Christian LTTTC group - 1yr+ Praying for all who join

Hey ladies!

I just wanted to stop by and let you know you are all very special to me and I know the pain, frustration, sadness and anger that ltttc can bring. But the good news is, we serve a faithful, loving, merciful Father who knows what is best for us and will comfort us with His undescribable peace through this journey.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

The Lord is good. A refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work in you, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4

Hi Sara,

Thank you. I needed to hear that today.

Hey all - Had a bit of a rough morning. Have church things going on and then a friend talking about getting pregnant sometime soon. She has no idea my husband and I have been ttc for almost 17 months now and she already has a child. I guess it kind of makes me angry that she can have a child and expect to fall pregnant so easily again (and she prob. will). Oh Lord, please give me patience so that I can be complete in You. ?
This journey can be so hard and of course, none of us prob. expected to be on it for longer than a year. I don't want to obssess over a child though. I want to obssess over Jesus. Praying for comfort, strength and patience for me and all of us on here.
Hope you all don't mind my venting. Feel a bit alone in this journey where I live.

Oh sweetie, it's good to vent once in awhile and we are all here for you and understand how you feel.

While I was on my mini vacation this past weekend, my sis-in-law who has 2 boys, a 4 month old and a 1 & 1/2 yr old was talking about starting to ttc her 3rd child this August because she wants to have the baby near summer since she is a teacher and gets the summer off. She conceived both her children in 6 months. It just amazes me that she can plan it and it will probably happen. I kinda was hurt by the fact that she was talking about it knowing my situation, but I guess I can't blame her, I don't expect anyone to walk on egg shells around me. I just have to remember how blessed I am and that soon I will have another niece/nephew to love and spoil.

You are so right, never in my life did I think I was going to be on this journey coming up to 5 yrs...but I'm so glad that I have wonderful support from you all and that I have Jesus in my life to help me through it. I don't know what I would do without Him.

Sorry for late reply. Thank you, Sara. It is difficult. Sometimes I feel like giving up..but how can I? Like, how do I go about giving up and just not trying, not preventing, not worrying? Does that make sense?
Much love to you and all of my sisters in Jesus on here. Thanks for the support!
i want to apologise for not being on here in a while. im going thorugh a rough time at the moment, and im going to have blood tests done next friday as my doctor thinks i have PCOS :nope:
if its not she wants to do more tests for me as AF hasnt visited me since May and all im getting are Negative tests :wacko:
shes also doing a blood preg test but i doubt it will be positive.

i just feel so low :cry:

i hope your all doing ok, im going to try to be on here more.

I recently started listening to Priscilla Shirer’s book The Resolution for Woman and I today I got to a chapter on contentment. I had been struggling with this before, but this really puts things in perspective for me. It’s a balance.

From the book:

Contentment is the equilibrium between the enjoyment of life now and the anticipation of what is to come. Contentment serves as a guard against desires gone wild. It is the key to unlocking you from the bondage of unrestrained longing that wells up within your heart and inevitably begins to control your life making you a slave to what you don’t have instead of a fully engaged participant with what you do. It is the faith filled belief that what God has bestowed now is worthy of gratitude and appreciation, not merely because it is enough but because it is good. By choosing contentment, you’re not getting rid of your desires; you are just demanding that they assume an appropriate humble position in your life. Not bossing you around like a tyrannical dictator forcing you to submit to his ever growing ever and changing list of demands. It means you no longer allow your yearnings and aspirations to control you and rob from you the full use of and gratitude for what you’ve currently been given leaving you unable to enjoy “this” because He hasn’t seen fit yet to give you “that”… Contentment keeps your mind clear, peaceful, settled, undisturbed. Happy to be “here” and, when God determines the time is right, happy to be “there”. It’s a resolution to be satisfied.

I am really enjoying this book, but I am going to have to order the actual book (instead of the audio book) because there are so many things I want to highlight and go back to. I don’t know why I thought I could do the audio book.
Hi everyone, I hope it is okay that I join here. I'm a part of the group "Christian Ladies TTC" over in TTC Groups & Discussions, and I wanted to find a Christian group for LTTTC as well.

I know that God's timing is perfect and that resting in Him is the right path, but it is nice to come here and talk with other Christian women about the struggles with TTC.

I am praying for you all that your arms are filled soon. :)
Hello ladies no longer LTTC because God has chosen a different path for my life. But just wanted to let you all know that i am praying for all of you and trust in God he has a plan for everything even though we may not know what it is have faith. My prayers were answered when we adopted our son. Thinking of you all.
Hello ladies no longer LTTC because God has chosen a different path for my life. But just wanted to let you all know that i am praying for all of you and trust in God he has a plan for everything even though we may not know what it is have faith. My prayers were answered when we adopted our son. Thinking of you all.

Thank you Puppymom, always good to know we are being prayed for, we will pray for your amazing new adventure in adoptiing your beautiful son.

Hi everyone, I hope it is okay that I join here. I'm a part of the group "Christian Ladies TTC" over in TTC Groups & Discussions, and I wanted to find a Christian group for LTTTC as well.

I know that God's timing is perfect and that resting in Him is the right path, but it is nice to come here and talk with other Christian women about the struggles with TTC.

I am praying for you all that your arms are filled soon. :)

Welcome wristwatch, thanks for joining! Tell us a bit about yourself!

i want to apologise for not being on here in a while. im going thorugh a rough time at the moment, and im going to have blood tests done next friday as my doctor thinks i have PCOS :nope:
if its not she wants to do more tests for me as AF hasnt visited me since May and all im getting are Negative tests :wacko:
shes also doing a blood preg test but i doubt it will be positive.

i just feel so low :cry:

i hope your all doing ok, im going to try to be on here more.


I'm so sorry you're having a rough time, we can all empathise, just hang in there! I hope you get a diagnosis soon, it must be difficult not knowing whats causing the absence of af. Remember God is greater than any problem we face, NOthing is too difficult for Him.

It is difficult. Sometimes I feel like giving up..but how can I? Like, how do I go about giving up and just not trying, not preventing, not worrying? Does that make sense?
Much love to you and all of my sisters in Jesus on here. Thanks for the support!

Me222 It is so difficult, the lack of control we have in the situation, I think giving up is the only way we could feel that control again, but like you say, how can we give up? Love right back at you!

Girls I'm so sorry for my absence, I've let things get to me recently and didn't want to come on here and be all negative.

I want you to know that I am praying today for all LTTTC ladies that you will recieve you positive soon, that you will have that egg(s) fertilise, implant in just the right place, grow healthily and be born into your waiting arms for a new adventure. I pray that while we wait on this dream coming true that we can become content whilst we wait, that we can have faith that you, God, are on our sides, that we can do nothing to earn or deserve this gift, but that we realise you give us these gifts DESPITE our faults - simply because you are the perfect Father who loves to give gifts to His children.


Yahweh, I ask for evey lady trying to conceive a child from You on this thread, I ask that you would show mercy and heal our hearts and bodies and that by your Grace that you would knit together children in our wombs. All the glory to YOU! Amen.
Please pray for me ladies, I found out yesterday that my sister who I'm very close to is unexpectedly pregnant. I don't want to feel the way I do right now, and I definitely don't want to lose my relationship with her, please pray for strength cos I am struggling to hold back the tears and the last thing I want to do is make her feel uncomfortable around me. In all honesty I am dreading watching her go through the pregnancy, getting her bump etc.. I just hope and pray to God that this round on Clomid will be successful in a pregnancy and I get to go through it with her. I feel so alone and upset at the moment. :(
Please pray for me ladies, I found out yesterday that my sister who I'm very close to is unexpectedly pregnant. I don't want to feel the way I do right now, and I definitely don't want to lose my relationship with her, please pray for strength cos I am struggling to hold back the tears and the last thing I want to do is make her feel uncomfortable around me. In all honesty I am dreading watching her go through the pregnancy, getting her bump etc.. I just hope and pray to God that this round on Clomid will be successful in a pregnancy and I get to go through it with her. I feel so alone and upset at the moment. :(

:hugs::hugs: thinking and praying for you hunni.I went through a similar thing with a friend who was like a sister to me.Only it was the other way round I was getting my breakthrough (getting married) whereas she was still single and it hurt her so much and she felt forgotten and hurt by God even though she didnt want to_One thing that I feel saved our friendship (as this was almost 3 years ago now) was her honesty.She told me that she felt like she was Hannah and my situation was Peninah,mocking her barreness everytime that she was around me.If she had not been honest with me I would of just thought she was plain jealous,but I knew differently,she was waiting,hurting and in pain.It was a massive test in character for us both but to this day we are wonderful friends,but only because we put the cross between our friendship.

Speak with your sister tell her how you feel,share your burden with her.It might make it easier,then she will know how to deal with you. The way you feel right now is understandable and human.Don't beat yourself up hun xx

And o my friend is still not married yet,however God has given her a GRACIOUS blessing of sending her as a paid missionary to Hollywood.I know God is still preparing her,for her blessing but He has blessed her in His own way ABUNDANTLY-right now she is living a DREAM.

Remember Hannah felt a mocking spirit whenever she was around Peninah and yet she went on to have 6 children in all,including a prophet!God has not forgotten you hun!He will answer in His time and it will be a bigger blessing then you have capacity to receive!xx
Stevens I would do as Bree suggests, but maybe write it in a letter so that you are not under pressure to remember the right words and compose yourself.

I know exactly how you feel, and it's not envy, it's not resentment, it's the fact that you wish you were going through the experience together, 2 bumps.

It does hurt, but telling her is fairer than not because if you don't she may accidentally hurt your feelings and feel awful when the truth comes out. I'm sure it'll make your bond stronger xxx
Thanks girls, I appreciate your replies.

I had a long chat to my mum about everything and I cried bucketloads (as did my mum lol) and I feel a lot better for it. I got a lot off my chest and I was really honest about my feelings. I know things may be awkward at first with my sister but I'm not going to allow this to break our relationship, I hope it will make things stronger. I explained to my mum that it wasn't the fact she was having a baby, but it's the fact she is pregnant and got pregnant so quickly - she fell on her first month ttc. :( It just reminded me that it's not been that simple or easy for me and I was hurting because it's happened so quickly for her.

Anyway, I don't want my own hurt or feelings to spoil the fact that she IS pregnant and there's going to be a brand new baby soon. I am hoping to ovulate next week and I am praying that this is the one!
Hi Ladies!
I am actually writing this for Just_Married. I am friends with her outside of BnB. She is no longer on this site (not by choice) but wanted to let you know. She really does care about you all and hates that she won't be able to talk to you all. She will continue to think about and pray for you. She didn't want to leave you all without an explanation :)
Hi Ladies!
I am actually writing this for Just_Married. I am friends with her outside of BnB. She is no longer on this site (not by choice) but wanted to let you know. She really does care about you all and hates that she won't be able to talk to you all. She will continue to think about and pray for you. She didn't want to leave you all without an explanation :)

Thanks for the update. Please let her know that we are praying for her.
Hi Ladies!
I am actually writing this for Just_Married. I am friends with her outside of BnB. She is no longer on this site (not by choice) but wanted to let you know. She really does care about you all and hates that she won't be able to talk to you all. She will continue to think about and pray for you. She didn't want to leave you all without an explanation :)

Hi Thanks for letting us all know!Please can you tell her that PrincessBree will miss her and I am praying for her and hope that one day she will be able to log in and tell us all about how God has blessed her with a little miracle xxx:hugs:
Grace and Princess, I will tell her. I talk to her on a regular basis, so I will keep you in the loop when she gets her miracle :)
Hi ladies just popping in to say hello, I don't normally post but do read your posts which really encourage me on this journey. As a christian I feel so guilty when I don't get my bfp and feel down but I know God has a plan for me and I know that since I've already asked for my bundle of joy the lord will give her/him to me. Be encouraged ladies and God bless you all.
Hi Ladies,

Could anyone help me with an updated version of the ladies LTTTC?

Praying for:

Praying for no1
HisGrace LTTTC Graduate
xxx_faithful LTTTC Graduate

How is everyone going? Where are you all in your journey?

Love to you all xxx
Thanks girls, I appreciate your replies.

I had a long chat to my mum about everything and I cried bucketloads (as did my mum lol) and I feel a lot better for it. I got a lot off my chest and I was really honest about my feelings. I know things may be awkward at first with my sister but I'm not going to allow this to break our relationship, I hope it will make things stronger. I explained to my mum that it wasn't the fact she was having a baby, but it's the fact she is pregnant and got pregnant so quickly - she fell on her first month ttc. :( It just reminded me that it's not been that simple or easy for me and I was hurting because it's happened so quickly for her.

Anyway, I don't want my own hurt or feelings to spoil the fact that she IS pregnant and there's going to be a brand new baby soon. I am hoping to ovulate next week and I am praying that this is the one!

Stevens2010, how are you lovely? xxx
Some may know my story, but i wanted to refresh some of you. God is alive and constantly working, he is in his workshop. God is a God who doesn't have days off. Remember that.

I was on the pill since i was young, i liked how it balanced my hormones and made my skin look. Through the years when i would stop i noticed my periods were irregular, my cycles were every 2mths and were really light. In a way i felt like it would perhaps be a concern when the time came to conceive. So i stopped taking the pill in 2009 and married in 2010, i started then going to a natropath to balance my hormones and started taking herbs. It wasn't till my husband turned to me one day (we had been unintentionally trying 1.5yrs) and said, 'You've been off the pill for some time now, shouldn't you have accidentally fallen pregnant by now?' lol.

We got educated on when the time is to conceive, then i missed my period for 3mths, and when i came around to testing it was BFN, a few days later i bled clots. With unanswered questions we went and saw a Fertility Specialist, i had a few cysts and SA was poor/borderline so we attempted #1 cycle of clomid and conceived, lost the baby at 11weeks. I naturally lost it over the next few weeks and did not choose to have the procedure to remove it medically. It took 2 mths to have a period again as after i had stopped bleeding, my period did not easily start up again, even on provera medication to induce it.

I changed fertility specialists and since hubby is 7yrs older he didn't mind paying the money for IUI to hurry things along as clomid was not doing the trick anymore. I wasn't ovulating despite clomid. In my perspective my body was still coming around to the pregnancy to then the loss of it, to then me trying to shove medication down to be pregnant again. My body was tired and needed rest, and frankly was working overtime to create a life when the one it had was barely hanging on.

Further insight we had discovered we would have to wait 12 mths to do IUI to be covered by insurance, IVF for example would cost $2,000 instead of $9,000 per cycle. The devastation. The wait.

In the intermin, they ran blood tests to see if i was heading into early menopause……. at the age of 23.. with the title of unknown fertility, i guess they were trying to find answers of some sort

6+ mths later, it was cycle #6 of clomid, the last cycle before we would have to give my uterus a break (and then wait 12mths for IUI….) That was the month we had conceived our baby girl. It was the month i had given up. It was in that moment i didn't understand any of it. I was happy, but i was also petrified.

I stumbled across BnB Godjewels thread the due date of our bub that we had lost. It was a beautiful day because i felt like i had found myself again, knowing others could sympathise and relate to my pain. I knew that ttc wasn't just happening to me. And that i wasn't alone. And thats the funny things about God, always reminding us, that we never are, we never are alone.

By xxx_faithful

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