here are the supplements i have used or am using...
vitamins (can be used all month long and in pregnancy)
-b-50 or b-100 complex. necessary for hormone regulation and progesterone production.
-vitamin e can stop miscarriages and is found to be low in most miscarriages.
-vitamin d is necessary for hormone production and is found to be low in women with lpd and low progesterone.
-magnesium is necessary and vital for every part of your body. your brain uses it to fire electrical impulses called synapses. very necessary to have adequate amounts for hormone production.
-zinc is needed for egg and sperm health.
-a good prenatal vitamin since most of us are lacking in some vitamin nowadays.
herbs to be used before ovulation
-red clover boosts egg health and slightly raises estrogen. very good for hormone production.
-rhodiola rosea is great for egg health. also works as a natural antidepressant and for weight loss and energy.
-evening primrose oil/borage oil/flax seed oil boost production of cm and slightly raise estrogen. borage oil being the strongest.
-black cohosh has been shown to increase pregnancy rates by 170% when used cd1-12. will slightly raise estrogen and boost egg health. works well in conjunction with clomid.
-tribulus will boost egg health and assist hormone regulation.
-royal jelly will boost egg health and assist hormone regulation.
-DHEA will boost estrogen and egg health
-green tea can assist with cm production and slightly raise estrogen but can also stop absorption of folic acid which is necessary for baby so i didnt use too much and for only about a week.
-soy is used like clomid. it boosts egg health and increases estrogen which makes a stronger ovulation, that in turn produces more progesterone. use it days 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8, or 5-9 in amounts of between 100-200 mg per day or in a pattern of increasing the amount each day.
-dong quai will help regulate hormones
herbs that can be used all month long and even in pregnancy
-vitex can slightly raise estrogen but when used long term will increase progesterone.
-red raspberry leaf is a wonderful womens tonic. will regulate hormones strengthens female organs. it is a phyto-preogesterone as well.
-False unicorn root is an awesome herb for hormones. it will regulate hormones and boost egg health. it has stopped many miscarriages by relaxing a crampy/contracting unterus and increasing hcg and progesterone at the same time.
-ubiquinol- is the best form of coq10 and assists in egg health. increases blood flow to uterus and ovaries. great for pregnancy as well to get blood flow to the baby which is their nutrition and oxygen.
-maca is an adaptogen that is used for hormonal balance and energy
there are plenty more out there, but these are just the ones i used. hope it helps someone