Christian LTTTC group - 1yr+ Praying for all who join



I'm currently a member of a Christian TTC group on b&b & as it's taking a bit longer than I'd hoped to become pregnant, I realised the long haul can make us more sensitive to certain aspects of TTC.

I thought it would be a good idea to begin a Christian ltttc thread specifically for Christian ladies to support & encourage each other, a safe place where no symptom spotting or random bfp announcements take place.

I would also like to begin a list of members here whom I can pray for on a weekly basis as I believe where we sow we will also reap.

Please feel free to join & share your story. I aim to show all here compassion, respect and faith & I would ask that all who join should share this ethos

JM xxx

Praying for:

Praying for no1
xxx_faithful LTTTC Graduate
I'd like to join. :D

I'm 22 years old, my husband is 34. We've been TTC for 23 months, was only diagnosed with cysts on my ovaries in April this year and started on 100mg of Clomid for 6 cycles. I'm currently on round 2 and hoping to ovulate soon.

All our other tests have come back great so now we're on Clomid hopefully we'll have ovulation sorted soon as well.

At the moment I'm CD14 and yet to have a positive ov test but last cycle's arrived on cd18, 19 and 20 so I figure I've got a few days yet although I am cramping at the mo!

I'm 29 and my husband 32. We have been ttc since Feb 2011. I had a HSG in November came back all clear then did 2 months of clomid Jan-Feb 2012. Decided to relax for a few months and let it happen on it's own but nothing yet.

Have a doctors check up next week and I plan on finding out if there is anything else I can/ should do.

The Bible says, ask and it shall be given and I know that I 've asked the Lord for our little blessing and I want so bad to make my husband a father. I am 100% sure and have faith that it will happen at the right time. It may not be in MY time but it will definitely be in God's time.

Be encouraged my sisters!!
I'm Amanda and will be 30 years old next month. My DH is 35. We were trying for six years before we decided to take a break on May 7, 2012. We went through three rounds of Provera and eight cycles of Clomid, but sadly, nothing was successful with that. My DH had an SA done and the results were okay, but not great. There are some issues with a couple of things. We can't possibly afford to go any further since there would be a lot of money involved with not-so-peachy success rates. We have since decided that in the beginning of the year, we are going to start trying again. DH is going to see a urologist and try to determine if there is something wrong with him. If everything is good, then we are going to try again.

I think starting this thread in the LTTTC section is a great idea. I feel like my faith has waned over the last few months and would appreciate the prayers and support. I feel really bad about this and I definitely need to build my faith so I can be a much stronger Christian woman. :flower:
I would love to join this group. I don't post much, but I do read and pray for everyone. I am 31 and husband is 38. We first started dating 14 years ago and have been married for 9. From the beginning we've never prevented, like most women I thought it would just happen naturally. Well it never did. My marriage has been through more storms than most. So I can honestly say that I know it was God's grace that we haven't had a baby up to this point. We weren't ready, although my heart has always been ready. Thankfully God has restored our marriage that was so broken. As long as we stay in His will, I know He will continue to strengthen us. Thank you in advance for all prayers. Oh, and my name is Stephanie.:flower:
Isaiah 40:28-31
Have you not known?
Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary; his
understanding is unsearchable. He gives
power to the faint, and to him who has no
might he increases strength. Even youths
shall faint and be weary,and young men
shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for
the LORD shall renew their strength; they
shall mount up with wings like eagles; they
shall run and not be weary; they shall
walk and not faint.

Isaiah 41:10 fear not, for I am with
you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I
will strengthen you, I will help you, I will
uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Hello all. Thank you so much just_married for starting this thread. I will try to keep my story brief. My husband and I started trying to conceive in April 2011. In March of 2012 we got a bfp, but a few weeks later we learned that it was a blighted ovum. I believed God for that baby but my womb remained empty in spite of the bfp. I was devastated, but I found comfort in God.

Now I am still waiting on God, but through all of this I learned that there are some things I need to work on before I feel I can be the mother God has called me to be. We are still trying and I will welcome any blessing God gives us, but I'm not as wrapped up in trying to conceive as I once was. When AF shows up, it's just a reminder for me that it's not time and I will continue to work on the things I am aware of that need to change about me. This group has come at the right time in my life, because I'm not really in the season for symptom spotting, bbts, and opks. I just want to grow in the Lord and support other women who are going through what I have gone through and what I am currently going through. I love the idea of a prayer list in one spot so I can see everyone's name right there. I can't wait to learn more about everyone else. :)
Thank you so much ladies! Loving hearing about you. I'm replying on my phone and thinking I can't wait to get my laptop out tomorrow and respond individually to you and start this list of names to pray for. I've decided I'm going to write your names in my diary and every Sunday I'll open the page and lift you guys up especially for healing, refreshing and strength.

I feel really excited about starting this and I'm doing it believing for each of you steadfastly.
I'm Sarah, 21, OH is 22, been TTC for 1 and half years, had a mc last August.

Thanks in advance for the prayers

I'd like to join. :D

I'm 22 years old, my husband is 34. We've been TTC for 23 months, was only diagnosed with cysts on my ovaries in April this year and started on 100mg of Clomid for 6 cycles. I'm currently on round 2 and hoping to ovulate soon.

All our other tests have come back great so now we're on Clomid hopefully we'll have ovulation sorted soon as well.

At the moment I'm CD14 and yet to have a positive ov test but last cycle's arrived on cd18, 19 and 20 so I figure I've got a few days yet although I am cramping at the mo!

Hi Stevens2010,
I recognise you from the TTC Christian group, thanks for joining here too. 23 months is a long time, will be praying the Clomid does the trick and gets that egg on its way! Cramping is good! I always get cramping when I ovulate, but i only seem to get a brief faint opk (Stopped testing a while ago) so hopefully that's a good sign!
Hope you're having a good day & praying that the week ahead is a happy one xxx
I'm 29 and my husband 32. We have been ttc since Feb 2011. I had a HSG in November came back all clear then did 2 months of clomid Jan-Feb 2012. Decided to relax for a few months and let it happen on it's own but nothing yet.

Have a doctors check up next week and I plan on finding out if there is anything else I can/ should do.

The Bible says, ask and it shall be given and I know that I 've asked the Lord for our little blessing and I want so bad to make my husband a father. I am 100% sure and have faith that it will happen at the right time. It may not be in MY time but it will definitely be in God's time.

Be encouraged my sisters!!

Hi Prayingforno1! Thank you for joining!Glad to hear your hsg was clear, that must have been a relief. I am due to have one on Wednesday so any advice would be appreciated! Praying that all goes well for you this week at doctors and that your time is coming soon.

I love your attitude! The bible says our faith pleases God, so staying focussed on that trust you have in Him will do you good. I agree that God's timing is best, there is a season for everything and that season WILL come (Ecclisiasties 3)

I think you will be a great encouragement to us when we are weary :) Praying for you today! x
I'm Amanda and will be 30 years old next month. My DH is 35. We were trying for six years before we decided to take a break on May 7, 2012. We went through three rounds of Provera and eight cycles of Clomid, but sadly, nothing was successful with that. My DH had an SA done and the results were okay, but not great. There are some issues with a couple of things. We can't possibly afford to go any further since there would be a lot of money involved with not-so-peachy success rates. We have since decided that in the beginning of the year, we are going to start trying again. DH is going to see a urologist and try to determine if there is something wrong with him. If everything is good, then we are going to try again.

I think starting this thread in the LTTTC section is a great idea. I feel like my faith has waned over the last few months and would appreciate the prayers and support. I feel really bad about this and I definitely need to build my faith so I can be a much stronger Christian woman. :flower:

Hey Amanda,
Of course I recognise you, my venting buddy! lol. How are you? It's good reading your story as I haven't had the chance to read it before. It sounds like you have been through the mill with medication and I dont blame you for needing a break. Hang in there, we are waiting with you. It's hard. so hard sometimes, but it's good knowing others understand and I'm praying for your peace of mind (and of course for your future babies!).

I'm sure you have tried everything and I hope I dont offend you by asking if your hubby has tried the wellman conception tablets? My dh takes them and co-enzyme q10 and has given up alcohol altogther (not just for ttc, it was a holistic answer as it improved many aspects of his life/health/career/relationships/confodence). Just ignore me if I'm babbling, I'm sure having tried so long you have tried ten times as many things as us.

Anyway, praying for you today, for that peace until the time is right, thanks again for joining :flower:
I would love to join this group. I don't post much, but I do read and pray for everyone. I am 31 and husband is 38. We first started dating 14 years ago and have been married for 9. From the beginning we've never prevented, like most women I thought it would just happen naturally. Well it never did. My marriage has been through more storms than most. So I can honestly say that I know it was God's grace that we haven't had a baby up to this point. We weren't ready, although my heart has always been ready. Thankfully God has restored our marriage that was so broken. As long as we stay in His will, I know He will continue to strengthen us. Thank you in advance for all prayers. Oh, and my name is Stephanie.:flower:

Hi Stephanie! so are you admitting you are a lurker? lol!
Welcome to this group and thank you for praying in the past, it's appreciated a lot!
Thank you God for restoring this lovely girls marriage. It really can be a rollercoaster, can't it? I think you have great insight and honesty in saying you know it hasn't been the right time, but it does sound like you have maturity, patience and trust in God. I believe storms make us put down stronger roots and when future storms come we are steadfast, ready to face it....and we know that no storm lasts forever, it will blow over.

Praying for you today Stephanie, for your marriage to keep strengthening and for your beautiful answer to come soon. How happy we will be for you :)
Peace, JM xxx
Hello all. Thank you so much just_married for starting this thread. I will try to keep my story brief. My husband and I started trying to conceive in April 2011. In March of 2012 we got a bfp, but a few weeks later we learned that it was a blighted ovum. I believed God for that baby but my womb remained empty in spite of the bfp. I was devastated, but I found comfort in God.

Now I am still waiting on God, but through all of this I learned that there are some things I need to work on before I feel I can be the mother God has called me to be. We are still trying and I will welcome any blessing God gives us, but I'm not as wrapped up in trying to conceive as I once was. When AF shows up, it's just a reminder for me that it's not time and I will continue to work on the things I am aware of that need to change about me. This group has come at the right time in my life, because I'm not really in the season for symptom spotting, bbts, and opks. I just want to grow in the Lord and support other women who are going through what I have gone through and what I am currently going through. I love the idea of a prayer list in one spot so I can see everyone's name right there. I can't wait to learn more about everyone else. :)

His grace,
I love the way you look at the arrival of AF as it not being time..yet! I am believeing this with you. I'm so so sorry that you lost your wee one. I lost my 1st pregnancy (wd you believe 19 yrs ago?!) and the heartbreak never totally goes, it just becomes easier to bear, and you know that your wee one is growing & mingling with the creme de la creme up there now! You will meet them one day and have eternity to catch up!
One thing I want to say to you is that I believe you are already ready to be a mum now. I really get what you mean about focussing on other things though, it will help us not to focus on what we dont have, but on improving what we do have.
Thank you for joining, I am looking forward to getting to know you better :) (We are TTC buddies btw, started in April 2011 too!)
Praying for you today! x
I'm Amanda and will be 30 years old next month. My DH is 35. We were trying for six years before we decided to take a break on May 7, 2012. We went through three rounds of Provera and eight cycles of Clomid, but sadly, nothing was successful with that. My DH had an SA done and the results were okay, but not great. There are some issues with a couple of things. We can't possibly afford to go any further since there would be a lot of money involved with not-so-peachy success rates. We have since decided that in the beginning of the year, we are going to start trying again. DH is going to see a urologist and try to determine if there is something wrong with him. If everything is good, then we are going to try again.

I think starting this thread in the LTTTC section is a great idea. I feel like my faith has waned over the last few months and would appreciate the prayers and support. I feel really bad about this and I definitely need to build my faith so I can be a much stronger Christian woman. :flower:

Hey Amanda,
Of course I recognise you, my venting buddy! lol. How are you? It's good reading your story as I haven't had the chance to read it before. It sounds like you have been through the mill with medication and I dont blame you for needing a break. Hang in there, we are waiting with you. It's hard. so hard sometimes, but it's good knowing others understand and I'm praying for your peace of mind (and of course for your future babies!).

I'm sure you have tried everything and I hope I dont offend you by asking if your hubby has tried the wellman conception tablets? My dh takes them and co-enzyme q10 and has given up alcohol altogther (not just for ttc, it was a holistic answer as it improved many aspects of his life/health/career/relationships/confodence). Just ignore me if I'm babbling, I'm sure having tried so long you have tried ten times as many things as us.

Anyway, praying for you today, for that peace until the time is right, thanks again for joining :flower:

Thank you! I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have my venting thread buddies! I have noone really in "the real world" :)haha:) that I can talk to because they either have kids, aren't ready for kids, or just don't care. It's good that I can come on here and share my story and everything with you wonderful people and you actually know what I'm talking about/going through. :happydance: Praying for each and every one of us to have the strength to get through another month of this emotional roller coaster. I have trouble remembering myself that it is in God's time...not mine. My time is never perfect...His is. :flower:

My husband is a disabled veteran suffering from severe back problems and PTSD from when he hit an IED in 2005. He takes several different types of medication for this and we have been reassured numerous times that this won't affect fertility in him. I was thinking about trying to find some supplements for him, but I get so scared that it will adversely interact with the precription medications he's already on.
I'm Sarah, 21, OH is 22, been TTC for 1 and half years, had a mc last August.

Thanks in advance for the prayers


Hi Sarah! Thanks for joining. So sorry to hear of your loss last year. How have you been? Praying for you today! xxx
I'm Sarah, 21, OH is 22, been TTC for 1 and half years, had a mc last August.

Thanks in advance for the prayers


Hi Sarah! Thanks for joining. So sorry to hear of your loss last year. How have you been? Praying for you today! xxx

thank you :hugs:
i have been ok, just getting frustrated really. Been quite emotional lately so i cant help feeling sorry for myself :dohh:
im quite new to this forum but i think its amazing, its such a wonderful support network.

I'm Sarah, 21, OH is 22, been TTC for 1 and half years, had a mc last August.

Thanks in advance for the prayers


Hi Sarah! Thanks for joining. So sorry to hear of your loss last year. How have you been? Praying for you today! xxx

thank you :hugs:
i have been ok, just getting frustrated really. Been quite emotional lately so i cant help feeling sorry for myself :dohh:
im quite new to this forum but i think its amazing, its such a wonderful support network.


So sorry for your loss last year. :hugs:

I will agree wholeheartedly about our support network here. I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for my buddies in the LTTTC section. You are welcome here with open arms! :flower:
I'm Sarah, 21, OH is 22, been TTC for 1 and half years, had a mc last August.

Thanks in advance for the prayers


Hi Sarah! Thanks for joining. So sorry to hear of your loss last year. How have you been? Praying for you today! xxx

thank you :hugs:
i have been ok, just getting frustrated really. Been quite emotional lately so i cant help feeling sorry for myself :dohh:
im quite new to this forum but i think its amazing, its such a wonderful support network.


AAAw :hugs:we ALL get downhearted, keep your gorgeous wee chin up! The silver lining is you know you CAN get that BFP now, so my prayers are that you will get another BFP soon for you and that it's a sticky one, safe in God's protection inside your tummy.

Love & hugs xxx
I'm Sarah, 21, OH is 22, been TTC for 1 and half years, had a mc last August.

Thanks in advance for the prayers


Hi Sarah! Thanks for joining. So sorry to hear of your loss last year. How have you been? Praying for you today! xxx

thank you :hugs:
i have been ok, just getting frustrated really. Been quite emotional lately so i cant help feeling sorry for myself :dohh:
im quite new to this forum but i think its amazing, its such a wonderful support network.


AAAw :hugs:we ALL get downhearted, keep your gorgeous wee chin up! The silver lining is you know you CAN get that BFP now, so my prayers are that you will get another BFP soon for you and that it's a sticky one, safe in God's protection inside your tummy.

Love & hugs xxx

i actually feel so emotional lately that reading this brought a tear to my eye :blush:

thank you


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