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CD1 8th October - Cycle Buddies Wanted!

hello newbies! this group is massive!! we are gonna get so many :bfp:'s this month!!!

I would love to keep BDing but im so so so so so sick i have such a dry cough every time i cough it feels like im coughing up a lung!!

i will be visiting family when i will be testing so hopefully test the day before i go...

I bought some boots today :D very nice and comfty :)
hey ladies! i havent posted in a while. I have been confused. stupid cycle doesnt know when its ovulating or not cause of all the watery/ewcm i have had. it says i have been fertile for 8 days. i am going nutty. i thought i ovulated last weekend but then it said monday and now today.... i dont know but have been bding most nights!! heres hoping :hissy:
Welcome Shelly and Flowers! (and any other new cycle buddies!)

Good luck Dan-o can't believe you're almost ready to test already! Fingers crossed xx

To those doing the "I don't know plan" just wondered how it's going and if you're more or less relaxed this month than when you're charting?

Rainbow - Are / have you OPK'd at all or are you judging it by CM?

Got to go away again for work this weekend (would rather stay home, but it's that last one for a while!), but will be back on Monday, Good Luck to all - not long til we all get our BFP's !!!!!
Wow, we have some testers starting soon? LOVE IT!
I'm on the I Don't Know Plan and it has been really great, but let me just say that right around this time is when I typically OV, so I'm not sure I'm going to be doing such a great job ignoring everything once the 2ww time frame gets here, you know. But the reason I'm trying this is because of the stress and the fact that I get EVERY SIGN IN THE BOOK during the 2ww and HIGH temps so....I'm feeling less stressed so far though :)
judging it by the cm and thats what the FF interpertation has told me.... any thoughts?
Hi girls,

Have a very odd question for you.

Here's me thinking I ov'd 3 nights ago, then last night, I had ov pain in my other side??!!

Is it possible to release two eggs from different ovaries in one month, or am I going mad?!

shelly i guess anything is possible! do twins run in your family/???

i well and truly coughed up a lung last night well it was pizza but it wasnt nice either way.. best thing was it got me thinking about morning sickness! oh how i dont miss that!!

My neice had her baby last ngiht 9lbs 13 oz she ended up with a c section!! going to see them in about 8 days time so will be testing VERY early but hey double figures right :D lol. See u all soon xxx
Hi Ladies - sorry to hear you are ill csmummu - hope you are feeling better! Like JJf and Chill I am on the relaxed and calm approach but now that I am 5 days until AF due I am not feeling so relaxed. LOL. Big surprise!

Rainbo- I don't use opks but my doctor told me it is possible to ovulate twice in one cycle...so keep on bd'ing! I too have been having extra CM - it's thin - I have been wearing a pantyliner (sorry if TMI) but this cycle I am getting little gushes of clear water cm - not egg white. And I am wondering if it's the beginning of a yeast infection (sorry if TMI) because it's not normal for me in this part of my cycle. I haven't had a yeast infection for about 5 years but all this bding and not running to the washroom could have caused one.

JJf - it's hard to stay calm around OV and 2WW but we're here for ya! Here's to the witch buggerin off for all of us. I want to see lots of BFP's ladies!

Shellylu I've heard of that but not sure what it all means tbh. Good luck though :) Girls I've had a good bit of burning/stinging sensation in my OV this month, for about 10 days now, not my usualy just sensative/full feeling OV. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Its sure making it hard for me to figure out if I've OV or not :)
good afternoon ladies,

Not feeling too hopeful this month, we have on bd'd twice around ov time as we were just both sooo tired!!

oh well you never know - it only takes 1!!

never mind - think we'll be looking for a xmas BFP!!!!
just feeling a little low about it all today and thought i'd tell you all about it!!

Keep smiling Geogem, it'll happen. That's what I try to keep telling myself anyway! I am finding it really hard too. I had no idea what a rollercoaster TTC would be.

I keep thinking though it must be easier TTC now than years ago. They never had OPK and the internet for support/help! It's a wonder anyone managed it.
Keep smiling Geogem, it'll happen. That's what I try to keep telling myself anyway! I am finding it really hard too. I had no idea what a rollercoaster TTC would be.

I keep thinking though it must be easier TTC now than years ago. They never had OPK and the internet for support/help! It's a wonder anyone managed it.
Twins dont run in my family, but I guess you never know eh?! It was really odd..

Saying that, this is the first proper month I have been watching my body for signals. I cant believe I have gone through these years - including having a child - not realising what was happening to my body. We take it for granted untill we need something (a BFP)- typical of human nature I think? - wow look at me all philosophical!

Geogem you do only need one - and after osbessing over a book last night, I discovered after two bd's with your OH there will be approx 1 billion little spermies swimming around now. That makes things look a bit more positive surely?!

Good luck anyway xxx
1 billion little spermies swmming around...... and you know if they get lost they WON'T ask for directions!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am officially on faint line alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will test again with FMU tomorrow & post a pic for your opinions.
Hoping it's not a false alarm!!! (or worse another CP)

Symptoms are better this time, I feel bloated, my boobs are sore (pinching/tingling) I'm having bizarre & vivid dreams & my CP has moved a lot higher & softer (soz tmi)
Temps looked good until today, but I'm not going to worry too much as it wasnt taken at my usual time, plus the heating was off last night..

Anyone else due for testing yet? :)
OMG we have our first possible :BFP: oh dan - o i really hope so! Good luck babe!!!
Hi Ladies
Sorry i went AWOL for a few days but my DH has been really ill and I have been looking after him + my lo and TBH im shattered:rofl:
dan-o - Testing already I cant believe it good luck we need to see pics of that poss BFP these cycles seem to go so quickly!
Any way I think Im about 7dpo but im kinda on operation I dont know too so I think I O'ed last sun anyway, My poor DH has been so ill he has bells palsey (paralasis on one side of his face) and has had a chronic headace for nearly 2 weeks ( we have been to hospital twice). So we did BD but not as much as I would have liked, im not getting my hopes up anyway for this cycle. I have decided if I dont get pg this cycle I am going to the docs to demand blood tests to see if im actually ovulating. I have thought about charting but I just dont think its me, my lil girl wakes at about 5am every morn and we co-sleep so I just dont think it would work. Has any one else had blood tests done to see if they are O'ing?
Where is every one else in their cycle maybe we shoul have a mass test next weekend?
A mass test next wknd, I like the sound of that! I'll be 12dpo then, anyone else about the same?

Hope your DH feels better soon Hansie, its a rubbish time of year for illness :(

Good luck with the testing Dan O!!

well how about saturday morning? :witch: is due sunday so I recon if there is gonna be a line there will be a faint one on sat morn surley? xxxx

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