Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.

What a great and relevant verse, in due time. I will be praying for you- I know how ttc can weigh on people's hearts and I ALSO know God is wonderful and has things planned out for us.

Sportygirl- so I know how to pray- what does NT stand for? I am kinda new to all the forum lingo haha.
Hi ladies

Just wanted to say a quick hello. I hope everyone is doing well. May we all have a good week and have our eyes wide open for all the blessings that the Lord gives us each day - big and small! x
Hi Ladies,

I have not written on here for awhile. I wanted to update you all and hope to give some of you ladies the hope you are searching for.

I have less then 2 weeks until I'm due to deliver our baby boy. This will be my second child to join our family. My story has been far from uncomplicated. I wouldn't be honest if i didn't say my faith hadn't been tested. Infact i've doubted God and his ability to heal my womb far too many times to count. This will be my 5th pregnancy, and I'm proud to say i have survived the heartache of 3 miscarriages with the toil of infertility(starting back in 2009). But it didn't come without a fight. I used my infertility to separate myself from those i loved, from friends that were more fortunate than myself, and at times, i emotionally checked out of my marriage. I pushed God away, and anyone that tried to show me love when i needed it the most. I believe you don't know pain until pain is all you have become. You don't know tears until you have cried them all out of you. And you don't know God, until God is all you have left.

I stand here before you ladies from a womb that was broken, knowing my prayers have been answered. Don't let the enemy take away what God has given onto you.
Blessings - Laura Story

Hi Ladies,

I am new to this site and just wanted to ask for prayers for my husband and me. This May will mark four years of TTC with zero BFPs. I pray every day for wisdom and direction for us on this journey. I'm wanting to stay as natural as possible with TTC. I'm working on my diet (have transitioned to paleo + now doing an elimination diet for food allergies)…….

I would just like to encourage you today that Gods provision is over your life. Allow God to use you in every way he has planned. Don't enable the enemy to weigh you down over TTC. Just allow Gods Grace to guide you and your husband as you venture along this journey.

My husband and i started TTC in 2009 unintentionally we tried for 2 yrs before seeing a Specialist. I don't have regular periods (they used to be 7 weeks apart then 3 mths apart, not sure what they are like now) i was prescribed clomid and had my first cycle result in a miscarriage at 12weeks, we tried another 9mths and then fell pregnant with my daughter. We begun trying shortly after having her not knowing how long it would take, we had 2 more miscarriages and 6 mths later finally conceived my son who i am yet to meet in a few short weeks.
My journey has been far from roses and sunshine. I studied holistic medicine so it was very conflicting for me to see a Dr for a condition i thought i could heal myself, or better yet, what God could heal. Through my story God has taught me a lot but most importantly he has truly humbled me. He has opened my eyes to know that just because i praise him does not mean i am immune to pain. It then becomes a choice to praise him regardless of what you are going through, then when things are going according to how you have planned it would go.

I am here if you ever need to chat.

Faithful-Thank you. You have indeed Blessed my spirit today! I know i sure have been there, doubted my Faith & cried too many tears to remember, though maybe not as many as others.....All our Journeys are different, but we serve 1 God! I know He has a plan for each of us, not sure if its the way we want it, but He knows best. It will all be revealed to us in His timing! So happy your getting close to meeting your son!
Hi ladies it's been a long time since I posted here but these encouraged me. I recently did ovidrel and clomid. I had received the word of The Lord from many that I would have twins. My infertility was sort of depressing though. When he checked my ovaries he said only one was big enough he thought. We did the trigger. I was devasted. I had other follicles though. I began to pray Lord I believe, help my unbelief.

I am now in tww to see if this cycle worked. I had some other obstacles too, but I will not doubt God.

These posts today has been a great blessing and encouragement to not let go of the promise of The Lord.

Bless you all.
Faithful-Thank you. You have indeed Blessed my spirit today! I know i sure have been there, doubted my Faith & cried too many tears to remember, though maybe not as many as others.....All our Journeys are different, but we serve 1 God! I know He has a plan for each of us, not sure if its the way we want it, but He knows best. It will all be revealed to us in His timing! So happy your getting close to meeting your son!

This is what i like to hear :flower: we are never alone on this journey. And although each and every story varies, we pray to the same God, and we praise the same God. You are right, he has a plan for our lives, but maybe not always the way we have planned for it to go. Therefore we should consider ourselves grateful we are given a guideline of how to react and respond when trials get the better of us and we are unable to see ahead, while trying to figure out what God is doing in our chaos. There's no other guideline like His word. The bible.

Hi ladies it's been a long time since I posted here but these encouraged me. I recently did ovidrel and clomid. I had received the word of The Lord from many that I would have twins. My infertility was sort of depressing though. When he checked my ovaries he said only one was big enough he thought. We did the trigger. I was devasted. I had other follicles though. I began to pray Lord I believe, help my unbelief.

I am now in tww to see if this cycle worked. I had some other obstacles too, but I will not doubt God.

These posts today has been a great blessing and encouragement to not let go of the promise of The Lord.

Bless you all.

Just keep holding onto the word God has entrusted you with through those around you. Thank the Lord for answering your prayer and listening to your cry. Thank him like you have already received. If it happens this month, or the next, or whenever God decides is right. Thank him today that he has indeed made your requests known to him, and he has made a way.


I would like to take a few moments today to speak about fasting. If any of your favourite christian speakers have any sermons on fasting, i highly recommend you have a listen to what they have to say about the topic. Even download them on your phone as a podcast and have a daily meditation of the Lord's word over your day.

Do any of you know much about fasting?

What does fasting mean to you?

Believe it or not, fasting isn't a fad diet to lose weight. It isn't a fast that deprives you from food so you can get in a habit to listen to God and read his Word. It's something more tangible then that.

Fasting to me, is a release of heaven poured out into your life. Fasting breaks any strongholds that have held your prayers ransom. Fasting releases God from his throne for a moment to come down to where we are and to help us fight the thing we are fighting for. Fasting changes things, it changes your attitude, your circumstance, even the very thing you are praying for. Fasting opens room for God to work in your life and to show you things he has been waiting to show you. Fasting isn't about food, it is however about taking away temporarily the thing that has the most hold over your life. Maybe it be your phone, the tv, perhaps it is food for you. Fasting isn't so much taking away then it is about adding. God wants to ADD to your life, not eliminate.

Allow God to speak to you where he wants to work in your life. Allow room for God, today.

Hi ladies,

I have a prayer request. The Lord has given me much peace about my pregnancy and it has been very wonderful. I was taking part in a big christian women's conference this weekend where I was immersed in the spirit. I should have known I would be subject to spiritual attack; I had light spotting after sex with my husband last night and felt peaceful about it after prayer. Then last night I had a terrible dream I went in for a scan to make sure all was well and the baby had stopped developing and was not viable. I firmly believe with was a spiritual attack and have been praying against it. I would love your prayers as well to keep the enemy at bay. Being a part of this conference will surely leave me a target for further attack.

Thanks ladies.

I would like to take a few moments today to speak about fasting. If any of your favourite christian speakers have any sermons on fasting, i highly recommend you have a listen to what they have to say about the topic. Even download them on your phone as a podcast and have a daily meditation of the Lord's word over your day.

Do any of you know much about fasting?

What does fasting mean to you?

Believe it or not, fasting isn't a fad diet to lose weight. It isn't a fast that deprives you from food so you can get in a habit to listen to God and read his Word. It's something more tangible then that.

Fasting to me, is a release of heaven poured out into your life. Fasting breaks any strongholds that have held your prayers ransom. Fasting releases God from his throne for a moment to come down to where we are and to help us fight the thing we are fighting for. Fasting changes things, it changes your attitude, your circumstance, even the very thing you are praying for. Fasting opens room for God to work in your life and to show you things he has been waiting to show you. Fasting isn't about food, it is however about taking away temporarily the thing that has the most hold over your life. Maybe it be your phone, the tv, perhaps it is food for you. Fasting isn't so much taking away then it is about adding. God wants to ADD to your life, not eliminate.

Allow God to speak to you where he wants to work in your life. Allow room for God, today.


Yes I do believe in fasting. In fact this I'd confirmation. I felt led of the Lrd today to go on a fast. So you are my witness. I thank The Lord for you sis.:thumbup:
Yes I do believe in fasting. In fact this I'd confirmation. I felt led of the Lrd today to go on a fast. So you are my witness. I thank The Lord for you sis.:thumbup:

Hi Mommieh25,

I am so glad you have felt led by the Holy Spirit to fast. We all need cleansing, just like we need to detox our bodies from impurities, we also need to detox our soul. Just because we cannot see our soul like we can see our bodies, if anything our soul needs more attending to, and more purifying. Fasting is a fantastic way to reconnect our body with our mind and give it over to God.

I will also be fasting when this child is born shortly. For 2015, i am personally tired of praying the same prayer for a few family members to give their lives to God. Im a prayer warrior by nature but overwhelmed by their stubbornness to 'Let go, Let God.' They will have no choice but to surrender to Gods love and grace when i am done praying and fasting for them :wink wink:

How is everyones week looking?

Yes I do believe in fasting. In fact this I'd confirmation. I felt led of the Lrd today to go on a fast. So you are my witness. I thank The Lord for you sis.:thumbup:

Hi Mommieh25,

I am so glad you have felt led by the Holy Spirit to fast. We all need cleansing, just like we need to detox our bodies from impurities, we also need to detox our soul. Just because we cannot see our soul like we can see our bodies, if anything our soul needs more attending to, and more purifying. Fasting is a fantastic way to reconnect our body with our mind and give it over to God.

I will also be fasting when this child is born shortly. For 2015, i am personally tired of praying the same prayer for a few family members to give their lives to God. Im a prayer warrior by nature but overwhelmed by their stubbornness to 'Let go, Let God.' They will have no choice but to surrender to Gods love and grace when i am done praying and fasting for them :wink wink:

How is everyones week looking?


I understand exactly. My husband and I have been discussing this. You must press in and go higher in The Lord to see the manifestations of certain things. We must always remember that there are some "these kinds" that require prayer and fasting for deliverance.
The hospital rang on Monday, the results show that our baby has down syndrome. We are still in shock and taking the information in.

Still can't believe this is happening after all we have been through.

Please pray for us.
Hello ladies. Just popping into try to catch up! Dd had surgery a week ago to remove all 4 wisdom teeth & has recovered well! Praise Him! Afm-Nothing TTC wise, but am still workibg on weight loss & saving for IVF...Have been having issues with my foot but thankfully it looks like some inserts & different type of shoe is going to be a quick fix! The Lord is so good! Our pastor was talking about unanswered prayers, while it always makes me sad to think that God may not give us a baby in the end, I just can't let go of the dream if handing my dh his baby! I have prayed that God take away the desire & block our path if ivf is not in His Will for us, but He has yet to do either.... I pray for continued guidance & grace on this journey for all of us. I pray for peace & understanding, calmness & love for each of you ladies today.
The hospital rang on Monday, the results show that our baby has down syndrome. We are still in shock and taking the information in.

Still can't believe this is happening after all we have been through.

Please pray for us.

So sorry Sporty. I will definitely be praying.
Sporty I'm so sorry to hear the news. God had a plan though hun. Will be praying for you and yours.

Cupcake, glad to hear of the speedy recoveries. Praying God guides you on your journey.

Hello to all the other ladies on this thread. Hope you are all doing well.
Sporty- praying for strength and peace of mind xxxxxx. God will be with you throughout everything hun.

Cupcake- I also just pray for the strength to accept God's will even though I don't understand it. I will also ask Him to remove the desire for a child and the sadness that it brings from my heart, seems like a worthwhile prayer. All the best to you hun.

Glad to hear from all you ladies and hope everyone else is doing well x
I need your advice ladies. I've been on a break but am reconsidering my options.

I'm out for this cycle, as expected, started spotting so AF should be here soon (wasn't ttc in any case). My dilemma is this: I really don't know what to do next. I'm praying about it but I still have no clear idea.
My three options are:
* Trying a low dose clomid again
* Trying without clomid (I did O this past cycle without clomid but I suspect it was just because I had residual clomid in my system).
* Going back on birth control pill... that might sound strange but I've had cramps for the past 2 cycles every single day. Today my left ovary (the one that is worst affected by endo) is very very sore. My back hurts. All those things make me suspect my endo is back. Cramping and spotting and feeling tired all the time is really dragging me down. So if I go back on bcp it will suppress the endo to a degree. ALSO, I won't have false hope every month and that will probably improve my quality of life. (I plan on making an appointment with an endo specialist for June, in any case.)

Now if I stop trying, the benefits are obvious as I described above. I really, really want to stop trying. The only downside is that my 1% chance of ever falling pregnant will become 0%. I'm scared that I would blame myself for making that decision one day when I'm too old to have kids at all.

Please give me your honest advice!

I am praying that we have a baby but that God's will be done and that He gives me peace of mind with whatever road is the right road. I trust that your opinions will be part of an answer to that prayer.
I know how you hate to lose that little bit of hope each cycle. Our dr gave us a 3-5% chance or lower of natural conception on our own, but even still each cycle I find myself a little hopeful that maybe God will give us one of those Miracle conceptions I read or hear about all the time, yet here we are still waiting *sigh...It's so hard to actually let TTC go. I know we are supposedly NTNP, but I do know when I Ovulate & try to make sure we bd during that time. Why? I don't know. I guess I'm afraid we might miss our chance at that elusive one in a million shot? Sweetie, I have no solid words of wisdom, other than to pray about it & listen for His guidance. I do believe He gives the Dr's the ability to help us though. Have you been to an RE or FS? I probably would try to get your appt moved up to discuss the endo, as well as your options, before making any decisions. Much love & prayers for you!

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