cycle group is not exclusive to those of us that joined a few cycles ago...I think we just didn't want to get lost when finding new cycle threads.....

flowers and shelly.......theres alot of obsessing going on during 2ww BUT it makes it so much easier when you have others to chat with about it...or to chat about everything BUT the 2ww.......

I'm still trying to catch my egg....as I am not sure when it will drop.....haha
but there are a few others that are in their 2 week wait......
I think we have another few more days before the symptoms start!!!!

Good luck everyone.....

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