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CD1 8th October - Cycle Buddies Wanted!

not comfortable at all! i got one or two more days of fun, and then its go time i think!

:hugs: and dust to all
Hi guys, just checking in!
I am officially in the 2ww now ovulation has been confirmed on weds, so excited & also shocked it came so early!!! (not complaining though!)
Wow....2 ww already
I hoep to hear good things from you....Miel and dan-o....
anyone else waiting....

I am just starting to O...... and feeling a little anxious......having some financial problems... worred about finding a job and getting pregnant at the same time....ect.
So if I start posting negative sounding posts..please give me a kick in the ass...LOL
I don't complain to my friends about whats going on in my life so my "cycle buddies" will end up with a few rants...
haha sorry in advance

take care ladies..and hope to see alot of symptoms in the next week....
Hi lovely ladies im back.
Ive been really busy the last couple of days, I went to london yesterday to have my hair dreaded (Its soooo cool) and then today I helped out at my local NCT, NNS as im on the comittiee.
Any way my DH is ill he has had a migrain for like 4 days and has been off work!! He has not been up for BD at all which is anoying cos I think I may O tomo!!! Im pouncing on him tonight head ache or not!! I am having increased CM so I think EWCM is not that far away. Any way cant believe some of you ladies are in the 2WW already!! fingers crossed for us all! I saw loads of lovely bumps today and was sooo jelous. This will be our month ladies PMA xxxxxxxxxx:hug:
Hansie tell your hubby sex cures migranes... it actually works for me :)

Nice to see some in the 2ww already. i have yet to O but feel i may be doing so soon. If i O at all!!!

Ive been shopping today so im feeling good :D ive decided to go as a dead pirate to the haloween party. really didnt wanna be a witch. Im really hoping i will be telling people i cant drink either... not that im a big drinker espch when caitlin will be up at 7am the next morning!!

Princess i was thinking about you last night after :sex: LAMO i had me bum up and thought of you and then realised at least the laptop will be keeping your boobs warm!!!

Chilly - looks like were right on target to O together :)
bahahahaha!!! we didnt yesterday but did this morn when he came to bed round 1am.... giddy up! :sex: and again today.... weird FF says i am still fertile!! going through day 4, will be day 5 of such tomorrow... i wanna be in the 2WW to see symptoms! :baby:
Well no BD for us again last night we ended up in A & E after one side of my husbands face stopped moveing properly I think caused by the headace he has had for 5 days now! Had to get my mum round to baby sit at 10pm last night and we didn't get home til 1am!!
Still DH is actually feeling better today so we will be cracking on with the BD tonight and till friday I recon just to make sure. I dont think we have missed O I had a tiny bit of EWCM yesterday but a lot of creamy CM generally (sorry TMI) so I think I will O in the next couple of days fx. I cant wait to join you ladies in the 2WW so I can join in the symptom spotting and obsessing:rofl: Baby dust to all xxxxxxxx
OMG hansie what a scare!!! glad hes feeling better.

Princess no have no idea how you manage to :sex: at 1 am!! lol
Hey Chilly on the Operation...I Don't Know, your not supposed to even know when your about to OV, hehehe, only kidding. However since I havn't counted my days,temped, or anything, I honestly don't know what day I am and it feels strange but GREAT!!!! T have started to feel more wet and getting tad bit of creamy so hoping my EWCM is just around the corner :)

Dan-o-isn't it great when you OV early, its definitly an added bonus of some sort, ha.

GOOD LUCK to the 2ww ladies, does feel crazy that some of you have been in the wait for a few days and my OV may be like a week or more away....
Hansie.....you're poor Oh with his 5 day headache......that sounds scarey....Hope he is well and finds a way to get rid of the pain!!!!!!!!

csmummu......will you have a "zombie" parrot as well.....haha that would look cool!!!!!!
I love to plan halloween costumes...

JJF= the O bloat has started and i got a few cramps....left side, and same "wetness" you've been feeling......so maybe? I'm going to just BD when the mood hits me and if its around O time which could be now or any day til cd18 9 whenever 18 is..haha)....so still not to sure when it will be. Not thinking about it much tho'...
So Op. ":shrug: " is still on....haha
got this peeing on a stick thing gets addictive......this is our first cycle of trying and I tried one of my Ovulation tests on Sat to see that it worked etc :blush:
anyway got a negative which I expected, then did one yesterday and got the same, may as well try it tonight and see what happens. For some reason my temps are all up and down so will be using these sticks to tell me whats happening. Need to start some serious :sex: tonight and for the next few days to have the best chance?

Good luck to all!
aww pumpkin the first step is admitting you have a problem! LOL

im not sure i think i may be 1DOP. Even though im OPKing im in no mans land i dont even know whats going on!!!
Pumpkin, a new POAS addict, yippie, we will all corrupt you around here, haha. I had a normal af with clots, should be OV in next few days and sadly I just POAS, hahaha. There is NO change I'm prego but been very naseaus for two weeks now, must be a lingering effect from the stomach bug I had two weeks ago but if you have tests around, sadly you pee on them, hahaha.
Hello ladies, and nice to see come of my previous cycle buddies (JJF and chilli). I have been posting in another cycle buddy thread but thought why not join this one too? If you'll have me. I think I am about 4 or 5 dpo - Like chilli and JJF I am trying the "calm" "Operation I don't know" approach this month. This is cycle 6 of TTC#1 and we so badly want a BFP. We bd'd only 3x during fertile period but hoping we caught that eggie. Dh is working crazy hours but still comes home for some BD'ing, he's such a gem. He's even started holding my legs up and getting a pillow for under my bum. Hopefully we all get our BFPs lady and we can meet up in first tri......

I was laughing so hard reading this thread - I just couldn't resist. Gawd knows we could all use some laughs in the 2WW.

Babydust to all of us!
Hey hopeful, thats great your already in the 2ww, good for you, I'm not even at OV yet. I'm still on the 'calm' routine over here, but can feel myself getting a little freaked out that I don't have any EWCM yet, it better hurry up, haha. My hubby is really great also to make the effort to get home, get the towel, pillow.

Can't wait till POAS time!
not sure whats going on? FF says a 25 day cycle but i am usually 29, this is only my second cycle, but it says i have been fertile for 6 days? regardless we have Bd every night except tonight, my head hurts too much for the bouncy tonight. so i dont know when i Oved but i thought it was a few days ago... not sure whats up!!!

well I peed on that OV stick again and still neg but I guess that is expected as not supposed to until Thu I think, no harm in peeing I don't suppose!
Also started bd'ing Sun night and hubby doesn't know what has hit him, Sun night, Mon night...told him to leave tonight free!! Trying not to make it too clinical but its very hard! He seems to be enjoying it anyway!
Can we do it too much ?? :blush:
Lol Pumpkin! My OH is starting to complain of an aching ****** !!!! HA HA! - sorry tmi lol He's been up all night with a bad back so am hoping that he's gonna feel better by tonight ;)

Am on CD14 and still waiting to O like some of you girls - can't believe that some of you are well and truly in the 2ww already! Think it's close though... woo hoo!!!!
did you give him that bad back?? :rofl:

all the best to you anyway saxogirl, you are a day ahead of me!!
Hi all
Well looks like im not the only one in 'club confused' ATM lol! I think I was ment to O on sunday but i had no EWCM and im not POAS this month so I have no idea!! Maybe I will do an OPK just to see what it says. I so want to be pg its really frustraiting me. Also my DH has been ill so we didn't BD til sun then again on mon and we will be tonight and for the next few days I recon just incase I O late? Who knows if I will O at all:hissy::hissy:How anoying anyway im off to POAS will post results soon!! xxxxxx

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