Christian ladies TTC, we can encourage one another.

Miscarriages are so absolutely heartbreaking. I was not saved when I had my two miscarriages but I have since felt the Lord tell me some things that has drawn praise from me. Something was obviously wrong with my babies and He took them to live in His perfect paradise instead of letting them suffer. And as a mom if i have to grieve a time instead of having my babies suffer a lifetime then that's what was best. God is good and worthy of praise even when we hurt. I have not went back and read this whole thread but I lay my hands on it now and ask God to bring comfort and His peace for anyone who has lost a child or is dealing with infertility. I ask in Jesus name that He heal and bless you all. Amen[/QUOTE

what a beautiful post!!! Thank you!
I am so so happy to have found this thread! I have recently had 2 early losses and it's been very heartbreaking. I know I am blessed to have the children I do now. God has been so good to us. We would love to have another baby and are just trying to put it in God's hands on timing. This month we are ntnp basically and I'm trying to get healthier. I've started maca so if anyone has any experience with that, I'd love to hear it. Or actually any info on other herbs would be great too. You ladies seem so supportive and sweet. Am praying for you all!

Blessedmomma, that was absolutely beautiful!
here are the supplements i have used or am using...

vitamins (can be used all month long and in pregnancy)
-b-50 or b-100 complex. necessary for hormone regulation and progesterone production.
-vitamin e can stop miscarriages and is found to be low in most miscarriages.
-vitamin d is necessary for hormone production and is found to be low in women with lpd and low progesterone.
-magnesium is necessary and vital for every part of your body. your brain uses it to fire electrical impulses called synapses. very necessary to have adequate amounts for hormone production.
-zinc is needed for egg and sperm health.
-a good prenatal vitamin since most of us are lacking in some vitamin nowadays.

herbs to be used before ovulation
-red clover boosts egg health and slightly raises estrogen. very good for hormone production.
-rhodiola rosea is great for egg health. also works as a natural antidepressant and for weight loss and energy.
-evening primrose oil/borage oil/flax seed oil boost production of cm and slightly raise estrogen. borage oil being the strongest.
-black cohosh has been shown to increase pregnancy rates by 170% when used cd1-12. will slightly raise estrogen and boost egg health. works well in conjunction with clomid.
-tribulus will boost egg health and assist hormone regulation.
-royal jelly will boost egg health and assist hormone regulation.
-DHEA will boost estrogen and egg health
-green tea can assist with cm production and slightly raise estrogen but can also stop absorption of folic acid which is necessary for baby so i didnt use too much and for only about a week.
-soy is used like clomid. it boosts egg health and increases estrogen which makes a stronger ovulation, that in turn produces more progesterone. use it days 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8, or 5-9 in amounts of between 100-200 mg per day or in a pattern of increasing the amount each day.
-dong quai will help regulate hormones

herbs that can be used all month long and even in pregnancy
-vitex can slightly raise estrogen but when used long term will increase progesterone.
-red raspberry leaf is a wonderful womens tonic. will regulate hormones strengthens female organs. it is a phyto-preogesterone as well.
-False unicorn root is an awesome herb for hormones. it will regulate hormones and boost egg health. it has stopped many miscarriages by relaxing a crampy/contracting unterus and increasing hcg and progesterone at the same time.
-ubiquinol- is the best form of coq10 and assists in egg health. increases blood flow to uterus and ovaries. great for pregnancy as well to get blood flow to the baby which is their nutrition and oxygen.
-maca is an adaptogen that is used for hormonal balance and energy

there are plenty more out there, but these are just the ones i used. hope it helps someone :)
Welcome happy! Sorry to hear about your losses.

Thank you! Are you ttc your third too? Your kids are so so cute!

Blessedmomma, wow! That's a lot of good information! Wish I could do all that :) I had no idea green tea absorbs folic acid. Eek! We have been drinking a lot of green tea recently. I will make a different kind of iced tea for me now!

Hope you ladies are all doing well this morning :hugs:
welcome happynewmom1! I will pray for your ttc journey!

Ladies, probably not a big deal- but found out I have a short cervix and may be at an increased risk for pre term labour. We ALSO found out we are having a baby BOY! If you could lift him up that he stays healthy and in there full term, I would appreciate it.

Funny thing- even though I'm at risk for pre term labour, I have this sneaking suspicion he will be late haha.
Happy, not ttc yet. We are trying to move but I've we are there and settled we will start trying again.

June, congrats on a boy! I was in a group with a woman who had a short cervix when I was preggo with my son. They put in a stitch to help keep things closed and whatnot. They were going to keep baby in until at least 26 weeks. She started dilating very early on. Her baby was late! Just goes to show, you never know and God's plan is always perfect. Praying for and the little mister!
littlejune- lifting you and the little guy up in prayer. congrats on your baby boy :cloud9: boys are awesome
Hi all. How are we all going today?
Welcome to the newcomers on this thread! I feel like one of the old ones who has been on here since GodsJewel started this...still waiting on miracle children. Praying for each of you today- that we will look to Jesus in everything and that He'll provide.
Thanks for the prayers ladies! I go back in thursday to ensure all looks stable.

Me222 I will lift up your ttc journey- I've known several people who have been or were going through ttc for many years and it can be really hard.
It's been a LONG time since I've posted on this thread. Just wanted to drop by and let yall know how I've been doing...

My husband and I are getting ready to celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss! I am so thankful that God brought him into my life. I don't know what I would do without him.

He and I went to SoulStock this past weekend and had a wonderful time. It is an outdoor festival that is two days long in Decatur, AL featuring many different Christian artists and plenty of praise and worship. for KING & COUNTRY was there so I was SUPER excited about that. I have now seen them in concert twice now! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: We are making plans to go to SoulStock again next year.

Anyway...just wanted to post a little message to let yall know that I am praying for each of you and your families in whatever situations you are in. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Amanda! Happy early Anniversary! Soulstock sounds like TCTC that we have here. A weekend of Praise & Worship! The kids & I go every January & receive a huge blessing to kick off our New Year each time we go! I am going on the Emmaus Walk in July! SOOOO Excited to get to do it!

Hey ladies, Been a while for me too! Not alot of TTC news to report :/ Still Not necessarily "trying" each cycle, but still hoping! lol I have been sticking with my diet & exercise plan & the weight is falling off! :happydance: 35 pounds lost so far! I have developed a taste for the gym, even though some days I don't like it as much...Usually on those days I'm tired or my body is exhausted! I know to take a day off when that happens & then I'm able to get right back at it the next day! I do usually try to push mow the yard on days I don't go....Seems to be a good combination.

I hope everyone is well! Prayers sent for each of you today!
So glad to hear you ladies ate doing well and enjoying life! Congrats on your weight loss cupcake! It's a struggle I know...but so worth it in the end. I need to get back to it.

Not a big update here either. Living life and taking care of the babes. My din well be two and my daughter six months on the 2nd! Wow! We are actually selling the house and moving to NC. Please pray this process is speedy for us. please also pay for me. I've been having some stress and anxiety issues, and it's about stuff that would never happen...just always thinking the worst is on its way. I want to be happy in my life not worrisome, and I don't want my kids to become familiar with that. Hubbs and I are doing much better than we were last year, but his job situation is a stressor. Please pray this works itself out somehow. That's all from me for now. Love you ladies to life!
amanda- that sounds kinda like our winter jam. so wonderful! :)

cupcake- yay for the weight loss! its hard work, but very worth it :thumbup:

no doubt- i hope the move goes well and you have victory over your worries and anxieties :hugs:

praying for you all!
Blessed, thank you for the scripture in your siggy. I am so overwhelmed with everything right now...stressed, nervous, anxious, worried. All of those things that are not of God. And then I read your siggy just as I was exciting. A wonderful reminder that it will all be ok. I thought to myself yesterday how the Lord told us He did not give us a spirit of fear but if peace and a sound mind. Then I thought why am I giving this so much attention if that's the case as I know it's not from Him? My ocd gets in the way of me relinquishing control and the worry continues, but I'm trying. I have to grow my faith and know that although I don't see the end game God already knows and is taking care of me and my family.
Hi ladies

Just checking in - I haven't been on much since we have stopped ttc. We got the news that DH might be getting a salary increase so then we can POSSIBLY consider IVF. Just maybe. I am going to see a specialist at a fertility clinic end of June and will hear what he says first.

No doubt - I also struggle with anxiety issues; have been my whole life. Sometimes it's more under control but the past few months it has been getting worse. My sister's twins are almost due to be born, I am obviously still not pregnant after having an operation and doing 7 clomid months, and really struggling with it atm... also my grandfather just passed away and it's completely overwhelmed me. Guess I just want to say I know what it feels like to have negative emotions overwhelm me. I am in fact going to start seeing a Biblical counselor to help me cope.

I pray that you may find a tranquil mind and strength & peace again. x

Cupcakestoy - Glad to see that you on the other hand are doing well & full of energy! Great job on the weight loss. X What an inspiration!

:hi: everyone else! May you all have a happy week and experience a lot of blessings in all the little things. :hugs:
Fern, so sorry to hear about grandfather. I pray you find strength, peace and comfort in our God.

Aa far as the Clomid, I've been there. Before my son we tried for two years, I did two iuis and nine rounds of Clomid...of which none worked. I actually had the ivf consult add I was told it wouldn't happen any other way...BUT GOD! The Clomid got to be too much for me physically, I was in pain every month and having to take off work so I stopped taking it. A few months later Virtue was on his way, all by himself, no help necessary. I say this to encourage you and remind you that God still knows what He is doing. He still has a plan and though you can't see it and it hurts to be going through what you're going through, He hasn't deviated from His plan. Ask and it shall be given unto you. Stay in faith and be blessed hun.
Cupcakestoy- congrats on the weight loss. I follow you on the weight loss before baby board and I am so happy and inspired at your journey.

Nodoubt & Fern- I have an anxiety disorder. I get you. I actually have OCD- that disorder everyone says they have and no one really understands? LOL yep, that one. I'm not ritualistic *meaning I don't have to take so many steps, or count things, etc* but I have obsessive thought patterns *and I do check my phone about 4 times after my alarm is set just to make sure lol*. It's so easy to get sucked into a pattern of fear thinking, and you actually build natural pathways in your brain that make you continuously have those thoughts without any real control. It's pretty frustrating. I did two years of cognitive behavioural therapy with a christian phsycotherapist and it helped immensely. Prayer also helps- learning to take thoughts captive, and truly spending time each day with God helps me so much. I'm just throwing this out there as someone who truly knows anxiety and what has worked for me. ALSO- diet. Weird. A clean diet helps.

Lastly, thank you all ladies who prayed over my short cervix. Despite my worrisome nature, I truly wasn't worried and for good cause. God gave me peace and when they went back in to check things yesterday- my cervix was a very long, healthy 4 cm. Pretty miraculous to go from: "take it easy and let's monitor things" to "your perfectly fine". Very thankful to God.
It's been way too long since I've logged on. I still think of you all and pray for you, that God would comfort you during this waiting time. Reading these posts brought me back to the place of when I longed for a child and was in the waiting season for almost 7 years. God is so faithful, hold fast to His word and promises.

As for me, I'm a busy and blessed stay at home mom. My babies are 10 months old now and are doing extremely well, thank you Jesus! Our testimony has reached so many people and think about it, yours is being written out right now.

God bless you all and big hugs!!!
June I have OCD too. I used to take meds, just for a few months, and that seemed to help balance things. I was don't count things either, but do have to constantly check behind doing something a million times to make sure it happened. Think I just have a lot going on right now and it's becoming overwhelming.

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