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Christmas and New Year Baby Buddies!!

i wish it was 8 weeks already i want to see my little one :baby:
same with the weather least it warm and rainy rather it be warm

I want to be 12 weeks so I can relax!

Hello Ladies. Do you mind if I join you? My first LO is due January 1! I thought the 2-week wait was bad. The 8-week testing date wait is worse. I keep waiting to get more symptoms so I know I'm still good and pregnant. :wacko: I haven't had any ms yet. Boy am I tired though and have a tight/slightly crampy abdomen.

Welcome!!! Congrats!! You are acouple of days behind me. I'm finding this MUCH worse than the TWW! I've not had morning sickness yet, though started to notice I get queazy if I get hungry. and yes to the crampy abdomen. It comes and goes and freak out everytime!!

I'm having those crampy tummy feelings and still slightly sore boobs but nothing major. Not like last time.

My first midwife appointment is June 1st. So glad to have found a midwife and one that will allow us to have a water home birth. I'm not feeling any rush to see her, just happy to cruise each day.

Wedding plans are keeping me busy :)

Is anyone else not hungry at all? No wonder the weight falls off in the first few months.

Also I am just not tired at all! I am on an adrenalin rush. I am awake between 6 and 7 and go to sleep after midnight. Usually I am awake at 8 and asleep by 10:30.

How are the wedding plans coming along?

I'm just trying to relax and enjoy being pregnant. Starting to relax a little.

I love the idea of a home water birth not sure if it'll be practical though. We do have a lovely birthing centre within walking distance which has double beds and massive birthing pools.

I've lost my appetite, I don't fancy thing! But then I'll be starving to the point of dizzy then next minute!

Still so tired too.

Welcome Babyhopeful and congrats on a New Years baby!

I've not lost my appetite yet, in fact I think it has increasewd! and naughtily keep eating chocolate whenever DH has a beer or wine. Need to get out of that habit!

I am noticing I get dizzy easily. Eat little and often.
I feel like the wedding plans are coming along in leaps and bounds. I think I could pull this thing off in a month lol but good thing I have two :)
Hello. How is everyone today?

Nzer - have you chosen a dress yet?

I'm good. Starting to think this might actually be happening.......
yeah 12 weeks will be nice:winkwink:

trying to find a cheap place to live is not easy especially when its ur first time moving out on your own :wacko:
yeah 12 weeks will be nice:winkwink:

trying to find a cheap place to live is not easy especially when its ur first time moving out on your own :wacko:

Good luck with house hunting. It can be very stressful.

We're nearly half way through 1st trimester!!
Hi Bean, yeah I have a dress and a ring lol it's a start right? :)

How you feeling today?
Hi Bean, yeah I have a dress and a ring lol it's a start right? :)

How you feeling today?

Great start! It's all you need! What's the dress like? I'm good. Feeling calmer still. No nausea but bbs still sore and growing. How are you feeling?

Baby hopeful - how are you feeling? Have you told anyone? Have you got a scan in the 24th or midwife appointment?
An ivory dress, A line style. Lots of folds sweeping around front to back. Hard to explain.

I'm babysitting at the moment. Kids are asleep, easy work.
Nzer - Good luck with wedding preparations. That dress sounds wonderful. So excited and happy for you.:hugs:

Oceanblue12 - YaY!! we are almost half way thrgh first tri.:happydance: Its an awesome feeling. I do not have any morning sickness yet. Heartburn is there big time and heavy and sore (.)(.) bbs. Yesterday i almost cried while wearing and taking off my bra:cry:.

My first ob appointment and US is on May 15th. Can't wait.
Nzer - Good luck with wedding preparations. That dress sounds wonderful. So excited and happy for you.:hugs:

Oceanblue12 - YaY!! we are almost half way thrgh first tri.:happydance: Its an awesome feeling. I do not have any morning sickness yet. Heartburn is there big time and heavy and sore (.)(.) bbs. Yesterday i almost cried while wearing and taking off my bra:cry:.

My first ob appointment and US is on May 15th. Can't wait.

6 weeks tomorrow!!! :happydance:

We've got the same symptoms, although in starting to notice queasiness if I get hungry or don't eat for a few hours. I had to stop wearing a wire bra. Helped loads. Also starting to get really thirsty.
Hi Bean, yeah I have a dress and a ring lol it's a start right? :)

How you feeling today?

Great start! It's all you need! What's the dress like? I'm good. Feeling calmer still. No nausea but bbs still sore and growing. How are you feeling?

Baby hopeful - how are you feeling? Have you told anyone? Have you got a scan in the 24th or midwife appointment?

I'm feeling pretty good. Tired, hot, and feel very out of shape. Tight abdomen with some cramping here and there. No morning sickness. :thumbup:

My first apt is on the 24th. I am calling tomorrow to confirm that I'll get an 8-week scan. I really wanna hear the heart beat!

We have told my mother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and sister-in-law. I have also shared with three other close friends that have all been pregnant before. I plan to tell my grandparents on mother's day. And I had to tell my boss due to safety where I work. Otherwise, we are waiting until 12 weeks to share the good news.
Hey ladies.

Oceanblue - yep it's def starting to hit me too. Nothing crazy just queasiness. Almost like a hangover.

Babyhopeful - I feel out of shape too. Cravibg exercise but can't bring myself to do anything. Sleeping loads.

Heading out to lunch with a couple of girly friends, they'll def work it out when I ask for a soft drink.

Hope the rest of you are doing well.

Right I'm off to eat breakie.
Hey ladies. How is everyone doing? Everyone's a little quite at the moment.

The nausea has got me but nothing major. Just queasiness and the feeling of constant hunger. Need to try and eat little and often rather the vast quantities I'm eating at the moment. Also waking up feeling very thirsty.

Midwife appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping work doesn't ask me where I'm going. Just not quite ready to tell them yet. Told a couple more close friends. Although it was pretty obvious as I wasn't drinking.

Hope you are all doing well. :flower:
I'm doing well. I don't have ms yet! :happydance: But I'm sure it will hit me soon. :dohh: My first apt is May 24. I am trying to *patiently * wait. :)
i have been better have a little hematoma which is scarying me praying my heart out for a happy and healthy :cloud9:
Hey ladies. How is everyone doing? Everyone's a little quite at the moment.

The nausea has got me but nothing major. Just queasiness and the feeling of constant hunger. Need to try and eat little and often rather the vast quantities I'm eating at the moment. Also waking up feeling very thirsty.

Midwife appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping work doesn't ask me where I'm going. Just not quite ready to tell them yet. Told a couple more close friends. Although it was pretty obvious as I wasn't drinking.

Hope you are all doing well. :flower:

Hi!!! I am so glad things are going well! Will you get your scan tomorrow? I'm feeling alright, SO tired though. Worked a 30 hour last night and it was not fun lol. My scan is a week from tomorrow!

Hubs wanted it to be later but her next appointment isn't until June... Don't know if I can wait another 4 weeks! Last time, looking back it looks like I first went in at 5 weeks or so thinking I was really 7, so this one should be much better!

Seeing scans of peolpe who are 8-9 weeks (I'll be 8+4) gets me SO excited, it looks like a little person already!!! Here's hoping!

Anyway, sorry I haven't been around much - I pass out often now-a-days! :hugs:
I'm doing well. I don't have ms yet! :happydance: But I'm sure it will hit me soon.
:dohh: My first apt is May 24. I am trying to *patiently * wait. :)

Glad you are doing good. Fingers crossed the MS stays away.

i have been better have a little hematoma which is scarying me praying my heart out for a happy and healthy :cloud9:

Sorry to hear that. Is it a SCH? I don't think they generally cause a problem. I think they get reabsorbed. Are you getting spotting or was it a random finding,

Hey ladies. How is everyone doing? Everyone's a little quite at the moment.

The nausea has got me but nothing major. Just queasiness and the feeling of constant hunger. Need to try and eat little and often rather the vast quantities I'm eating at the moment. Also waking up feeling very thirsty.

Midwife appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping work doesn't ask me where I'm going. Just not quite ready to tell them yet. Told a couple more close friends. Although it was pretty obvious as I wasn't drinking.

Hope you are all doing well. :flower:

Hi!!! I am so glad things are going well! Will you get your scan tomorrow? I'm feeling alright, SO tired though. Worked a 30 hour last night and it was not fun lol. My scan is a week from tomorrow!

Hubs wanted it to be later but her next appointment isn't until June... Don't know if I can wait another 4 weeks! Last time, looking back it looks like I first went in at 5 weeks or so thinking I was really 7, so this one should be much better!

Seeing scans of peolpe who are 8-9 weeks (I'll be 8+4) gets me SO excited, it looks like a little person already!!! Here's hoping!

Anyway, sorry I haven't been around much - I pass out often now-a-days! :hugs:

A 30 hour shift? Wow your job is hard. Do you have acfew days off now? Glad everything is going well for you. I wish I was having an 8 week scan. No I won't get scan today. Just questions and possibly bloods.

Can't wait to see your scan pic! Very excited!

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