CD1 8th October - Cycle Buddies Wanted!

nope October 23rd. just waiting away.... :?
JJf - I posted in the annoucements but CONGRATS! hunny. Sending you some super sticky babydust.
:help: Morning lovely ladies! I'm up scouring the internet after getting my highest ever temp this am. I'm 8dpo and wondering if I can consider this a good sign - in need of a PMA boost 'cos nothing else remotely "different" from the average month has happened til now!! Would you have a look at my chart & tell me what you think? :hug:
Hi ladies, im fairly new to this, and Ive already got a cyclebuddie thread, but wonderd if you would mind if I joined this one also? Its just that my CD1 was the 8th of october.

Congrats jjf on the BFP! YAY!

This is actually my only month of using this forum for a while as my partner wants us to wait a few months to start ttc as his work has all dried up :( its never happend before, but this silly threat of resession has mucked us up a little.

As for this months chance, I dont know if we bd'd at the right time, may havbe missed it.

I dont feel pregnant what so ever, no signs at all and with my son Id had a few signs by now, so im not holding my breath.

When is everyone due on/BFP? Im due 8th november, it seems to far away! I think im 8DPO at the moment.

Hippymumma. xxxx
can someone look at mine please, i onlystarting temping a little way in but theyre staying up... and the spike is from an afternoon BBT. not accurate but better than skipping...
hi all... what a weekend so far! caitlin is fast asleep in the bed next to me and i will be joining her very shortly!

Princess sorry i dont know anything about temping!

Chilly weve had and earth quake here not to long ago.. well i think it was manchester but we felt it 40 miles away? i had no idea what it was! was in bed at the time sleeping!! not :sex:

my friday test was :bfn: as you may have guessed (i couldnt get to the computer until today but i sure as hell would have done something if it was bfp maybe shout it from roof tops !! well im testing again on tuesday when i get home

Night night people! xxx
Hi Everyone
Update from me - I am currently 14 or 15 DPO and had had AF pains since Thursday so thought the witch was coming. Still no sign this morning so did a test and got a faint line. I realise this is early and could mean nothing as I find it really odd that I have AF pains. So I guess I am still expecting the witch to turn up. I'll do another test tomorrow and see what happens.
flowers1 - With mt first pg I had all AF symptoms including AF pains and still got a BFP and had a healthy lil girl who is now 18 months.
JJf- big congrats on your :bfp::happydance:
Well girls I do believe im out :cry:I tested friday and got a :bfn: and then this morn and got :bfn::cry: :witch:is due today so will wait and see. But im not holding out much hope really. I have been a bit too depressed to post the last few days after a traumatic week. i am bidding on a clear blue fertility monitor on ebay and im fairly determined to win it so I hope it will determin if im ovulating or not. Thanks for all your support this month ladies xxxxxx
Hi girls.

Wow, I have missed loads of action!

Congrats on the BFP JJF, thats super news!! I hope there might be a couple more left???

Where is everyone now? I have lost the thread a bit?! (thats what a wknd in Norfolk does to

I have a sneaky feeling I might be joining the BFP group too. Have had no symptoms at all till yesterday, then all of a sudden loads. Achy bbs etc, then today, as soon as we got in the car to come back, I started to feel sick, and havent stopped yet. Nearly had to pull over a few times, which pleased my OH no

When I fell in July this year, the sickness didnt start till 6 wks, but there is no mistaking it. I feel horrid. I have an intollerance to babymaking hormones which makes pregnancies really bad for me. Saying that, I hope it is what I think it is, and not a stomach bug, because it would be even worse to then get the evil witch turn up!!!

Im not due till Thursday, so unsure when to test? Have a CB one you can use 4 days before, so might have to be tomorrow morning!

Will keep you posted xxx
flowers- oh my....a line is a exciting to see....I have had AF type cramps since last week.....and am a little behind you in cycle days SO I am feeling positive again thanks to your line and symptoms.........:hugs:

shellylu---- sounds very promising......I woke up to very sore (@)(@)...the worst yet in all my cycles....
So of course I POAS at 11dpo....could be10..but not to sure..anyway NO line!
so I am waiting til AF......
I had a dream Oh and I were shopping for baby bedding...hehe So of course when I start getting dreams like that I loose all will power and grab a cup to pee in.

Hnasie..... some girls do nto get a positive til after their AF is on't give up hope.....but of course you'll win the bid on the predictor and end up with a :bfp: hehe
and So sorry you had such a horrible sounding week. Hope it got better!!!!!
Awww thanks Chilly. I did win the CBFM :happydance: and no sign of AF yet I will be testing again tomo (if :witch: doesn't get me first) but surley I would have a faint line by now? I was kinda hoping I would jinx it by getting the CBFM and not need to use it but im not hopeful. I just got to buy pee sticks for it now lol.
Come on ladies lets see some more :bfp: you guys really give me hope :hug:
Hi Ladies, wow missed loads this last 2 days!!!

Am 10DPO and due wednesday, not sure about any symptoms so am not feeling too positive but am trying to keep waiting patiently, usually get cramps start to build up almost a week before due but only had twinges this month....??? Maybe it's just wishful thinking !!

Oh but I did get a temp spike today so will see what happens tomorrow!

did anyone do the mass test yesterday?
hehe were gonna get a flood of :bfp:s i feels it in me waters!

i am sooooooooo ready to be home and peeing on stick- i knew i should have taken some with me. nearly sick in the shopping centre today i was gonna tell them i was pregnant with terrible m/s if i did happen to randomly throw up LOL

chilly loving the new pic - is it this years?

flowers congrats honey! line is a line :)
according to my old chart on FF i am 2 days late, and you know, i do think i ov'd the few weeks ago seeing as i had all of the yummy CM, and a drop in temp, just mustve dropped again the few weeks later but now all my temps are staying up! sore bbs, verrrry sore, and feeling like AF is coming every minute i gotta go wipe to check, but no sign of her.... aaaaagh
WOW, looks like we have a bfp and a few more because that witch is NOT showing up!!!! get those tests out in the morning ladies!!! Chilly, I don't like to hear there was no line, I'm still sending you tons of dust, the rest of you too!
I tested too early............hehe

hippymumma......way to go.......our cycle buddies in 1st tri need some company!!!!!!!

Saxogirl- I was wondering if anyone else got cramps weeks before AF.....I usually start a few days before she is due..but this time it was almost week and a half....and last 3 days have come and gone.....fingers crossed its a symptom before :bfp: may need to pack a barf bag for your outings!! poor girl. pic is of my halloween costume..I am not a bleach blonde..hehe but was told I should be!!!! i prefer dark brown!
Hmm, that'll teach me to get my hopes up. Temp absolutely plummeted this morning. Feeling glum & awaiting inevitable witch bitch arrival.
Big congratulations Hippymumma - we want pics lol xxx

Another :bfn: for me this morning ladies so me thinks im out:cry: no AF yet tho. The thing is since I had my lil girl I only had 2 cycles and I have had no AF symptoms prior to either of those periods showing up? I haven't even had any AF cramps during my period!!!!! So Im not feeling she will come but im not feeling pg either.
Still I baught my CBFM off ebay last night so i will be using that this month! Just need the ugly withch to show up now:hissy:
We need more:bfp:ladies keep em coming:hug:xxxxx

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