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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

MrsDuck - when we moved house in September we got rid of everything thinking 2 boys was enough and now we're having baby number 3 and all we have left are personal belonging with meanings and 1 Blue blanket haha! At least if this baby is another boy we can use this blanket ;-)

Had my Midwife app this morning with all my paperwork and blood tests.
Starting to feel more real now, really cannot wait for 12week scan which feels like so far away still!

Alot of my symptoms that went away have come back and stronger! Fatigue is the one I'm struggling with the most, some nausea, really bad skin on my face too and still get a few cramp pains!!
Good morning Ladies!

Mrs Duck- I hope you're starting to warm up.

Bdb- So happy for you that you've found the heartbeat a few times and have been able to share with the soon to be siblings!
-My oldest is 11. They are not really allowed in until they are 12, and you can only bring in 1 person. I know she'd really enjoy the experience but I worry about excluding my youngest. She's almost 10. I know she's not allowed in but for that reason I think maybe I shouldn't bring my oldest. I'm still so torn! I'll have to decide soon. It's in less than 2 weeks.

Dove- I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

So for Mother's Day hubby gave me the cutest pair of handmade booties for the baby along with a card from the Baby. It was the sweetest thing. I cried! The girls were so touched as well.

And... HUGE news!!! I was accepted into the Midwife Program here. I am so over-the-moon excited. It was taking a long time to hear back. I'd made a few inquires but was told they hadn't reviewed my file yet. But yesterday I got the confirmation. It's a really hard program to get into because it's still so small.. and they only accept so few ladies.
I joked with the gal on the phone that I was hoping my 2 previous Midwife births (in another province) helped...she pretty much said it's one of the main reasons I was accepted. I am overjoyed!
Welcome, Stargazer, and congratulations on your pregnancy!

SS- Yeah, I see why you are hesitant since they are so close in age. Mine are much further apart in age (12, 8, 3), so it makes everything a bit easier in that regard. I think not letting either of them is the most fair thing to do in your situation. Oh, and congrats on getting into the midwife program! That's so exciting.

I kept all of my first and second's clothes because I always assumed there would be a third. I'm so glad I did, too, because our third ended up being a girl (same as our second) and I literally have not had to buy any clothes for my toddler since they were both born in the same season. I've bought a few new things here and there, but only because I wanted to.

If this baby is another girl, my sister will be giving me all of her baby girl clothes (since I gave her all of mine :haha:). Her little girl is just turning a year old this month and she's currently expecting a little boy so she will not need to reuse the girly clothes. If this baby is a boy, then my brother and SIL will give me their clothes since their little boy is just 4 months old :) It all works out perfectly for us.

Buttercup- I'm sorry you're still feeling so many symptoms. I hope they ease up on you again here quickly.

Jessica- I often eat two helpings at dinner time :haha: I don't eat much during the day because my appetite is non-existent, but come dinner time I think I more than make up for it. Smashed potatoes sound SO good!

Lucy- I'm glad you were able to get some anti-nausea meds. I cannot imagine being that sick :( I'm sorry you are going through that. Yay for your upcoming scan!
Thanks Ladies!

I'm muddling through morning nausea and trying to find stuff to eat for lunch that doesn't cost me a ton of cash. I was bringing lunch, but I don't think my nose likes chicken salad right now. I've even felt sick when thinking about having to make the sandwich :( btw I LOVE chicken salad!
Thanks Ladies!

I'm muddling through morning nausea and trying to find stuff to eat for lunch that doesn't cost me a ton of cash. I was bringing lunch, but I don't think my nose likes chicken salad right now. I've even felt sick when thinking about having to make the sandwich :( btw I LOVE chicken salad!

That's so sad! I feel you though! I LOVE spicy food. I'm having a hard time eating anything spicy.. I am still gonna try to eat my butter chicken today. Here's hoping! Haha
Oh no buttercup :dohh: my hubby kept on at me to get rid of everything coz it was taking up space so pleeeeeeeeease let mine be another girl so I can tell him I told you it was worth keeping haha

Congratulations ss

Sounds like we are all struggling with nausea, struggling to eat anything and tiredness. I thought maybe it was because I’m that much older, last pregnancy was a breeze

I searched with the doppler this morning, I wasn’t surprised I didn’t find anything but I’ll keep trying each day
Morning, ladies!

Lucy - I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly, I really hope those meds help you. I cannot imagine feeling so bad, :hugs:. I can't wait to hear how your scan goes.

Buttercup - I feel you there, we had not planned on a fourth and got rid of almost everything. I had a small bag of girl and boy clothes to donate that was hanging out, along with one of my wraps. I washed them all up and tossed them into a storage bin ready for the next baby. Things also didn't feel real until that first appointment when we discussed all my plans.

ss_momma - I'm happy you got into your midwife program! And that such a cute gift from your husband. Good luck with your chicken today, it sounds tasty :haha:

bdb - I wish I always had that appetite, but it still comes and goes. Smashies were soooo good. They helped my stomach a lot too.

StarGazer - yes, I really hate it when food aversions happen to the foods we love. I'm going to try my luck with some garlic at dinner, but I'm not holding my breath lol. I hope you find something that helps you. I'm sure lots of ladies here can give you suggestions that worked for them. For me, ginger works great.

MrsDuck - I keep telling myself I had no issues when I was pregnant with my first 12 years ago, but I know I had some of these symptoms. Keep trying with the doppler. I really only have one tiny spot I can find the hb, and like one angle of turning it. I hope you find it soon!

AFM - ugh, I was so exhausted I fell asleep easily but my daughter woke up restless (probably from the a/c or heat) around midnight and wouldn't go back to sleep until well after 3. She laid there calmly but it was still hard for her. I cuddled her for a bit, got up to pee, and she had gotten up and was sitting beside her father in his bed waiting for me, lol. Needless to say, I lost a few hours last night. I'm hoping she gets a decent nap this afternoon. I'll probably rest with her. I'm having all sorts of cravings the last few days. Nausea still comes and goes, but I'm feeling I'm past the worst of it generally. I hope everyone else is having a nice Tuesday!
I'm being bad ... the only thing that doesn't turn my tummy while or after i eat it is Fast food! everything at home we normally eat, I don't want or the smell drives me away. And i was thinking i wasn't having aversions... guess i'm not paying that much attention.

Here I am chowing down on fries and a cookout burger LOL
Stargazer - I ate out this last weekend and felt *terrible* afterward, my stomach was so upset, nausea, bowel movement in the middle of the night, anxiety from it all... was not worth it for me. Fries sound so good, but I can't eat more than a small handful of them without these issues. I ate a lot of carbs in the first few weeks because that's all I could stomach. I know all the advice says to eat healthy but honestly eating anything is better than nothing, just try to get some healthy stuff in there as you progress!!!
Mrs Duck, don't worry, I'm sure you'll find little one very soon on the doppler. I first found this baby at 8w5d (and I DID try at 8w4d with no luck). It took awhile to find it and when I did it was very faint, but I found it. You just have to find the right angle and spot lol. They can be masters at hiding in there, too. And if you don't find it for awhile yet, it doesn't mean anything's wrong, just that baby must be in a hard to find spot and is hiding well lol. Hopefully it will be soon for you! <3

Jessica, that stinks about the lack of sleep. Hopefully you can get a good night's rest tonight.

Buttercup, glad your symptoms came back to give you reassurance <3 I know at this point we can have a love/hate relationship with them lol.

Lucy, yay for an upcoming scan!

Stargazer, just eat what you can. It's hard to eat healthy in the first trimester. Sometimes it's just a win eating lol. I was strict low carb before getting pregnant and for the first couple of weeks, then morning sickness hit and it's been all the carbs lol. I'm trying to ease back into it a little but my stomach still gets iffy quite a bit just yet. I'm definitely planning on picking it back up as soon as my stomach lets me though.

Yay SS! Congrats! How exciting!

AFM, I'm getting a metallic taste in my mouth. Yuck! I don't remember having this with my daughter, but I do recall hearing about it being a pregnancy thing, so I'm not surprised by it. But it is yuck.

Also my scan is in two days! Woot! I can't wait! <3
Yeah I'm just trying to eat what I can. I try to eat a can of pears a day. They are cheaper than buying the per pound ones and dealing with them going bad.
I didn't make it through that burger ... had maybe three bites, 2 with very little meat and i was done. idk it wasn't that it wasn't good, i just didn't want it anymore. Then I let is sit in the box thinking I'd pick it up and nibble again, but the smell ... it just got to me, had to go toss 3/4 of a nice cheesy burger and some fries that just aren't good when cold.

I'm about to munch on some graham crackers and drink my gatorade.
I'm really hoping that my major issues go away with the second trimester. I've heard it normally subsides, but knowing my luck.....i'm probably just gonna have to deal with taking stock in graham crackers and gatorade!

I'm SO tired!!!! i have a big project i'm working on (lol with my ADD pregnant mind) so i'm thinking when that gets done, if it's not time to leave i might lay my head down and zone out for a 15 min break.
Thanks markswife I’ll keep trying, I didn’t find my dd’s hb until 11 weeks so I’m not worried yet. Yay for your upcoming scan

Funny you should mention metallic taste, I’ve had it all day today for the first time it’s horrible. I hope it doesn’t last long

Stargazer sorry about your burger meal disaster, I hope you soon manage to get something other than crackers down you

Has anyone tried those seasick bands that press on your pressure points to make you feel better? I’ve had mine on this evening but sure sure they are making much difference
Stargazer, it's funny how pregnancy does that to ya. I've had that happen many times, where something sounds good, I take a few bites, then my body throws up a huge stop sign lol. Not because you're full or sick, just don't want it lol. It's strange.

sorry you have the metallic taste too Mrs Duck. It's nasty.

I've tried the seasick bands. I haven't really noticed them helping TBH. lol.
Geez there’s a lot to catch up on.

Welcome to those ladies joining us.

Sorry to hear some of you are feeling so poorly. Hopefully it passes soon.

As for keeping clothes and items from my other babies. I’ve literally got to start from scratch. After having my third DH decided we were done, 3 years later and he changed his mind!! Aaaargh! I guess it doesn’t really matter anyway since I have to buy double of everything anyway this time around. All I have for them is a beanie which I crotcheted. Has anyone else bought anything for their babies? If not when will you start to buy? We won’t be purchasing anything until after the 20 week scan which is what we’ve done with all my pregnancies.

In other things, I was hit with a massive at school pick up time and it didn’t ease up until close to 10pm (even after taking some paracetamol). It was then replaced by some horrendous bloating which made sleeping seriously uncomfortable.
Mrs Duck, don't worry, I'm sure you'll find little one very soon on the doppler. I first found this baby at 8w5d (and I DID try at 8w4d with no luck). It took awhile to find it and when I did it was very faint, but I found it. You just have to find the right angle and spot lol. They can be masters at hiding in there, too. And if you don't find it for awhile yet, it doesn't mean anything's wrong, just that baby must be in a hard to find spot and is hiding well lol. Hopefully it will be soon for you! <3

Jessica, that stinks about the lack of sleep. Hopefully you can get a good night's rest tonight.

Buttercup, glad your symptoms came back to give you reassurance <3 I know at this point we can have a love/hate relationship with them lol.

Lucy, yay for an upcoming scan!

Stargazer, just eat what you can. It's hard to eat healthy in the first trimester. Sometimes it's just a win eating lol. I was strict low carb before getting pregnant and for the first couple of weeks, then morning sickness hit and it's been all the carbs lol. I'm trying to ease back into it a little but my stomach still gets iffy quite a bit just yet. I'm definitely planning on picking it back up as soon as my stomach lets me though.

Yay SS! Congrats! How exciting!

AFM, I'm getting a metallic taste in my mouth. Yuck! I don't remember having this with my daughter, but I do recall hearing about it being a pregnancy thing, so I'm not surprised by it. But it is yuck.

Also my scan is in two days! Woot! I can't wait! <3

Can't wait to hear about your scan!
I've tried to stay away from a ton of sweets, but some mini donuts have been my breakfast for a few days. My reflux would kick in early (mostly when i move too much, too fast or wake up abruptly) and i'd just slowly eat a mini donut and it calms my tummy down for a while.
I bought some muffins, which I was eating, but now i don't want :( Might just tell Hubby he can have them. So much for my healthy streak.

I'm thinking I'll go to Subway for lunch. Debating what to get....
I'm definitely in the 'fast/junk food is better than no food' camp at this point. It's hard to maintain your optimal diet during the first trimester when either nothing tastes good or you cannot keep much down.

I remember that metallic taste very vividly, but I only ever had it with my son and he's 12 now. I often wondered if it was my prenatals that caused it.

I've wanted to buy baby stuff so bad, but we are waiting until we know the gender. Some times I feel so certain that this is a baby boy, but I know I'll jinx myself if I go ahead and buy baby boy things prematurely.
Ya know... that's probably why I can't drink water. I think it amplifies that odd taste and I'm done after a sip.
Gatorade makes me thirsty, but I'm at least keeping something near by so i get liquid in me. Ginger Ale seems to be ok when I feel in the mood for it. I carry a can with me but forget to put it in the fridge (people cook in the breakrooms and urgh I can't stand whatever someone makes -- the breakroom smells like crap Literally)

I'm not gonna find out what I'm having. I want to be surprised! (not many people do that now a days...) I already have a cradle and my dad is building a crib/bed and a dresser. We have minor things that we've been given previously but I've not bought anything except the onesie I made my Hubby to tell him.
Hello, ladies!

markswife - I don't recall having the metallic taste before, but I've heard of it. I've had it from medicine before and it is horrid.

StarGazer - canned pears, I have not eaten those for years! I guess it is better than nothing, I really hope your appetite improves soon. As for gender finding out, we did team yellow last time and it was sooo worth it! We plan to do it again this time. For me it's the ultimate surprise. We fully expected to have a third boy but when I was told "it's a girl" when she came out I was ecstatic! I still did the old wives tales and looking at the scan pics to try and guess, but it was all fun and games. Subway sounds good! I could go for a roasted chicken breast with lots of spicy peppers on it about now, :haha:

MrsDuck - I was a few days past you when I found it first, so just keep trying and it can take a long time. I'm glad the seasick bands help you!

sushai - it is kind of funny you have to buy two of everything. Even worse if you have a boy and girl because then you'll have to do each. I think I bought mostly white onesies because they always got spit up on them, or dirt and grime as they start to get into stuff.

bdb - buying baby stuff is so fun, but also expensive. I usually end up buying small amounts as time goes on at Costco when their sleepers are on sale. You could always buy something gender neutral for now if you have that urge, like socks or a hat? I have this thing for clothes with food items on them. I bought quite a few outfits with donuts, cakes, ice creams, lol. My kids are naked about 90% of the time at home except for their diaper/covers.

As for me, I have to keep track of food intake just for my midwife, so she can make sure I'm eating enough protein and I noticed I didn't even eat over 2k calories yesterday. I am thinking I definitely need to add another 500 or better in there, especially with the exercising and bf my two youngest.
Are any of you dealing with weird symptoms? I get these red splotches on my face, usually around my mouth and chin and forehead. I think it's called "pregnancy mask"? I always get it, it's super annoying, lol. I have also been dealing with body acne, not something I deal with except around my period.
Jessica -- i'm not a huge fruit eater, but i love those pears. I eat strawberries and melons, but not a fan of everyone elses favorites.
I love me some sweet onion chicken and a macadamia nut cookie!

Oh yeah I plan on having some fun "guessing". I've already been told that because i craved dinner rolls that I'm having a girl. I'm like geez I wasn't even 7 weeks then and people were guessing. And a lot of people are like... "now i wanna know" lol People are funny.

I'm getting random zits more or less. Usually it's cause my pillow is dirty, so i can't say that i can pin point it to the pregnancy yet.

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