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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Mayacat, yay for a good ultrasound! <3

Dove, I hope you hear soon about your scan date! I would be frustrated too!

Can you add me to the fb group? My email is [email protected]
AFM, I feel like all I do from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed is blow my nose! How is it possible to produce this much mucus? Yuck!
Markswife - I sent an invite to you! Let me know if you didn't get it.

Dove - I could try adding you to my facebook friends and then adding you to the group. If you want to try that we can, I have no other ideas to get you in there though.
So glad to hear we're all doing good!

Morning sickness should be subsiding for most of us soon.

My breasts seem to be getting larger by the day..haha.
I needed to go by a few "comfort" bras and I can't go to bed without one on.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.. I hope everyone enjoys the day to the fullest!! We're heading to potluck at my Aunt's. We will share the news with the rest of the family.

And... We had our early scan. This little bean was swimming all over the place. I'm pretty sure Hubby had tears in his eyes. We go for our regular 13 week scan in less than 3 weeks. He says maybe I should bring our oldest Daughter (the youngest isn't allowed based on her age).
I don't know how fair it is to bring one and not the other... I know she would be so excited if I picked her up from school to see the baby. What a treat!

What's your thoughts Ladies? I'm so torn!
Sorry I haven’t posted but I have kept up with the reading.

Just a quick message to you all.
Today is mother’s day here in Australia so wanted to wish all you lovely ladies a happy mother’s day!
Our house has been hit gastro......o....m.....g
Happy Mother's Day to you all! <3

SS- how old are your children? I brought my youngest to my appointment with me a few weeks ago but I had no choice as she isn't in school yet and I had no sitter. My oldest wanted to go with me, but he had school so I told him he needed to go.

Dove- Oh no! :hugs: I hope it passes quickly.

AFM- I got my doppler back on Friday and I found Baby's hb!! :cloud9:

I was really stressing myself out because it took SO long to find it. But then I did a google search to see where the baby would even be located at just 11 weeks and realized I was searching far too high. I was looking up just below my belly button and he was still way down by the pubic bone.

Jessica- is that about where your LO is located, too? I thought for sure Baby would be higher by now but I guess not.
Happy Mother&#8217;s Day ladies

Dove I hope everyone in your house gets over it quickly, you poor things

Ss so pleased to hear everything went well with your scan.

Bdb yay for getting your doppler back. I&#8217;m going to give mine a go in another few days and see if I can hear anything

AFm I&#8217;m so tired today, not good when I&#8217;ve a toddler to entertain and also I&#8217;m always feeling cold at the moment, maybe down to being tired, but I&#8217;ll mention it at my next hospital appointment
Happy Mother's day ladies! I hope everyone is having a lovely day :). We are cleaning our house (one of our favorite things to do actually).

ss - I really don't know why you can't have them both there, that's not a practice I would like either. I have so many kids now that they all just crowd my husband when we go to appointments now :haha: If nothing else you should get a pic. I am glad you had a decent scan though :)

Sushai - you too!

Dove - omg, so sorry, I hope it passes soon!

bdb - Glad you got your scanner back! So fun to use. And yes, I find the hb about an inch or so to the left of my pubic bone. I've really only found one small spot that I can hear it clearly, as one of my main arteries is also nearby and it's usually louder/more clear. Luckily the lil hb is so fast I can pick it out. It also sometimes takes me awhile to find it still, but it's generally in the same area. I think mind also likes to hang low.

MrsDuck - being cold could be the hormones. I've seen other moms mention it before. Personally I range from too hot to cold pretty fast.

AFM - I ate out for a craving yesterday and it tore me up all night. I felt hungry and super nauseated and just gross all night. I didn't sleep well *at all*. I sipped ginger infused water for awhile and that helped but also made me pee a lot. Something exciting: I think I'm feeling the little one moving about because I've been starting to have fluttery feelings in the bottom left of my tummy where baby is! I don't feel it often, maybe a few times a day now, but it does have a strangeness to it that tells me it is not my bowels. I remember feeling my second early like this, but not my daughter since the placenta was anterior.
How exciting, Jessica! I remember thinking I felt DD2 at 12 weeks and my doctor said probably not because she was still so tiny. I think I know the difference between gas bubbles and flutters. :haha: I haven't felt anything yet, but I have noticed the past two days that my tummy is really starting to harden beneath my belly button. I think my belly may pop any day now!

My kiddos came back from their dad's yesterday evening and the first thing they asked was to hear the baby's hb. :cloud9: So we huddled on my bed and they patiently waited several minutes for me to finally find it again. It was a lot fainter this time around, but fast enough (150ish) for me to know it was the baby's.

DD2 keeps saying that I "have a baby boy" in my belly. We'll see!
bdb - yes! The difference is a lot lol. I bet you will pop soon, plus we're both almost done with first trimester (woohoo). I'm glad you your little ones to hear the hb. My husband didn't want to hear it when I found it for him, it makes him a little squeamish and he'd rather hear it out loud instead of on headphones, so we'll wait for my appointment later this month for him to hear it. My youngest son always asks me if I found the hb when I'm in the room with the door shut lol. My daughter just says "baby".

I was so ravenous last night I ate two helpings of dinner. I had a huge craving for smashed potatoes and gravy so I cooked a bunch in my instant pot and then made up some tasty onion gravy... But now I'm craving monkey bread, so I plan to make some this weekend :haha:
So exciting to start feeling baby move already Jessica and sounds like your body is now making up for the time you didn&#8217;t feel like food haha
Yay for listening to baby! <3 My baby is down low too, but usually moves every time I listen in and is seldom in the same place lol. I guess he/she loves to move around in there and keep me guessing on where it is haha.

DD keeps saying that baby is a girl (I think she's hopeful lol). Everyone else is thinking boy (again, I think they are hopeful since this is baby number 2 and our first is a girl lol).
Hi Ladies!
I'm joining in!

I don't know when my due date yet, but according to my app, it's Dec 17th. This is my first so I have NO clue what to expect. So far it's been non-stop hunger/nausea and sleepiness.

It's been a long trip, many years wasted not knowing there was pills I could take to help. But here I am, finally! And I didn't even know I was late. (I have the apps but don't really track it every day/week -- although I tried to keep track of when we bd'd so I could see a pattern or had some sort of chance). I even forgot the nurse said I O'd.
Just a big surprise all around. Even the "morning sickness" I chalked up to nerves as I was starting a job.
Markswife did you keep all your dd&#8217;s clothes etc? I did so I&#8217;m hoping this next one is a girl too so that I can reuse everything

Stargazer:hi: what a lovely surprise, congratulations
Mrs. Duck, yes I did! I have a couple of huge totes full of her clothes. It would be SO economical to have another girl. I'd LOVE to reuse her clothes, there are SO many cute ones. But I'd be happy with a boy, too (though we would need EVERYTHING lol). As long as baby is healthy <3 <3 <3

Welcome Stargazer!
StarGazer - welcome!!! :) Sounds so exciting, and first timer, woo!

markswife - I sent you another facebook invite this morning, I assume you didn't get that one either ??? Maybe email is spelled different or a different one is attached to your profile? Either way, you can message me if you want.

MrsDuck - yes, it seems like that, but also I had a hard time eating all of dinner lol, it tasted good but it just didn't wanna go down easily. I'm already a slow eater, but it took me at least half an hour to eat it all.

I'm feeling pretty tired today, probably all that house cleaning I did yesterday, but I am super exhausted. I bet I'll have a hard time staying awake much past 8 tonight :haha:
Hello ladies,

Sorry I’ve been so quiet I’ve been feeling so rough with morning sickness. Sunday I was admitted to hospital due to not being able to keep any fluid or food down. I’m not on anti-sickness tablets which are helping slightly.

I’ve been following the thread silently, It’s so exciting with all the scans, hearing heartbeats and flutterings going on.

I’ve got my scan next Monday, feeling excited to get a confirmed due date, with my cycles being so long I’ve pretty much been given different dates every time I’ve seen a health professional!

I’ve been listening to baby every night before bed, heartbeat hovers between 160-170 which would suggest girl if I follow old wives tales. I currently have no feelings gender wise, I’d honestly be happy with either xx

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