i wish it was 8 weeks already i want to see my little one
same with the weather least it warm and rainy rather it be warm
I want to be 12 weeks so I can relax!
Hello Ladies. Do you mind if I join you? My first LO is due January 1! I thought the 2-week wait was bad. The 8-week testing date wait is worse. I keep waiting to get more symptoms so I know I'm still good and pregnant. I haven't had any ms yet. Boy am I tired though and have a tight/slightly crampy abdomen.
Welcome!!! Congrats!! You are acouple of days behind me. I'm finding this MUCH worse than the TWW! I've not had morning sickness yet, though started to notice I get queazy if I get hungry. and yes to the crampy abdomen. It comes and goes and freak out everytime!!
I'm having those crampy tummy feelings and still slightly sore boobs but nothing major. Not like last time.
My first midwife appointment is June 1st. So glad to have found a midwife and one that will allow us to have a water home birth. I'm not feeling any rush to see her, just happy to cruise each day.
Wedding plans are keeping me busy
Is anyone else not hungry at all? No wonder the weight falls off in the first few months.
Also I am just not tired at all! I am on an adrenalin rush. I am awake between 6 and 7 and go to sleep after midnight. Usually I am awake at 8 and asleep by 10:30.
How are the wedding plans coming along?
I'm just trying to relax and enjoy being pregnant. Starting to relax a little.
I love the idea of a home water birth not sure if it'll be practical though. We do have a lovely birthing centre within walking distance which has double beds and massive birthing pools.
I've lost my appetite, I don't fancy thing! But then I'll be starving to the point of dizzy then next minute!
Still so tired too.
Welcome Babyhopeful and congrats on a New Years baby!
I've not lost my appetite yet, in fact I think it has increasewd! and naughtily keep eating chocolate whenever DH has a beer or wine. Need to get out of that habit!
I am noticing I get dizzy easily. Eat little and often.