The thing is, i am still waiting for someone round the corner to say ' your DH works so why are you claiming DLA and such?' and ive got to remind myself, that this is because i cant work and put her in care, even though she'd havd been a few rooms away from me, they cant take the responsibility for her in case something happens.
i think thats big problem of mine though because i had always, before, prided myself on the fact id only ever had 1 week of JSA in my life and worked the day i left school.
And i struggle to this day to accept the position im in now. Its denial, it has been from the moment they told me alex had her brain haemorrage. I kept hoping that they had somehow made a mistake and her brain scans got mixed up.
When the DLA was awarded i phoned them and asked them if it was right, because i only ever expected a lower rate or nothing at all. Having these 'allowances' and 'benefits' only confirmed over and over again what happened to her.
I feel sheer guilt and i dont know why, its only when people on here like aidans mummy and tegans mama remind me that my situation is different that i can justify it.
I could never sit at home with a healthy baby and pull 'excuses' out the bag, morally it wouldnt work for me.
I feel guilt that i managed to blag the HIP grant. I wasnt entitled. I wasnt pregnant anymore when the midwife signed the form at 28 weeks. I was just jammy. it gets my goat when i see people moan about it stopping, because everyone assumes all pregnant people get it. It hasnt been the case.
The HIP grant was originally for those more than 29 weeks pregnant. Bliss, the premature baby charity, campaigned to have it lowered due to the rate of premature births growing. It was eventually lowered to 25 weeks.
However there are babies in the UK born at as little as 23 weeks who survive, but those mothers were never entitled.
Midwifes can be slow handing the HIP form our,like in my case, where i didnt get it til 28 weeks gestation. By that time Alex was no longer in my womb, but in an incubator, and in the eyes of the government, i was no longer pregnant so no longer entitled.( I only managed to blag it because i was quick off the mark to send it before child benefit, so they didnt realise she was here.)
Add that to the 3 months of lost earnings due to having to take mat leave early, expenses to see your own baby in hospital, and thats pretty unfair. Full term mums were almost awarded for going all the way, ykwim?
So moaning about it just enrages me. Its been unfair the whole time , not just now, most lucky mums have been given it without a second thought.