Sportsygirl- That must be hard and shocking. I am also pregnant and I completely understand the deep, deep desire to have your baby be perfect and healthy- I want that too SO badly. I'm not sure where I would be if I find myself in your position in a few weeks. However, from a perspective of someone who is working in and becoming a special ed teacher- you are going to be so so blessed. I know you know this, but I want to affirm this truth. Your baby is going to be so loved, and so happy and will still have so many opportunities. You can't imagine how much this baby will shine, and teach others. I'm not discrediting the shock or hardship of this news, but I am telling you how magical downs kids are, and what a wonderful life you will give your baby. This is a deep trust God has put in you to take care of a child with special needs, it's an honor- you must truly be a wonderful woman. I will pray for you guys!!
Cupcake- Keep up the hard work towards fitness, it isn't easy. I have really struggled with health and wellness this first trimester, more than ever before in my life. I have faith in you!
Fern- I wish I had more wisdom to offer, but I honestly don't. Just know I will keep you in my prayers.
AFM- I have really been a prayer warrior against the enemy and for my baby. As a natural worrier- of course I get carried away in fear with this pregnancy, but by the grace of God and spending time in his word and prayer, he has truly given me peace. Now, I just need to be more conscious of honoring my body for myself and my baby- falling into a routine of eating sugars and carbs is too easy as it's all that really sounds good, or stays down right now. But my body is not my own- and certainly my health now is more important than ever. I'm praying for, and asking for prayer in a journey towards a more healthy pregnancy.