Yes I do believe in fasting. In fact this I'd confirmation. I felt led of the Lrd today to go on a fast. So you are my witness. I thank The Lord for you sis.
Hi Mommieh25,
I am so glad you have felt led by the Holy Spirit to fast. We all need cleansing, just like we need to detox our bodies from impurities, we also need to detox our soul. Just because we cannot see our soul like we can see our bodies, if anything our soul needs more attending to, and more purifying. Fasting is a fantastic way to reconnect our body with our mind and give it over to God.
I will also be fasting when this child is born shortly. For 2015, i am personally tired of praying the same prayer for a few family members to give their lives to God. Im a prayer warrior by nature but overwhelmed by their stubbornness to 'Let go, Let God.' They will have no choice but to surrender to Gods love and grace when i am done praying and fasting for them :wink wink:
How is everyones week looking?