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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I'm really struggling to stay awake at work. I try to utilize my 15 mins are "nap breaks" but it's not enough. It's like it makes me sleepier to even just close my eyes (or blink).

I think one of the few old wives tales that worked for me was the Chinese Gender, but it was wrong on my first one, so it's definitely nothing to take seriously lol. I craved frozen pizza and spicy cheetos a lot with my daughter, not sweets and I carried her very very low, my back and hips were so sore at the end of pregnancy. I think I actually did damage to my tailbone from pushing her out because my tailbone hurt for well over a year to sit on!
I also love their macadamia cookies, lol. I generally make everything at home, though, so I know I can make them myself but I'll end up eating waaay too many and feeling like crap haha.
The tiredness is real, I feel pretty tired myself this morning, I'm hoping my workout will help boost me for a bit.
Jessica I have no idea how you do a workout, I’m struggling just keeping up with my toddler, I’m ready for bed before she is haha
This morning I woke up feeling so awful, I honestly didn't think I could get out of bed. It took me an hour, but I did. Took my littlest to preschool, did the groceries, got my prescription for diclectin (anti-nausea), and put the groceries away. Now I have to go pick up my littlest, then the older 2, then their paper route, then dinner. I feel like crying. Please, PLEASE tell me the anti nausea pills will work?? Anyone else on them? Morning sickness is an all day, all night affair here.
My SIL did the gender reveal but she had a board that they wrote out a bunch of things on and based the answer it was a boy or girl, and they circled them as she read off each thing. I've always liked that one and the ring thing. Which I was told that it has to be a silver ring in order to work correctly. *shrug* idk to me it's just a game so I won't take anything to heart until my jelly bean is here.
I read about the Chinese thing on my app, but the article kinda dismissed most "gender guessing" traditions. The article said that with technology they've gotten more accurate with "guessing" from the ultrasound (and normally if the baby just says "here ya go" can you really know) but it can still be wrong.

I got up and went to the potty... that seemed to help me from falling asleep, but it's slowly coming back, i can feel it! LOL My office is really cold (to me at least) and it's pouring outside. Hard to have any kind of energy during rainy weeks.
MrsDuck - I honestly feel terrible if I don't keep my regular exercise going. It also helps so much with labor and pregnancy in general. And it gives me energy for the day. All three of my kids are here during the day as my oldest does online school and my two youngest are running around like feral animals (not really lol). Luckily it helps me stay sane, especially with anxiety issues. There are times when I feel too tired to do it, though. For me it's mostly a mental struggle.

dove - I felt pretty worn out this morning as well, took me awhile to get up and breakfast going for us. It is always so hectic and I push myself constantly to get everything done. I even make my husband a super huge and fancy lunch every night. I don't even wanna do it all the time, it is really a struggle!

stargazer - I tried to nap after lunch and I got the usual ten minutes of sleep and now I'm wide awake. I still feel tired but not enough to actually nap. It sucks... I am trying to eat more today and having a hard time. I'll probably stick to nuts and seeds because they're so full of calories lol.

Keep on going, ladies, we are almost to the second trimester!
I have been SO exhausted today! I've slept a total of 4 hours since I woke up to get my big kids ready for school. And I still feel like I could easily fall asleep again when the kids go to bed in a few hours.

Have any of you tried the "ring test"? My SIL swears by it and I have quite a few friends who said it has worked for them, too. The Chinese gender worked for me with all three of my kiddos, but not for my sister, so I know it's hit or miss.
I never tried the ring one, I don't even have a ring or necklace lol.
With my boys, their heartbeats sounded like steam trains and the beats were under 150 so that worked! Will go with that again this time round I think :p
I carried them both really high.
This time round i have bad nausea and fatigue which i didnt have with the boys! But I dont think that means anything...
Both chinese calendar said girls for the boys and this time it says boy! LOL again i wont be reading too much into that
I can’t believe so many of you are staying team yellow. I’m far too impatient to wait haha
The heartbeat old wives tale has been opposite for me. My one boy has had the highest hb of all (150's and 160's) while both of my girls were lazy and stayed back in the 130's and 140's. This baby's has been all over the spectrum, so I'm not sure what to pinpoint as his/her standard.

MrsDuck- I absolutely LOVE the idea of staying team yellow, but I never could do it. I'm a planner. I want to know ahead of time. I'm all about gender specific clothing. If I'm having a boy, I want to buy alllll of the boy things. And vice versa. There's no way I could wait until after I had the baby to do so, and most gender neutral baby items do not spark my interest. I can only handle so many greens and yellows before I want some bows or trucks. :haha:

I slept terribly last night. I went to bed at 10 and DD2 (age 3) came barreling in an hour later. She's going through a clingy phase where she wants me 24/7. We stopped co-sleeping when she was just a couple months old, so she's very used to independent sleeping. I'm not sure what's going on. I allowed her to get into bed with me consistently for a couple of weeks thinking the phase would pass, but I ended up encouraging the habit. As much as I love my babies, I have to have my bed to myself. It's the one aspect of me that isn't mommy-ish, I guess you could say. I think it has a lot to do with how light of a sleeper I am. If the kids so much as breathe too heavily it will keep me wide awake.

Anyways, so I let her sleep with me for a while, until she was in a very deep sleep, and then I transferred her back to her bed. Then I had to wake up to pee at least 3 times. Each time I wake up, I'm wide awake and have to struggle to go back down. It's frustrating, but I guess there's no time like now to get used to night wakings again. :)
All three of mine have had hbs of around 150, but I do remember my second being about 170+ at a scan I had, most likely because I was anxious lol. This one hasn't been different. I measured about 150.

MrsDuck - after finding out on my first my husband and I agreed if we ever had more kids to try going team yellow, and sadly I saw a penis at the scan. Luckily the technician told me when to look away for the third one so I truly had to wait until she was born. And this time around I asked my husband first thing about it and he liked the surprise as I did. I have not met many people who go team yellow, but there's just something about not finding out until birth that's super exciting!

bdb - I'm also a very light sleeper. And once again I was also up last night, but mostly because I was *starving*. My husband also happened to be awake. He sleeps on a different bed because we're transitioning our three year old. I made a snack and then went back to bed but still woke many times. I really don't like not being able to sleep comfortably. I end up also lying there awake for so long and it sucks so much.

I ate a lot of dinner last night and was full until that usual 1 am stomach growling time. Ugh, it's so annoying. My daughter's bed is beside mine and she generally wakes up once and I cuddle with her until she falls back asleep. Luckily I was able to night wean her easily, but I do miss the closeness of feeding her more often. I am happy it's almost the weekend because I am so frazzled.
Well ladies ... I'm a little disappointed in this visit. I was under the assumption they would do more.....
I got a "pelvic" exam that basically just let the doc measure my uterus size.
She agreed that it's the right size for 8-9wks. So that's good
We got a pamphlet with info in it, which i have yet to read through cause i keep getting interrupted.

Went to attempt to apply for pregnancy medicaid since my insurance won't kick in til July....and i was told if i get approved, they will continue and the insurance will pay first then medicaid -- hopefully meaning will take the bill to nearly nothing! We'll see. i always get nervous cause hubby has 3 cars under his name...idk i need is cause we don't have insurance, not cause we can't afford it. We JUST got back on our feet, our finances are down still .... shoot if they'd just pay for a few bills i'd be fine with that!

Anyways .... driving over an hour to get back to work.... *yawn* so tired!

My ultrasound and all the other goodness is going to happen next week. So as much as i didn't want to tell my boss.... i'm going to be missing quite a lot of hours, so I think i'm gonna have to break down and let him know.
Sad thing is, he's in a TON of meetings. So i might let it slide unless he asks about the doctor appointments i added to my calendar. :/
Baby looked great and beautiful in there. He/she was moving around and had a hb of 170 bpm. I’m so relieved ❤️


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Star- my first appointment with my OB was very brief as well. We did the pelvic exam, he expressed his excitement for me, but that was about it. I did have bloodwork done that day, too. What day is your scan next week? I have my 12 week scan next Wednesday :cloud9:

Markswife- LO is adorable! <3

Jessica- do you normally have to eat something in the early morning hours? Or do you wait it out until you actually get up for the day?
MarksWife -- SO CUTE!!!!!! I can't wait to see mine!

dbd -- I don't think that i could have done anything else today cause the only "early birds" were there. The techs don't come in til later. But Wednesday is my ultrasound, and Friday is my ob exam. Hubby came today cause i thought they'd do more *shrug* oh well. He'll be there for the ultrasound and as a phone call during the exam incase he has questions.

yeah this lack of appetite is getting annoying :( I bought breakfast and lunch. I devoured my sausage biscuit and then since i got to work late i didn't take a real lunch, but i ate only half the burger, and cold fries ....
and i feel like crap (felt that way before i ate the burger/fries .... no big surprise there)

Anyone else have horrible ADD??? i mean i can't think straight, stay focused or anything. I mean if it's pressing and i have someone working with me I get it done.
Maybe it's just cause this current task is boring and i find myself looking at stupid articles online.
StarGazer - when I was seeing my OB for my second pregnancy that was about how my first exam went, but I did have a scan around 11/12 weeks for the first one (other than the emergency room one I had done for the bleeding around 6 weeks). Blood work and pelvic sounds normal. They are a little boring especially until you get into second trimester! As for your medicaid, I'm not sure which state you live in, but you may be able to get a better response over the phone. I am in Oregon, a pretty progressive state, so it was pretty easy to be added to my children's insurance for pregnancy status. My regular insurance doesn't cover maternity care and I'm not on my husband's policy. Insurance sucks! I hope you get it dealt with soon. I've been there with being low on finances and it really doesn't help. I'm sure everything will work out in the end :). As for your appetite, I've found eating small amounts often works the best, even if it's just a few saltine crackers and sipping on ginger water. Bananas are great too, I know you don't care for a lot of fruit but these are just some ideas.

markswife - oooh, what a lovely scan! I'm so jealous! And a great hb too :):) I'm glad you're at ease about it all!

bdb - I normally (not pregnant) go all night without eating, I usually eat my breakfast around 6/7 am as I get up with my husband and make him food so we can have some extra time together before he leaves for work. Pregnancy always increases my appetite so much, I noticed. When I was pregnant with my second I was so hungry all the time, and what a surprise, he was born with a huge appetite and was in the higher percentile from breastfeeding so much (so chubby lol). He has a very fast metabolism like his father, I have always maintained that there's a connection with how I felt for food during pregnancy and how their appetite is as a child. I didn't have the gnawing hunger with my first at all and my third it was there but not near as bad as my second. I know it's confusing but I think a lot of it is because I am always on the move and don't eat enough during the day.

I'm trying to eat another meal in my day, as I usually have a huge salad at lunch with boiled eggs, rotisserie chicken, lots of seeds and nuts, etc. I decided to have a second lunch around 2/3 pm because now I have a headache from not eating enough, lol. My food just goes right through me so fast, I can't even keep up with my own digestive system. It sucks mostly because I still have a hard time finding something to eat that doesn't make me feel gross.

Can't wait for your scans coming up, ladies, they always are fun to see! I hope I can get another one before my 20 week one, too!
Hubby was looking up about how much we'd need to qualify. Sadly if they look at projected, we're over WAY over :(
Last month and the month before were pretty low due to no full time job and hubby out of work cause his accident. But with this new job they are offering me what I wanted, which is more than I've ever made. (The extra is paying for gas/car stuff and all the extras coming out of my check)
I'm in NC. I'm not familiar with a ton of stuff for the state. I usually just stick to what i know....in my little world.
I'm just hoping that my insurance covers enough if i don't get it. I mean these aren't optional things I'm going for. Ya know state required testings and screenings to ensure the well being of both mom and baby.

God my office is cold .... brrrrrrrr Wearing a coat and a fleece cape (yes a cape, i got it at the Renn Fest last year) Some dude is supposed to come and help move my desk, and he's supposed to be able to help with the air thing... truthfully i want the vent blocked. Unless it's cranking out heat in the winter.... I want nothing to do with this thing. IDKY it's even running? I swear it's under 60 in here. (I'm cold at 70)
So I told the Boss .... omg anxiety .... I feel SO much better LOL
He's cool. He has a young baby (only a few months old) so I had a feeling he'd be okay with it.
Plus my job isn't complicated. I sit at a desk all day.
Star- I'm glad your boss took the news well. I bet that is a huge relief. When applying for pregnancy medicaid, can you just use last month and the month before's paystubs?

Jessica- My appetite is coming in with a vengeance lately. Most of this pregnancy I had to force myself to eat because nothing sounded/tasted good. Now it seems like food runs right through me and I'm hungry immediately after eating the first time. I, too, have been going through salads like crazy.

I cannot wait for all of the 12 week scans to start coming in so we can begin guessing genders :cloud9:

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