Christmas and New Year Baby Buddies!!

Janers that will be such a lovely surprise for your parents :) Hope MS doesn't go on for too long for you, do you only get it in the morning?
When i had it it was most of the day but much much worse in the evenings, i remember eating a really nice dinner and then only making it to the kitchen before i threw it all up :( praying its not that bad this time! Hope your cold is better too.

Bean we've hired a bouncy castle for the back garden for her party and having a few of her little friend over for the day but if the rains bad we'll just have to do some thing indoors and put the gazebo up in the garden i suppose. For her actual birthday we'll probably go to the aquarium. Enjoy your dinner on sunday, i always make sure i'm the driver when i go out so people dont suspect! x
Good evening ladies :flower:
I hope you don't mind me joining, the lovely Bean invited me. We've been chatting on another thread.

I'm 36 and DF is 39. We have a 5 year old daughter who has just started school. We live in New Zealand, the land of paradise.

We fell pregnant with her on the 5th cycle. She was born at 40+6. Perfect.

We got engaged on Valentines Day this year and plan to marry in 2 months time.

I just got my BFP the other day on my 4th cycle at only 8DPO on an internet cheapie test. At 9DPO I went to my nurse and did a test and it was negative. I don't think their ones are that sensitive even though she assured me they are. :winkwink:

I'm currently CD30/11DPO and ovulated on CD19.

So early days, but we're very happy. I keep singing "We're going to have a babyyyyyyy" lol and he just laughs and tells me to behave.

We haven't told our daughter as kids at that age 'talk' :winkwink: I don't want her to rock up to school or church and share 'her news' until we're ready :thumbup:

My mummy knows because she's my best friend and I tell her everything. My best friend in Australia knows as she was following my FF chart. And today I caved and phoned my sister in Australia with one of my other sisters next to me so they both found out at the same time. Somehow the sister in AU didn't realise I was pregnant with #1 until I was 6 months along. I don't know how she fell out of the loop on that one! SO I always promised she'd be the first to know when I was pregnant again.

So when I phoned her I said "Hi, I'm just ringing you because I said I would when something happened" She screamed and said "Are you pregnant? OMG OMG OMG" haha so that was cool. And having my other sister next to me learning at the same time was funny. "What, huh? Are you pregnant???" haha Still have another sister to tell. Might wait on that one as she is going through a lot at the moment and my good news might not be taken too well. Haven't told dad yet. My DF doesn't want to tell anyone on his side until after our wedding.

oops I've written a novel... I guess I've had 4 good days of knowing/suspecting excitedness built up inside of me dying to get out! lol

So happy to be a part of this group. You all sound like really lovely ladies :hugs:
Sorry, I have more ... lol

Cravings... I had a mega craving for a big thick steak on Wednesday so went to buy one and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had it rare where I usually have it well done. Boy it was nice.
I'm also making the most of coffee while I can still stomach it. I remember the dry reaching last time from just the smell. It will be interesting to see when it kicks in this time.

Last time it kicked in at 6 weeks and gone at 12 weeks. It was like a light switch going on and off. I wonder if some of that was all in my head. I never actually threw up, just had severe nausea and dry reaching.

And I also read that some of you lovely ladies are under the weather. I am too! I think that's what made me go 'hmmmmmmmmm' about maybe being pregnant. I came down with a head cold and runny nose not long after ovulation. I still have it now. I spent most of the night sneezing, blowing my nose and awake on and off and finally stayed awake from 6am onwards. Of course I was on this board reading haha

The only symptoms I have are the cold, slightly sore boobs and bleeding nose a few days ago which I also had with my daughter.

I wonder if I have finished typing now...
Nope... I have something else I wanna share with the ladies that also have colds...

"The strength of your immune system will also be reduced so that your embryo is allowed to grow and not treated as a foreign body and rejected."

I find that comforting. I feel mega sick! So I guess baby is going to hang on in there and not be rejected :)
:wave: Hi NZer! nice to see another one expecting their 2nd. What is your EDD? xx
is it wierd to have heart palpations or the lightest walk seems to get my heart raceing. no im not the thinest person ever but being only for weeks is the blood pumping that much already?:hugs:

I've been having palpitations for years. I only just got it checked out about a month before I got pregnant. They have wanted me to wear a monitor but haven't had the chance to pick it up. Maybe I should have lol. Having lots of fast heart rates throughout the day, mostly at night I notice it!

Everyone's very quite. I'll take that as a good thing.

I had a wobble yesterday and felt very pessimistic. I know stress won't help. I just want to feel pregnant for reassurance. I know lots of ladies don't get symptoms until after 6 weeks, I'm not even 5 yet. Feeling a bit better today. Just need the next 8 weeks to fly by.

How are the rest of you?

:hugs: Bean! I am glad you are feeling better. It seems like so long to wait to feel symptoms or see a bump, especially when we find out from so early. Hang in there!

As for me I kinda had a rough night last night. It was one of my friend's birthday parties and while I was doing fine drinking my water and one Sprite, after a while I felt so alone. Everyone was starting to get drunk, and there was no one to talk to. Even if I tried to get in on conversation, I barely followed the conversation. My husband wasn't anywhere around, I was just feeling so bummed out because also, I couldn't tell anyone. I was getting loads of looks because I usually am the one drinking. The waitress, who I knew was asking, "why aren't you drinking tonight?" looking at my belly in front of my friends. My other bestie kept poking my boobs because they looked bigger but I wanted to keep it a secret and was getting SO frustrated trying to do so.

I guess to sum it up - I just wasn't getting left alone about people wondering if I was pregnant, yet felt so alone all night. Needless to say another one day off work where it was a bust. I luckily have one more today but am feeling a bit down and out (not to mention exhausted!) that I kinda just don't care...:sleep::nope:
Hey Ladies.

Heidi - That MS doesn't sound good at all! Hope it's a little easier on you this time around. I've heard B6 is good.

The birthday plans sound lovely. Here's hoping the lawful weather improves. It just hasn't stopped raining!!

NZer - Yay! Welcome. What lovely posts! Made me smile. Yay you're getting married in 2 months!! So exciting! Yeah I agree telling your daughter when it's still a secret might not be the best idea. That's so nice how you told your sister but how on earth did she not find out until 6 months last time. So funny. I bet she wasn't happy.

Very interesting quote re:immune system. I was thinking of taking some zinc to improve mine but maybe I don't want to do that.

LOVE rare steak. Had loads i the last few months. Always have it in the TWW in preparation for not being able to have it for 8 months. YUM!

Thanks Jess! Feeling much better today. Fatigue is starting to set in. No Nausea. I now have an apple seed. :happydance:

Sorry your night was bad. I hate nights like that, where you just can't get in the flow/mood. Must be especially annoying when people are questioning you and poking you. Hope you are having a nice day today. :hugs:

Janers - How's the MS? Have you considered trying B6?

Oceanpearl/Ocean12 - how are you ladies?
Hi ladies! Thanks for the concern, My husband works shift, and sometimes doesn't get home till 4am, and last night was one of those nights, and i woke up, i was up till 5am being sick! Thats the worst I've ever felt. I have a Dr. appointment on monday, i'm' going to ask if she can give me something to help relieve me of this ms (it should be called "all day all night, 24 hour sickness"...)

Jezzilen- That would not be fun! I wish people would realize if your not saying anything then you are doing so for a reason. I have always swore to myself that if I "think" someone is pregnant becuase they aren't drinking I'll keep my lips closed, but maybe tell my husband! Its such a big secret, and i know how hard it is to keep it!

Nzer- Welcome! I never thought pregnancy would decrease your immune system, that's interesting! Well i hope your cold passes quickly, mine is definately lingering.

Heidi- I'm excited and nervous to tell my parents on their anniversary, which is crazy, they are going to be sooo happy! We're telling my mil this afternoon, I know she is just going to cry and cry.
Janers - Enjoy telling the family!!

Feel so sorry for you. I hope the doctor can help you out.

Loving you profile pic!
Thanks Bean66!!!

I sure hope the next 8 weeks or so fly by for us!
:wave: Hi NZer! nice to see another one expecting their 2nd. What is your EDD? xx
Around the 1st of January :) But you know these babies, they come when they wanna. I wonder if I can swing a 13/1/13 baby hehe
Tired and fatigued today, I ended up having a 3 hour sleep this afternoon.
Tired and fatigued today, I ended up having a 3 hour sleep this afternoon.

Me too! Can't stop yawning. I caught a cold the week of conception and it has not subsided yet. May be its a good thing - i feel good after reading ur post abt immunity. The only symptom i have is super sore boobs. Oh! also my abdomen is sore too. Anyone else have that???
Janers that will be such a lovely surprise for your parents :) Hope MS doesn't go on for too long for you, do you only get it in the morning?
When i had it it was most of the day but much much worse in the evenings, i remember eating a really nice dinner and then only making it to the kitchen before i threw it all up :( praying its not that bad this time! Hope your cold is better too.

Bean we've hired a bouncy castle for the back garden for her party and having a few of her little friend over for the day but if the rains bad we'll just have to do some thing indoors and put the gazebo up in the garden i suppose. For her actual birthday we'll probably go to the aquarium. Enjoy your dinner on sunday, i always make sure i'm the driver when i go out so people dont suspect! x

Tired and fatigued today, I ended up having a 3 hour sleep this afternoon.

The fatigue is starting to hit me too.

Tired and fatigued today, I ended up having a 3 hour sleep this afternoon.

Me too! Can't stop yawning. I caught a cold the week of conception and it has not subsided yet. May be its a good thing - i feel good after reading ur post abt immunity. The only symptom i have is super sore boobs. Oh! also my abdomen is sore too. Anyone else have that???

Ticker snap!! I've started sneezing today too. I think i'm getting a cold. My only symptom has been sore boobs. Can't even wear wired bras. My abdo was sore but that has subsided but I was getting sharp tugging pains either today which made me very nervous.

Just got back form our friends. I didn't drink and they didn't ask but they have so guessed. Don't really mind. I'll officially tell them soon just not quite ready. 5 Weeks feels soooooo early.

Hope you have all had an lovely weekend.

Jess hope you sorted insurance stuff, sorry you had that stress too. :hugs:
:wave: Hi NZer! nice to see another one expecting their 2nd. What is your EDD? xx
Around the 1st of January :) But you know these babies, they come when they wanna. I wonder if I can swing a 13/1/13 baby hehe

That's a great date. 12/12/12 would be amazing but bubs would have to be very early for that.
haha yeah that would be an awesome date! Never know.

Emailed my Pastor about the wedding date change... waiting for his reply... then I need to start panicking about reception choices and wedding invites and blah blah blah

I hope I have time to enjoy this pregnancy the same as last night without all the stress of planning a wedding.
Fingers crossed the pastor ok's the date.

Planning will be fun!!
Fingers crossed the pastor ok's the date.

Planning will be fun!!
Initially he was happy with that date but it is in the school holidays. I hope he's not planning of going away. My sister and her partner need to save hard and fast if they wanna come over from Australia for it. I feel bad that I've moved it forward.

I think it will become 'fun' when my friends step up to help because I find it so overwhelming. I'm a perfectionist!

What do you have planned for the day Bean?
Bed time for me now. Spent the day with friends. It was really nice, they have a 7myh old who is just too cute.

I'm sure your sis won't mind. She'll understand.

It's great that your friends will help. Great bonding time together.
Btw - nothing wrong with being a perfectionist!

Random symptom. Realised that if I hold my pee too long so my bladder is full, after I go I get tugging/cramping. Anyone else get this? Guessing it's from my bladder putting pressure on my growing uterus.

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