Quick update

Got me at 5am this Morning, Been up ever since

I just cant seem to stop crying.
DH walked into the lounge at 6am and promised me that he will get fully checked on Monday. After 15Months he's refused any tests or SA Analysis. Monday Morning he promised me to go in. His exact words " It kills me seeing you cry Month After Month, I will do anything to make you happy"
Im still shocked he's agreed to go in, As he does not believe in going in till after 18 Months of trying. I will just keep quiet in case he changes his mind, He was very very serious (hes always seen this as a taboo subject?)
Please ladies, Is it possible he can do his business on the day? as i dont want him to leave the clinic with the fear that he might not do his sample at home? I just want him to finish it on Monday and hand it in there and than, Need to see once and for all what his

are like?
Hope the weekend zooms past, Im so sad my period has arrived, but i feel that now my DH has agreed to unite as one, were heading in the right direction

and the Doctor seeing my husband with me will know how serious i am, As so far its just me that goes in every 4Months, Sometimes I wonder does she even believe im married

I will update you what happens. Im now Moving on to my 16th Month or charting, pre-seeding, opk'ing,

tell my thights hurt

etc etc..

TO Every women on earth TTC