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CD1 8th October - Cycle Buddies Wanted!

Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust Babydust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chilly is right, I'm a total pusher!!! RUN haha. I have been testing already, yes, I'm a freak! Thought I saw some 'shadows' and a possible line but this mornings had a line that appeared to have no color so it was an evap. Its still early so trying to remain positive and I TOTALLY know I am most likely bfn this month but of course some small part of me thinks there's no way I thought I saw something tiny on 4 tests, u know. However they weren't lines u could c just looking down at them, u had to twist them and turn them haha! Going to keep testing with fmu until the ol witch gets me.
Chilly is right, I'm a total pusher!!! RUN haha. I have been testing already, yes, I'm a freak! Thought I saw some 'shadows' and a possible line but this mornings had a line that appeared to have no color so it was an evap. Its still early so trying to remain positive and I TOTALLY know I am most likely bfn this month but of course some small part of me thinks there's no way I thought I saw something tiny on 4 tests, u know. However they weren't lines u could c just looking down at them, u had to twist them and turn them haha! Going to keep testing with fmu until the ol witch gets me.

When is the witch due?????
I am due Nov 6..thursday i think...so a weekend test may be too early for me..
I just rememebred all the cycles i thought...yup this is it..I feel so different this time.....so of course I was thinking that again.... so i talked my self into just waiting....let it be..
I have a pretty busy weekend so that get rid of 3 days of worry...hahahaha
I just had an interview today..so I a hopeful I may have a new job soon.....
so of course that would mean a :bfp: as well...murphy's law!!!!!

p.s. I had the most vivid dream again.....but this time I remember picking something up and really feeling it...so realistic all the details......it was about chicken eggs....I found 100's of them so maybe that means I am ovulating again...hahahahaha
If I ovultated around my 'normal' (no such thing in TTC, haha) time, I would be due to start AF around Nov 6th, same as you :) However, last month I OV on cd12, so if I use that number, AF would be due on Monday the 2nd. TBH, I got a nice FAINT line just an hour or so again (not getting TOO excited yet, hubby trying to keep my feet grounded, ha) and since I've seen 'shadows' for two days, I'm doubting I'm only 7dpo iykwim. SO SHORT ANSWER=I HAVE NO CLUE ON OPERATION I DON'T KNOW, hahahahahaaha

After I just told you yesterday I DON"T remember my dreams, I did have a pretty crazy one last night, not sure I would call it Vivid/Scary but it did seem real....
hmmmm just checking in again :D i have no clu when witch is due but going on a 28 day cycle it would be the 5th LOL no wonder im driving my self nuts dying to test im milllllllles off! plus ive never had 28 day cycle since ttc. 21 yes so technaly witch could be due today .... no signs. ovulated around the 22nd so would now be 7DPO *SIIIIGH* so so so far away!
POSTED update pic in other buddies thread, thought i would share. NOT announcing an bfp for sure, just hopefully getting closer to one?! Been having lots of little cramps way down low by my hoohoo, backache, and pains sort of like ovulation pains, no sore boobs this month but last two af months had very sore boobs. Okay, thats the whole scoop...let me see if I can get pic here but again, PIC IS YUK!

I SEE IT I SEE IT...I mean I think I see a faint line..better in person i bet...
operation i dont know response...it may be there..who knows

will you wait 2 days for horones to double and then test again????
And thats funn ( wierd) you got a vivid dream....mine are never too scarey......well the one about bears was kind of scarey but the chicken egg one wasn't......haha

CSmummu coem join us in op. " I don't know" its easier not knowing any dates for sure..that way dpo isn't on your mind constantly.......I do count out days but its not recorded on calander anymore..takes the edge off.

i did almost buy a test today..BUT if its in the house I will pee on it as soon as I brig it in...so its better for me to wait til after the weekend.
Hopefully get a better result!!!!
Hi girls, Im going away today for the wknd, but I wanted to send you my best wishes.

Hope everyone who tests this Sat/Sun gets the BFP they deserve!!

Lots of dust, Shelley x
Hiya Ladies!!

Am now 7DPO due wed 5th and am waiting to see if my usual pre AF symptoms show - have had tender nipples since Ov but usually get sore boobs and cramps etc about today so will wait and see.....

Also temp went back up again today!!
Hey girls, I'm convinced now, just posted in the bfp section. Please pray that it will be a sticky one for me! I've got my fingers and toes crossed for everyone, sending tons of baby dust!!!

10.20 8dpo 001.jpg
stick bean stick!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be sending out positive vibes that your lines get darker!!!!
keep them coming!!!!!!!!!
saxo- we have almost the same cycles...i am 8dpo and due on the 6th. Hopefully JJf will be the first of many :bfp: this cycle!!!!!!!!!!
I'm 8dpo due on the 6th also! I'm just sort of thinking that those lines are darker than they should be at 8dpo so perhaps I OV early....hard to tell on the I Don't Know Plan, so I going to send vibes to you two that you OV early too, hahahaha
oh..your tempting me to test soon!!!!!!
damn you.hahahaha
I am off line now to go play outside........
obsess..... i mean chat... with you soon hehe
Congratulations, JJF!! Hope you're the first of many!

I'm 6dpo today, nowt by way of symptoms to make me think that this month'll be any different to the last 10, but clinging on to hope! My friend's baby is due 8th Nov & I've been trying since before she (accidentally) fell pregnant - would love to get my bfp this cycle just so we can both be pregnant at the same time (if only for a couple of days!)
Ah bluey...isn't that the way........well i guess thats just the way it goes..
I have been thinking my angel baby is just waiting for the right time to come join me.
So i am doing all that I can to provide a stable loving home for her/him.
that gets me through the ordeal of AF showing.
will be looking forward to seeing some positive tests from you as well!!!!!!!
yay we have a :bfp: i mean the group not me lol

I am testing tomorrow hoping to see a faint line :D i am sorta in operation i dont know more operation "erm i think i know?" i dont obsess 24/7 but like today ive had a cramping pain tender boobies and i was nearly sick twice from bending over!! fingers crossed!

On an offtopic we did pumpkins today! it was lovely :)

Who else is testing tomorrow??
JJF - Congrats!!! Looks like a BFP to me!!
Chillbilly - fingers crossed we're only a few days off bfp's ourselves xxx
csmummu - good luck for tomorrow
Bluey - Hope this is your month

It's getting exciting now.........:wohoo:

Ohhh good luck on a halloween :bfp:

shoot i forgot to do my pumpkin.....not carved..was going to paint a face but I have no time now as I am going away tommorrow and sat.
oh well i think it is frozen anyway!!!

ON another topic .. we had a friggin EARTH QUAKE today at 6pm ish....
Its so weird........i was standing in kitchen and all of a sudden there was this HUGE shaking feeling from feet up and the whole house sounded like the roof was falling off...a deep rumbling noise.
our neigbour was talking to a friend that lives in next town ( about 20 min drive away) and they both felt it at same time while on phone.
Freaked me out...my first ever earth quake......I have heard it happens here every 7-10 years.
be a funnier story if I was :sex:

so weird symptom...my cramps have stopped..maybe implantation is over!!!! fingers crossed it has happened!
I have high hopes for our weekend testers!!!!!! i am buyig test on sat.......and maybe save it til tuesday or cave and do one on sunday!
not feeling in a positive mood at the moment, just kinda disappointed, prob wont test... dont know when to expect AF if i only ov'ed on the 23rd but it was supposed to be the 1st. Funny is i am usually 29 but went early this month, wondering for the same for next. :nope: *siiiiiiiiiggggggggggghhhh*
:hug: rainbo...so sorry your feeling down...
Don't be surprised if cycle is longer this time......I had a 25 day then 29 day. Very frustrating .........and did you mean you ovulated on cd23??? like yesterday? thats odd indeed.....

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